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Who's Gonna Watch The Aussies Flog The Poms

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They do have Mel Gibson, but he is getting a little long in the tooth. :)

He's quite short and stumpy and believes in God.

hel_l, we gave them their country, road and place names, language, history, literature, sport, their limited cuisine, the Union Jack on their flag, their head of state, what little culture they have and prisons. Then we populated the country with a bunch of convicts who badly mistreated their Abos and turned their country into the biggest slag heap and dust bowl in the world. And what did we get in return? Rolf Harris and his didgeridoo! They have produced nothing of real value or originality to the world, either technologically or culturally, including their beloved pies, chips and Vegemite. Even their Sydney Harbour bridge was built by a Yorkshire company and their Opera House designed by a Great Dane. Who are they? Well, we already have arthropods and anthropods in this world and now we have to put up with the whingeing ozzie ANTIPODS!

Well Tyke, despite your ignorant and inaccurate ranting, the English team will be humiliated by the Australian Eleven, again.


It's just been announced that the English cricket side have been renamed to recognise the composite nature of the side picked to represent England in the Ashes.

For the final game it will be known as the British and South African Cricket (BSAC) team. This is in honour of the players, Pieterson, Strauss, Prior and newcomer Trott who are all South African citizens.

They will play under the attached flag:


It's just been announced that the English cricket side have been renamed to recognise the composite nature of the side picked to represent England in the Ashes.

For the final game it will be known as the British and South African Cricket (BSAC) team. This is in honour of the players, Pieterson, Strauss, Prior and newcomer Trott who are all South African citizens.

They will play under the attached flag:


They will join the local lads Bopara and Panesar :)


As history tells us, Aussies are just pom exported criminals so it would be a case of self-flagellation. If cricket is that good why do you have to try to enlist people to watch it with you?

And where may I ask did BB try to enlist anyone?

I thought he just just asked "who was going to watch it"?



Thanks Will. I guess Daveybabe can't read that well and is a bit blinded by the fact that those pommie gits are going to be humiliated.

Idiotic comments about pom exported criminals can be tolerated when they come from ignorant, uninformed individuals. Nuff said.

Info: I am nearly blind and do my best in reading and writing. If I am uninformed then inform me, I thought the only true Australians were Aborigines and the reast British rejects.

Info: I am nearly blind and do my best in reading and writing. If I am uninformed then inform me, I thought the only true Australians were Aborigines and the reast British rejects.

Davey, Davey, Davey, have you ever heard the phrase, "Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to opens one's mouth and remove all doubt."?

Australia, like so many countries was built with migrant labour. Yes, sadly Australia was originally colonised by, as you put it, 'British rejects'. These so called rejects, were in many if not most cases, victims of the economic failure in the UK at the time and were incarcerated for extremely petty misdemeanors. It was their jailers, employed by the British Government to watch over these poor souls, who were the scourge and responsible for wiping out the Tasmanian Aboriginals to all but the last 2 people not to mention so many other atrocious acts on their fellow humans.

Post 2nd World War saw a huge migration to Australia by Europeans, mainly Italians and Greeks but others from almost every nation. These Europeans were responsible for the massive building program that took place at the time and were part of the huge package that made Australia the wonderful multicultural sporting nation that it is today. The Poms continued to find their way to Australia in the 1950's and 1960's by way of assisted passage. They had to pay 10 pounds to get there and eventually were able to integrate themselves into the system. Most of these characters became prison warders, trades union officials and various other jobs where they could continue in their whining and whinging ways. Of course later, in the 1970's and 80's there was the Indochinese migration with 10's of thousands of refugees finding Australia as their new home. Now in the new millennium Australia is experiencing an influx of people from various African nations.

So, little old Australia, with it's meagre population of 19 million souls (of which approximately 25% weren't born there) can find a team of 11 to flog that team from the western extremes of Europe, a team which is made up Indians, South Africans and a few indigenous poms. Should be a good fun match to conclude the series.

What a rant.

hel_l, we gave them their country, road and place names, language, history, literature, sport, their limited cuisine, the Union Jack on their flag, their head of state, what little culture they have and prisons. Then we populated the country with a bunch of convicts who badly mistreated their Abos and turned their country into the biggest slag heap and dust bowl in the world. And what did we get in return? Rolf Harris and his didgeridoo! They have produced nothing of real value or originality to the world, either technologically or culturally, including their beloved pies, chips and Vegemite. Even their Sydney Harbour bridge was built by a Yorkshire company and their Opera House designed by a Great Dane. Who are they? Well, we already have arthropods and anthropods in this world and now we have to put up with the whingeing ozzie ANTIPODS!

