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Rayong - Can You Recommend A Good Lawyer?


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I don't need to go into detail just yet, but recently I had a domestic dispute and in a rage messed up the house a bit and she reported me to the police. I soon established they don't want to listen to farang, don't want to know why I misbehaved and in short said that if I misbehave again she can get me jailed for 3 years.

We're not married and want out of the relationship but have some property and investment issues to sort out.

She's educated and not from the darkside. I need to talk with a good lawyer whose unbiased and genuinely sympathetic to farang, preferably close to Rayong city. We do know one in Banchang but in the event of a dispute he would opt to represent her.

Any lawyer recommendations please!

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I am using a lawyer from Pattaya and Bangkok in a domestic dispute he seems very good as far as farangs go

I am staying in Cha Am and he came to see me here

Similar situation

The Master Thai Law Office

Khun Boonsom

Ph 085-514-8346

223/32 Moo9 Third Road

Pattaya City

Best Regards


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A good lawyer in Ban Chang that a lot of farangs use is:-

Khun Mana Burapha Tel: 038 880600

038 601121

0818659531 mobile

E-mail: [email protected]

50m round the corner from police box opp. 7/11 at traffic lights.

Sorry if he is the one you already know about. Good luck

Thank you. Yes, he is the one and can be recommended to others.

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The Master Thai Law Office

Khun Boonsom

Ph 085-514-8346

223/32 Moo9 Third Road

Pattaya City

Thanks Ron, will try.

p.s. She's acting sweet-as-pie at the moment. Ok, she had a problem with me and like most women instead of talking with their men she colluded with her friends (witches) and acted impulsively. She has since apologised, without true conviction, saying 'I had to do it' but I know I daren't argue or step out of line. She has the 'Sword of Damocles' over my head.

Mai phut de gwaa (say nothing is better) ;)

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Well sounds like you have anger issues mate - no need to destroy property because you get into an argument! <_<

Yes, I agree with that but I control my tantrums and nothing was destroyed and BTW I've never in my long life physically assaulted a woman. Cause and effect, more to the story:

About 1 year ago I was a naughty boy and tasted some 'fruit in the orchard'. Got found out, big argument, I said sorry but every month she brings up the matter same-same thing.

Last week same old record, this time more shouting ending in her threat to shoot me with her fathers gun. We sleep apart.

Next day come home from work, my bags are packed, I promptly unpack them, sleep apart.

Next night, go out alone (normally we go out and party together) come home about 2am (not drunk), can't get in, she's changed the padlock on the outside (it's a shop-house shuttered door) but she's not at home. Tried to phone her - no answer. Spend 3 hours driving around on my motosai in the pouring rain, visit but not disturb all her friends houses trying to find her and the 'her' car - no joy. Went back home nearly daylight. Forced open a small bathroom window, gained entry. Decided to vent my anger, threw the contents of her wardrobe(s) on the balcony, carefully flipped over her dressing table full of cosmetics, scattered around some liquids and talc, etc on the floor and stairs to the apartment. Locked the shuttered door from inside.

That morning, interchanged SMS's, cooled down and gave her my demands for our break-up. Tried to sleep but couldn't.

Late that afternoon, she phones me and says "I'm outside with the police, open up". She'd filed a complaint. I went down and opened the door. In she walks with two policemen. She said "I want to look upstairs" - a neighbour told her she'd heard strange noises that morning. I said "Don't look, it's a mess, but I'll clean up". Up she went with the BIB, I followed a few minutes later, she was taking photos, I started to upturn the dresser, the BIB said "No" his limited English.

Changed my clothes and we're off to the police station. On the way, I call her and ask her to get our Banchang lawyer. She follows in later with her 'witch' friends in tow.

She had called the lawyer but he was upcountry. We're not in a private room, she does all the talking in the foyer. I said we're not going to discuss this in public. I can understand some Thai and I know she's putting on a act (real Thai TV drama!). I try to interject and give my version but no one wants to listen. The lawyer phones her, I talk with him (he's really ok) and he said that here, if you destroy property no matter what the provocation and if she decides to press charges, you will go to jail (the police said 3 years!). His advice, better to say nothing other than "Sorry, I did wrong and promise it won't happen again" OK I understand, I will keep cool. The police lectured me too (in a very friendly man-to-man and tongue-in-cheek way) about going with another. Your 'wife' is beautiful, you do love her? (Yes, I said) and it's not good to wander (BTW, he said even for a massage). Three hours after we arrived, forms filled in (she/they did all that) they gave me a quick tour of the cells,matter dropped. My penance was to clear up the mess I'd made (nothing broken) which I started that night and finished next morning.

She stayed at her girlfriend's that night and next morning came home. She was OK and told me 'mai pen rai' these things happen all the time in Thailand but reminded me that she had the power to put me away so it best we forget. I start to remonstrate regarding the humiliation of it all, but she won't listen. I help her put her clothes away (there's lots of them) and we all 'suki-suki' sweet-as-pie again . . . :)

. . . but for me, I have the 'Sword of Damocles' over my head.

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Sounds like humble pie time. Actually you got off quite easy. Seems like everyone treated you fairly including the missus. Just keep your cool and treat her nicely.

Hopefully it will blow over. If she continues to hound you over this you may need a neutral third party to get involved. In the meantime don't give her reason to get upset. Find another outlet to vent your frustrations and I don't mean another woman.

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Ok a tit for tat - bit childish since you made the mess and in the end had to clean it up. I suggest you just take your things and move out. If you are not happy with the situation this is the best course of action for all. You were caught out cheating and well most partners will never let you forget your past indiscretions no matter how much you try. Trust is gone you know! :) Sort out an amicable agreement and finish this in a civil fashion. Yes - you won't get much sympathy from the BIB, so tread carefully. Maybe have a thai mate with you in your negotiations with your soon to be ex. (witness you know)

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keep it sweet then get out while you can , You are a falang and will never win in Thailand ,It depends on what you have tied up in property and what you are prepared to lose, The Solicitor is best , but in my experience once you start getting physical call it a day because it will always be a bone of contention, Thailand is the wrong place to start problems with Thais.

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Perhaps there was a little bit of naivete in my advice. The only experience I have with Thai women is my wife and she is just a cool person even when upset. Of course everyone has their limits, but she far from being a vindictive person. Sounds as if britmaveric and Thongkorn are better equipped to give advice for your particular situation. Better safe than sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Happens every month!!!!! Sounds like it could be PMT [Pre menstrual tension] but they will never admit it.

I know, but I think this is more likely to be menopausal as she's forty-something :D

BTW I'm not the sort of guy to just lie back and take her BS threats.

Sure, we're both evenly matched, very loving 99% of the time and stubborn too though she will never admit she's wrong. I DID apologise sincerely for my indiscretion and she apologised too but without true sincerity.

My Thai neighbours have known me for years, I'm not a bad guy, always polite and helpful. They proved to be very supportive saying that what she did was wrong. I know the UK cops never get involved in a domestic quarrel providing there's no physical assault or third-party damage.

Everythings cool now and we do have a clearer understanding...she may try to forgive but she will not forget and I told her that I will not forgive her for what she put me though.

As for her friends who followed us to the police station (and I suspect put her up to it) I want nothing more to do with them apart from their giving me back the money I loaned to them. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Get an exit statergy planned ASAP. The Monkey House is no place for a farang. It's like being classed a a 'sex offender' in the West. I don't know your fisacal situation but better to cut your losses. You are walking through a mine field. Careful you don't step on one.

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