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Thai Wife Is Unbearable To Live With Sometimes


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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

Edited by dmax
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I have the silent treatment from my wife , it used to make me even more angry to the point of wanting to rip her head off. However, after me losing my temper and going crazy at her, I have realised it makes no difference . Best option is to tell her you are no longer going to put up with her crap , she can either stop what she is doing to you and become a good wife and take care of the house or you will find another lady to come in take care of everything after she gets out.

Then without saying anything else , leave the house and go for a beer for a couple of hours . It worked for me , so now all I do is say nothing and go to a bar .She soon woke up .

Good luck

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Is it good idea that she should go school and learning English ?

Then she will have more friends and sharring life style there. More social life, when she have her own friends she will be more confidence to do thing on her own.

I met Thai woman here she been living here for 4 years home or go out only with her husband. She just start going to school last month to learn Dutch.

Problems is...its difficult to start a leson progress, she dont even know how to use computer.

You can help her teaching english. Talk more about socialize, watch tv together, listening more English song.

I hope you 2 go and do grocerry together, teach her what and how to do, what those things call.

You 2 should make a social group together when she feel more comfortable then she can do alone with kid.

Well, that what I can think of now.

Good luck and best wish to you and your family.

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I have the silent treatment from my wife , it used to make me even more angry to the point of wanting to rip her head off. However, after me losing my temper and going crazy at her, I have realised it makes no difference . Best option is to tell her you are no longer going to put up with her crap , she can either stop what she is doing to you and become a good wife and take care of the house or you will find another lady to come in take care of everything after she gets out.

Then without saying anything else , leave the house and go for a beer for a couple of hours . It worked for me , so now all I do is say nothing and go to a bar .She soon woke up .

Good luck

I disagree, in my point of view anyway (and my case).

If my husband dare to say you will find a lady to take care of the house. I would be freak out :)

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

Have you tried stepping out for a couple of nights? Just check into a hotel somewhere and take a little time to get out of the fog of the situation and it might make her think twice about her behavior in that it is driving you crazy and away from the home. Don't go and do anything silly just go take an uncommunicative leave of absence and see how the reaction is when you get back. BTW not trying to be judgmental but it may be time to learn a little bit of the Thai language to help get communication rolling. Good luck, and if you decide to step out for a couple of nights of "you time", try to think about anything in the past that might have pissed her off. This might be her way of expressing some displeasure at a past incident or argument. I am no expert, but in my experience, Thai folks don't like to face issues head on like us westerners, they take a circuitous route. This sounds like you are going to have to do a lot of critical thinking about Thais and how to handle Thai/Western relationships. Good luck. I hope you guys can get it sorted out (if for nothing else other than the baby's sake).

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i'm in a similar boat and i'm thinking it through now

my wife does a wee bit more than your partner but it only seems to about bettering her own options

there's no relationship and i get the silent treatment as well..until she wants to talk again, i don't feel like i'm in a relationship and at times it's more like living with a stranger but as yourself it's difficult when a child is involved..my other half has agreed with me that the relationship isn't going anywhere and is quite happy for me to look after our toddler...would cramp her style and get in the way of her plans i guess..she made me laugh when she suggested that she needed a day to herself once a week and thought it was a normal request lol

i bought into the promises of wanting to be a family etc etc....i've fulfilled all the promises i made to her but i just feel like i've been taken for a mug...what to do?

lol probably not much help here m8 but just wanted to post my own wee bit and let u know you're not alone

i appreciate my post isn't the most upbeat but it's honest and i hope it makes a change from trying to lay the blame at your feet like some posters on here have a hobby for

whatever happens i hope you find happiness and peace

sending best wishes

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Hi dmax,sorry to hear about that.I'm not a psychologist, but it seems that your wife has some self-esteem issue..

I'm sure some TV member will come out with some better advice,i can only suggest you to be very cool hearted,don't let the situation affect your own sanity.

Just try to smile,be tolerant and soon you'll find some solution.Don't fight with your wife,nobody gains from that.

Don't forget that the children at that age are very sensitive,try to protect your daughter as much as you can.

Everybody can have a difficult time in their lives,but after every rain comes the sun,be patient.

Best wishes and good luck!

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

Good sir i have the same problem but without the child invovled. the way i have coped with it is to simply ignore her when she goes off on one and only approach her when she is in a good mood but in the way you would approach a child,suggest also you take her to the Doctors to get her some valium for when she is not thinking in the appropriate manner. A lot of the thai ladies have had an awful upbringing and they need support and love, my wife`s past would make anybody cry she is also very dyslexic spent 6 yrs at school and can only read letters not words so i do just about everything here in England, i would also introduce her to some other thai`s over here so she can pick some new friends, but this can take a while before she settles properly with a liked friend **email removed per forum rules--sbk**, Vinny, Coventry England kind regards

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I have the silent treatment from my wife , it used to make me even more angry to the point of wanting to rip her head off. However, after me losing my temper and going crazy at her, I have realised it makes no difference . Best option is to tell her you are no longer going to put up with her crap , she can either stop what she is doing to you and become a good wife and take care of the house or you will find another lady to come in take care of everything after she gets out.

