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Immodest Khao San Road Farangs worry Thai students

Whether or not there is a commercial motive behind the planned closure of the Ampornpaisal Anusorn School on Khao San Road, young students at the institution say they really do find the behaviour of their amorous farang neighbours to be disturbing.

Chutima Tem-amornsup, a sixth-grader, said she sees foreigners "behaving improperly" almost every morning on her way to school.

"I can no longer walk conveniently to school because I have to avoid farang kissing and hugging on the walkway," she said.

Pimolwan Khucharoenpaisal, a first-grader, said she also regularly sees foreign tourists being intimate in public.

"Whenever I look up from the playground, I see farang kissing and hugging inside guesthouses. Some of them use their cameras to take pictures of me," she said.

"Sometimes, farang women walk past the school wearing nothing but their underwear."

These accounts appear to confirm the principal's claim that the prestigious 45-year-old school would be shut in April because the surrounding environment had become hostile to the pupils' morals and safety.

There has been speculation that the real reason the school is being closed is because a businessman has offered to buy the property for Bt1 million per square wah. The school is located on a 800-square-wah plot.

Principal Phichitra Hengsakul denied yesterday that the school was selling out for commercial reasons, reiterating her complaint |that it was the encroachment of "social-vice" businesses - such as beer bars, pubs and guest houses - that was forcing it to close.

Phichitra said Thanpuying Yoswadee Ampornpaisal, the founder of the school, had decided in December to shut it down at the end of the term because of the tide of vice that was lapping at the gates.

Phichitra said the school was regarded as one of the top 20 in Bangkok 20 years ago when government offices were located in Bang Lamphu. When the offices were relocated and entertainment venues started moving in, the number of students began to decline.

She said the school's reputation began to drop 10 years ago after the May 1992 bloodshed when more offices moved away and the number of students fell by half.

Still it was not the loss of the offices so much as Khao San Road's transformation into a booming nightlife place two or three years ago that caused people in the neighbourhood to move away with their children.

Not everyone in the area is buying Phichitra's explanation, though.

"I don't think the unfriendly environment is the real reason. The school has walls so nobody is able to intrude and harm the students," said Issara Pojanee, manager of the nearby Chusri Guesthouse.

"The land in this area is very expensive and sells for Bt1 million per square wah."

Nevertheless, foreign tourists agree that the neighbourhood is no longer appropriate for schoolchildren.

Michel Sorensen from Denmark said she didn't know the school was located on Khao San Road even though she walks past it everyday. She said it should be relocated because it should not be surrounded by beer bars.

Australian Sophie Peacock said she was shocked to learn a school was located in the area. She said she had been staying on Khao San Road for a month but had only just found out yesterday that a school was located on the strip.

She said students might not be harmed but it was not good for them to be exposed to such an environment and to see prostitutes every day.

Source: Nation Multimedia

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Farang fatigue strikes again.

Does anyone else think that, on the whole, Thais would be much happier if foreigners simply arrived at the airport, emptied all their money into garbage bags, then got back on the plane and left?

I have had exceptions to this, but my experience has generally been that Thais are tired of rich foreigners invading their country, but still want all the money that comes in via tourism. The same thing in Tunisia, which gets lots of Europeans.


I don't particularly care for Khao San, and try to avoid it, but have been there enough times to see some things.  Interestingly, the most blatant display of immodesty I have ever seen displayed on Khao San was from a Thai and not a foreigner.  One night while walking back to my guest house I saw what, from a distance, appeared to be a woman in a red dress scooting herself on her butt along the pavement.  As I approached, the woman, obviously high on some form of drugs, lifted her dress to reveal some male anatomy, which "she" proceeded to play with.  Fortunately, school was already out by this time...


  • 1 year later...

Well unfortunately for the kiddies the Thai government did not protect them by introducing appropriate zoning laws for bars and the like. The wat at the end of the road is a perfect example.......it is now surrounded by bars and guesthouses and there was also a school opposite as well on one side. But inthe end if the school can sell for that much money they will be able to do something very nice in a more appropriate location.

