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Massive Fee Hikes For Work Permits Mooted

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Massive fee hikes for work permits mooted


New work permit fees will be announced on September 13

PHUKET: -- The Phuket Gazette has learned that recent rumors of substantial increases in work permit fees may be well-founded. Discussions are underway in the Department of Employment that could once again lead to massive hikes in these annual fees.

The current fee for a new work permit, or renewal of a one-year permit, is 3,000 baht.

The office of Thanawan Tongsukchote, head of the Phuket Provincial Employment Office, confirmed to the Gazette this morning that an increase in the fees is indeed "under consideration". And a hike of some magnitude is a foregone conclusion as the office says it will be advising permit holders to renew their permits before September 13 when the new fees will be announced.

“We cannot yet confirm by how much the fees will be 'adjusted' as discussions are ongoing and a number of factors at play in the decision are still being considered," the Office says.

The last hike in work permit fees occurred in September 2002, delivering an impressive 200% hike, an event that triggered lively and colorful comments on ThaiVisa.Com, host to Thailand’s largest English-language Web forum. Some recent comments in that forum, albeit from sources undisclosed and/or unofficial, foreshadow this month's hike as likely to be something well over 100%.


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-09-01

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This is the proof that the economic crisis in Thailand is finally over - they don't need anyone to invest here anymore.

It is just a consequent move after scaring 40% of their tourists away, and anyone should already have expected it.

Let the countries around inhale the 'brain drain' from the Western countries, and who knows if Singapore, sucking up the major share of the world's intelligence in the region, is really as wealthy as these alien analysts say? Haha! China? Come on, we are already trading rice with them! Malaysia? We are different! We are 'self sufficient' enough to go our very own way and whoever is stupid enough wanting to work here shall be punished.

Edited by pepi2005
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Massive fee hikes for work permits mooted


PHUKET: -- The Phuket Gazette has learned that recent rumors of substantial increases in work permit fees may be well-founded. Discussions are underway in the Department of Employment that could once again lead to massive hikes in these annual fees.


The last hike in work permit fees occurred in September 2002, delivering an impressive 200% hike, an event that triggered lively and colorful comments on ThaiVisa.Com, host to Thailand’s largest English-language Web forum. Some recent comments in that forum, albeit from sources undisclosed and/or unofficial, foreshadow this month's hike as likely to be something well over 100%.

Am I just imagining it, or does it seem that often when prices or feels are raised in Thailand--either commercial or government--it tends to be a very large increase, which often represents a burden and feels punitive?

Edited by rexall
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As a farang working in Thailand I actually don't care if I pay 3,000 baht per year or 5,000 baht per year....what do I care about a 2,000 baht increase once a year??

And I think this is also what the Thai government believe!!

I doubt, as well as the government doubt, that it's unlikely the farangs will flee Thailand just because of an increased work permit fee!

But OK...you can also see this an another nail in the coffin.....one of many these past years.......

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If this news is correct it's another nail in the coffin for Thailand. I for one will be giving alot of thought about staying and wroking here. If the fees do go up it will be much more unecomonic to stay. To reply to tomster it maybe only 100 pounds but thats a lot of money here when you are living on the money that you earn here. With the economic problems at the moment there is a definate decrease in the number of students at language schools so less work for teachers.

Edited by neilbla
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It would be good for the Thai government to take a more positive approach on foreigners. Not only is there the blatant discrimination, but also fee hikes like what they are considering is sending the wrong signal to the expat community.

Basically Thailand is saying: We don't like foreigners, so we will fine you for being here. It's things like this that create bad blood and racial problems in the long term. Also it does not much to increase their budget. It just creates more negative sentiment with expatriates.

After all, .... it is not a 1000 THB increase that will make people stop from getting a work permit, but if there is yearly 'harassment' like this, after a few years... expats will just go to a country that is more inviting to foreign know-how (and with it... bye bye 4 more Thai employees). I have to admit I have been thinking about it. There are other countries in Southeast Asia that are starting to be more and more appealing with a workforce that have decent English skills and good benefits for the expat and where you don't feel like being a cash cow with no rights.

We'll have to see if the Department will once again go for a few easy bucks now and will continue to hurt the Thai economy and the community of Expats or if they will see that we are living in a world without any real borders and that old-style vision is hurting them in this new society.

Good luck Thailand.

Edited by sillyfools
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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Bring on the "look how much money I've got" crowd.

Oh, here he is! Didn't take long.

If you're spending 12k on a good night out in Thailand you've seriously lost your mind....and are being taken for a ride....

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If this news is correct it's another nail in the coffin for Thailand. I for one will be giving alot of thought about staying and wroking here. If the fees do go up it will be much more unecomonic to stay. To reply to tomster it maybe only 100 pounds but thats a lot of money here when you are living on the money that you earn here. With the economic problems at the moment there is a definate decrease in the number of students at language schools so less work for teachers.

If paying 6000 instead of 3000 per Year!!!! makes it uneconomical for you what the hel_l are you doing here anyway!!!

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

It's all talk and no action because they're still here.

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They seem to have missed the point - most foreigners who seek a work permit are employed by a Thai company - they do so because they represent good value for the business - they are needed and an investment....so why try to increase the prrice of improving the Thai economy? Usually the Thai company pays for the permit so it is Thai businesses they will be hitting directly and loosing foreign expertise.

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Yeap roger that Tomster, try countries with fees from 500US$ to 1500US$ a year. If you don't like it here then best you find somewhere you wont whinge about...and I doubt there is a place...except for maybe home but you mob don't seem to want to live there where ever that is either so....

Boo __Friggitty__Hoo!!!

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

I agree with your sentiments 100%, but the real whingers will still piss and moan as is their want. They have nothing better to do.

