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Thai Police Arrest Finnish Man On Child-sex Charge


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He was in BKK for two weeks as well so....... :D

What does BG(s) and Katoeys have to do with peders????  :o

try reading my post again mate

Only common denominator with child prost and adult prostitution is the exchange of dosh. Sorry one doesnt lead to the other, but I have a sneaking suspicion further discussion will have to end up on that other site.

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He was in BKK for two weeks as well so....... :D

What does BG(s) and Katoeys have to do with peders????  :o

try reading my post again mate

Only common denominator with child prost and adult prostitution is the exchange of dosh. Sorry one doesnt lead to the other, but I have a sneaking suspicion further discussion will have to end up on that other site.

so you reckon that you can have a place like phuket, full of prostitutes but theres no child prostitution going on as well ? your aving a laugh mate! its a good job your not a politician
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Phew almost 2 days since a topic like this.


oooh, I feel better now.

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Phew almost 2 days since a topic like this.


oooh, I feel better now.

yeah but again all this reactionary shouting is not actually achiving anything, all the press inches this crime gets is in my opinion adding to the problem, as the inches and shouting gets louder the more people seem to go and look at child porn sites it is just free advertising...we seem to be encouraging this sort of thing by making it a thrilling taboo. I personally think it needs a more measured and constuctive way to tackle this problem...All the shouting and outrage seems to have done little to diminish the number of crimes of this sort occuring

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I also don't see the point in posting these news items on ThaiVisa.  Is it to reinforce the notion that Thailand is a sex-pervert destination?  Or to reinforce the ugly-farang stereotype?  Or just to give forum members a chance to act out and vent on an easy target? Gee, lets all stand around and beat the xxxxxxx with a stick until we feel better. 

What's the use of posting news like this?

Would it be better to "sweep it under the carpet"?

The more all of us hear and know about it, the better it is, making us more aware of these sort of things going on.

You both have valid points, I hate hearing about every murder, suicide, perverted s .., then again I don't want to be ignorant of the current reality, :o:D:D

I guess it's about balance.

we seem to keep having to be presented with all the same rhetoric every time someone is caught , chop this do that....it is getting a little tedious...I think a limit on these stories..and I notice this one is even posted twice, come on guys this is a Thailand forum not a Peado watch.

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I dont support kiddy fiddling at all, but come on, to say this is an innocent kid is really stretching the truth .. yaba and glue sniffing? He probably taught the "molester" a thing or two

not a smart post.Are you suggesting that any kid who falls in to the vicious circle of substance abuse deserves to be sexually abused.

I don't know anthing about the kids in question but as rule I think your comment stinks.

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I dont support kiddy fiddling at all, but come on, to say this is an innocent kid is really stretching the truth .. yaba and glue sniffing? He probably taught the "molester" a thing or two

You are sick for that yourself for that reply,

11 years and 14 years old,

If someone did that to me at my age of 38,I would want to be out of my head too :o

As someone said"This is a Thailand Forum"But there's alot of these weirdo's coming here for one thing only to abuse :D:D

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What gets to me, is that he only got caught because the boys were staying in his hotel room. He was stupid enough to wave his pedophillia in front of everyone's noses.

They should set up a sting operation to bust all the pedophiles. Not just the ones who are incredibly stupid.

The punishment should be life in prison, or at least a very long time in prison.

He may deserve castration. But just because someone deserves something, does not mean a civilized society should do it. It takes away society's credibility in saying that doing certain things are wrong.

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I dont support kiddy fiddling at all, but come on, to say this is an innocent kid is really stretching the truth .. yaba and glue sniffing? He probably taught the "molester" a thing or two

Are you for real?............. kids are kids and deserve the respect and rights all kids deserve no matter what their unfortunate beginings in life have dealt them. Kids are not born bad adults make them bad..!!

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What gets to me, is that he only got caught because the boys were staying in his hotel room.  He was stupid enough to wave his pedophillia in front of everyone's noses.

They should set up a sting operation to bust all the pedophiles.  Not just the ones who are incredibly stupid. 

The punishment should be life in prison, or at least a very long time in prison. 

He may deserve castration.  But just because someone deserves something, does not mean a civilized society should do it.  It takes away society's credibility in saying that doing certain things are wrong.