Well Tyke, despite your ignorant and inaccurate ranting, the English team will be humiliated by the Australian Eleven, again.

Which word are you referring to, Blinky?


Never mind Freddy

We saved our secret weapon for the final game.

Lot's of tickles down to fine leg is my guess. :)

......and it doesn't matter what her nationality, she's in!!

hel_l, we gave them their country, road and place names, language, history, literature, sport, their limited cuisine, the Union Jack on their flag, their head of state, what little culture they have and prisons. Then we populated the country with a bunch of convicts who badly mistreated their Abos and turned their country into the biggest slag heap and dust bowl in the world. And what did we get in return? Rolf Harris and his didgeridoo! They have produced nothing of real value or originality to the world, either technologically or culturally, including their beloved pies, chips and Vegemite. Even their Sydney Harbour bridge was built by a Yorkshire company and their Opera House designed by a Great Dane. Who are they? Well, we already have arthropods and anthropods in this world and now we have to put up with the whingeing ozzie ANTIPODS!

Well Tyke, despite your ignorant and inaccurate ranting, the English team will be humiliated by the Australian Eleven, again.

Which word are you referring to, Blinky?

Only those between and including hel_l and ANTIPODS. :)

hel_l, we gave them their country, road and place names, language, history, literature, sport, their limited cuisine, the Union Jack on their flag, their head of state, what little culture they have and prisons. Then we populated the country with a bunch of convicts who badly mistreated their Abos and turned their country into the biggest slag heap and dust bowl in the world. And what did we get in return? Rolf Harris and his didgeridoo! They have produced nothing of real value or originality to the world, either technologically or culturally, including their beloved pies, chips and Vegemite. Even their Sydney Harbour bridge was built by a Yorkshire company and their Opera House designed by a Great Dane. Who are they? Well, we already have arthropods and anthropods in this world and now we have to put up with the whingeing ozzie ANTIPODS!

Well Tyke, despite your ignorant and inaccurate ranting, the English team will be humiliated by the Australian Eleven, again.

Which word are you referring to, Blinky?

Only those between and including hel_l and ANTIPODS. :)

Well I guess if a nation can't invent, create or cultivate, and it has plenty of sunshine in which to practice, guess the only thing is to learn to play a game, preferably one not played by many countries, and brag about beating them - better than nowt, I 'spose.

mmmmm... and then set up a new mongrol game, wearing shorty girly panties and not played by any other nation - that'll show 'em how good we are...

Oh, and then show them playing these minor games over and over on TV, alongside imported programmes, to avoid making anything that might be of a cultural persuasion (apart from those cooking programs starring recipes for buns, fruit cake and different varieties if pies and fish and chips).


Whatever goes in in the schools over there. :D

This seems to have degenerated into a typical pithy, uncouth'd rant. Cricket is supposed to be a gents game - losing/winning should not be of supreme importance even if one's nation has taken it to the extreme with particular disdain for the other. If the Aussies win, then well done for turning it round, but if England wins, lets not have this whiny; but sir they didn't play in the spirit of the game, umpire you are useless, they only won because they played this way/that way, all their players are <deleted> and they only won because of Freddie/another... ad nauseam. :)

99% of England really is not bothered either way.

hel_l, we gave them their country, road and place names, language, history, literature, sport, their limited cuisine, the Union Jack on their flag, their head of state, what little culture they have and prisons. Then we populated the country with a bunch of convicts who badly mistreated their Abos and turned their country into the biggest slag heap and dust bowl in the world. And what did we get in return? Rolf Harris and his didgeridoo! They have produced nothing of real value or originality to the world, either technologically or culturally, including their beloved pies, chips and Vegemite. Even their Sydney Harbour bridge was built by a Yorkshire company and their Opera House designed by a Great Dane. Who are they? Well, we already have arthropods and anthropods in this world and now we have to put up with the whingeing ozzie ANTIPODS!

Well Tyke, despite your ignorant and inaccurate ranting, the English team will be humiliated by the Australian Eleven, again.

Which word are you referring to, Blinky?

Only those between and including hel_l and ANTIPODS.

