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Fat Men, Small Thai Women.


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As you all can see I don't post much on here, but I do a lot of reading. I find something hard to understand that seems to be a "big" subject of discussion. Why do people make the assumption that because a man is fat he should not be with a Thai woman or that the Thai woman would not want to be with a fat guy unless it is for of money??? You know, this is not just Thai women either. When people anywhere around the world see a beautiful woman with an over weight man they assume she is only in it for money. So, I guess men who do not fit the "average" should not be with any woman? Or, should we only be with fat women? I would also guess that because we do not fit the "average", we have no personality or no charm or intelligence or.....what is it, really? So people are only supposed to fall in love based on physical appearance? I'm just looking for a little help in understanding some people's posts. It's not just on this site I read over on Bangkok Post as well and it just blows my mind the things I read. Regardless of what some of yall think, people CAN connect in other ways than just physically. My wife has explained to me time and time again that she has been with the "sexy" man type, and they all are SHIT! Ego's bigger than Texas, don't treat their women with any kind of respect. At any rate, like I said before, I'm just looking for a little help in understanding other people's posts..........

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What's wrong with fat women? Your post implies that fat women are the 2nd best option to a thin one.

Nothing wrong with fat women :) . Don't knock it till you've tried it.

But to answer your post.....I reckon some chaps disparage fat men with Thai chicks because subconsciously they know their own GF's are only with them for the money and they need to feel superior in some way, and try to convince themselves that their own woman must be with them because they are sooooo good looking, "unlike those fat guys whose girls despise the sight of them". They are afraid to think that the fat guy might be a very very nice chap and that his gf loves him for his personality because this would never apply to themselves.

Chin up and be happy that your girl loves you.

Or should I say chins up?

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Some heavyweights are super nice guys. They are easy to please, rarely get upset and are not demanding when it comes to sex. And being fat doesn't always have to be a permanent thing. Of course you could say the same thing about some thin men.

Personally, I think some people have extra pounds/kilograms because they are so easy going that few things stress them. In turn, with this attitude toward life they burn fewer calories than someone who is always stressed out. Just my opinion.

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Personally, I think some people have extra pounds/kilograms because they are so easy going that few things stress them. In turn, with this attitude toward life they burn fewer calories than someone who is always stressed out. Just my opinion.


Being overweight is in almost all cases due primarily to a bad diet, and to a much lesser extent to lack of physical exercise. Fixing your diet (not starving yourself, but eating good food instead of junk most of the time) and getting a little regular exercise will go a long way to making you more fit, and more healthy. You can even enjoy your favorite junk food every once in a while. Just make it an occasional treat, not a staple of your daily diet.


Sorry to stray from the topic. Getting back on track now...

People make generalizations all the time about other people, based on similar past experience of others. In Thailand in particular, people may have seen many older, fat men with beautiful, young Thai ladies walking hand-in-hand around certain tourist districts, so they consequently assume that everyone who fits that profile (even superficially) are in the same situation. I do it all the time (make assumptions about others), not necessarily about fat men with thin girlfriends, but just in general. As long as you are aware that it isn't necessarily true, and you don't make an ass of yourself, then there isn't really much of a problem, is there?

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Didn't expect many replies!! lol..some interesting thoughts and some funny!! dumball....lets not make that assumption either...i'd hate to prove ya wrong lol. I'm not tryin to justify myself here but i like to think that while i may be a little overweight and considered by Thai's to be Poong pooi or uan or whatever but i happen to be pretty good lookin and very active for my size, at anyrate lol, keep it coming yall. i know personally two people can truly and deeply love each other for whats goin on INSIDE the book ya know.

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While I'm not 'obese' I do have a traditional Aussie beer gut. Every time I knuckle down and start lose some weight the missus gets worried that other girls will start looking at me.

The resulting 'attention' I receive from her is well worth the effort involved in dropping a few kilos. :)

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That "smart with smart, ugly with ugly...fit with fit" thing is basically the way of the world in High School. It has it's shortcomings too. It's the syndrome responsible for all those "matches made in heaven" of the captain of the football team (future gas station attendant) with the head cheerleader (future whining, obese housewife).

Edited by bonobo
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In general girls don't like fat old guys, just the same as in general guys don't like fat older girls. However there are exception but not as many as there are couples of pretty girls with fat guys. So a lot of the girls are in it for the money.

Fat guys should ask themselves the following question, would i want to be with a fat girl or with a sexy slim girl. If they awnser truthfully they know what MOST but not all girls would answer.

And for all those fat guys who like to loose some weight clean up your diet i know its hard but it works. Then ad some exercise and you will see slow progress. I know i have been fat in Thailand for a while and now im back in shape. I got the worst kind of body for loosing weight but i am loosing it. But i cost a lot of effort and most people are just not willing to do so. So for many people being fat is a choice.