Then without saying anything else , leave the house and go for a beer for a couple of hours . It worked for me , so now all I do is say nothing and go to a bar .She soon woke up .

Good luck

I know the feeling my wife also gives me the silent treatment whenever she is upset with me but the good thing is during this silent treatment she also likes to make me feel guilty by cleaning the house, and I mean really thoroughly, making sure that I am fully aware of her hard at work. At first it did make me feel bad and I always ended up kissing her ass but after eighteen years I have used this to my advantage and I now get her upset two times a week, a little bit of guilt I can live with, a dirty house I can't, besides the makeup sex is pretty good.

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good to see im not alone ,,,,i went out sat nite,,then tried talk to her sunday,,no talk...then again i went out sun nite,,,monday no talk so went out monday all day....have sat in house from tues and today ,,,no talk!!!!!! i dont need this,,i too feel like im only here for a convenience and to help her with "her "life....was going to build house in october when we go for 3 mths but theres not a hope in hel_l im putting my life saving sinto her house when she can treat me like this,,she is driving me into wanting to be with another woman...i need a woman who has drive and ambition,,i couldnt help falling in love with her at the time,,i was badly hurt by my x falang wife and took myself to thailand and fell in love with my present wife,,she is funny and she has good sense of humour most times,,but she has violent fiery temper and its the silence i cannot do with....im now balancing everything up...are thai woman really better wives than their falang counterparts ???? that is a new topic altogether eh???? over 2 yrs we have been maried now and every single time its me who cannot stand the silence so i go throw my arms round her and litterally beg her to come round,,,she has took her wedding ring off also this time...im stinking to my guns and not running to her and begging her ...its every time and i noticed she has a couple letters just came today,,usually i take care but not this time,,also ive taken myself out for my own food and eaten out,,thee isnt much food in the house left so im waiting to see what she is going to do about that...she has a very large social group of friends too ,,thai friends,,and she has everything,,nice house,,car ,,£9,000 pounds in her bank account in one year,yes from me.....she has friends and i have friends with good jobs who cant save that in a year .......anyway as i say its her way and its her ways that is going to be her downfall in the end if she doesnt change her attitude,,she is baby like... and i dont think she learns lessons easily ...........

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

I think your wife and you (....!) need help.

Without realizing, your wife might be suffering from a Postnatal Depression which can be a very serious threat to your marriage and to her, your, and babies' health.

You need to seek help, fast! Talk to your local house doctor to start with. Don't even try to "cure" this yourself or wait for this problem to fade away! It won't, without help.



Wish you well!


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Give her the silent treatment and go on the lash for a few days that will sort her out mate!!!

ive done that mate, sat/sun/monday,,,thought it would but the only one its damaged is me lol sitting here shaking like a rattlesnake lol

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"About 1 in 10 mothers develop postnatal depression. Support and understanding from family, friends, and sometimes from a professional such as a health visitor can help you to recover. Other treatment options include antidepressant drugs and psychological treatments such as cognitive behaviour therapy."

Although I am a man and know what it is to see babies born and having grandchildren, I know that most men do not recognize the seriousness of a woman, suffering from Postnatal Depression.

The fact that your wife gave birth in a far away country, away from her family, she probably feels very lonely; the fact that she has many friends amongst Thai isn't enough for your wife to feel happy and comfortable and probably suffering from a PD. A nice house, money in the bank....it has NOTHING to do with the feelings of your wife.

It is absolutely necessary that you don't listen to wrong comments but seek professional help instead of counter "attacking" her with the silence method.

Sorry, but wrong.

Seek help!


Study this a bit and you may find an opening to save your marriage and your happiness...I hope so!


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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

Without realizing, your wife might be suffering from a Postnatal Depression which can be a very serious threat to your marriage and to her, your, and babies' health.

You need to seek help, fast! Talk to your local house doctor to start with. Don't even try to "cure" this yourself or wait for this problem to fade away! It won't, without help.



Wish you well!


thats well and good mate and i understand what ur saying,,,but we live in belfast and our doctor wouldnt know how to cope with that,,i mean i dont want to have to get a translater involved ....also she was like this before the baby so honestly do not think its post natal........its just her temper and her attitude,the silent treatment.....i love her off course but im stickin to my guns this time

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Sounds like a lot of these Thai women have some serious temper problems.. I've been thru one of these relationships 1st hand.. It can be like having a great sports car that breaks down a bit too often.. Is it really worth it?........ tough one.

