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Farang Disarms Gun Totting Local


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Why thank you,

Something my dady told me a very long time a go (probably when he son his son traveling down the "Mocho Man" path)

he said to me, "Son, it takes a lot more brain power to learn how to save a life, or help some one, than it does to learn how to kill or harm someone."

I took that to heart I guess, and I never really found a strong interest in trying to learn how to physically harm a person. Rather I studied health care, and health care related fields. I get to help people, and I guess in my spare time, I could learn how to harm people too, I just don't find any utility in it.

and further, I don't have to go some where else.... this thread is about some "super man" disarming a Thai. Not about your dojo, or my philosophies. But there has been a plenty of posts questioning the autheticity of this event, and even the logic behind this event.

Lets say, some English teacher sodomizes my son.... I just may have the strong inclination to pull a gun and stick it right in the bast#@ds face.... and then a "hero" come along and takes my gun away from me. Securing no justice will ever be served...

Point is, there are two sides to every story, and we sure do not know the full story, nor have we seen the tape.

I know that if I saw a gun get pulled my first inclination is to insure the safety of my family, and in part that includes me. I am the provider, I have a duty to them.


got to go work out some more.... with a focus on hand eye coordination

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looks like both.

Who really cares about boxers rebellion, briefs rebellion or whatever.

Sounds like little kids bickering.

The good guy(farang) disarms the bad guy(thai); great, good for him.

We win.

Case closed.

If you really crave hero fables, read Robin Hood stories.

Edited by cyberia
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looks like both.

Who really cares about boxers rebellion, briefs rebellion or whatever.

Sounds like little kids bickering.

The good guy(farang) disarms the bad guy(thai); great, good for him.

We win.

Case closed.

If you crave hero fables, read Robin Hood stories.

I bet you're a really great after dinner speaker. :)

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Something my dady told me a very long time a go (probably when he son his son traveling down the "Mocho Man" path)

he said to me, "Son, it takes a lot more brain power to learn how to save a life, or help some one, than it does to learn how to kill or harm someone."

I took that to heart I guess, and I never really found a strong interest in trying to learn how to physically harm a person. Rather I studied health care, and health care related fields. I get to help people, and I guess in my spare time, I could learn how to harm people too, I just don't find any utility in it.

Well, great - at least we have got one thing in common here. You are involved in healthcare and so am I. I studied medicine and pharmaceutical technology and I'm providing the bread and butter for my family with consulting for the vaccine industry.

I am convinced that with a good knowledge and training in dealing with violence one is also able to prevent physical harm to a good degree.

Back to our story: our friend C was able to prevent physical harm to many people and without inflicting any serious damage to the bad guy with the gun. C's skills enabled him to eliminate the threat from the gun and control the guy without having to beat him to pieces. Thanks to his actions no healthcare professional had to be involved. I think preventing physical harm comes before healing - and from that point of view learning self defense to learn how to prevent and minimize the risk of physical harm is not so far away from learning how to heal or save life - and both needs a good knowledge about human anatomy and body mechanics.

I certainly agree with you on the brain power: smashing someone to pieces, wielding and using a gun or similar doesn't require much brain; preventing physical harm, minimizing the risk for physical harm, controlling violence, saving lives and finally healing takes a lot more.

Maybe it's not new to you that some East-Asian martial arts like for example the Korean Hapkido teach both - healing and fighting.

Edited by TallForeigner
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Well, I agree, the guy acted as a good Samaritan, no question about it.

I do not doubt his skills either.

What I am saying is,

I don't think he is trying to get a medal for it. It just comes natural to him.

He sees someone about to be hurt, in such case = KILLED and - being a trained individual in that field - he reacts to it.

Great job Mr."C"

Why do most people

1st - questions that?

2d - don't give him enough credit for it?

I do personally admire what he has done.

As far as boxer rebellion or some other clubs that are trying to capitalize on the incident or not trying, but it seems like "trying",

well, I find it natural;

after all, we are in Thailand.

So, live and let live;

isn't that why we are all here in the first place?

Just my 2 cents

Edited by cyberia
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i have a Thai friend in Phuket he is abot 6ft 3, He is one of the biggest Thais i have seen , i Would not like to fight him , He is a man mountain , not all Thais are small.I do not like guns , Thais are brought up on guns, my wife can strip clean and re asemble many guns,She use to do it for the police, she use to be a marksman ,

My advice to you is to be really careful if you want to have a mia noi :)

I know not all thai are small but farang are just bigger in general and also dominate free fights ect. If in equal weight classes im sure Thais are able to hold their own.

I will say it again my remark was just to tease Heng but he skillfully avoided it. I myself am no fighter and would probably taken out by most fighters.

I would like to say, as a big farang (6' 5" tall and 107 kilos) with training and some experience in fighting, that size, while it does have advantages becomes greatly reduced when dealing with someone who is also trained. Would also like to point out that most of the "larger" foreigners have more fat then muscle and that a smaller and faster Thai person who knows what they are doing would likely kick their butt. Personally I think your size comment makes you look like a fool, no matter who you were trying to tease. Hopefully next time you make a comment on here you can do so without insulting and generalizing an entire nations people.

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i have a Thai friend in Phuket he is abot 6ft 3, He is one of the biggest Thais i have seen , i Would not like to fight him , He is a man mountain , not all Thais are small.I do not like guns , Thais are brought up on guns, my wife can strip clean and re asemble many guns,She use to do it for the police, she use to be a marksman ,

Good story, you want to hear another one:

I have a Japanese friend he is BIG he is the biggest Japanese i have seen in Japan and outside Japan, i don't like torpedo's, big ones i really dont like , small ones i like a little bit.

If don't have any big ones i even don't like the small ones.

My wife love Torpedo's, she makes them herself, Yes she know everything about torpedo's, Big and Small, she try them in our bath tub yes she loves them, she used to work at the USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier this one is also very BIG.

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After reading the whole topic I'm still not sure if this topic is an hidden ad for either the boxer rebellion

I was suspecting this too... too many people who seem to be connected to the Boxer Rebellion coming out of the woodwork. Maybe the isn't part of the crew and didn't start the thread as such, but they have obviously talked about it amongst themselves and hijacked it successfully.

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