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While I'm not 'obese' I do have a traditional Aussie beer gut. Every time I knuckle down and start lose some weight the missus gets worried that other girls will start looking at me.

The resulting 'attention' I receive from her is well worth the effort involved in dropping a few kilos. :)

My girl got real worry after my transformation, i did not have a beer guy but still i was not slim. Now im in great shape (still not where i want to be want to have a 6pack). But girls certainly notice me a lot more with some muslce and a nice shape. Its all in your own hand.. just have to put effort in it.

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Its usually young good looking/fit young men that have the problem,they just cant get their heads around it that thai women couldnt care less ( within reason ) what a guy looks like as long as hes a nice guy,..lucky for me ! :) .....seriuosly ,there will be bar sorts that go with anyone, but straight women wont suffer an asshol_e of a young guy ,and prefer someone fun than fit in my opinion ,.....

Edited by imaneggspurt
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My buddy is well over weight , so much so that instead of a neck he has an exended torso . However , being HUGE isnt a problem , the ladies love his double beer barrel stomach and he never has problems with getting a lady. He recently married a beautiful woman , stunning in fact and no one can understand why she would chose him rather than a younger healthier and fitter looking man . The Answer is that he is one of the nicest genuine guys you would want to meet. Its not always the looks and money that attract the girls as he hasnt got much dosh but obviously being who he is makes up for what he hasnt got.

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clearly a well reasoned conclusion, it is good to hear such a well ballanced and considered view from one so young. bet your personality wins everyone over you lucky person you :)

Edited by bonobo
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My buddy is well over weight , so much so that instead of a neck he has an exended torso . However , being HUGE isnt a problem , the ladies love his double beer barrel stomach and he never has problems with getting a lady. He recently married a beautiful woman , stunning in fact and no one can understand why she would chose him rather than a younger healthier and fitter looking man . The Answer is that he is one of the nicest genuine guys you would want to meet. Its not always the looks and money that attract the girls as he hasnt got much dosh but obviously being who he is makes up for what he hasnt got.
Its not just thai women either ,i have a friend in the uk that is probably 110 kilos, hes got a superb personality and ive been friends with him for 30 years, women swoon over him, he makes them laugh and feel like the only woman alive,,, ask the girls what they like, a body/looks wont be on the top of the list i bet,.unlike us men ,and thats what gets us into trouble ! :):D ,....... Edited by imaneggspurt
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Going off topic a bit but my hair started thinning a few years back and I got really paranoid. Checking it in the mirror at every opportunity. Thinking I'm getting old etc. Total loss of self confidence. I've since discovered that women really couldn't give the slightest about a receding hairline. Now my hairstyle is like that actor Jason Statham's and my wife, my 18 year old niece and all her cute teen pals consider him to be the handsomest man on legs. My wife even said his receding hair and semi crew cut was what made him attractive. Sort of a "real man" type of thing.

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Its usually young good looking/fit young men that have the problem,they just cant get their heads around it that thai women couldnt care less ( within reason ) what a guy looks like as long as hes a nice guy,..lucky for me ! :) .....seriuosly ,there will be bar sorts that go with anyone, but straight women wont suffer an asshol_e of a young guy ,and prefer someone fun than fit in my opinion ,.....

Your now comparing idiot young fit guys with nice fat guys. Compare now nice fat guys with nice young fit guys that would be fair. You are right many Thai girls could not care less what a guy looks like (as long as he has cash and that is the kind most fat guys end up with). But like i stated before there are always exceptions to the rule just not as many as there are couples that dont match.

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Going off topic a bit but my hair started thinning a few years back and I got really paranoid. Checking it in the mirror at every opportunity. Thinking I'm getting old etc. Total loss of self confidence. I've since discovered that women really couldn't give the slightest about a receding hairline. Now my hairstyle is like that actor Jason Statham's and my wife, my 18 year old niece and all her cute teen pals consider him to be the handsomest man on legs. My wife even said his receding hair and semi crew cut was what made him attractive. Sort of a "real man" type of thing.
Didnt do Bruce Willis any harm ! :)
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My buddy is well over weight , so much so that instead of a neck he has an exended torso . However , being HUGE isnt a problem , the ladies love his double beer barrel stomach and he never has problems with getting a lady. He recently married a beautiful woman , stunning in fact and no one can understand why she would chose him rather than a younger healthier and fitter looking man . The Answer is that he is one of the nicest genuine guys you would want to meet. Its not always the looks and money that attract the girls as he hasnt got much dosh but obviously being who he is makes up for what he hasnt got.
Its not just thai women either ,i have a friend in the uk that is probably 110 kilos, hes got a superb personality and ive been friends with him for 30 years, women swoon over him, he makes them laugh and feel like the only woman alive,,, ask the girls what they like, a body/looks wont be on the top of the list i bet,.unlike us men ,and thats what gets us into trouble ! :):D ,.......

