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Pattaya Is Busy For September

Ulysses G.

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Yes, if things are so terrible, why is Pattaya full of bald, tattoed scumbags drinking from 6 AM - 6 AM in low, low season ...

Unemployed Euro hooligans on the dole and living rough and cheap in Thailand?

Do agree, however, that they are most undesirable...and if we have to depend on them to keep Patters humming we are truly <deleted>@d :D

Nice attitude, suggest maybe you have relocated to the wrong part of LOS, try Hua Hin, where I feel you maybe more suited.

Pattaya is what is is, always has been always will be, its these Euro trash that are actually spending money and keeping Pattaya afloat.

Patters, never heard of it, are we from the shires old bean?

"Are we from the shires old bean?."

LMAO, probably in the club of "I hate Council house dwellers ", yeah your right, Pattaya is what it's been for years but your always going to get the "We need to clean Pattaya"s tarnished image up", brigade. Some people seem to forget that Pattaya was built up off the back of the sex industry.


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I find it reassuring with some down to earth people around me when I'm out and about. It's the odd balls with a few strands of hair combed over their bald head wearing a pair of hush-puppies with white socks and dribbling at the mouth type characters you see sitting on their Jack Jones in the corner of a gogo bar i find "disturbing".

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Pattaya is quite busy for what is normally the slowest time of year.

I predict a decent high season if no political problems and the swine flu does not get worse. :)

During the course of this thread, you were asked several times to provide any "indicators" to substantiate your predictions (that is indicators beyond your personal "observation"). You have not given a single indicator - such as, hotel room occupancy rates. You seem very much like a real estate developer who is always saying "this is the time to buy - the market is looking really good". So, I assume you are a business owner trying to give people the idea that things are going well in Pattaya, so, come on down.

I live in Pattaya. I have never seen so many empty bars, abandoned bars, bars for rent/sale. I went to a massage parlour that in my experience over several years, always had 40 or so girls working - now 4 or 5. I have talked with numerous ladies who are struggling to make rent since there are no customers.

In bad times, poorly run businesses go under, marginal struggle (and may or may not go under), very well run businesses continue to do well. So, sure, a few - very, very few - beer bars, GoGo bars continue to do well.

But, your assertion that Pattaya is busy for this time of year is ridiculous. Here is a fact, International arrivals at Swamy are down 30%.

So, do you have any facts? Are you a business owner? :D

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But, your assertion that Pattaya is busy for this time of year is ridiculous.

So, do you have any facts?

The facts are that I am a tourist with eyeballs and can see that a lot more toursts are around than my last 3 visits to Pattaya - starting at this time last year.

When I arrived two weeks ago, about 3 people were checking into my hotel every day and the pool was almost empty. Now it is about 15-20 and lots of swimmers and sun bathers.

The last 3 posters all have noticed the same thing! :)

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But, your assertion that Pattaya is busy for this time of year is ridiculous.

So, do you have any facts?

The facts are that I am a tourist with eyeballs and can see that a lot more toursts are around than my last 3 visits to Pattaya - starting at this time last year.

When I arrived two weeks ago, about 3 people were checking into my hotel every day and the pool was almost empty. Now it is about 15-20 and lots of swimmers and sun bathers.

The last 3 posters all have noticed the same thing! :D

Many Thai individuals and busnisses have really been hurting. So, I hope things are getting better! :D

But, the last 3 posters were each business owners and only said things were getting better - not that things were better at this time of year vs prior years. Anyway, I hope the 3 business owners do well - I hope every worker and business owner in Pattaya does well.

However, personal observations by a tourist who has made several visits in the last year and considers the number of people seen at the pool in one hotel to be significant do not provide anything close to reliable data upon which to make generalizations.

Again, I hope your unfounded statements are correct, but, data such as hotel occupancy rates for all of Pattaya would be much more meaningful. :)

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But, your assertion that Pattaya is busy for this time of year is ridiculous.

So, do you have any facts?

The facts are that I am a tourist with eyeballs and can see that a lot more toursts are around than my last 3 visits to Pattaya - starting at this time last year.

When I arrived two weeks ago, about 3 people were checking into my hotel every day and the pool was almost empty. Now it is about 15-20 and lots of swimmers and sun bathers.

The last 3 posters all have noticed the same thing! :D

Many Thai individuals and busnisses have really been hurting. So, I hope things are getting better! :D

But, the last 3 posters were each business owners and only said things were getting better - not that things were better at this time of year vs prior years. Anyway, I hope the 3 business owners do well - I hope every worker and business owner in Pattaya does well.

However, personal observations by a tourist who has made several visits in the last year and considers the number of people seen at the pool in one hotel to be significant do not provide anything close to reliable data upon which to make generalizations.

Again, I hope your unfounded statements are correct, but, data such as hotel occupancy rates for all of Pattaya would be much more meaningful. :)

I would add that i am up on the last 2 years for September but before that of course down.


