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Jack Jones

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As a you may have read on other posts, I'm recently divorced and wanted to post my experience of the procedure.

I initially met my girlfriend in a bar on Koh Samui. We lived together for 1 year in Thailand and then relocated to England. However, all was not right with me as when in England I found that I had a greater number of distractions than I did in Thailand ie. work commitments, friends, family and an additional social life outside of that with my wife.

She subsequently went back to Thailand and we grew apart. We agreed that we we would divorce without settlement in August of last year but after 2 days of arguing and her turning up to my hotel with some local civil servants, divorce without settlement seemed impossible.

I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could afford :o

Once we agreed the sum, she turned up on time and we proceeded to the amphur, where the whole experience went incredible smoothly even if I did have to slip the official 500B for his trouble. It took around 2 hours in total as she had to make a new name card also.

I was married for 3 years in total and now have a new girlfriend although I do feel a little jaded by the experience being only 29 years old. Trust is a little hard for me at the moment even though it was I who initiated the divorce.

Anyway good luck to any guys who are going through the same experience.

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I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could affordย  :D

Cheap B@stard :o

I'd have to say 'Lucky B@stard'!

You got off lightly Jack :D

I second that observation. Very lucky indeed :D

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poor girl

500 quid

cheap charlie exit alright

Interesting commentary though.

Life is different when you get back to reality!!

I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could affordย  :D

Cheap B@stard :o

I'd have to say 'Lucky B@stard'!

You got off lightly Jack :D

I second that observation. Very lucky indeed :D

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Speaking to few of my friends in Thailand, I appreciate that I got off lot lightly with regard to the financial settlement. Luckily we didn't have any kids, land or a business together. One guy I know is getting flamed by his wife for 2M Baht, plus land and custody of their kids.

As I said before, she wasn't a bad one, it was just me who changed.

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Speaking to few of my friends in Thailand, I appreciate that I got off lot lightly with regard to the financial settlement. Luckily we didn't have any kids, land or a business together. One guy I know is getting flamed by his wife for 2M Baht, plus land and custody of their kids.

As I said before, she wasn't a bad one, it was just me who changed.

Cheap Bastard

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Speaking to few of my friends in Thailand, I appreciate that I got off lot lightly with regard to the financial settlement. Luckily we didn't have any kids, land or a business together. One guy I know is getting flamed by his wife for 2M Baht, plus land and custody of their kids.

As I said before, she wasn't a bad one, it was just me who changed.

I wonder how many other farangs have been in a similar situation to Jack. i.e. arrive in LOS find a loving lady, fall in love, get married....and then the glamour of the relationship begins to wear off.

Luckily you have sorted out your divorce very amicably which is a good thing and now you can both get on with your lives.

For the others who may not be so lucky I suggest they think long and hard before getting married, because if property or money is in the joint pot then it won`t be just the wife who`ll be fighting for it, her family will be pushing her all the way.. :o

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Speaking to few of my friends in Thailand, I appreciate that I got off lot lightly with regard to the financial settlement. Luckily we didn't have any kids, land or a business together. One guy I know is getting flamed by his wife for 2M Baht, plus land and custody of their kids.

As I said before, she wasn't a bad one, it was just me who changed.

Cheap Bastard

Cheap shot , nothing more interesting to say Elephant Town ?

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I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could affordย  :D

Cheap B@stard :o

I'd have to say 'Lucky B@stard'!

You got off lightly Jack :D

I second that observation. Very lucky indeed :D

Hmmmmm. No kids, one year of marriage....

So what is the proper amount? Is she no longer able to earn a living? Should she receive "punative damages also"?

I think SEAtramp has it about right...

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Well ,begs the question what did she leave behind?

Was she a BG or did she have a real job?

kind of unusual to hear the guy flick the gal,its usualy the other way around.

I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could affordย  :D

Cheap B@stard :o

I'd have to say 'Lucky B@stard'!

You got off lightly Jack :D

I second that observation. Very lucky indeed :D

Hmmmmm. No kids, one year of marriage....

So what is the proper amount? Is she no longer able to earn a living? Should she receive "punative damages also"?

I think SEAtramp has it about right...

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OK fair enough; we really don't know her occupation or his net worth...

My personal hunch -with all due respect to the lady- is that she lived relatively well during the marriage.

Yeah, it is usually the woman who dumps the man. Agreed on that point.

Well ,begs the question what did she leave behind?

Was she a BG or did she have a real job?

kind of unusual to hear the guy flick the gal,its usualy the other way around.

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If you all think he is cheap i wonder what i'd be called. If it had happened to me i'd not have paid anything. I am only in Thailand and living here for her sake not my own. I do love Thailand but i can leave it to. Try and come to my Country and tell a divorce judge you married me to get out of the Bar life. I do not think that would go well into her favour.

Then again if we had kids i'd be a man and pay every month. We do not have our own condo and i feel she can keep it if the future was bleak. At least she then has something.

My wife was not a bar girl thuough and cant say i have any feelings for those that do marry them and get stung in the end. There are good stories from others marring a BG but i dont think they went into it blind.

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As a you may have read on other posts, I'm recently divorced and wanted to post my experience of the procedure.

I initially met my girlfriend in a bar on Koh Samui. We lived together for 1 year in Thailand and then relocated to England. However, all was not right with me as when in England I found that I had a greater number of distractions than I did in Thailand ie. work commitments, friends, family and an additional social life outside of that with my wife.

