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"stop Hunting For 'foreign' Scapegoats"


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Anyone who lives here with a Thai lady may be assumed they have met that lady in a bar or brothel.

IMO relatively easy to sort out for locals...mannerisms, speech, fashion sense, and the inevitably shaky history/story. Compounded if there are other family members around. There are plenty of both, but more of the former.


It all rather begs the question what is the point of sorting anything out in this regards? Does it make people feel superior to know they married a Chula grad? Why? Does it diminish the fact that there are plenty of good-hearted bargirls who could make very good partners and wives if given the chance? Does it diminish the fact that there are plenty of bad-hearted non-bargirls who would not make good wives, despite their elevated social class?

I fail to understand why people are so insecure that they cannot accept that it is a big world out there. People make the choices they make for whatever reasons they make them. People will live with whatever consequences result, both good and bad. There is so much comparison and defensiveness relating to this issue. It all stinks of hypocrisy, non-existent face, and primary school "my dad can beat up your dad" kind of thinking.

Yes, I agree. :D

A small digression, but many years ago I attended a "Thai Golf Day" just outside London, and in attendance were the Thai Ambassador, his wife, a number of "Hi-So" staff from the embassy, and other "Hi-So" Thais living and working in London. But a majority of the Thais there were girls who had come with their farang husbands/boyfriends, and as Heng has pointed out, it was not hard to discern that a majority of these girls had minimal education and from their English, mannerisms and fashion sense, they had indeed worked in bars.

I watched the behaviour of the ambassador and his hi -so cohorts at the golf dinner and presentaion ceremony, with interest, and it was interesting to note that all Thais, regardless of their obvious social class and background mixed freely with each other, and everyone was extermely friendly and polite. This was even extended to the farangs present, some of whom were of the aging, bald pot bellied variety with wives a third of their age and a number of "dodgy" 'Arfur Daly' type farangs, some of whom came alone, and openly admitted that their love of Thailand was firstly due to the availability of cheap sex, and only secondly to the wonderful golf Thai courses.

But this was the UK, where, although the class structure is still in place, most of us have long learnt to "live and let live", mix with people of all classes and try to treat everyone as equals.

This really is a lot of hoo har about nothing.

I have not the slightest doubt in my mind that Maize will indeed come up with the stats requested, but what a waste of his time!

And cdnvic, I know I am pretty dumb, but I do understand that you were "just querying the statement on stats", yet look at your reaction:

if you want to say something about other member's families, at least show up at a TV party and do it to their faces, not while hiding behind a keyboard. :)

That's a bit over the top for an innocuous discussion on the background of Thai women who live in rural with their Thai husbands isn't it? Did anyone even mention the phrase "member's families"? Your post reeks of anger, resentment and insecurity. If you feel such emotion over this, then maybe you are living in the wrong country, for this is a place where background, class and face are everything and in the world's eyes, 99% of the women are of easy virtue.

Just as a matter of interest, where did the farangs meet these Isaan girls who they live with on farms in the North East?

A dating Agency? Oh no, it must have been at University - no that can't be correct, as most of them only have minimal education. Oh maybe they were working in Robisnson's or Central Dept store, or maybe they were a waitress in a restaurant where the girls never go with customers - except for the farang who marries them. :D


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I kindly suggest we each read Mobi's opening post - the actual long article about foreigners being abused as scape-goats on land ownership - and ignore the brief inflammatory sentence that Mobi bolded. The point of the article is that Thais should not blame non-Thais, even Chinese, for Thailand's own problems that were caused by Thais and not by Mr. Heinecke, Jim Thompson, Anna Leonowens, or a brick-layer from Birmingham.

Let the Thais fix Thailand. Same with stray animals, police bribes, corrupt politics, etc. Let the Thais solve it. And when Thais don't, let them suffer the socio-economic-spiritual consequences. Bad karma for Thai culture; som na nah.

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Anyone who lives here with a Thai lady may be assumed they have met that lady in a bar or brothel.

IMO relatively easy to sort out for locals...mannerisms, speech, fashion sense, and the inevitably shaky history/story. Compounded if there are other family members around. There are plenty of both, but more of the former.


It all rather begs the question what is the point of sorting anything out in this regards? Does it make people feel superior to know they married a Chula grad? Why? Does it diminish the fact that there are plenty of good-hearted bargirls who could make very good partners and wives if given the chance? Does it diminish the fact that there are plenty of bad-hearted non-bargirls who would not make good wives, despite their elevated social class?

