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Urgent Need Of A 2nd Hand Book By Primo Levy


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My daughter urgently needs a copy of "This is a man" by Primo Levy for one of her school assignments. We did all the Bokk shops .. Gecko on Loi Kroh had one copy left but it was gone by the stime we got there... guess all the students are out there trying to get a copy.

If anyone has a copy I am willing to buy it from them... She needs it urgently as she has to have read 8 chapters by Friday ...


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My daughter urgently needs a copy of "This is a man" by Primo Levy for one of her school assignments. We did all the Bokk shops .. Gecko on Loi Kroh had one copy left but it was gone by the stime we got there... guess all the students are out there trying to get a copy.

If anyone has a copy I am willing to buy it from them... She needs it urgently as she has to have read 8 chapters by Friday ...


No, I don't expect all the student's to be out there trying to get a copy because they will not be able to.

To ask a whole class of student's to find this particular book in Chiangmai is a major assignment in itself and to then expect them to read the first 8 chapters by this Friday is an impossible task....how long ago was the assignment given, surely not recently?

I'm surprised there was even one copy in Chiangmai (good old Gecko), so I expect all the student's are in the same boat - what are they doing about it?

I'm not sure if you can download it in English from Aladdin, I thought it was a project offering downloads mainly in Arabic and targeting the Muslim community, but I might be wrong....I hope so. :D

If you cannot dowload it, I would suggest having a word with whoever gave this assignment and get it put off for a reasonable time, until all student's are able to get a copy....probably from Amazon etc.

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I did the pdf download at Aladdin, but it looks like Aladdin have special permission to allow pdf downloads in Arabic as a special project (unless anyone has found otherwise).

I have read the book several times, but if I could download a new copy for free, in English, I'd be delighted. This book is one of the most accurate and chilling testimonies of a Jewish slave labourer under the Nazis and it still sells very well throughout the world, as do all Primo Levi's works.

I notice Ann Frank's Diary is also available for download and this too is an ongoing bestseller around the world, so I'd be very surprised if you could download that in English.

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The coroner ruled that Primo Levi commited suicide in 1987 - although Elie Wiesel said that he really died in the Aushwitz concentration camps many years earlier. His brilliant works will not be out of copyright for many years, so should probably not be downloaded for free. Ellie Wiesel is excellent too.

Anne Frank was murdered by the Nazis as a child, so it might be possible to find legal, free copies of her diary if her family did not copyright it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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My daughter urgently needs a copy of "This is a man" by Primo Levy for one of her school assignments. We did all the Bokk shops .. Gecko on Loi Kroh had one copy left but it was gone by the stime we got there... guess all the students are out there trying to get a copy.

If anyone has a copy I am willing to buy it from them... She needs it urgently as she has to have read 8 chapters by Friday ...


No, I don't expect all the student's to be out there trying to get a copy because they will not be able to.

To ask a whole class of student's to find this particular book in Chiangmai is a major assignment in itself and to then expect them to read the first 8 chapters by this Friday is an impossible task....how long ago was the assignment given, surely not recently?

I'm surprised there was even one copy in Chiangmai (good old Gecko), so I expect all the student's are in the same boat - what are they doing about it?

I'm not sure if you can download it in English from Aladdin, I thought it was a project offering downloads mainly in Arabic and targeting the Muslim community, but I might be wrong....I hope so. :D

If you cannot dowload it, I would suggest having a word with whoever gave this assignment and get it put off for a reasonable time, until all student's are able to get a copy....probably from Amazon etc.

:D Well I tried and you're right.... cannot download in English... only in Arabic ...

So had to buy it from the school at the modest price of 680 Baht :D ..that's what the other kids are doing too! They need about 8 such books throughout the year and so far we have been lucky with the first 2 and did find them at Gecko for 200-250 ....

They got the assigment of Frdiay so they have one week to read 8 chapters which is doable; our fault to have waited till the last minute to look for the book as we knew she had to get this book and we just assumed would be easy to get at Gecko since we got the other ones easily... well better luck next time not wait till the last minute ... will start looking for the other required books that we have to buy now so don't have the same problem... Thanks for your help

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we just assumed would be easy to get at Gecko since we got the other ones easily...

If I remember correctly, most of the other assigned books were pretty popular ones, and more upbeat. Books on the Holocaust are very tough sells, but the kind of thing that I am determined to have on hand no matter how long it takes to find a buyer.

Uptheos is a very intelligent fellow and I would guess that he knows more about this type of book than anyone in Chiang Mai and has sold me a bunch of great ones. I can advise readers on many of the classics of the genre, but uptheos can go way beyond that. PM him if you need recommendations as he is a real gentleman as well. :)

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