I received the silent treatment for a few hours at most... but a few days ?! That's a bit over the line, especially being married with a kid! That's downright juvenile !

But, what u gotta realize is that you are the prize, not her. You are the one holding up the household, bringing in the money, food, water, and shelter. Compare that to her assets.. Are things close to equal?

Keep your confidence & good luck..

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

do not be such a mug...tell her to go back home...not ask if she wants to...take away the things you add to her life..chores...mug...money...mug...passport for your child should be sorted and tell her baby stays...she will probably be happier as her mum should be looking after the child in her mind....keep the money and child as i do not hear much love tied in here...GET NEW if you still want a wife.....how about taking care of yourself instead of carrying a nutter along .. mug. as you took it from your old wife you got a bad habit to break... this is not an attack on you for doing what you think is right...just stand up and be counted...only one boss in your house is probably too late to sort out..she took the top seat..take it back and be happy.....oh where did you meet her,in a bar maybee,the working girls see a lot of things to judge you by

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...just to add i considered my wife had sufered from pnd and looked into it but in all honesty that's just trying to find symtoms to match her personality traits, it's an empathatic approach to consider all options but imho there comes a time when you have to say is this working, is this real? is this 50/50 or even close

i'm at the opposite end of te spectrum in that i'm not even thinking of another relationship i just want to rediscover myself and take care of my wee1, i've made more sacrifices for my wife than i'd ever have thought i'd make and it's like pishing in the wind..it just fuels the idea that i'm a mug and easy pickings...bottom line is kid or not if my missus was non thai we'd have finished a long time ago

i always think i'll do the right thing by her but that's me being kind and kinda muggish lol that is when considering the way she actually is with me

please don't take this the wrong way but i didn't need a trophy wife however my other half seems to think that's the case lol & again take it with a pinch of salt as it's the net but i was a happy, outgoing, good looking fella before i ended up in this mess...i used to get scouted from modelling agencies all the time & maybe that was my downfall assuming i was in a different relationship with being the same age group and quite desirable(lol please don't think i'm trying to big myself up though as i now look and feel a mess but i guess i've allowed it to happen with the love for my wee1 and trying to do the right thing lol)...everything was rosey until my wife got pregnant and hindsight being 20/20 i guess that's when she had her hooks in and that's when the problems started lol <deleted> my situation's a mess lol not trying to rile you up or dampen your spirits by just trying to show that it could be worse & that being nice doesn't always work lol i'm in the situation where she's a few months off of getting ilr but do i really wanna go along with the sham any longer for me or or for my wee1

whatever happens i hope you find peace and i'm sending you best wishes

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dmax, I am not an expert but my Thai wife and I have been married 25 years this December. Yes, even today she will give me the silent treatment too and this can sometimes go on for a few days. Invite friends over to your house, she will more than likely open up to them while they are in your house. Oh, she'll still be pissed at you but it will get the ball rolling and then you can talk it out what is bothering her. Funny, my mother would yell at us kids and I hated that but it didn't go on and on either.

My wife has a college education from Thailand and has been working here for 22 of the 25 years we've been together. There was even a year when she made more than me. It wasn't easy in the beginning. She took English classes and other type of classes when we first got married and I think this is the best thing anyone married to non English speaking person can do for them, send them to school. We don't hang out with many Thai people either, she is not interested in playing cards, gossiping or running around.

The thing I do when she isn't talking to me (and it is probably due to something I said or did) is continue talking to her and engaging her in what she is doing. By the way my wife can't clean that well either and she knows it but can keep things tidy.

It was six years before we took a trip back to her country. We have only helped out a little to her family, a loan to a brother (and he paid us back) money to a niece for college and a few gifts now and then when we visit. But they all know we're not rich and what we make here is spent here with very little left over. In fact I would say her bother and sisters live better than us, at least they have free time to do things, and can afford to hire help around the house.

When I was in the Navy she did everything, paid the bills, took care of our child, even one time refinanced the house. Today I do everything, gee I miss the Navy. Get her active outside of the house.

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

Good sir i have the same problem but without the child invovled. the way i have coped with it is to simply ignore her when she goes off on one and only approach her when she is in a good mood but in the way you would approach a child,suggest also you take her to the Doctors to get her some valium for when she is not thinking in the appropriate manner. A lot of the thai ladies have had an awful upbringing and they need support and love, my wife`s past would make anybody cry she is also very dyslexic spent 6 yrs at school and can only read letters not words so i do just about everything here in England, i would also introduce her to some other thai`s over here so she can pick some new friends, but this can take a while before she settles properly with a liked friend **email removed per forum rules--sbk**, Vinny, Coventry England kind regards

Hi Vinny

If you want to introduce your wife to some new Thai friends suggest you take her along to your local Thai temple at Wat Pah Santidhamma. It's near Warwick so not too far away from you. Sunday is a good day to go especially on a Buddhist festival day. The Ajahn is English but he's been a monk for 25 years+ and can speak some Thai so he can have a talk to your wife too. Take some food (vegetarian only) to Tam Boon.