I asked which words are you referring to Blinky - not which words you are having difficulties with. :)

if you ever get down to the great southern land ,,, on any clear night (which we do have many), just look up and you will see what dominates ,,,, its known all over the world as the SOUTHERN CROSS



Yes, I do admit, that is a nice site to behold in nighttime Oz... the heavens, that is; the Southern Cross constellation being a tiny part. Drive a 1,000 miles north of Perth, turn right into the bush, light a fire, open a tinny, get some Pink Floyd happnin, lie back and look at the stars on a moonless night :)

if you ever get down to the great southern land ,,, on any clear night (which we do have many), just look up and you will see what dominates ,,,, its known all over the world as the SOUTHERN CROSS



Yes, I do admit, that is a nice site to behold in nighttime Oz... the heavens, that is; the Southern Cross constellation being a tiny part. Drive a 1,000 miles north of Perth, turn right into the bush, light a fire, open a tinny, get some Pink Floyd happnin, lie back and look at the stars on a moonless night :)

I'll be doing just that in about 3 weeks Little Jack, and, at that stage, I wont give a stuff who has won this final cricket game. :D

Info: I am nearly blind and do my best in reading and writing. If I am uninformed then inform me, I thought the only true Australians were Aborigines and the reast British rejects.

Davey, Davey, Davey, have you ever heard the phrase, "Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to opens one's mouth and remove all doubt."?

Australia, like so many countries was built with migrant labour. Yes, sadly Australia was originally colonised by, as you put it, 'British rejects'. These so called rejects, were in many if not most cases, victims of the economic failure in the UK at the time and were incarcerated for extremely petty misdemeanors. It was their jailers, employed by the British Government to watch over these poor souls, who were the scourge and responsible for wiping out the Tasmanian Aboriginals to all but the last 2 people not to mention so many other atrocious acts on their fellow humans.

Post 2nd World War saw a huge migration to Australia by Europeans, mainly Italians and Greeks but others from almost every nation. These Europeans were responsible for the massive building program that took place at the time and were part of the huge package that made Australia the wonderful multicultural sporting nation that it is today. The Poms continued to find their way to Australia in the 1950's and 1960's by way of assisted passage. They had to pay 10 pounds to get there and eventually were able to integrate themselves into the system. Most of these characters became prison warders, trades union officials and various other jobs where they could continue in their whining and whinging ways. Of course later, in the 1970's and 80's there was the Indochinese migration with 10's of thousands of refugees finding Australia as their new home. Now in the new millennium Australia is experiencing an influx of people from various African nations.

So, little old Australia, with it's meagre population of 19 million souls (of which approximately 25% weren't born there) can find a team of 11 to flog that team from the western extremes of Europe, a team which is made up Indians, South Africans and a few indigenous poms. Should be a good fun match to conclude the series.

What a rant.

Thanks Blinky for an infomative and constructive reply. Pity other Aussies can't do likewise in stead of mouthing off and throwing insults but, I suppose he never quite got over being 'a colonial cousin' status.

Who cares who wins, isn't it the playing of the game and the sportsmanship (absent in some other Aussies) that counts and not bringing the football holligan element/mentality into an otherwise solid sport?

Info: I am nearly blind and do my best in reading and writing. If I am uninformed then inform me, I thought the only true Australians were Aborigines and the reast British rejects.

Davey, Davey, Davey, have you ever heard the phrase, "Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to opens one's mouth and remove all doubt."?

Australia, like so many countries was built with migrant labour. Yes, sadly Australia was originally colonised by, as you put it, 'British rejects'. These so called rejects, were in many if not most cases, victims of the economic failure in the UK at the time and were incarcerated for extremely petty misdemeanors. It was their jailers, employed by the British Government to watch over these poor souls, who were the scourge and responsible for wiping out the Tasmanian Aboriginals to all but the last 2 people not to mention so many other atrocious acts on their fellow humans.

Post 2nd World War saw a huge migration to Australia by Europeans, mainly Italians and Greeks but others from almost every nation. These Europeans were responsible for the massive building program that took place at the time and were part of the huge package that made Australia the wonderful multicultural sporting nation that it is today. The Poms continued to find their way to Australia in the 1950's and 1960's by way of assisted passage. They had to pay 10 pounds to get there and eventually were able to integrate themselves into the system. Most of these characters became prison warders, trades union officials and various other jobs where they could continue in their whining and whinging ways. Of course later, in the 1970's and 80's there was the Indochinese migration with 10's of thousands of refugees finding Australia as their new home. Now in the new millennium Australia is experiencing an influx of people from various African nations.