Khao San road as it stands today is not really Thailand. Why do people have to come here and bring all their <deleted> with them. The area is a cesspool. Why anyone would want to spend a month there (as the chick in the article suggested) ....I dont know. Do they go home and say they "did Thailand" ......... ^%$#%$ ing dickheads.

What is it about people and places like Khao San Road that they all have to become aggressive and or competitive. The behaviour of farang and Thai alike down there is sometimes nothing short of despicable. I spent a number of years based in the area for work and had to return to it all the time. I set foot on the actual Khao San road only about 3 times in three years. Cant stand the place.


I can honestly say that I have never been to Khao San road and probably never will.

I don't think that I'm missing anything.


I have never been myself and like Tiz, dont think I am missing anything.

Why would you come to Thailand and stay there?, I suppose its like many back packers in OZ, Bondi Beach instead of all the other nice places that makes OZ different. Backpacker types always seem to go to other cities, rather than countries.

I would of like to seen the guy/girl scooting herself on her butt along the pavement. :o


I think it is a sad story,but not typical Bangkok.

You see it in most of the big cities around the world.

People who think that everything should be accepted just because they are tourists are also scaring me.


Years ago....many.. The road used to be a nice place...Years ago. Yet the Thai Ajaan Yais of the area... ARE the First people in line to watch the SHOW...And the first with the powder..

But with the recent.. ngahh.. the continual creditability "problem" with school officials..THIS IS their MANTRA....

HMMM.. Why aren't the parents, teachers... up in arms.. At BCC..Bangkok Christian College... COULD IT BE... THEY DON'T.......

Remember all, the future leaders of Thailand are groomed at this school.

BACK to The ROAD and THAI Culture.. Well, AT least they are following form with excuses.. WHAT.. The WEATHER excuse would not work here..


Khao San Road is not that bad, AND getting better. KSR has ALWAYS been horrible for as long as I can remember (10 years), but with the arrival of some nicer bars and clubs and some middle class Thai folks on weekends, it's actually a pretty nice diversion from where you normally go out. Also the Gulliver's sports bar on Khao San is MUCH better than the one on Suk soi 5.

Same for the Phra Athit road area. Some nice little bars there. You can even find good and cheap (sea)food these days in the area.



Khao San Road is not that bad, AND getting better. KSR has ALWAYS been horrible for as long as I can remember (10 years)

Hoe can it be "not that bad" and "ALWAYS been horrible" at the same time.

I'm a good boy, but I've always been wicked... :o


> Hoe can it be "not that bad" and "ALWAYS been

> horrible" at the same time.

Oh, someone said it only got bad the last 3 years or so. I'm saying it's always been bad, but that just starting relatively recently, things are improving. (Sorry I wasn't very clear)


i agree with chanchao

i,ve only been last jan, and this jan just gone but i saw an improvement as he says a few more upmarket places and generally a lot of people having a good time.

it attracts a large range of different people and is great for people watching, just go on down grab a beer and watch.

but for me i do prefer the little soi opposite the petrol station out on the main road, theres a great guest house hotel with a big lounge,bar area were you can relax for ages and just mellow.......


> Hoe can it be "not that bad" and "ALWAYS been

> horrible" at the same time.

Oh, someone said it only got bad the last 3 years or so. I'm saying it's always been bad, but that just starting relatively recently, things are improving. (Sorry I wasn't very clear)

but you are right . :o


I've never stayed at Kao saan road since I never have any reason to (although I'd been to pubs & clubs around there a few times). I did wonder why some people seem so in love with it (apart from the cheap accommodation). When my friends came to Thailand a few years ago, I happened to be in the country at the same time so I offered to book nice, affordable accommodation for them. Despite the prices being pretty much the same (and also in a good location) they still wanted to stay at Kao saan road.