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I have the silent treatment from my wife , it used to make me even more angry to the point of wanting to rip her head off. However, after me losing my temper and going crazy at her, I have realised it makes no difference . Best option is to tell her you are no longer going to put up with her crap , she can either stop what she is doing to you and become a good wife and take care of the house or you will find another lady to come in take care of everything after she gets out.

Then without saying anything else , leave the house and go for a beer for a couple of hours . It worked for me , so now all I do is say nothing and go to a bar .She soon woke up .

Good luck

It's the best way. Face them the facts right away, and don't play into their game.

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

I think your wife and you (....!) need help.

Without realizing, your wife might be suffering from a Postnatal Depression which can be a very serious threat to your marriage and to her, your, and babies' health.

You need to seek help, fast! Talk to your local house doctor to start with. Don't even try to "cure" this yourself or wait for this problem to fade away! It won't, without help.



Wish you well!


LaoPo, This is common with alot of thai wifes from other members as well. I think you can state, they have experienced bad things in the past, which affects them in the future relationship. While the farang means only good, ( wants to do everything just in return for love and respect ) it's the wife that need the cure. So I agree with you.

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Sounds like a lot of these Thai women have some serious temper problems.. I've been thru one of these relationships 1st hand.. It can be like having a great sports car that breaks down a bit too often.. Is it really worth it?........ tough one.

I received the silent treatment for a few hours at most... but a few days ?! That's a bit over the line, especially being married with a kid! That's downright juvenile !

But, what u gotta realize is that you are the prize, not her. You are the one holding up the household, bringing in the money, food, water, and shelter. Compare that to her assets.. Are things close to equal?

Keep your confidence & good luck..

That's the problem! Thai man is different from Falang man, and Thai woman don't realize that.

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i'm sorry for posting so frequently in this thread but it's 1 of the first times i've opened up

r.e woman needs the cure/help

i want to add that we take for granted that all people in the west have picture perfect lives..that's not the case at all but to use your life as an excuse for acting in a crap way in any culture/nationality is a poor excuse

i hung about with the wrong crowd for a while, i wasn't an angel and i didn't get the schooling i should have...however does that give me an excuse to act in a crap manner? not in my book & as i made changes and turned around for the better, i know it's easy if you want it..to just blame the past and use it as a scapegoat to explain crap behaviour isn't a valid reason in my book..it's just the easiest excuse that will pull on your heart strings again

imho bottom line is if somebody treated my kid the way i've been treated by my missus i wouldn't be happy at all and all the excuses in the world about why the person is an ahole won't change the fact that they're still an ahole..nor would it make it acceptable behaviour

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

what is the age gap between you and your wife ?

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Try googling Thai Ireland Association. They run a range of activities for Thais living in Ireland. Basically its a load of Farang with Thai wives and families, just like you. They also have a newsletter that you can subscribe to, and they will post it out to you. They even organise monks to come over from time to time !

Might help her to socialise as well, and at least you are trying to help.

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mm... I am worried. I have spent a 3 month period over two visits with a girl who expressed her wish to have a family with me.

She works for Toyota and AGEL, a marketing company and seems quite sharp but...

I have had two bad marriages and really cannot put up with tantrums which after reading these posts, seems to be in the Thai character.

I would just walk away but if children are involved maybe they are being used by the Thai ladies as they know the husband would not walk out on children.... Philipines any better LoL.

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

what is the age gap between you and your wife ?

Good question. As well as the education gap and the language gap. I wonder how long he knew her before they got married. Sounds like he's got her living in Ireland with him and likely did not spend considerable time with here before marriage, not a good idea. Seems like quite a few gents here have similar problems. I really don't understand why someone wants to get "roped" into relationship with such "pain in the a$$" women. I realize that if you want a lady to take back to your country, you have no other option than marriage.

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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

what is the age gap between you and your wife ?

Good question. As well as the education gap and the language gap. I wonder how long he knew her before they got married. Sounds like he's got her living in Ireland with him and likely did not spend considerable time with here before marriage, not a good idea. Seems like quite a few gents here have similar problems. I really don't understand why someone wants to get "roped" into relationship with such "pain in the a$" women. I realize that if you want a lady to take back to your country, you have no other option than marriage.

Some of these guys overstep their boundries by going with girls that are way too young. Some 60 year old will be with a 20 year and then he will wonder why he is having problems but if the 60 year old went with a 35 year old he would probably not be having the same problems.

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