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From what I've seen, late August, early September, there has been an increase of Indian, Korean & Middle Eastern tourists, with a splattering of Russians for good measure.

I have seen no evidence whatsoever of an increase or even a normal Pattaya polulation of U.K. and European tourists.

Except for the approaching Dec 7th- Jan 7th 2009/2010 busy period I expect it will be quiet well into 2011.

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From what I've seen, late August, early September, there has been an increase of Indian, Korean & Middle Eastern tourists...

And more Africans too (like the Mozambiquen just arrested for drugs)...these are the "quality" tourists the TAT has done so much to attract the past few years...they haven't done very well it seems to me if this is the best crop of big spenders they can come up with :)

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But, the last 3 posters were each business owners and only said things were getting better - not that things were better at this time of year vs prior years. Anyway, I hope the 3 business owners do well - I hope every worker and business owner in Pattaya does well.

However, personal observations by a tourist who has made several visits in the last year and considers the number of people seen at the pool in one hotel to be significant do not provide anything close to reliable data upon which to make generalizations.

It is known as anecdotal evidence, and is probably the best indication you will get in a country where officials lie through their teeth if it suits their purpose, including willful manipulation of stats.

So I for one take the positive observations as an indication that things are looking up a little.

Whether this upsurge will be maintained, and just how much much of an upsurge is yet to be determined.

Let's hope it is good news, because there are lot of poor folk in Pattaya who are hurting badly.

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But, the last 3 posters were each business owners and only said things were getting better - not that things were better at this time of year vs prior years. Anyway, I hope the 3 business owners do well - I hope every worker and business owner in Pattaya does well.

However, personal observations by a tourist who has made several visits in the last year and considers the number of people seen at the pool in one hotel to be significant do not provide anything close to reliable data upon which to make generalizations.

It is known as anecdotal evidence, and is probably the best indication you will get in a country where officials lie through their teeth if it suits their purpose, including willful manipulation of stats.

So I for one take the positive observations as an indication that things are looking up a little.

Whether this upsurge will be maintained, and just how much much of an upsurge is yet to be determined.

Let's hope it is good news, because there are lot of poor folk in Pattaya who are hurting badly.

Anecdotal evidence: (1) Evidence in the form of an anecdote or hearsay is called anecdotal if there is doubt about its veracity; the evidence itself is considered untrustworthy.

My anecdotal evidence is the opposite of yours. Both, untrustworthy. But, I support the hope that things are getting, will get better, for the sake of the people (mainly Thai workers but, also, farang business owners) who are hurting badly. :)

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My anecdotal evidence is the opposite of yours. Both, untrustworthy. But, I support the hope that things are getting, will get better, for the sake of the people (mainly Thai workers but, also, farang business owners) who are hurting badly. :)

Yes, the point I was trying to make, probably badly, is that the only kind of evidence you ever find on anything in Thailand is anecdotal - be it good bad, right.

In other words, trust your own instincts and don't believe anything that is spewed forth by the government or other quasi official organizations with vested interests.

The are a great many farangs living in and around Pattaya, and their anecdotal evidence on whether things are getting better or not is as good as you're going to get.

The guy at the Visa shop told me that September is very slow. The wife of the owner of the Sportsman's bar on Soi 6 told me that business is so bad they have laid off all the staff except the cook, and close at 6.30 every night. She is hoping things pick up in October. The business is also up for sale.

My own observations on Soi 6 in mid afternoon is there were virtually no punters, and the bars had very few girls sitting outside as compared to a few months back.

Yet I drive, and sometimes walk down Soi Boukow nearly every day, and it is bustling with farangs, and the bars and restaurants appear to be doing well.

So who knows?

Maybe more Farangs on Thai Visa can provide their own anecdotal evidence and we can see which way is the major thrust of opinion is going.

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Pattaya is quite busy for what is normally the slowest time of year.

I predict a decent high season if no political problems and the swine flu does not get worse. :)

Do you have any indications for your prediction ?

Worldwide, the number of unemployed is rising and although Bernanke says: "Recession over"....and says the recession is "very likely" done it doesn't mean that the problems are gone. Far from that and the first thing people are cutting expenses into is their -expensive- long distance holidays.

Personally, I don't see a glorious high season for inbound Western tourists nor for Asian tourists who count for more than 60% of the total inbound Thai tourism.

Hope I'm wrong for Thailand's sake though.


Yeah, the recession is over - all the debt has been paid up and people are earning more than ever before. America and the West have started manufactuing everything they need again, so full employment is just around the corner, (Oh, the moon is made of cheese also) :D

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Pattaya is quite busy for what is normally the slowest time of year.

I predict a decent high season if no political problems and the swine flu does not get worse. :)

Do you have any indications for your prediction ?

Worldwide, the number of unemployed is rising and although Bernanke says: "Recession over"....and says the recession is "very likely" done it doesn't mean that the problems are gone. Far from that and the first thing people are cutting expenses into is their -expensive- long distance holidays.

