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Buying A Bar

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A friend of mine was considering opening a bar in Sattahip. However, on passing through Pattaya, he noticed that there was an opportunity for a new type of bar there. As far as I know, he has opened a bar selling alcohol with girls on hand to serve you, talk to you, and, if interested they may even give you a run for your money playing "Connect 4".
Thanks to the people that tried to answer my question or offer helpful advice.

And to the rest of you, why are you so bitter and sarcastic ? :o

Are you just jealous that somebody else has got the balls to do something, you can only dream of ?

For every success there are 1000 failures - I think most people here just want you to realize what you are getting yourself into especially in regards to a beer bar. You have a saturated market with high competition - what will set you apart from the other beer bars?

I think jayenram is onto something very unique. Perhaps if he follows that advice, he would set his bar apart from the other beer bars and end up being quite successful.

Edited by sriracha john
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I'm sure this has been asked many times before, and I do apologise. But here goes my first post.  :D

I'm looking to come to Thailand next month to buy a bar. Most owners I talked to out there, are on tourist visas.

So the questions I ask are.

1) If you are found running a bar on a tourist visa, can you be thrown out the country and lose everything ?

2) Once you've bought the bar and formed a company, can you then obtain a work visa while in Thailand. Does the 2 million Baht of capital required include the value of the bar, the assets as well as any money you have in reserve.

3) Finally Is it worth getting a Work Visa just to run a small beer bar.



Question for you.

You own a bar. You open with a full bottle of Johnny Walker Red. You sell 3 beers, 2 double shots of scotch and Coke,one single shot of scotch,  two single shots of old Grandad, and two drinks for the girls.

The question is: How many shots are left in the botle of Scotch?

The answer is: if you don't know, what are you doing buying a bar?



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Lesson number 1 - guys go to beer bars because of the girls, cheap beer and to look at girls at other beer bars.  I have never come across someone who goes to beer bars because the 'owner' is a great guy.

Wrong!! And many operations proof that.

What I have been reading is that most of you are thinking along the lines of most critical outsiders. Do not forget that there are some very succesful bar owners...

Some bars are making great revenue only because a good and caring proprietaire.

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In Lamai on Koh Samui the owner is most of the time the only reason that guests are visiting a bar. I see many bars filled with girls but no customers. The ones that do have customers have some form of entertainment other than girls.

Maybe if you start a bar where people can go to and talk to eachother and feel comfortable, listen to some decent music. Yeah you will have a change.

If you think i start a bar wth really loud music and many girls that can say "Hellooooo Weelcoooooome", forget it, too many of those already. Be different, be patient, be original.

Edited by Khun Jean
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I had a crack at this a while back... :o

I have decided to grow a beard and I am working on an enormous beer belly so that I can sit in the corner of your new bar for years and years. Will there be country and western music? Will I be allowed to wear leather chaps indoors?

I threw out all my shirts already from now on I will only wear Tshirts with bars and beers advertised on them

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I had a crack at this a while back... :o

I have decided to grow a beard and I am working on an enormous beer belly so that I can sit in the corner of your new bar for years and years. Will there be country and western music? Will I be allowed to wear leather chaps indoors?

I threw out all my shirts already from now on I will only wear Tshirts with bars and beers advertised on them

You're hired!

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I knew a chap once who opened an internet cafe/bar down south with two other western partners and their three Thai wives/girlfriends.

On the opening night, his wife told him to go behind the bar, glass in hand so she could take a photo for the album.

The next day, said photo was with immigration and the poor chap was deported for working.

Enough said.

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I had a crack at this a while back... :o

I have decided to grow a beard and I am working on an enormous beer belly so that I can sit in the corner of your new bar for years and years. Will there be country and western music? Will I be allowed to wear leather chaps indoors?

I threw out all my shirts already from now on I will only wear Tshirts with bars and beers advertised on them

don't forget your gawdy 5-baht-gold necklace.

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I had a crack at this a while back... :o

I have decided to grow a beard and I am working on an enormous beer belly so that I can sit in the corner of your new bar for years and years. Will there be country and western music? Will I be allowed to wear leather chaps indoors?

I threw out all my shirts already from now on I will only wear Tshirts with bars and beers advertised on them

don't forget your gawdy 5-baht-gold necklace.

Do you think it would look better if it were really thick as well as gaudy

BTW the beer belly and beard are coming on well


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I am going to start a bi-sexual bar thread Insights bar will be the first one on the list...Have you thought of  name yet...I suggest "Johns Place"

or "Daves Bar" something along those lines would be a real attention grabber.

I've changed the theme "that way" to suit a market suggested to me by a new employee...

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My advice would be DON'T do it. Been there, done that and lost my ass. :D

On the bright side there are plenty of opportunities. There must be hundreds of them for sale in Pattaya alone. That tell you anything? :o

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