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Phuket Acts To Clean Up Jet-ski Woes


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It was faked. Newspaper didn't mention that the farangs used the jetskis for drug smuggling by vandalizing the jet skis. It's no wonder the thais want to charge more

What the heck are you on???

Faked?? Get real. Sticking your ostrich head in the sand won't make the problem...and a huge problem it is....go away.

Farangs...you mean tourists? Using the jet ski for drug smuggling??

Geez man you're a hoot!!! I guess they can get the ski, race to Burma (???) and speed back with the dope in an hour. Ha ha ....good one man!!! :):D:D

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My goodness! All that just from episode 1 of this series.

What's going to happen in episode 2?

Looks like the series may be pulled from the screen.

Thai Officials Put 'Big Trouble' Series in LimboTHE SECOND episode in the controversial 'Big Trouble' television series is set to screen in Britain on Monday night - but Thai authorities are now preventing the eight-part series from being completed.

Producer-director Gavin Hill says the Thailand Film Office has sent a letter asking the British production company, Bravo, not to screen any more episodes.

From Phuketwan

Edited by Soupdragon
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It's shameless greed what's happening in Thailand and it's like a pyramid, from the top to way down; so many people.... so greedy, it's disgusting.

I think I'm not the only one who has visited many countries but the greed and ripoffs in Thailand beats them all. Such a pity in such a wonderful country with -mostly- wonderful people.

However, in the end we spoiled them ourselves, giving tips as if money was free and growing on trees in our Farang countries; after a while they thought it to be(come) normal, receiving extra money (from "stupid Farang" ) for the normal work they were doing since centuries, working, serving, creating.

And, since we were all so enthusiastic about Thailand, we told our family, friends, coworkers.....come to beautiful Thailand; and the tourists came in hordes..millions of them.

And greed has been growing since.

Well said, LaoPo.

Lived in Phuket for 6 months... it has to be said it is an absolutely stunning island with some fantastic beaches but is, unfortunately, crammed full of nasty pasties :)

I think what the country needs is the total diversion of tourists to other Southeast Asian climes for a decade or so, and then a slow re-integration along with mandatory education of the tourist sector to protect tourists from any scum minority element who would immediately face serious jail time for crap like this. But, at the end of the day, they really don't give a shit as long as the bucks are coming in this minute and those at the top are only barking now because it's out in the open. The actual welfare of any tourists is low priority.

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It's shameless greed what's happening in Thailand and it's like a pyramid, from the top to way down; so many people.... so greedy, it's disgusting.

I think I'm not the only one who has visited many countries but the greed and ripoffs in Thailand beats them all. Such a pity in such a wonderful country with -mostly- wonderful people.

However, in the end we spoiled them ourselves, giving tips as if money was free and growing on trees in our Farang countries; after a while they thought it to be(come) normal, receiving extra money (from "stupid Farang" ) for the normal work they were doing since centuries, working, serving, creating.

And, since we were all so enthusiastic about Thailand, we told our family, friends, coworkers.....come to beautiful Thailand; and the tourists came in hordes..millions of them.

And greed has been growing since.

Well said, LaoPo.

Lived in Phuket for 6 months... it has to be said it is an absolutely stunning island with some fantastic beaches but is, unfortunately, crammed full of nasty pasties :)

I think what the country needs is the total diversion of tourists to other Southeast Asian climes for a decade or so, and then a slow re-integration along with mandatory education of the tourist sector to protect tourists from any scum minority element who would immediately face serious jail time for crap like this. But, at the end of the day, they really don't give a shit as long as the bucks are coming in this minute and those at the top are only barking now because it's out in the open. The actual welfare of any tourists is low priority.

Laopo has got this spot on. Also I think western governments have over estimated their need to keep thailand on side. Its value as a buffer state and assisting in anti-terrorism is overplayed in my view. But things can change. The west used to prop up both Iraq and Iran (persia) - they don't now.