Personally, I don't see a glorious high season for inbound Western tourists nor for Asian tourists who count for more than 60% of the total inbound Thai tourism.

Hope I'm wrong for Thailand's sake though.


Yeah, the recession is over - all the debt has been paid up and people are earning more than ever before. America and the West have started manufactuing everything they need again, so full employment is just around the corner, (Oh, the moon is made of cheese also) :D

The bankers seem to be doing all right with their bonuses again, so as they caused the meltdown, I assume that everything in the garden must be rosy again!! :D

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The last few weeks i have been noticing more farangs around Jomtien

I've lived in Jomtien for the last 6 years and there's always an increase of tourists during August as it's the time of year

most people go on their holidays.

September though has seen a downturn again as far as i can see it's the quietest its been since i arrived,

I went out tonight at around 8pm for a bite to eat and nearly every bar i went past was empty apart from Country Road that had a few customers, all the restaurants from the Hanuman statue to the beach were empty too apart from simons chip shop(God knows why?)

One of the bars just past country Rd towards the beach wasn't even open and we are talking 8pm on a Saturday night!


Jomtien is very quiet and some businesses have already closed down.

The worst it's been for the last 6 years since i've been here.

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Yes, if things are so terrible, why is Pattaya full of bald, tattoed scumbags drinking from 6 AM - 6 AM in low, low season and many massage parlors and poontang bars are busy as well?

Because sex sells! Always has always will!

The other tourist destinations that don't offer sex are probably really hurting now.

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From what I've seen, late August, early September, there has been an increase of Indian, Korean & Middle Eastern tourists, with a splattering of Russians for good measure.

I have seen no evidence whatsoever of an increase or even a normal Pattaya polulation of U.K. and European tourists.

I've noticed the same also.

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Well I would be surprised if there has been an upsurge in tourist numbers in Pattaya since what happens in one Thai destination is typically mirrored to some degree in the others. On that basis, Phuket is extremely quiet and Bangla Road on Friday night was the quietest I've ever seen it - I know occupancy details of two four star and one five star hotel in the area and all three are running around 30% occupancy and special deals abound.

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Ya, that's part of the reason, but I've always had this theory that there's a "Bald, Tattooed Scumbag" magnet buried in the middle of Pattaya. It's buried deep enough that we can't see it but not deep enough to lose its effect.

It all now makes perfect sense to me. My eyes have been opened. :)

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With regards to tourism, I've always believed that Pattaya is a bit of a "one Off".

I think there is a "hard core" (no pun intended), of Sex tourists who will continue to patronize Pattaya, regardless of the troubles here. They don't care about airports belong closed - worse case scenario is they can't go home - oh dear what a shame!, or any of the other problems that have been plaguing Thailand.

Sure the world recession may have hampered their travel plans somewhat, which will account for the obvious drop in tourist numbers, but there are still plenty of taxi drivers, truck drivers, electricians, plumbers and other various "black economy" cowboys who have avoided the worst ravages of the economic downturn and are able to put their little nest egg together and have their few weeks of sex, booze and fights in the sun.

The families and mid to up market tourists may have stopped coming, but I feel this will effect other holiday destinations such as Phuket and Chiang Mai, much more than Pattaya.

Only time will tell if I am correct.

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With regards to tourism, I've always believed that Pattaya is a bit of a "one Off".

I think there is a "hard core" (no pun intended), of Sex tourists who will continue to patronize Pattaya, regardless of the troubles here. They don't care about airports belong closed - worse case scenario is they can't go home - oh dear what a shame!, or any of the other problems that have been plaguing Thailand.

Sure the world recession may have hampered their travel plans somewhat, which will account for the obvious drop in tourist numbers, but there are still plenty of taxi drivers, truck drivers, electricians, plumbers and other various "black economy" cowboys who have avoided the worst ravages of the economic downturn and are able to put their little nest egg together and have their few weeks of sex, booze and fights in the sun.

The families and mid to up market tourists may have stopped coming, but I feel this will effect other holiday destinations such as Phuket and Chiang Mai, much more than Pattaya.

Only time will tell if I am correct.

I totally agree with all of that. In going forward however I suspect that things may change somewhat as the impact of tighter scrutiny from the UK government starts to be felt. Passports are now being swiped on arrival in the UK, bank accounts are coming under closer scrutiny, benefits recipients are (hopefully) being looked at more closely etc. The message is I think that Bill the builder who freelances on a cash in hand basis for six months out of the year, claims various state benefits and then relaxes in his bar in Pattaya for the rest of the time is in for a life changing experience soon.

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The message is I think that Bill the builder who freelances on a cash in hand basis for six months out of the year, claims various state benefits and then relaxes in his bar in Pattaya for the rest of the time is in for a life changing experience soon.

Its Bob, chiang mai, Bob the builder :)

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