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Abused By Immigration Official. Intimidated By Taxi Touts


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Simple solution. The OP created the problem by bucking the system. Fill the card out properly and you breeze thru the line. As for taxi, be a big boy and pay AOT 11oo baht nick for a Camery which includes the toll road fee's. No wait as there are drivers waiting and you will be escorted past the touts who leave you alone as you are with an AOT person.

Gee, wasn't that easy!

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for those wanting to know how they open and close the bags, check this out -

Almost looks like my Bag.... And that certainly is my lock.

But I also must agree with the previous poster that the break-in could have happened in KL... I had a long wait there after check-in...

and my bag was one of the First on the carousel here in Bangkok.

All the negative publicity about this kind of thing happening here must have influenced my snap judgment.


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I have not read past the first post. It is the same BS that TVeers post all the time. Two complaints in the same post. Which one is the bitch? If you want to bitch about immigration please use a dedicated post.If a taxi bitch is what you want please use a different post.

I have traveled around a bit and Thai immigration are the only country that lets plonkers that can not even fill in an arrival card correctly do so at the desk. And give instructions.

Every where else it is get to the back of the queue. (and of course they have no pen!). As the poster can post here, his/her English should be OK.

Like I said,I have not read past the first post so I am sure some one has repeated the above.

Now the taxi touts at BKK. Hang the lot of them. Show no mercy. They are a disgrace to Thailand. I think about countries that are supposed to be below Thailand standards. In the ones I have traveled to, I have NEVER had a greeting as I get in BKK from the ambassadors of the country.

Sorry I peeked at the last post.

What has how to open a case/bag got to do with immigration/taxis . Open a new topic.

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I have not read past the first post. It is the same BS that TVeers post all the time. Two complaints in the same post. Which one is the bitch? If you want to bitch about immigration please use a dedicated post.If a taxi bitch is what you want please use a different post.

I have traveled around a bit and Thai immigration are the only country that lets plonkers that can not even fill in an arrival card correctly do so at the desk. And give instructions.

Every where else it is get to the back of the queue. (and of course they have no pen!). As the poster can post here, his/her English should be OK.

Like I said,I have not read past the first post so I am sure some one has repeated the above.

Now the taxi touts at BKK. Hang the lot of them. Show no mercy. They are a disgrace to Thailand. I think about countries that are supposed to be below Thailand standards. In the ones I have traveled to, I have NEVER had a greeting as I get in BKK from the ambassadors of the country.

Sorry I peeked at the last post.

What has how to open a case/bag got to do with immigration/taxis . Open a new topic.

And here we have more complains, why don't you open new post for your complaints that has nothing to do with topic in hand :)

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not to be a#$hole but it couldnt have been that bad, you did get into the country.. And the taxi guys, just ignore em or a simple no always works with little stress. I fly once a week from swampy, was stuck there waiting for my ride home for a hour on monday night got plenty of offers, but nothing a no thank you didnt work for..... sometimes negative attitudes just make a situation worse.

You could try what I often do in (different) circumstances... It basically shows you are not interested in a KNOWN Thai way.

Stretch you lower arm of the left arm to the idiots not leaving you alone and move the hand Horizontally from left to right etc and normally this is understood as meaning "NO". As said you do the movement 5 times in a row and they leave you alone...

Note its a movement rotating left /right/left etc around the wrist and if necessary ask a local farang or Thai to show you...

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I've occasionally had an immigration official be a bit offhand but I can't say abusive even when I have been less than gracious on exiting needing a re-entry stamp having been told that it could all be done at the old airport and then to find a photo was required but there were no facilities for one thus creating a whole LOAD of hassle starting the whole visa procedure again when I got back - and the exit was only for a 90 day visa run. Made me mad but the people staffing the desk simply acted with total disinterest for my predicament - as you would I suppose. Apart from that I have always found the staff courteous and usually smiling though some have off days and seem to like you to wait (as I had to for a yellow fever injection returning from Kenya having been told at Phuket Bangkok hospital that Yellow Fever injections were not required). Nowadays it seems easier just to let them take their time and read a book showing your own disinterest at the waste of your life - and ultimately theirs.