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It was faked. Newspaper didn't mention that the farangs used the jetskis for drug smuggling by vandalizing the jet skis. It's no wonder the thais want to charge more

What the heck are you on???

Faked?? Get real. Sticking your ostrich head in the sand won't make the problem...and a huge problem it is....go away.

Farangs...you mean tourists? Using the jet ski for drug smuggling??

Harley, Mr. J Bangkok is 100% correct. Before foreign tourists rented jet skis, Thailand was a drug free zone, no shit buddy. Now those shifty tourists are renting jet skis from honest, hard working guys like old JJ -the man just trying to feed his family- and picking up drugs from Burmese and Cambodian submarines. Its a really nasty business and poor working stiffs like JJ catch all the flack for trying to collect reasonable damages to their crafts, while evil foreigners walk away from any responsibility.

Same old story, rich foreigners ripping off the poor Thais who also avoid confrontation at all costs :)

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My goodness! All that just from episode 1 of this series.

What's going to happen in episode 2?

Looks like the series may be pulled from the screen.

Thai Officials Put 'Big Trouble' Series in LimboTHE SECOND episode in the controversial 'Big Trouble' television series is set to screen in Britain on Monday night - but Thai authorities are now preventing the eight-part series from being completed.

Producer-director Gavin Hill says the Thailand Film Office has sent a letter asking the British production company, Bravo, not to screen any more episodes.

From Phuketwan

Wish I didn't click on that link now as it tells us all exactly what happened to the teenage Brit girl arrested in Koh Phangnan on drug charges :)

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I love this country, I really do, you can smell the anxiety of the Thai's over this new TV program. They're thinking, "Oh no! that man so bad, he has a gun!, we should make new law!" Only in this country would new sanctions come about from a foreign produced TV series, instead of an INGRAINED sense of ETHICAL MORALITY.

The average Thai, if they watched that video, might say something like; "oh, that Thai jetski boss man, he no good. My stay away from him. That young Brit Marine, he make mistake to rent jetski from that bad man. His fault. No good, me not do."

....in other words, the average Thai attitude is something along the lines: it's the Brit's fault and/or rotten luck to have to deal with that crappy situation. Yet, it would be a rare Thai who could take a step back, and see the bigger picture. In other words, what could be done on the grander scale of things to preclude farang getting ripped off. Indeed, the average Thai wouldn't even perceive of the problem as being much bigger than that one incident on the video.

Need to be smart about it.... Inspect for damage all the way around (write down), and take photo(s). Stay away from shore, and do not bump into anything period. Even tiny bumps these bastards will get you for. If you do all of this, chances are pretty remote these lads will try one on.

I admit, if I were to rent a jetski (before reading this thread) I would have not done a thorough inspection prior. Same for renting a car or motorbike. So, thanks for reinforcing that idea. In the future, whenever I get ready to rent something, I will inspect it and maybe even take photos (though it's doubtful such photos would sway anyone who's intent on ripping off).

One other reason that farang are such ripe targets, and this hasn't been broached thus far in this thread, is that farang are generally big bumbling spenders. To some Thai vendors, getting added money is worth pissing off a farang. What's the solution? I think farang have to dynamically stick up for what's right more often than they do. For starters, don't for a minute believe the ridiculous hogwash that tourist booklets put forth that, "Thais are a calm people who frown upon any show of anger."

The opposite is closer to the truth. Thais can appear calm, but when they explode, watch out. There is no middle ground. It's calm, calm, appearance of calm, and then, in a split second, it's wall to wall screaming and sh!t throwing blotto. I've seen it several times.

More than a few times, I've stood up for what's right, and granted it's been tense, but more often than not, the Thais back down, even if they've gone postal already.

Not surprisingly, the crappiest attitudes of Thais toward farang are in the most touristed areas. So, that's another no-brainer. If a farang wants to avoid rip-offs and rudeness, get away from the most touristed regions. It puts new meaning in the adage: 'familiarity breeds contempt.' And don't get me wrong, farang can be as screwed up as anyone, though not as blatantly rip-off driven toward tourists.

