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Coming To Thailand From Us On Cruise Ship


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My mother is very elderly and wishes to come to Thailand but has never been on airplane and is afraid to fly. Is it possible to come from US on cruise ship? I looked on internet but cannot find any that leave from US. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thank you.

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it should be quite a while hahaha (at least 1 month)

I think you may have to go to Hawaii first, then possibly to Japan, then Hong Kong then Thailand or something like that. I haven't heard of a direct cruiseline from USA to Thailand so it will be quite a long journey haha

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It's quite a trek - cruise ships come around here from places like Singapore.

In the old Graham Greene (and such) novels you could come by boat, many cargo boats had cabins for paying customers, though maybe that time has past us by, shame really.

Wouldn't a one day plane journey be less stress than a 4 week boat journey? Cruise ships are very expensove too, aren't they?

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It's quite a trek - cruise ships come around here from places like Singapore.

In the old Graham Greene (and such) novels you could come by boat, many cargo boats had cabins for paying customers, though maybe that time has past us by, shame really.

Wouldn't a one day plane journey be less stress than a 4 week boat journey? Cruise ships are very expensove too, aren't they?

yeah, get a plane ticket, it happens to my grandma once, she doesnt like flying as well, but we had to go to New Zealand by a plane so we threw her into the plane so she had no choice but to fly on it hahaha it was hilarious, u could try it ur self. it might either work or get ur grandma a heartattack

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Try cargo ships also, they have very nice berthing and only carry a small amount of passengers, less formal, and many have work-out areas and pools. They leave several locations such as LA, SanFran,Seattle, Portland ect. ect. Most are priced at about 2/3's of normal cruise ships.

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Thanks everyone for advice. The problem is my mother is 80 years old and never been on either an airplane or cruise ship in her life. She has mental problems and no matter how she gets here it will not be easy and truthfully I believe the pilot will throw her off the plane. It will also not be easy after she gets here but that is another story. I could try Chief's suggestion on cargo ship but I believe cruise ship would have better facilities and experience to deal with old people. I am sure dragging a sick and frightened old lady on the plane would be big fun haha but I really do not think it is possible, unless domanter lends her some of his medication haha.

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Thanks everyone for advice. The problem is my mother is 80 years old and never been on either an airplane or cruise ship in her life. She has mental problems and no matter how she gets here it will not be easy and truthfully I believe the pilot will throw her off the plane. It will also not be easy after she gets here but that is another story. I could try Chief's suggestion on cargo ship but I believe cruise ship would have better facilities and experience to deal with old people. I am sure dragging a sick and frightened old lady on the plane would be big fun haha but I really do not think it is possible, unless domanter lends her some of his medication haha.

Honestly, having her first trip be that long no matter what method is just asking for trouble.

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Yes Carmine, you are definitely right about that. I would not consider it but do not know what else to do. She cannot take care of herself, but I am retired and do not have enough money to pay for nurse care and I do not want her to go to nursing home. There is a chance my daughter could come on trip with her and that would make it easier as she is a nurse and is able to deal with her very well.

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Suggest you might talk to a doctor and see if Valium or something a bit stronger might get her through the trip by plane. Seems like one or two days being under sedatives would be easier on her than a month at sea. My mother flew from the US to Australia when she was 90 with no problems.

Good luck however you arrange it. Actually one month cruise sounds enjoyable but perhaps a bit long unless you have company you enjoy.

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Yes Carmine, you are definitely right about that. I would not consider it but do not know what else to do. She cannot take care of herself, but I am retired and do not have enough money to pay for nurse care and I do not want her to go to nursing home. There is a chance my daughter could come on trip with her and that would make it easier as she is a nurse and is able to deal with her very well.

Not sure what her specific fear is, but if you can get her to, test out a short hop flight or charter boat ride. Someone has to go with her of course to explain everything, what's coming up, what to do, where to go, etc. Fear of flying might not be fear of flying, but fear of the unfamiliar.

If it is really fear of flying, that'll create quite a dilemma. I have a cousin who has such an issue with flying that he has had panic attacks when he's at home and his parents are flying.

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Thanks Carmine and Beenthere,

There is possibility my daughter who is nurse will come with her and she also hates to fly but has done it. perhaps my mother can take short flight to NY. As for medication that is definitely a good idea.

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I took a cargo ship as a passanger a couple of years ago. The nearest port to Thailand was Klang in Malaysia - so still a bit of overland travelling there. Personally I found the journey to a very relaxing three weeks at sea. Good food, gym, lots of books. Good medical facilties.

If she does argree to fly try then fly direct. Stop-overs can be a nightmare.

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