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My Daughter and I moved to Thailand, after the death of my Mother. As of recently my daughter and I have been verbally abused by the neighbors. They litter items like eggs, condoms, and urine on our back door etc. Is there anything that we can do?! From what we gather...it is why the original owners left.

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Wow wasaskater..at first i was going to suggest not even thinking about why they are doing this, but just leave. Then i thought, might be worth a quick think as to why they are doing this. One reason is that they are just absolutely insane and to get the hel_l out of there. But the other thing to consider, is although their behaviour is barbaric, is there anything you could have done to provoke such a negative reaction? I dont know if you are Thai or Farang. Maybe they resent your presence? The only reason i ask if there is anything you could have done to make your neighbours dislike you, is because if you move, a similar problem may follow you. Think carefully about that one, as its possible you did something to offend without even realising (again, still no excuse for the treatment they give you either way!)

Either way, I would recommend leaving. Fast! Forget the deposit/Bond if necessary. Just look for a new place where you can keep your sanity.

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My Daughter and I moved to Thailand, after the death of my Mother. As of recently my daughter and I have been verbally abused by the neighbors. They litter items like eggs, condoms, and urine on our back door etc. Is there anything that we can do?! From what we gather...it is why the original owners left.

Where do you live?! If you are posting on the 'Ladies' forum, I'm assuming you're a woman? Why would anyone verbally abuse you and 'litter' eggs and condoms and piss up your back door?

I have no doubt that some people are capable of this - but there must have been something to start them off? What's the history?

My advice would be to lodge a formal complaint at your local police station. Yes, I know you've probably read all the negative things they say about the Thai police on tv, much of it warranted, BUT, paperwork is all in Asia, even Thailand. The police will come out with the usual 'has anyone seen them litter, piss up your door etc' most probably not, but it will then be a matter of record. And everyone has some kind of cellphone camera with a voice recording device, or camera. Take pics, lots of them :) make 'em paranoid, not difficult :D

But begs the question, why on earth are you still living wherever you are? Not as though you're not spoilt for choice on rentals here is it? Particularly with a young daughter. :D

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Wow wasaskater..at first i was going to suggest not even thinking about why they are doing this, but just leave. Then i thought, might be worth a quick think as to why they are doing this. One reason is that they are just absolutely insane and to get the hel_l out of there. But the other thing to consider, is although their behaviour is barbaric, is there anything you could have done to provoke such a negative reaction? I dont know if you are Thai or Farang. Maybe they resent your presence? The only reason i ask if there is anything you could have done to make your neighbours dislike you, is because if you move, a similar problem may follow you. Think carefully about that one, as its possible you did something to offend without even realising (again, still no excuse for the treatment they give you either way!)

Either way, I would recommend leaving. Fast! Forget the deposit/Bond if necessary. Just look for a new place where you can keep your sanity.

I was thinking about living...except I already own the place...we have never had any problems with any of our neighbors...in any place we have lived. I am a Thai/Farang...both of us are females. The couple next door are guys...one Thai and his boyfriend is British. This is a condo...and when my Mother passed she left us her condo(1st floor), and her rooms upstairs. I feel like I shouldn't have to sell out. (one of the things in her will was I could not sell her rooms to the guys next door...so I assume this was an on going issue, that she just didn't talk about.) They have threatened physical harm, but I do not know if they will follow through. Thanks again for your advice.

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Edit: sorry, posted this before your reply above.

Oh..its a problem however if you own the property (in which case you are Thai, right? ..im not too clued up on property rights in Thailand for foreigners). But, if you are only renting, then no need to stay. If you want to stay/have to stay, well, as wilsongbrown suggest, taking photo/video evidence would be a good start as well as documenting it by writing down what is happening. However, im not sure if getting the police involved is great either (possible backlash?) ..Sorry if that sounds like im giving you a reason to be worried, I have no personal experience of dealing with the police or this type of situation. I think more replies are needed on this. Personally if i didnt own the property, I would leave pronto. Actually, if i did own the property, and was unbearable, i would move into a cheap accommodation and put the house on the market. However, not nice to give someone the same scenario as you are facing. If you own the property, i suggest getting in touch with the previous owners, to find out what happened with them.