They did get to stay there in the end but I guess the novelty wears off after a while (that's when they stated complaining about cockroaches and coming down with food poisoning) then they all crashed at my house anyway :o .

Don't really know what the real reason the school shuts down. But I would agree that the location is not ideal for a school. :D

I've never seen farangs around Kao saan doing anything outrageous as some suggested (maybe I don't hang out there enough? :D ). But I do have to say I am pretty surprise to still see some tourists being (ahem) rather too intimate in public when I travel around Thailand. Sometimes I felt quite tempted to say 'get a room!' but afraid they will take the advice and ask me to pay for it, heheheheh! :D



I like your little saying about short life play hard. Fortunately I did without blowing a gasket :o Time for retirment at 52 heh, heh...

I could never take KSR for more than an afternoom. For that time period it was usually a fun time.

Last August we went for a walk around there. My wife hate's it and things are getting more expensive that's for sure. There was one big beer bar way down the end of the stree on the left going towards the Wat.

They always have semi frozen large Singha beers. I do like that on a hot afternoon looking out at the pouring rain... :D


to my poor understanding the subject of this thread originally was not about the how good or bad KSR is or was, which by itself is quite waste of time to discuss due to forever difference in opinions.... but about the behaviour of foreigners visiting other country and not trying to respect local people's customs and culture and way of conduct, behavior...

am I right, fester?

oh yeah - Modesty. what is modest and immodest, right ?

may be modesty is already old-fashioned and too "politically correct" archaism ?

who cares about it nowdays anyway, right?

I would add that it is not simply about KSR, just there it is more evident. but similar at least careless and at most arrogant and shameless behavior can be witnessed almost everywhere. I often seen farang fat guys (even not sexy at all! which might have at least in their own eyes been some justification :D ) with dusgutingly hairy chest walking without any T-shirt , just in shorts (well, at least thanks for that much modesty! :D ) on Sukhumvit Rd in bright mid-day , not to mention some stupid idiots baring their a$$ in public (again may be lucky they didn't bare the other, front side !)

it always makes me wonder : would they be able to walk topless somewhere on the street of big city, especially capital of the nation, in the so called "First World" western "civilised" #####ry ? sorry - never been there wouldn't know for sure ! but won't they be immidietly stoped by nearest policeman and at least politely asked to dress up and at most be fined or something? then why would someone do some things in other country which he/she will be reluctant or even not do at all in one's own? disrespect or carelessness or whar? may be educating poor incivilised aborigenes with fine aspects of higly advanced culture, moral etc.? :o

I think it has even nothing to do with with Thailand or cultural differences. it is simply a mater of common sense and normal human behavior I think to be at least shy or ashamed to walk on the cetral street without shirt... no need even to talk about intimacy issues which r more sensitive and do have different perception according to culture etc....

and speaking too loudly in public transport - these things no need even to mention... it is very innocent comparing to other things...

at least such things r disturbing... but then may be better I shut up b4 being acused of "political correctness" or similar thing ?

sorry for somewhat may be muddled post....

......of the nation, in the so called "First World" western "civilised" #####ry ....................

funny! seems like there is some sort of automatic filter-editor which replaces bad words with ############

but then - what's wrong with simple word - "country" - why would it edit it :o ?


I lived on Koasan Road for about 4 months when I first arrived in Bangkok in

1991. It was bad back then. The Thais working there were really surly and a lot of the Farangs who lived there were drug addicts or on their last legs living hand to mouth. Unfortunately most guide books recommended it to travelers and still do.

After I'd saved enough money teaching for an apartment somewhere else, I was gone and the rest is history.

Just recently on a business trip to Thailand I met up with an old friend and he suggested going there for a few drinks. This was the first time back since 91' and I must honestly say it is 100% nicer than before. It just looks better and the vibe is better as well. What they've done with pavements is amazing and closing it to traffic has made it much more pleasant. If all you current new residents only knew

what Bangkok used to be like and what we used to endure without the Sky Train,

you'd all shut your traps right now.

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