She subsequently went back to Thailand and we grew apart. We agreed that we we would divorce without settlement in August of last year but after 2 days of arguing and her turning up to my hotel with some local civil servants, divorce without settlement seemed impossible.

I maintained contact with her from August of last year to this March and we agreed a sum of 30,000B. Of course she wanted more but I was insistent that was all I could affordย  :o

Once we agreed the sum, she turned up on time and we proceeded to the amphur, where the whole experience went incredible smoothly even if I did have to slip the official 500B for his trouble. It took around 2 hours in total as she had to make a new name card also.

I was married for 3 years in total and now have a new girlfriend although I do feel a little jaded by the experience being only 29 years old. Trust is a little hard for me at the moment even though it was I who initiated the divorce.

Anyway good luck to any guys who are going through the same experience.

Why only 30,000 Baht, Jack? You were married for 3 years and YOU broke it off!

Trust is a lttle hard for you?-- & YOU broke it off? Whew! Royalty?

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I think you paid far to much. A Thai guy would have only given her a kick in the butt.

and looking at it on the flip side, what would the results of the divorce been had she decided to stay in UK and file the divorce there with a top-notch divorce attorney..... it'd be pauper-land for the OP after that.

I agree he ended the marriage in an incredingbly, incredingbly inexpensive manner. In the scenario above, it would have been a totally different experience.

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Speaking to few of my friends in Thailand, I appreciate that I got off lot lightly with regard to the financial settlement. Luckily we didn't have any kids, land or a business together. One guy I know is getting flamed by his wife for 2M Baht, plus land and custody of their kids.

As I said before, she wasn't a bad one, it was just me who changed.

a Western divorce attorney would have had you for breakfast if you had made comments like that in divorce court....

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If she had been a Bargirl - and its not 100% clear whether she was or not - then it would have been nice to have given her enough to give her the option to set herself up in a better framework, rather than her having to go back to hooking.

If she was a bargirl he should have given her more to cover her losses, just think how many short times she's lost in 3 years.. :o

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Again interesting.

Some thai girls get back to blighty with hansum rich man and live a lot worse a life than back in LOS in their view....hmmm,leeds,manchester :o

OK fair enough; we really don't know her occupation or his net worth...

My personal hunch -with all due respect to the lady- is that she lived relatively well during the marriage.

Yeah, it is usually the woman who dumps the man. Agreed on that point.

Well ,begs the question what did she leave behind?

Was she a BG or did she have a real job?

kind of unusual to hear the guy flick the gal,its usualy the other way around.

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Yes, she was a bar girl and perhaps I am cheap but at the end of the day it was me who broke it off after 3 years of marriage. I'm protecting my assets for the future, I don't see a problem with being selfsih in this instance. I do not love her any more therefore settled to protect myself.

I would be interested to hear if any other guys who are married and then fell out of love with their wife would be willing to part with more than is necessary.

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Yes, she was a bar girl and perhaps I am cheap but at the end of the day it was me who broke it off after 3 years of marriage. I'm protecting my assets for the future, I don't see a problem with being selfsih in this instance. I do not love her any more therefore settled to protect myself.

I would be interested to hear if any other guys who are married and then fell out of love with their wife would be willing to part with more than is necessary.

I've been there myself and I don't deny trying to limit my costs. I continue to share my pension with her on a monthly basis and will do so for the rest of my life. Lovely rules in the USA, eh? btw, I'm sorry if my comments sounded deregatory to you personally, they weren't intended to. I never said you were cheap or bad. I simply wanted to point out a different scenario with very different results.

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I divorced my first wife after ten years of marriage(I took the initiative to the divorce),I tried to keep my costs as low as possible too.

Guess I was the one who changed too.

Now I've been married more than five years with my second wife,and the relationship still is as good as it was from the start.

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Some guys are a soft touch. Or are they STUPID? I have my hand up. My last girlfriend was a "good" girl. She was a mercenary little bitch for sure but it is not easy to end a live in relationship. I warned her repeatably that I did NOT like to be called a stupid old buffalo and that nothing would EVER be in her name. To make a long story short it cost me a lot more than 30,000 baht to have her leave peaceably. A male Thai friend told me I was absolutely crazy to pay her to get out. Maybe I was?? I may very well be a stupid old buffalo but at least my current girlfriend is smart enough not to call me one. :o

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Some guys are a soft touch. Or are they STUPID? I have my hand up. My last girlfriend was a "good" girl. She was a mercenary little bitch for sure but it is not easy to end a live in relationship. I warned her repeatably that I did NOT like to be called a stupid old buffalo and that nothing would EVER be in her name. To make a long story short it cost me a lot more than 30,000 baht to have her leave peaceably. A male Thai friend told me I was absolutely crazy to pay her to get out. Maybe I was?? I may very well be a stupid old buffalo but at least my current girlfriend is smart enough not to call me one.ย  :o

The training program is working :D

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10k baht a year

she was better off in the bar!!

Yes, she was a bar girl and perhaps I am cheap but at the end of the day it was me who broke it off after 3 years of marriage. I'm protecting my assets for the future, I don't see a problem with being selfsih in this instance. I do not love her any more therefore settled to protect myself.

I would be interested to hear if any other guys who are married and then fell out of love with their wife would be willing to part with more than is necessary.

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