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Hospital / Doctor Needed ...


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Well, I know that I have both of these problems. I have just spent a year drinking like a fish in Korea, but I am slowly cutting back on the booze. Hopefully, that will help correct a high liver count. I can't remember how high it was, but the doctors in Korea weren't too concerned about it. Having moved back here, I would like to check my liver function out to see the extent of the problem.

In addition, I have had high blood pressure for quite some time. This is attributed to a poor diet, smoking, and drinking. I have improved my diet and cut back on the booze and smokes, but it is still high. I am in the hypertension range.

Since I am pushing 30, I want to talk to a doctor about it. I want to get these things checked and see what I can do to get things in line.

The problem is that I am not insured, and I have very little money. I live near On Nut, and I am looking for a reasonable place to go to discuss my concerns. Any tips would be helpful.

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Well all I can say is that you need a doctor who will talk to you in an honest manner and give you good advice for your future .

I was in the care of Dr Wiwat at BNH on convent road for my second heart attack , his advice put me on the road to whereby I came off all medications , my recent heart check up in Canada was "Fantastic "said the nurse , all blood tests in line and BP 108/70 with a resting pulse of 58 , I am 76 years of age and counting . Diet and lifestyle are very important , you are what you eat , although , as a proffesed boozer you should be taking vitamin 'B ' complex and probably a mineral/vitimin such as Royal'D' . I also have a young wife who keeps my 'Exercising' going , she cooks me food with a wide variety of vegetables covering the colour spectrum , soy beans/lentils/barley/small garlic and red peppers . Some people take the extra requirements in tablet form , personally I believe that as much as possible should come in natural form , stay away from pills and potions , my results tell me everything , oh and by the way , I do not need viagra either to enjoy a good sex life with my wife , a very important aspect of good heart therapy .

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As cost is a big constraint I suggest the Bangkok Christian Hospital on Silom, altho not near On Nut it is right on the BTS line. They have a web site with English.

Suggest you get a physical check-up there and discuss the findings and your various concerns with the doctor who reviews your results, and let him/her refer you further if indicated.

As you have a history of elevated liver enzymes, be sure the blood work you get done includes hepatitis antigen screening. odds are the elevation is from your drinking but best to be sure.

Some of the check up packages include ultrasound of the upper abdomen (liver) or you can request it as an "add on", this will give a good picture of the state of your liver.

You do not mention whether or not you are on medication for your high blood pressure. Regardless, buy a machine to monitor your BP at home (will cost around 1,000-2,000 baht depending on type but a good investment).

Need to be careful of your sodium intake, if like many people you are mostly eating out or buyinmg ready cooked food at market, these tend to be very hgih in sodium from fish suace, MSG etc.

Lots of help available for drinking issues here, check out the "I drink Too Much" sub-forum

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