So, little old Australia, with it's meagre population of 19 million souls (of which approximately 25% weren't born there) can find a team of 11 to flog that team from the western extremes of Europe, a team which is made up Indians, South Africans and a few indigenous poms. Should be a good fun match to conclude the series.

What a rant.

Thanks Blinky for an infomative and constructive reply. Pity other Aussies can't do likewise in stead of mouthing off and throwing insults but, I suppose he never quite got over being 'a colonial cousin' status.

Who cares who wins, isn't it the playing of the game and the sportsmanship (absent in some other Aussies) that counts and not bringing the football holligan element/mentality into an otherwise solid sport?

I really don't care who wins DB just so long as the Ashes Trophy has Australia engraved as the 2009 holders.


Thanks Blinky for an infomative and constructive reply. Pity other Aussies can't do likewise in stead of mouthing off and throwing insults but, I suppose he never quite got over being 'a colonial cousin' status.

Apart from calling you an idiot I guess :)

Who cares who wins, isn't it the playing of the game and the sportsmanship (absent in some other Aussies) that counts and not bringing the football holligan element/mentality into an otherwise solid sport?

You're really struggling Daveybabe.

Reading your posts, you obviously have no idea.


Info: I am nearly blind and do my best in reading and writing. If I am uninformed then inform me, I thought the only true Australians were Aborigines and the reast British rejects.

Davey, Davey, Davey, have you ever heard the phrase, "Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to opens one's mouth and remove all doubt."?

Australia, like so many countries was built with migrant labour. Yes, sadly Australia was originally colonised by, as you put it, 'British rejects'. These so called rejects, were in many if not most cases, victims of the economic failure in the UK at the time and were incarcerated for extremely petty misdemeanors. It was their jailers, employed by the British Government to watch over these poor souls, who were the scourge and responsible for wiping out the Tasmanian Aboriginals to all but the last 2 people not to mention so many other atrocious acts on their fellow humans.

Post 2nd World War saw a huge migration to Australia by Europeans, mainly Italians and Greeks but others from almost every nation. These Europeans were responsible for the massive building program that took place at the time and were part of the huge package that made Australia the wonderful multicultural sporting nation that it is today. The Poms continued to find their way to Australia in the 1950's and 1960's by way of assisted passage. They had to pay 10 pounds to get there and eventually were able to integrate themselves into the system. Most of these characters became prison warders, trades union officials and various other jobs where they could continue in their whining and whinging ways. Of course later, in the 1970's and 80's there was the Indochinese migration with 10's of thousands of refugees finding Australia as their new home. Now in the new millennium Australia is experiencing an influx of people from various African nations.

So, little old Australia, with it's meagre population of 19 million souls (of which approximately 25% weren't born there) can find a team of 11 to flog that team from the western extremes of Europe, a team which is made up Indians, South Africans and a few indigenous poms. Should be a good fun match to conclude the series.

What a rant.

Actually, British migrants were highly sought after by the Australian government after both World wars for 2 reasons:

1. The all-white (pref British) policy of immigration at that time (it is now done in a less obvious way by choosing as white an immigrant influx as is possible - almost entirley east asians -Japanese, Koreans and Chinese (obvious to anyone walking around any major city in that place) - a diluted white policy in all but name).

2. After both world wars there was a need for males to do the work and stimulate the economy, as well as screw the local ladies, despite their having hairy feet, because of the shortage of Australian men who had been killed in both wars. In other words, the POMS did your women a great favour and should be thanked for it. It's the offspring of those unions who now make up the Antipod's cricket team.


Little one was watching Baby Einstein or something at home, so took the opportunity to offer to get take away dinner for the family!

Got to two local well known venues just after 5 and no cricket was on! I met two Aussie tourists also looking for the cricket so I gave them a lift to UN Irish where it was on. Are they the only bar with full Multisport? Now at home watching...




The Mrs had asked me two get two spaghetti bolagnase from your place as they are her favourite (no accounting for taste), one for each of her and our daughter.

Anyway, dont have your phone number, and I dont think you are on Mike delivery service, so I used the Italian place up the road. Next time we come in, can you just ask the Mrs if the food was ok??

There is a water in it for you!!


to be honest she never seems to complain, just we will never bee allowed back to Kevins' if she doesnt like it!

Collingwood gone!!!

Yes!! 176 for 3.

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