It is not his stupidity that got him caught but his arrogance. There have been a fair few documentaries about the activities of his ilk in the UK over the last couple of years and reckless arrogance seems to be a common trait. As for castration, whether physical or chemical, it apparently does not remove the urge or sexual attraction to children and can result in more vengeful, violent offences against children as a result of the sexual frustration following castration. Child sex offenders in the UK are released into the community after they have done their time but are still kept on a register and monitored for a period of time or permanently, despite 're-education' and 'treatment' programmes in prison. Surely if an offender still needs to be monitored then it means that he is not safe to be let out! What does this tell us? That there is no cure or treatment for paedophiles and therefore, it seems, only one real solution.....

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another BS story.. from more BS people about some scum-thinking Euro who is a sick mo-fa who will fly... when he shows the loot.. he need re-education and not with a big BLACK person..[another sicko out there punchin' keys..]

This wacked out Fin needs some real help..I do not understand a MAN with a boy any more than man and a little girl.. sick... Fags will be fags at any age.. rapers will be rapers as well..Death to them as well as the political people who run this sick sideshow..??? Is that the answer??? who are the real culprits pocketing all the loot they can from the innocent..?? Are the thai so brainwashed it is just a joke..??so misinformed, uneducated, with no real morels, but to run you over if they can on the street, lie and decieve you daily in all walks of life, say yes when you now know it really is a NO and pocket as much of your money as they can.... these people have never heard of work.. funny thing.. when they get to the states they all change into money hussling people more than they were here..why.. because you have to really work to make it big in America. I have seen over 75 countries in almost 60 years..and know personally a lot of people that you all wish you could meet..

Thailand permitted all this to happen years ago.. Why Thailand?? Because the people are all too mai pen rai...??? Sure it is cheap here and is why so many are there. More bang for the baht...I do not even think like this or ever thought like that.. I think on how I can avoid being ripped off by the Thai daily.. or ask the question everyday..why does the thai man not come to work on time or even show up at all.. why do so many thai women want a farang husband..?? MONEY!

THESE KIDS WERE TAUGHT BY SOMEONE TO ORALLY COPULATE..you think he was the first??? no he was the one who got sloppy and was caught because he was downright stupid to begin with.. blame the man as he is a adult who should know better....FULL STOP... or PERIOD to the American reading this... apparently he doesn't know better.. both he and the two boys need a better education.. make him pay for that...educate them...they whipped the American teenager for spray painting a car...with a bamboo cane..what will this guy really get here???

DEATH is too easy..cutting it off is too silly..a better education and then more supervision by big black guys in chino...

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the finnish man should have known better and will do jail time here , do you honestly believe that the police dont know of all the young street kids in this country that sell themselves to farangs for sex.

the police , (and i mean the local patrolling police that zip around all day on the motorcycles signing the books in the red boxes ), must share some of the blame for the ease with which adults can procure kids for sex , and these local police , if they so wished , and if they really wanted to protect and serve the community , could make it much much harder for paedophile tourists by getting these kids off the streets and arresting the thais who pimp them.

they know where they work from and they know where they live , why dont they do something worthwhile for once in their careers.

what about the hotel staff , the taxi drivers , the food sellers and all the other people on the street who surely must notice who is hanging around and coming and going and with whom they are coming and going.

what is it with the people of this country who see so many terrible things going on and just ignore them ! they just pretend these things dont happen , they put their blinkers on.

the people who stand by and let it happen are just as guilty as the sicko farangs pouring the pork to these damaged kids.

sometimes this country is just the pits , a real sh1theap of a place , with few redeeming features to make up for the disgusting selfish irresponsible shortcomings of thai society and the lowlife falangs that come here to prey on it.

maybe thai society deserves these lowlife falangs , these lowlife politicians , business interests and police. its dickensian and its a disgrace.

unfortunately , in this case , its the helpless kids who are suffering.

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... these people have never heard of work.. funny thing.. when they get to the states they all change into money hussling people more than they were here..why.. because you have to really work to make it big in America. I have seen over 75 countries in almost 60 years..and know personally a lot of people that you all wish you could meet..

Thailand permitted all this to happen years ago.. Why Thailand?? Because the people are all too mai pen rai...??? Sure it is cheap here and is why so many are there. More bang for the baht...I do not even think like this or ever thought like that.. I think on how I can avoid being ripped off by the Thai daily.. or ask the question everyday..why does the thai man not come to work on time or even show up at all.. why do so many thai women want a farang husband..?? MONEY!

Wow, a lot of anger in there Thaidog.

I am surprised with your 60 years experience of 75 countries, why you choose to be here???