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^not really - I imagine the % of those being scammed is low compared to those not scammed.

I don't know Brit, you rekon maybe its the low percentage of scams that are reported? Is JJ -the low life- that clever to know that the Marines are career minded and will pay up to avoid a major incident?

Weird, but then this is Amazing Thailand :)

Edited by Lancelot
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Harley, Mr. J Bangkok is 100% correct. Before foreign tourists rented jet skis, Thailand was a drug free zone, no shit buddy. Now those shifty tourists are renting jet skis from honest, hard working guys like old JJ -the man just trying to feed his family- and picking up drugs from Burmese and Cambodian submarines. Its a really nasty business and poor working stiffs like JJ catch all the flack for trying to collect reasonable damages to their crafts, while evil foreigners walk away from any responsibility.

Same old story, rich foreigners ripping off the poor Thais who also avoid confrontation at all costs :)

You know Lance I see now he is just a misunderstood poor man trying desperately to make a living for himself, wife, 4 kids, grandma, grandpop, cousins, in laws, out laws, water buffalo, chickens, etc. Damm it all I'll send him a few baht to show him all of us ain't that bad.

Those rotten tourists had no right to doubt the word of such an honest and fine upstanding man. darn it but them tourists are a pain in the butt.!!!... :D:D

Edited by harleyclarkey
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It's shameless greed what's happening in Thailand and it's like a pyramid, from the top to way down; so many people.... so greedy, it's disgusting.

I think I'm not the only one who has visited many countries but the greed and ripoffs in Thailand beats them all. Such a pity in such a wonderful country with -mostly- wonderful people.

However, in the end we spoiled them ourselves, giving tips as if money was free and growing on trees in our Farang countries; after a while they thought it to be(come) normal, receiving extra money (from "stupid Farang" ) for the normal work they were doing since centuries, working, serving, creating.

And, since we were all so enthusiastic about Thailand, we told our family, friends, coworkers.....come to beautiful Thailand; and the tourists came in hordes..millions of them.

And greed has been growing since.

Laopo has got this spot on. Also I think western governments have over estimated their need to keep thailand on side. Its value as a buffer state and assisting in anti-terrorism is overplayed in my view. But things can change. The west used to prop up both Iraq and Iran (persia) - they don't now.

Fully agree.

I have been posting here over the past year ranting off about how utterly corrupt and rotten Thailand has become and, worst of all, I believe it is getting worse by the year.

I am fortunate in living here (Ireland) most of the year and choosing where I want to travel, be welcomed and nurtured as a tourist who spends money and is good for the economy. This goes over the heads of seemingly educated people in Thailand. The corruption is now part and parcel of the tourist industry and is a sub industry to the tourism trade and clearly actively encouraged by the people in power. This is from the very top down. Day after day we are tired, and now maybe even immune, to the scams and horror stories perpetrated against the dreaded farang (a word I dislike) in Thailand. That is why I have not been back in 20 months even though I have a modest house there. I just got worn out by all the hassle.

This summer we had a truly magic week in Kos, Greece. A superb 10 days on the bike through France and 4 days up the West coast of Ireland. Every single day a joy with smiling, welcoming faces everywhere we went. Never a second of hassle nor trouble of any sort. All under the back up and security of real police should anything have gone wrong.

Why bother to go and look for trouble as my dad said??

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It's shameless greed what's happening in Thailand and it's like a pyramid, from the top to way down; so many people.... so greedy, it's disgusting.

I think I'm not the only one who has visited many countries but the greed and ripoffs in Thailand beats them all. Such a pity in such a wonderful country with -mostly- wonderful people.

However, in the end we spoiled them ourselves, giving tips as if money was free and growing on trees in our Farang countries; after a while they thought it to be(come) normal, receiving extra money (from "stupid Farang" ) for the normal work they were doing since centuries, working, serving, creating.