Thailand is a messed up place - you just have to learn to live with the mess like most teenagers seem to be able to do - and then you can have a great life here. Anyway were are all unimportant in the scheme of things there being billions of humans on the earth so why think otherwise and adopt the mai pen rai attitude - it avoids heart attacks, keeps everyone cool and probably makes you a nicer person. :-)

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I meant to add that entering the USA has been a hassle on nearly every occasion I have been there - first my family was arresting for bringing a plastic water pistol in checked luggage, second for bringing in a larger than allowed amount of money which I had properly declared and then had an hour or so interrogation as to why (it was just to buy stuff I couldn't get here) and subsequently other minor aggravations. Now if I was going to complain then the US immigration are in the stratosphere compared to the Thais as far as being dumb assed and aggressive.

Come to think of it I did have a Thai airport police officer at Don Muang shove me around a bit for no reason at all until I started speaking Thai to him and his superior officer told him to stop in no uncertain terms. Had I been more aggressive I suppose that could have got out of hand, but I was too taken aback at what was going on and trying to understand why to have time to be aggressive before intervention. Apparently it was because I was asking for the address of Air Asia head office persistently, having been refused boarding on a half empty plane as I was a few minutes late - would have been OK except the plane was 1 hour delayed and I was 10 minutes later than the original scheduled check in departure time. I never did get that address nor get on the plane nor do I use Air Asia any more. I'm rambling .....

Taxi touts - just say no or better still Mai Ow Khrup.

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A few years ago waiting for flight girlfriend calls and ask me to stay a few more days I says ok. I then go to gate desk and tell the girl I have recieved a urgent business call and cannot board flight and must return to Bangkok. She says no problem, on the spot she rebooks me for a few days later and then walks me back thru immigration every officer was very nice and helpful got the 500baht fee back and when we came thru a back door my luggage was waiting for me on a cart.

Eva airlines were very nice about this and went out of their way to help me and immigration was fantastic you will never hear me say a bad word about these guy after this and I only fly EVA to Thailand I figure after my bullsh-t story I owe them some pay back.

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I have not read past the first post. It is the same BS that TVeers post all the time. Two complaints in the same post. Which one is the bitch? If you want to bitch about immigration please use a dedicated post.If a taxi bitch is what you want please use a different post.

I have traveled around a bit and Thai immigration are the only country that lets plonkers that can not even fill in an arrival card correctly do so at the desk. And give instructions.

Every where else it is get to the back of the queue. (and of course they have no pen!). As the poster can post here, his/her English should be OK.

Like I said,I have not read past the first post so I am sure some one has repeated the above.

Now the taxi touts at BKK. Hang the lot of them. Show no mercy. They are a disgrace to Thailand. I think about countries that are supposed to be below Thailand standards. In the ones I have traveled to, I have NEVER had a greeting as I get in BKK from the ambassadors of the country.

Sorry I peeked at the last post.

What has how to open a case/bag got to do with immigration/taxis .

Open a new topic.Customs or immigration which. A f----- troll good bye

Wow you do go on toose for a guy that hates complainers and being the guardian of the correct forum.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive read most of the posts here but not all (lazyness) but in about a dozen or so in and outs of Thailand in 10 years ...whether it is a border crossing or at don muang/suvie airports ....Immigration has been great, no problems and 90% of the time they are very cheerful too ..yes you get the odd one who ain't happy but then eh,... aren't we all some days? :)

My problems with immigration start with my own country England at Heathrow ..where they can really be a bunch of W******/C**** . Gawd going back to that airport in 2 weeks time ...dreading it and not Suvannnniibooomie at all :D

P.S. As for thr Taxi drivers: Mmm I 'phoot passaa Thai geng geng' so I've never had a problem and yes I do take a taxi home about 120 KM's and actually pay less than I do from my home town to Suvie ....no complaint from me on this LOL. (But thats just me)

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In my iopinion, if you're going to get wound up by Taxi touts at the airport you're not going to enjoy the country at all. just 'mai khap mai ow khap' smile and walk to the taxi desk and get a ticket and get a taxi, how hard is that? As for Immigration, I've always found them bored (wouldn't you be?) and sometimes a little stern, but then they're the front line of the border they have to be a little 'officious' apart from the guy in Phuket who was just smiling and having a laugh with his mate, scanned my passport, asked me politely to stand in the right place and look into the camera and made a funny face when I asked him if he wanted to see my return ticket, stamped the passport and waved me through.

I agree that UK border can be complete wan*ers, the guy who dealt with me was ok but the guy next to him asked everyone where they had flown from (even though there was only one plane offloading and everyone had already told him 'KL') gave them all a stern look and took an extra 3 or 4 minutes than everyone else. But for unfriendlyness you can't beat the home of the brave.

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