Edited by eek
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I was thinking about living...except I already own the place...we have never had any problems with any of our neighbors...in any place we have lived. I am a Thai/Farang...both of us are females. The couple next door are guys...one Thai and his boyfriend is British. This is a condo...and when my Mother passed she left us her condo(1st floor), and her rooms upstairs. I feel like I shouldn't have to sell out. (one of the things in her will was I could not sell her rooms to the guys next door...so I assume this was an on going issue, that she just didn't talk about.) They have threatened physical harm, but I do not know if they will follow through. Thanks again for your advice.

What do you think about investing in a security camera in the areas they are doing this, and getting some video evidence? Hopefully it will possibly even deter them from doing it. Its very strange, and very sad. As you mentioned your mother saying not to sell to the neighbour, it may be that they are trying to drive whoever lives there as a way of getting the property? I think given the situation, if you get enough evidence together, the police will be sympathetic. But, please dont take my word for that. Hopefully someone with good knowledge of the Thai system can give you an informed answer. I hope that you can get this resolved.

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Sorry for not posting all the info. I did go to the police(made a report/did not ask them to actually come...backlash?) We took pictures...etc. We talked to the condo...but they can or will not do anything...cameras are pointing the wrong way...and their signs would also block any camera angle....it is a small entrance so I can not find anything to attach my own cameras to.

By the way my daughter is not young she is in her 20s...we are very close.

The previous owner was my Mom. Before that a realtor...same as next door(they also offer visa runs etc.).

Edited by wasaskater
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Sorry for not posting all the info. I did go to the police(made a report/did not ask them to actually come...backlash?) We took pictures...etc. We talked to the condo...but they can or will not do anything...cameras are pointing the wrong way...and their signs would also block any camera angle....it is a small entrance so I can not find anything to attach my own cameras to.

By the way my daughter is not young she is in her 20s...we are very close.

The previous owner was my Mom. Before that a realtor...same as next door(they also offer visa runs etc.).

If these people are doing all this for no reason then they are sick sick people.

There must be some way to record what they are doing, there are fibre optic cameras out there that you could just push under the door. It sound to me like they have gone way too far. If you would genuinely like some help in collecting some evidence please PM me and I would me happy to help.

People like this make me sick.

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Wow wasaskater..at first i was going to suggest not even thinking about why they are doing this, but just leave. Then i thought, might be worth a quick think as to why they are doing this. One reason is that they are just absolutely insane and to get the hel_l out of there. But the other thing to consider, is although their behaviour is barbaric, is there anything you could have done to provoke such a negative reaction? I dont know if you are Thai or Farang. Maybe they resent your presence? The only reason i ask if there is anything you could have done to make your neighbours dislike you, is because if you move, a similar problem may follow you. Think carefully about that one, as its possible you did something to offend without even realising (again, still no excuse for the treatment they give you either way!)

Either way, I would recommend leaving. Fast! Forget the deposit/Bond if necessary. Just look for a new place where you can keep your sanity.

I was thinking about living...except I already own the place...we have never had any problems with any of our neighbors...in any place we have lived. I am a Thai/Farang...both of us are females. The couple next door are guys...one Thai and his boyfriend is British. This is a condo...and when my Mother passed she left us her condo(1st floor), and her rooms upstairs. I feel like I shouldn't have to sell out. (one of the things in her will was I could not sell her rooms to the guys next door...so I assume this was an on going issue, that she just didn't talk about.) They have threatened physical harm, but I do not know if they will follow through. Thanks again for your advice.

"I was thinking about living...except I already own the place."

ermmm troll

"when my Mother passed she left us her condo(1st floor), and her rooms upstairs. I feel like I shouldn't have to sell out. (one of the things in her will was I could not sell her rooms to the guys next door...so I assume this was an on going issue, that she just didn't talk about.)"

hmmmm lets see now.... Your mom has been terrorized by some guys and concerned enough to leave it in her will to you but never talked about it?

how could they buy the condo from you since you own it and don't want to sell? one is a................ farang???