And, since we were all so enthusiastic about Thailand, we told our family, friends, coworkers.....come to beautiful Thailand; and the tourists came in hordes..millions of them.

And greed has been growing since.

Well said, LaoPo.

Lived in Phuket for 6 months... it has to be said it is an absolutely stunning island with some fantastic beaches but is, unfortunately, crammed full of nasty pasties :)

I think what the country needs is the total diversion of tourists to other Southeast Asian climes for a decade or so, and then a slow re-integration along with mandatory education of the tourist sector to protect tourists from any scum minority element who would immediately face serious jail time for crap like this. But, at the end of the day, they really don't give a shit as long as the bucks are coming in this minute and those at the top are only barking now because it's out in the open. The actual welfare of any tourists is low priority.

Laopo has got this spot on. Also I think western governments have over estimated their need to keep thailand on side. Its value as a buffer state and assisting in anti-terrorism is overplayed in my view. But things can change. The west used to prop up both Iraq and Iran (persia) - they don't now.

I agree too, first time I went to Phuket was in 1981, had an amazing time, totally undeveloped, the 'big' beaches today had just a couple of shacks selling beer etc, lovely people (although my girlfriend from bangkok kept telling me all the people here are jai Dam!) spent two lovely weeks there. seven years later I went back and that was it for me. The whole character of the island had gone, I was constantly harassed by scam artists and left after the Interhash event finished. Havnt been back since.

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Looks like the series may be pulled from the screen.
Thai Officials Put 'Big Trouble' Series in LimboTHE SECOND episode in the controversial 'Big Trouble' television series is set to screen in Britain on Monday night - but Thai authorities are now preventing the eight-part series from being completed.

Producer-director Gavin Hill says the Thailand Film Office has sent a letter asking the British production company, Bravo, not to screen any more episodes.

From Phuketwan

I'm glad to say that episode two of this program just started airing on Bravo in the UK

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I have been posting here over the past year ranting off about how utterly corrupt and rotten Thailand has become and, worst of all, I believe it is getting worse by the year.

Why bother to go and look for trouble as my dad said??

Dunno, I don't really see it. I have lived in Thailand full time since 1992. I have always been treated with respect here, as I respect others. Then again, I lead a middle class, respectful life. I don't frequent tourist (read hooker and vice laden) areas. I enjoy my middle class community life and have never had a problem. Even traveling, never. If you are smart, you either avoid problem areas or can see them when they are about to happen and get away. Just like in the states, if I spent all my time in strip clubs and areas of town that are vice laden, eventually I would get busted or dead. Same anywhere.

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"This problem had been here a long time but the lack of evidence deterred authorities from doing anything much about it until now. This is the first time the allegation materialised," he said adding that they would seek the maximum penalty for offenses - to warn others not to try such acts.

Do these type of people actually hear or think about what their saying? Who is going to believe that?

They admit that the problem has been around for the long time, and they admit there have been "several" complaints made, so they're basically saying, "Well, we just ignored what we knew and all the complaints that were made and waited until one the Jetski operators was stupid enough to threaten tourists with a rifle to obviously rip them off on television. But now that that's been done, we have to go to all the effort of flapping our gums with hollow promises to change the situation. You tourists are such a pain in the a$$! I sure wish you'd go away."

I agree with the other comments that recommend everyone just stops renting these noisy stupid contraptions. Look at all the good it would do -- put these jerks out of business, reduce noise pollution at the beach, and likely save a life. There are many things that the world would be better off without, and Jetskis and their operators are definitely on the list.

Edited by Beacher
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In any given month, I meet about fifteen farang backpackers. Nearly all wind up going to Laos for extended vacations, and only use northern Thailand as a stepping off point. Laos may not be that great, but it's a heck of lot more enjoyable than Thailand - at least among their grapevine, and youngsters are surely in tune with what their peers are saying/thinking about destinations.

Today's backpackers are tomorrow's mid-range and upper range tourists. If they turn off to Thailand in their salad days, you can bet they'll seek better destinations when they're older.