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i have read the comments of repulsion of this type of person and we know if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem and as prevention is better than cure this site has about 1695 members there are enough to help child protection projects or as thailand is cheap a little funds from not even half the members could set up a proactive charity or body that could act with in thai law but gather intel on this type of person name and shame report to police talk with other child protection groups and give reports back to thai visa that dont break the law but you can not read in the paper and contact bodies that have lists of this type of person and and go to areas where this activity is reported provied lists to hotels and such some of this depends on freedom of intel in thailand but there is a lot that that can be done

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Farang murderer?  Chop his head off.

Farang molester? Chop his d1ck off.

People on here are so ..... muslim.

Oh, sorry, you did say rape him repeatedly and then chop him, that wouldn't be muslim justice.

I don't like all this machette justice.

I also don't see the point in posting these news items on ThaiVisa.  Is it to reinforce the notion that Thailand is a sex-pervert destination?  Or to reinforce the ugly-farang stereotype?  Or just to give forum members a chance to act out and vent on an easy target? Gee, lets all stand around and beat the xxxxxxx with a stick until we feel better. 

I suppose you might claim "pour encourage les autres", but is there any evidence that these types of criminal are ever caused to even hesitate by seeing others punished?  On the one hand people assert pedo's are incureable and on the other they want to dissuade them by applying the most barbaric punishments available.  How does that add up?

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Farang murderer?  Chop his head off.

Farang molester? Chop his d1ck off.

People on here are so ..... muslim.

Oh, sorry, you did say rape him repeatedly and then chop him, that wouldn't be muslim justice.

I don't like all this machette justice.

I also don't see the point in posting these news items on ThaiVisa.  Is it to reinforce the notion that Thailand is a sex-pervert destination?  Or to reinforce the ugly-farang stereotype?  Or just to give forum members a chance to act out and vent on an easy target? Gee, lets all stand around and beat the xxxxxxx with a stick until we feel better. 

I suppose you might claim "pour encourage les autres", but is there any evidence that these types of criminal are ever caused to even hesitate by seeing others punished?  On the one hand people assert pedo's are incureable and on the other they want to dissuade them by applying the most barbaric punishments available.  How does that add up?

"Methinks you protest too much my Lord"

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I dont support kiddy fiddling at all, but come on, to say this is an innocent kid is really stretching the truth .. yaba and glue sniffing? He probably taught the "molester" a thing or two

Are you for real?............. kids are kids and deserve the respect and rights all kids deserve no matter what their unfortunate beginings in life have dealt them. Kids are not born bad adults make them bad..!!

4 baht you sound like an empty head to me. Where do you think these kids got the idea from in the first place you idiot! Innocence is pure and diseased and sex crazed minds do the rest. It follows in the order of nature and is the role and brief of all persons older to control and show restraint when it comes to power over an impressionable minor.

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I suspect those who post this type of "news story" in this forum repeatedly are "just selling newspapers".

Where are the stories about Thai children being abused by Thais? Surely more numerous.

In western countries, the level of this form of abuse is just as prevalent, but not usually the subject of news reporting as here.

Since the vast proportion of child abuse occurs with relatives, I am one who wonders why my daily visit to Thaivisa is darkened by an almost weekly posting of a pedophile story.

If salacious stories "sell newspapers", lets see some variety in the salacious stories posted.

Do falang in general "lose face" with Thais when these stories are published widely?

Edited by ProThaiExpat
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i have read the comments of repulsion of this type of person and we know if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem and as prevention is better than cure this site has about 17000 members there are enough to help child protection projects or as thailand is cheap a little funds from not even half the members could set up a proactive charity or body that could act with in thai law but gather intel on this type of person name and shame report to police talk with other child protection groups and give reports back to thai visa that dont break the law but you can not read in the paper and contact bodies that have lists of this type of person and and go to areas where this activity is reported provied lists to hotels and such some of this depends on freedom of intel in thailand but there is a lot that that can be done

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I dont support kiddy fiddling at all, but come on, to say this is an innocent kid is really stretching the truth .. yaba and glue sniffing? He probably taught the "molester" a thing or two

by putting the blame on the children instead of the abhorent behavior of a pedophile... supporting "kiddy fiddling" is exactly what you ARE doing.

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Farang murderer?  Chop his head off.

Farang molester? Chop his d1ck off.

People on here are so ..... muslim.

Oh, sorry, you did say rape him repeatedly and then chop him, that wouldn't be muslim justice.

I don't like all this machette justice.

I also don't see the point in posting these news items on ThaiVisa.  Is it to reinforce the notion that Thailand is a sex-pervert destination?  Or to reinforce the ugly-farang stereotype?  Or just to give forum members a chance to act out and vent on an easy target? Gee, lets all stand around and beat the xxxxxxx with a stick until we feel better. 