About the same point as being able to differentiate between scrambled and sunny side up eggs, or someone good with numbers and someone who isn't. It is what it is. There's no need to feel superior or inferior, although I'd imagine that whatever feelings were present would come quite naturally without any effort. And like anything else it's simply part of one's life and character, like it or not, for good or bad.

People make the choices they make for whatever reasons they make them. People will live with whatever consequences result, both good and bad.

Agree completely.


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As a man that met his wife in the states, while she was working on her MS degree, I can honestly state that she has never participated in the sex trade industry. Also as a man that probably has sex 5 times a year, I can not say that the fact that my wife never participated in the sex trade industry is a "positive." At least the girls in the industry are far more enlightened regarding the opposite sex & thier needs. It is just a guess, but I imagine those fellows that have married retired bar girls have sex far more than 5 times a year!

Besides, a lot of folks meet their spouses while "on the job." (and in some cases litterally)

Wishing every one the best,


That's one positive way of looking at it. I'll refrain from listing the negatives as surely those are all common knowledge. Definitely more skills when a gal has been in the industry. That's what the industry is there for. I don't know if I'd want to have the factory at home though.


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As a man that met his wife in the states, while she was working on her MS degree, I can honestly state that she has never participated in the sex trade industry. Also as a man that probably has sex 5 times a year, I can not say that the fact that my wife never participated in the sex trade industry is a "positive." At least the girls in the industry are far more enlightened regarding the opposite sex & thier needs. It is just a guess, but I imagine those fellows that have married retired bar girls have sex far more than 5 times a year!

Besides, a lot of folks meet their spouses while "on the job." (and in some cases litterally)

Wishing every one the best,


That's one positive way of looking at it. I'll refrain from listing the negatives as surely those are all common knowledge. Definitely more skills when a gal has been in the industry. That's what the industry is there for. I don't know if I'd want to have the factory at home though.


:):D:D Great humour Heng!

Keep 'em coming!

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Many, many Thai men end up marrying former prostitutes, they just don't know it. The sheer volume of these establishments in the form of massage parlors, bars, websites, karaokes, cafes, beverage girls, etc - both in Thailand and abroad guarantees this fact. One who frequents these places might also observe the very high turnover of employees. Perhaps because the girls change employment locations frequently but more likely because Thai women dip their feet in the water at their own will for short periods of time as the money is too good to pass up.

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Don, I think that's just a post hoping there is some company for foreigners who have little access to the local social info grapevine. Apart from the numerous 'tells' these gals have, there is almost always someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows you and whatever you do and have done for a living. You're right about sheer numbers, but there are far fewer secrets (especially when that secret entails you having private relations with hundreds/sometimes up to a thousand people per year) here.

On the contrary, there are indeed many many many local men who DO know that their partners are former sex workers.


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Don, I think that's just a post hoping there is some company for foreigners who have little access to the local social info grapevine. Apart from the numerous 'tells' these gals have, there is almost always someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows you and whatever you do and have done for a living. You're right about sheer numbers, but there are far fewer secrets (especially when that secret entails you having private relations with hundreds/sometimes up to a thousand people per year) here.

On the contrary, there are indeed many many many local men who DO know that their partners are former sex workers.


Brutal. Good thing I had my partner physically examined by a Gynecologist to insure her purity.

Edited by dondraper
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You guess wrong then mate! So I take it you think this is BS and you wouldn't spend your precious time to research. You make an inane statement showing the depth of your intelect - whats the relevance of my nationality to the facts I state :)

Spends too much time demonizing Bush, his replacement Obama is totally in bed with big Pharma to the point their backing his health care proposal with millions in advertisments. His agenda matches the new world order and will greatly speed up the process.

At the beginning he mentions that Norway is Codexed at this point. He doesn't mention that they make up to humanity by having a seed repository of non Mostantoized heritage seeds in case of a world wide calamity.

He is spot on about the big agra. The genetically altered seeds may produce a better crop, but at what cost. In the past a farmer saved seed to replant the next season, however altered seeds don't reproduce and the farmer has to purchase seed at a greater cost.

Then what does the seed carry? Right now they alter to deter pests, soon they'll alter to introduce who knows what into our bodies. It'll be benign at first, even healthful but gov'ts strong gov'ts won't be satisfied. Nanny staters are already sheep, the rest of us will follow till we too go baa baa into the night. :D

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