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What Is A Sentient Being?


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I'm curious as how the various contributors in this forum define "sentient being".

I was thinking about this as I was killing creepy crawlers (in this case, ants) in the house yesterday. But I want to expand the discussion beyond ants! It's just what got me thinking about the topic.

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I'm curious as how the various contributors in this forum define "sentient being".

I was thinking about this as I was killing creepy crawlers (in this case, ants) in the house yesterday. But I want to expand the discussion beyond ants! It's just what got me thinking about the topic.

WIKI quotes sentience associated with Buddhism as the ability to sense &/or experience pain and pleasure, make conscious choices, such as abstaining from action, speech, speculation, etc.

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I'm curious as how the various contributors in this forum define "sentient being".

I was thinking about this as I was killing creepy crawlers (in this case, ants) in the house yesterday. But I want to expand the discussion beyond ants! It's just what got me thinking about the topic.


I'm not sure all Buddhists would have the same definition.

Certainly many Buddhists would be very opposed to the killing of animals...such as cattle or chickens....because they have the ability to feel pain and can at least be said to be aware of the concept of the possibility of their own death.

Another definition of 'sentient beings",however, could also be those who are consiously capable of knowing and understanding the Dharma and Buddhisim. That definition limits "sentient beings" to human beings, who are consiously capable of choosing to hear and understand the teaching of Buddha.

The 2nd definition is very important in some Buddhist traditions, as in those traditions it is thought that "sentient beings' are the very tip of a pyramid, and only through their concious acceptance and understanding of the Dharma and teaching by "sentient beings", can the whole world come to "liberation" and the acceptance of Buddhas teaching.

Believe it or not, I suspect you would get a number of definitions of that term "sentient beings" from those who called themselves Buddhists.

Some would lump animals into their definition, some wouldn't.

So there's no easy answer.


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That's interesting,i'm afraid is difficult to find the truth.

I used to think that only animals(including insects)are sentient beings.

But the plants too are showing a certain degree of consciousness..

Isn't the planet Earth an intelligent being too?

Few years ago i read a book"the conscience of the atom"which was logically explaining how every single atom is an individually conscious,intelligent being.

According to The Ancient Vedas only humans are"Jivas" or individual souls anyway.

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As far as the law of karma is concerned i would class all beings except perhaps viruses and microbes as sentient..... do not even mosquitoes and ants cherish life and flee when it is threatened?

Plants I do not class as sentient.....however, as we gain a deeper understanding of the Dhamma and realise that all are a part of nature, we would be inclined to preserve and protect all life rather than destroy and waste it.

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As far as the law of karma is concerned i would class all beings except perhaps viruses and microbes as sentient..... do not even mosquitoes and ants cherish life and flee when it is threatened?

I don't know specifically about ants or mosquitoes but don't some creatures react to possible threats, not through choice, but by automatic response?

Isn't the main reason why we should refrain from killing them, sentient or not, because they may be reincarnations of a higher beings paying for accumulated karma?

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It is interesting that you should see them as "reincarnations of a higher beings paying for accumulated karma"....

whereas I would just say they are beings.....the same being...whether it happens to be suffering in one of the lower realms or enjoying the benefits whilst living in the higher realms..... its form being subject to the realm it is in and whatever fruits of past karma it is experiencing.

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in case of doubt, don't do it. :)

simple and right.

Main Entry: sen·tient

Pronunciation: \ˈsen(t)-sh(ē-)ənt, ˈsen-tē-ənt\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin sentient-, sentiens, present participle of sentire to perceive, feel

Date: 1632

1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions <sentient beings>

2 : aware

3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling

— sen·tient·ly adverb

According to m-w.com sentient beings don't have to respond consciously to sense impressions, just respond. Mosquitos and Ants respond to sense impressions.

Me? I feel it when I kill anything and do my best to not kill anything, and teaching my daughter the same. However, at this time of year where we live (middle of canada) you do not just watch a mosquito suck your blood... or that of your 2 year old... you smack it asap and you smack to kill.

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in case of doubt, don't do it. :)

simple and right.

Main Entry: sen·tient

Pronunciation: \ˈsen(t)-sh(ē-)ənt, ˈsen-tē-ənt\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin sentient-, sentiens, present participle of sentire to perceive, feel

Date: 1632

1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions <sentient beings>

2 : aware

3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling

— sen·tient·ly adverb

According to m-w.com sentient beings don't have to respond consciously to sense impressions, just respond. Mosquitos and Ants respond to sense impressions.

Me? I feel it when I kill anything and do my best to not kill anything, and teaching my daughter the same. However, at this time of year where we live (middle of canada) you do not just watch a mosquito suck your blood... or that of your 2 year old... you smack it asap and you smack to kill.

Never mind Mr.Mc Phong,i do the same here in LoS,only i wish the mozzies a better next life,which i'm sure they'll have :D

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