Good to know- waiting for it in earnest to be on the trackers. If Bravo had pulled it I would have finally thought the uk had lost it.

what sort of code are you writing?

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Looks like the series may be pulled from the screen.
Thai Officials Put 'Big Trouble' Series in LimboTHE SECOND episode in the controversial 'Big Trouble' television series is set to screen in Britain on Monday night - but Thai authorities are now preventing the eight-part series from being completed.

Producer-director Gavin Hill says the Thailand Film Office has sent a letter asking the British production company, Bravo, not to screen any more episodes.

From Phuketwan

I'm glad to say that episode two of this program just started airing on Bravo in the UK

I'm happier to say that I just checked my favourite public torrent tracker site, and It's there.

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Great to hear it's been broadcast - was under the impression all episodes have already been filmed and now just waiting to be aired.

Pathetic the authorities here have asked to have it pulled, but also completely unsurprising. As a previous poster has stated, was does week #2 have in store? :)

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I have lived in Thailand 15 years and well I know Thailand and Thais. Anyway we went to Phuket for a weekend break a couple of weeks ago, and it was ripoffs every 3 meters. If it was not mini buses wanting to charge you 200baht to 'taxi' you to your hotel less than a km away, it was various other scams, not to mention the Patong/Airport taxi mafia!!!

As a long-time expatriate resident in Thailand as well, it's sad to see the current state of the tourist industry in the country. Unfortunately, Phuket has always been know for a variety of rip-offs, starting with the taxi mafia as soon as you arrive at the airport. They still make you walk out to the end of the parking lot, in the hot sun carrying your own luggage, if you want to use a real meter taxi to get to town. For years, the governor and others have talked about getting them a stand in the main terminal but of course, they are still stuck out in the parking lot where 90% of the arriving tourists don't see them. Don't even get me started on the red-Suzuki taxi mafia and their extortionate charges to go a few hundred meters or from one beach to another. At least if you don't mind waiting around, there is the public bus service that makes a circle route around Patong and around the island.

Phuket, as a tropical island, is way over rated anyways (unless your a punter and mostly interested in booze and broads). I myself (and I advise any friends who ask me) now skip Phuket and head on down to Bali. Much prettier island with dramatic scenery, friendly people, more and better sports activities, great food, and cheaper to boot. An all around much better vacation value and experience.

Edited by PattayaBunLover
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... it has to be said it is an absolutely stunning island with some fantastic beaches...

I think that's a pretty daft statement, either that or you have not been to many tropical islands. As tropical islands go, Phuket is decidedly average...it's only advantage is that it is a part of a country that is already established on the tourist map and therefore more accessible and developed than many others. The beaches are decidedly average. It is very small, with little to no natural forest cover or mountain/volcano ranges for eco-trekking or animal/bird watching that are easily found in many other islands in SE Asia. In addition, Phuket suffers from major water and garbage pollution and has a strained sewage, potable water, and electricity infrastructure due to rampant over development.

No, I'll take Bali, Borneo, or many islands in the Philippines any day over Phuket.

Edited by PattayaBunLover
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I have been posting here over the past year ranting off about how utterly corrupt and rotten Thailand has become and, worst of all, I believe it is getting worse by the year.

Why bother to go and look for trouble as my dad said??

Dunno, I don't really see it. I have lived in Thailand full time since 1992. I have always been treated with respect here, as I respect others. Then again, I lead a middle class, respectful life. I don't frequent tourist (read hooker and vice laden) areas. I enjoy my middle class community life and have never had a problem. Even traveling, never. If you are smart, you either avoid problem areas or can see them when they are about to happen and get away. Just like in the states, if I spent all my time in strip clubs and areas of town that are vice laden, eventually I would get busted or dead. Same anywhere.

Like you Tom I avoid these places like the plague. But everywhere I go I am hassled, pestered and even confronted. You can't avoid this in Thailand. The guys who rented the jet skies I'm sure did not expect the confrontation that is well known now. So it can come to you when least expected and often can have nothing to do with you.

