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Need Gprs Only Service


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The wife finally lost it earlier when AIS gave her a bill for 5000 baht - apparently i am still being charged per KB.

So, I need a GPRS only simm card for my laptop - either to be used in a bluetooth Phone, or in a PCMCIA card.

I've seen some people who mentioned a 500baht a month service etc.


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Phazey, I'm guessing you have a really old GPRS subscription ? AIS moved to time-based charging for all new subscribers about mid last year (1 baht per minute last time I looked). Those people on pay-per-kb were left that way, but are entitled to 'switch over'. All you need to do is ring the call centre and ask them to change you over.

AIS also have some GPRS data plans where you can 'buy' a certain number of hours access per month. They are very cheap - starting from 30 baht for 2 hours access up to 400 hours per month for 900 baht. I don't know if they data transfer is still uncapped or if the prices have changed recently, but its still bound to be cheaper than what you are paying now. Ouch !

My two cents: Forget the card, go the phone, its cheaper. If you live in Bangkok, get an EDGE-capable phone (I think Stu said they start from about 11,000 baht now) and sign up with DTAC to get the faster 3G service.

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Got the wife to phone up. First call was helpful, with the nice lady at the call centre recommend we go for a package, like 10 hours a month for 50 baht. Perfect i says, now call back and ask how much additional hours are if i go over the limit ?

so missus makes a second call, only to be told AIS do not offer such packages, and that paying per KB is cheaper that paying per minute, so we're better off as we are now...

needless to say, it'll have to wait until i get over there so sort it out.


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right, i think i found what i want:


unfortunoutly, my thai reading skills are numbers only, but this does tie up with what my wife was told first time round.

Any chance either someone can point me to a half decent web translator, or can someone quickly translate the inportant bits plz.

Until them, i am desperatly trying to find the english language section..


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right, i think i found what i want:


unfortunoutly, my thai reading skills are numbers only, but this does tie up with what my wife was told first time round.

Any chance either someone can point me to a half decent web translator, or can someone quickly translate the inportant bits plz.

Until them, i am desperatly trying to find the english language section..


AIS Internet Promotion

This site has the latest promotion in English and other info. Maybe it will help you.

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