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If this news is correct it's another nail in the coffin for Thailand. I for one will be giving alot of thought about staying and wroking here. If the fees do go up it will be much more unecomonic to stay. To reply to tomster it maybe only 100 pounds but thats a lot of money here when you are living on the money that you earn here. With the economic problems at the moment there is a definate decrease in the number of students at language schools so less work for teachers.

Sorry Pal. I must agree with the Tomster. Even if the government doubles it to B6000 it is peanuts. If I understand correctly there hasn't been an increase since 2002 so one is long overdue. Likewise there are a lot of people using dummy companies to get work permits to stay here and not comply with the spirit of the work. This may also be aimed at weeding them out. Bring it on. And to all the 'last nail in the coffin' guys ...There must be an awful lot of nails in that particular coffin by now. Life will go on guys, the sun will continue to rise in the east and set in the west, som tum will continue to be the national dish and pollies will take kickbacks - 'it is as it is'.

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The I'll leave is croud is all talk. If they have not raised the fees since 2002 then its time they did, part of inflation. It will be interesting to see how much they raise it. To be honest they could raise it 500% and most would pay it, granted allot of people would be mad but I doubt one person would move away based soley on the fee increase.

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So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

you are completely missing the point, man.

But don't get headaches over it ... the Thai goverment is counting on you. :-)

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lets see:

they don't like us living here

we can't own land here

they really don't want us working here

and they'd just as soon tourists stay a few days but spend lots and lots of money

I need a hug...I'm not feeling much love right now

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I think for those in nice expat jobs, working for a big company, this means squat. For those in poorer paid professions, such as teaching, it could be a problem.

Regardless, it is a cynical tax raising opportunity by a government whose finances are under strain.

Well, as an American Citizen, whose taxes went to pay for the "forgiven loans" of Thai students during the 1997 financial crisis, I sorta expected that we Americans would get lots of freebies in exchange if we had a financial crisis, like 16% unemployment and 40,000,000 people on food stamps.

Needless to say, I am disappointed.

Also, these roads they are building everywhere, are they free? They are far superior to the USA. Anybody been to Esarn lately?

What about the retrofitting of the power lines and those wonderful high tech power poles that N. America has never conceived. Seriously superior stuff ! And, I bet it's not free either.

I think this shows how much they are losing in payoffs and cheating and "free" "fruit to be peeled" money.

Personally, I wish you guys would stop using that word "farang" it upsets me. Why should a fruit to be peeled, call himself a fruit to be peeled? It cannot mean a westerner (living in the western part of the united states), or a stretched derivation "from the united states," nor can it mean "caucasia" . a mythical land inclusive of Eastern China, nor can it mean a person with curly hair. So what can it mean except "fruit to be peeled?" G. U. A. V. A.

Taxes are a good thing, that is what Hillary and The one like, and raising taxes will make Hillary and The one proud of them.

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I pay for my own work permit and i wasnt really happy shelling out 3000. If i have to shell out 7 or 10,000 thats almost a weeks salary.

Thailand does all it can to make life difficult for foreigners to live here, buy a home and stay here.

Winging or not, Im going to Vietnam. The visa thing there is certainly more difficult, but otherwise they are doing everything they can to get foreigners and their money to come and stay.

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I think for those in nice expat jobs, working for a big company, this means squat. For those in poorer paid professions, such as teaching, it could be a problem.

Regardless, it is a cynical tax raising opportunity by a government whose finances are under strain.

yes, typical government behaviour (everywhere). First they figure out expenses and set taxes accordingly. Never the other way around.

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This is another in what has become a long string of actions by this government to encourage foreigners to leave. Visas are more difficult, working permits are more carefully monitored, fees have gone up, and so on. It seems to me to be a fairly clear attempt to minimize interference to this governments increasingly strong-armed political operations. They have only to learn from the neighbors to the east, north and west, that one way to deal with 'meddlesome' foreigners and all their shouting about justice, democracy and human rights, is to just rid the country of them.

The idea that Thailand is a Democracy has always been laughable, but now any pretense is gone. This current government ignored the constitution (as it stood), took over the government by force, outlawed the opposition, outlawed media that prints unflattering portraits, and forbids public assembly of opposition groups. Sounds to me like the classic pattern of totalitarian regimes everywhere. When are those elections coming? Ha.

As for investment, they have clearly thrown their lot in with the Chinese and not the west. I suppose I don't blame them. The U. S. is not going to defend Thailand or even look out for its interests. America is waist deep in its own problems and in any case, always looks toward Europe rather than Asia. They will regret that, but try to tell that to anyone in America.

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Bring on the "look how much money I've got" crowd.

Oh, here he is! Didn't take long.

If you're spending 12k on a good night out in Thailand you've seriously lost your mind....and are being taken for a ride....

Have you never been to a nice restaurant ? (without bog rolls on the table to wipe your face with) A bottle of decent wine can start at 6K easy.

It's not really very nice to tell someone they have lost their mind or been taken for a ride for eating at decent places !

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The fact is that expats (and tourists) feel less and less welcome each year because of these seemingly harmless things... It creates a habit though... A habit of bad sentiment between foreigners and locals. It would be perfectly OK to go for a price increase IF on the other hand also there was some positive news towards the expat community.

The only thing we here is added restrictions, hikes and fines.

What about benefits? What about removing restrictions? What about land ownership? What about for God's sake... having an English speaking news and information channel geared towards expats in Bangkok????

All of the restrictions, hikes and fines have not proven to add new services or convenience to foreigners.

When the government will start to treat the expat community as a valuable asset, they will see that this country can recover much faster. When they belittle expats, expats will be less inclined to contribute their full 100% to improving this country.

Instead of focusing on our differences... Let's focus on what we have in common.

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