I live outside the tourist trap areas and am glad to do so.

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... it has to be said it is an absolutely stunning island with some fantastic beaches...

I think that's a pretty daft statement, either that or you have not been to many tropical islands. As tropical islands go, Phuket is decidedly average...it's only advantage is that it is a part of a country that is already established on the tourist map and therefore more accessible and developed than many others. The beaches are decidedly average. It is very small, with little to no natural forest cover or mountain/volcano ranges for eco-trekking or animal/bird watching that are easily found in many other islands in SE Asia. In addition, Phuket suffers from major water and garbage pollution and has a strained sewage, potable water, and electricity infrastructure due to rampant over development.

No, I'll take Bali, Borneo, or many islands in the Philippines any day over Phuket.

I wasn't comparing it to anywhere else dummy. Taking a leaf out of your book and making assumptions (been around the world twice thanks), I'd say you're the least qualified to talk about delectable destinations going by your nick.

I made that statement to offer some balance from the rest of the thread and the dregs of the place in general. Sure, there are better beaches - Boracay Island and the beaches of the Calamians off the northeast coast of Central Palawan immediately come to mind - but what do those places have to do with Phuket? It is a stunning island and may I suggest next time to perhaps get yourself out of Patong, head into the hills on a mountain bike if you know how to ride, and then perhaps discover one or two of the hidden, non-touristy beaches toward the south. Also, if you haven't seen it, Kata Noi is on a no-thru road and is one of the nicer accessible beaches.

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These guys are clearly preying on inexperienced travellers who'se previous holiday travels have probably been the Canaries, Spain or Greece. They are naive in other words about what lies below the tourist paradise surface. It's not a Thai thing only. Bulgaria, Sunny Beach, is ten times worse than Phuket and much more dangerous.

I have rented a jetski once in Thailand at Koh Samui, Bo Phut beach, without any problems. I also knew to NOT be careless. I have also rented bikes all over Thailand, even trashed a few, I rented a bike in Cambodja (I know its not Thailand) and damaged the bike badly from attempting to drive it while there was a keychain on the front wheel (alchohol was involved), and I was not asked for a single dollar. Never had any problems in Thailand either.

I read that scam site and it was obvious that most 'victims' had indeed been very careless and had actually bumped into each others. It's of course ridicolous amounts being asked for repairs, but many package tourists don't think there is any consequence to their actions while they're on holiday, so they act like ignorant patronizing <deleted>.

It's no excuse for those sunburned scamsters, but common sense is lacking severely with many tourists.

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sorry for two replies in a row, but I gotta say this:

Thailand is really shooting its tourist industry in both feet.

The list of things to avoid grows week by week.

Ok, a tourist can't avoid the airport, but would be well advised to avoid the limousines and taxis and any Duty Free shopping, coming or going.

There were/are the mysterious deaths at Phi Phi island which weren't investigated, so a careful tourist would avoid Phi Phi. Maybe avoid Phuket also, as there at least two mysterious tourist deaths there in recent weeks. Also at Phuket, there was the racially charged harassment of Simon at the airport.

And there's Pattaya which, despite the regular bad press it always gets, had the Aussie girl running off with the bar mat, and getting tackled on the beach by police.

There have been other blemishes on Thai tourist industry within the past year, most of which have been articulated and discussed within T.Visa.

Now the spotlight is on Phuket and its extortion-riven jetski biz.

Other destinations outside Thailand are looking increasingly better in comparison. If backpackers and others ask me whether Thailand is cool place to chill, I'm going to tell it like I see it, and it's not a pretty picture.

Well, after years of just raking it in, a very, very slow season and it'"get what you can, while you can!

Typical for some of the people here... the ban k may sit in their neck with a loan and interest or

worse a loanshark - ever thought about this variety?

Having build up a nice income earner and all of a sudden here is this threat... well roll it over to someone else -

very common behavior in this country too!

The safest is, "Don't get involved"!

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