TROLL TROLL TROLL close the thread mods she first joined 6 days ago :)

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Why a troll? The senario is quite possible

The first thing I thought when you mentioed your mums will not wanting to sell them the condo is that they wanted to buy it but your mum refused so they are using intimidation as a means to get you out & force you to sell.

I'd suggest fronting them out, tell them you have video evidence of them doing it & that you will go to the police if they don't stop, but then that is me, I prefer confrontation to sort out people whoa re messing with me. If that fails then move out & rent the condo to some rude, loud young people, maybe some thai musicians. :)

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Get someone to stand guard & watch for them doing it again then give them a good hiding. Another alternative would be to get a heavy to pay them a visit/confront them and warn them if they do it again it will not just be a warning that they will get.

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sorry but what is a troll...actually nevermind.....I did not just join 6 days ago.

The condo has said they were going to install a camera...but has yet to do anything. The majority of residents here are foreigners...and have visas to worry about(and Thai girls friends...who will care for them when they leave to go back to work). Advice I am looking for is a way to make them stop...but not cause harm. I do believe in Karma. We haven't been physically harmed...yet. Thank you everyone again!

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1. she joinged in may (Joined: 2009-05-08) not in august (whoever read the date read it backwards)

2. i read thru twice; it actually sounds like they (the aggressors) want the rooms and since u are both female and part thai, they are thinking they can intimidate u; (i think a larger majority of people would think that a fully westerner woman would open her mouth in confrontation as boo says; seeing that u are thai or part thai, they are probably thinking that u wont confront, and would just as soon move off or out)...

but perhaps u can find info about their 'business' and 'visa' status which might be interesting to the police also (since they are a couple and have a visa run business)... ( a rather israeli way of doing things actually, thats what someone here would do in the same situation)...

get a lawyer to do the research and help in lagalities of ownership and selling, harrassment etc. , this depends of course if u ahve money unfortunately

and of course, hope that the brit isnt a thaivisa reader...... remember 'ti muu baan, mai mee kwam laap ; (no secrets in the village)



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Yes, it seems to me that they are attempting to intimidate you and push you into giving them what they want. I would suggest that physical harm is not necessary but they need to see that you aren't helpless and unprotected. Do you have any relatives who can come and visit you or stay with you for a little while? Preferably Thai.

Also, while I am not a fan of dobbing people in, it does seem as tho this has gone past the point of attempting to negotiate....

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Thank you again everyone...as an update...the condo has put an electric wire on the side of the building...not sure what for..but I think it is for a camera. My cousin lives in northern Thailand(runs a printshop) so is unable to physically come. She wants us to just leave and go there...but I feel like it is not fair that they can keep getting away with this.

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Just leave is not a good choise. Firstly because "they" will win - and next time you meet a problem, you have already set your own presedence.

When having a problem in Thailand, the local habbit is to get many people involved. And a lot of time talking and arguing. Time consuming yes - but that's the way it's done here.

Thai's respect older people AND people with "Power".

My Step 1, would be contact all my friends here. A senior citizen working in the local goverment, headmaster, doctor, or other in powerful position, should be brought in this case.

Show your power, the more people you can get to contact these people - the better. Show "them" that you have influent friends.

Direct confrontation using the police is never the best thing, when you deal with people like this. After all, we're not talking about average people that can reasoning, are we?

And you being Thai/farang, I would go the "Thai way" more than anything else.

Should this fail - only you know these people and have an idea what they are capable of, in the future. Then you must consider contact police - lawyer - or move. If you dont have Thai friends, you shoud careful consider step 2, or not.

Step 2 would for me be to contact a higher ranking Police Officer. Bring your powerful Thai friends along, and together ask for the Police to help. My personal experience is that a low ranking officer not carry much weight - so try higher up in their ranks.

If this is not an option, then find a well known lawyer.

Alternative to Step 2, would be just to leave (but I think that would nag you forever).

Only you know whats best for you.

If you move, try early in your new location to know some people with power. Being nice and helpful to a police officers wife or kids, can be very helpful in the future. That was the first thing I learned here in Los, back in the 90'.

Wish you the very best, whatever you do.

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