Gets you in trouble.. i learned my lesson after 1 sexy wife from hel_l. I tend to want a girl with a brain and of course normal looks. Rather have an average girl with a brain then a looker with bad temper. However most perfect would be a looker with a brain.

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Going off topic a bit but my hair started thinning a few years back and I got really paranoid. Checking it in the mirror at every opportunity. Thinking I'm getting old etc. Total loss of self confidence. I've since discovered that women really couldn't give the slightest about a receding hairline. Now my hairstyle is like that actor Jason Statham's and my wife, my 18 year old niece and all her cute teen pals consider him to be the handsomest man on legs. My wife even said his receding hair and semi crew cut was what made him attractive. Sort of a "real man" type of thing.
Didnt do Bruce Willis any harm ! :)

MY wife thinks Bruce Willis is more handsome with a bonehead than when he had hair.

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It is part of the incredible phenomenon that many of us very average (at best) looking, older, overweight farang are so desirable to Thai women, even young girls. I am never given a second glance by women back home (USA), but in Thailand I am looked at every day like I am a celebrity! I am definitely desired - unbelievable. I've never received a expression from a Thai woman (even a drop-dead gorgeous one) that my appearance is not appealing to her (and I'm 62, thin hair, and 108kg). It constantly amazes me. After living here for more than two years, I now realize their attraction is genuine and it lifts me up every day. But I think smiling, being clean shaven and well-dressed makes a difference too. Thai women love that.

It is definitely an ego boost to live in LOS! :)

Edited by Lopburi99
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The facts of the matter are that "fat blokes" can come here and score with good looking girls without much problem. So what, and good luck to them. They should'nt give a rats arse what others think. If they do, it's up to them to deal with it

Draw the line perhaps with some ridiculous age differences but not with someones looks.

BTW i am not overweight incase anyone was wondering

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Don't worrry about them, let them be.

I'm sure they both are benefiting from each other for whatever reason that may be, that's why they are still together.

Go feed a buffalo or mow your lawn or something...

and there are other things in this word that are more important than gossiping about other people, as why they are together or don't seem to look good together, etcs.... :)

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While I'm not 'obese' I do have a traditional Aussie beer gut. Every time I knuckle down and start lose some weight the missus gets worried that other girls will start looking at me.

The resulting 'attention' I receive from her is well worth the effort involved in dropping a few kilos. :)

Whenever I get below 95 kilos my g/f starts to nag at me to put some more weight on!! And for the same reasons.

I have never had any complaints from small Thai ladies about my size or weight. The g/f is 4' 11" and 44 kilos and stood alongside 6' me she looks tiny.

My friend in BKK loves larger women. He can never understand the reasons for men wanting skinny little things.

And I see enough large Thai men with slim ladies too.

In many cases it is all down to taste and not always for money as many believe.

I know of one Thai lady who turned down the offer of any one of 3 Farang who were being touted by her Aunt, who is married to a very rich Farang. All 3 are rich. But she settled for a Farang man with little money and an old car. So not all are after money, slim ones or BBW's.

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Mooncake, I was just asking the question why soo many people make it out to be a big deal. My first assumption when I read peoples posts about this is that "oh, I guess overweight people aren't supposed to love or be loved or have any sort of relationship." I dunno, I had to vent a little today. lol

I do have to say that I don't think that all fat people come to Thailand simply because it's easier. You ever see that white girl back at home that only likes black guys? It's almost like that for me, I am attracted to Thai women!!

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Mooncake, I was just asking the question why soo many people make it out to be a big deal. My first assumption when I read peoples posts about this is that "oh, I guess overweight people aren't supposed to love or be loved or have any sort of relationship." I dunno, I had to vent a little today. lol

I do have to say that I don't think that all fat people come to Thailand simply because it's easier. You ever see that white girl back at home that only likes black guys? It's almost like that for me, I am attracted to Thai women!!

I know what you mean


NO, I didn't refer to you, specifically.....just those gossip people in general jaa....BE COOL bigBro

btw...don't fall in love w/ me na, I'm too lethal 4U :)

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Mooncake, I was just asking the question why soo many people make it out to be a big deal. My first assumption when I read peoples posts about this is that "oh, I guess overweight people aren't supposed to love or be loved or have any sort of relationship." I dunno, I had to vent a little today. lol

I do have to say that I don't think that all fat people come to Thailand simply because it's easier. You ever see that white girl back at home that only likes black guys? It's almost like that for me, I am attracted to Thai women!!


Of course your not allowed to have a relationship with a small girl... who knows you might crush her if you roll over in your sleep :)

You have 2 choices.. grow a thicker skin or loose the weight. If you go for option 2 only do that when you want it yourself don't do it for others.

I am in shape with muscles and so on and then people start to think you have no brain so people are always judging you no matter how you look.

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