I suppose you might claim "pour encourage les autres", but is there any evidence that these types of criminal are ever caused to even hesitate by seeing others punished?  On the one hand people assert pedo's are incureable and on the other they want to dissuade them by applying the most barbaric punishments available.  How does that add up?

I am happy he has been caught myself - it's not obvious where you stand.

As for people posting on the forum - it's a public forum - they can post what they like & why they like. Just as you do.

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another BS story.. from more BS people about some scum-thinking Euro who is a sick mo-fa who will fly... when he shows the loot.. he need re-education and not with a big BLACK person..[another sicko out there punchin' keys..]

This wacked out Fin needs some real help..I do not understand a MAN with a boy any more than  man and a little girl.. sick... Fags will be fags at any age.. rapers will be rapers as well..Death to them as well as the political people who run this sick sideshow..??? Is that the answer??? who are the real culprits pocketing all the loot they can from the innocent..?? Are the thai  so brainwashed it is just a joke..??so misinformed, uneducated, with no real morels, but to run you over if they can on the street, lie and decieve you daily in all walks of life, say yes when you now know it really is a NO and pocket as much of your money as they can.... these people have never heard of work.. funny thing.. when they get to the states they all change into money hussling people more than they were here..why.. because you have to really work to make it big in America. I have seen over 75 countries in almost 60 years..and know personally a lot of people that you all wish you could meet..

Thailand permitted all this to happen years ago.. Why Thailand?? Because the people are all too mai pen rai...??? Sure it is cheap here and is why so many are there. More bang for the baht...I do not even think like this or ever thought like that.. I think on how I can avoid being ripped off by the Thai daily.. or ask the question everyday..why does the thai man not come to work on time or even show up at all.. why do so many thai women want a farang husband..?? MONEY!

THESE KIDS WERE TAUGHT BY SOMEONE TO ORALLY COPULATE..you think he was the first??? no he was the one who got sloppy and was caught because he was downright stupid to begin with.. blame the man as he is a adult who should know better....FULL STOP... or PERIOD to the American reading this... apparently he doesn't know better.. both he and the two boys need a better education.. make him pay for that...educate them...they whipped the American teenager for spray painting a car...with a bamboo cane..what will this guy really get here???

DEATH is too easy..cutting it off is too silly..a better education and then more supervision by big black guys in chino...

Wow - a real bigot - never met one before.

Time for a check-up from the neck-up if I were you.

Lay off the Singha & when the blur clears you may be rational again.

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i have read the comments of repulsion of this type of person and we know if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem and as prevention is better than cure this site has about 1695 members there are enough to help child protection projects or as thailand is cheap a little funds from not even half the members could set up a proactive charity or body that could act with in thai law but gather intel on this type of person name and shame report to police talk with other child protection groups and give reports back to thai visa that dont break the law but you can not read in the paper and contact bodies that have lists of this type of person and and go to areas where this activity is reported provied lists to hotels and such some of this depends on freedom of intel in thailand but there is a lot that that can be done

"if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem"

Bloody ###### - it's George Bush !!

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I never know whether to laugh or cry when the comments on these stories. It's obvious that a good percentage of respondents don't stop to think before they start typing, and they don't reflect on what they've written before they hit the send button.

Sex between men and boys is nothing new. It happens in every culture and it's not always the man who initiates it. Sometimes it's condemned - as in Western society and on this forum - and sometimes it's approved or even obligatory (ancient Greece, the samurai in mediaeval Japan, some African and Asian tribes pre-colonisation).

We're living in a world where we try to protect the vulnerable, including children, from exploitation. That's a good thing because there are some horrific cases of abuse out there, but we also need to be able to respond rationally to individual cases.

My view on this particular case? I don't know enough except to offer some very general comments. Certainly, I'm very uncomfortable with the thought of an 11 year old having sex with a 30 year old. I'm less concerned by the 14 year old IF he is physically mature. But if the law has been broken, there should be some punishment, as long as it takes into account all the circumstances - higher if there was coercion, lower if there was none. With that out of the way, we can then discuss whether the law should be changed. There is not a global consensus on the age of consent. I believe that a few countries do go as low as 14; Europe tends to be between 15 and 18.

Paedophilia is like everything else - murder, wine tasting, politics, art, whatever. If you think before you speak or write, you'll make a far more valuable contribution to the discussion. And guess what, the more you think, the more you will understand, and the more you understand, the more likely it is that you will come up with a better idea to protect children than rape and castration of the few offenders you catch.

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