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Farang Decorum


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Consider the following when contemplating the opposite:

  1. Relax behind that steering wheel. When you start jumping up and down due to some idiot driver, be aware that there is another one a block away. To let another idiot driver affect your behavior, you are giving them control over your behavior. Calmly go around, wait or whatever. Impress your passengers with your steady character, maturity and wisdom. In fact, I appreciate the Thai drivers. The penchant of those #$%^&^&* drivers in your home country to lean on the horn at every opportunity is more annoying than anything, and I enjoy the Thai demeanor in this regard. I try to emulate them.
  2. Next time you get annoyed because a Thai person gives you a blank stare when you are saying something extremely simple in English, aided and abetted by very clear gesticulating, dont. It is your responsibility to speak Thai, not their responsibility to speak or understand your English. Can you imagine a Thai being upset in Germany, England, the Excited States or wherever, because someone doesn't understand their Thai language!
  3. When you see some young buck roaring down the street on his motorcycle, remember this is a trait of testosterone-laden youth everywhere, not just in Thailand. I recall vividly my first visit to Holland, seeing these young guys roaring down narrow cobblestone streets. So accept it, relax and chalk it up to a state of being that perhaps reflect your own behavior at that age.

Just some ideas to give you pause next time. And I am speaking to myself more than anyone.

Edited by Mezmerized
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About 2 years ago my Thai wife was in hospital for about a week with a Gall Bladder problem. While she was there she told me about the Farang ( British I believe) who was there at the same time. He was about 150 pounds overwieght. He had an accident with his car, and was in hospital for treatment for his injurys. He was the prime example of what NOT TO DO as a Farang in Thailand.

He swore at everybody, including the doctors. He didn't like the food they served....all that %4 rice, he said. He threw the food at the nurses. He couldn't get out of bed without help, because he was to obese. So he urinated in his bed, because he couldn't make it to the toilet. He was always yelling at everyone...he was in a semi-private room with two others and he either wanted the lights off when they were on or vice versa. He didn't want any of those #### Thais visting the others in his room.

He was just aregular pain in the a##.

Anyway after the third day the doctors had enough of him. I guess he enjoyed the rest of his time in the hospital, because he was doped up until they finally released him. They put him in a private room, kept him on painkillers all the time. Once every hour or so a nurse might check to see if he was still alive. He spent the last 3 or 4 days in a haze of painkillers and sedatives.

The perfect example of the kind of Farang NOT to be.


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i wish they put english subtitles for that "X" show that's on a midnight. that show is cool, but they always gotta ruin it with the poor elephant stuck in the mud or some buffalo that got loose in the moo baan. anyway, yeah, stay cool behind the wheel and let's get some subtitles on that X show.

and for what it's worth, when i'm out driving around, i'm only shouting at you guys.

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Can you imagine a Thai being upset in Germany, England, the Excited States or wherever, because someone doesn't understand their Thai language.

No, because it's not the international language and they wouldn't be so foolish, but appreciate where you're coming from... IamMaiC, Ajarn?

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May I add to this point?

Relax behind that steering wheel. When you start jumping up and down due to some idiot driver, be aware that there is another one a block away. To let another idiot driver affect your behavior, you are giving them control over your behavior. Calmly go around, wait or whatever. Impress your passengers with your steady character, maturity and wisdom. In fact, I appreciate the Thai drivers. The penchant of those #$%^&^&* drivers in your home country to lean on the horn at every opportunity is more annoying than anything, and I enjoy the Thai demeanor in this regard. I try to emulate them.

In order to remain alive, you need to adapt to the Thai driving style. Otherwise you are a liability of the road. If you want to pull out into a street, you have to pull out into a street, not wait for a Thai driver to let you in otherwise you will never get anywhere.

In fact, I appreciate the Thai drivers. The penchant of those #$%^&^&* drivers in your home country to lean on the horn at every opportunity is more annoying than anything, and I enjoy the Thai demeanor in this regard. I try to emulate them.

I dont know where you come from, but the Thais lean on their horn more than I ever heard in my home country, where the horn is a way of saying goodbye to your friend as you drive off rather than an act of aggression, and in my opinion #$%^&^&* drivers in your home country is referring to the police speed traps? or the random breath testing? perhaps the traffic lights that everyone adheres to and astonishingly actually work rather than just flash amber.

As for the rest, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Edited by bonobo
See PeaceBlondie's comments about quoting the OP.
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Yes thats right just lie back relax and dont worry when the testosterone youth mows down your wife or kids killing them all :)

The OP's point is well taken, but yaba has a point too. Seems there is a better response from us than to just blithely accept or ignore dangerous behavior such as this. I have not made scenes, but I have glared at people who have done this on motorbikes. At least I am showing some form of disapproval in a respectful manner I believe to blatantly irresponsible behavior which is dangerous to others. Interestingly enough, it was in Pattaya at the time and the biker was an old farang, not a young Thai, who was crazily racing down a little soi.

Edited by Lopburi99
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I'll agree with everything the OP typed, but then I live by those rules all the time. I can't be bothered by all the idiots in the world. Life is too short not to enjoy yourself every day. I do know a little patience goes a long way in solving most perceived problems.

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Adapt and improve

We adapt good things and try to improve. We don’t adapt to things who set us back.

the horn at every opportunity

eh...... together with Mexico, Thailand must be number one when it comes to use the horn in lack of driving knowledge

I appreciate the Thai drivers

Well when they have driven you down from behind and afterwards comes asking you to pay for a scratch they get on their vehicle that can change!

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Hard to keep calm when a couple of drunk idiots on a bike decides to do a brake test on you when you flash to tell them to move from the fast passing lane.

<deleted> would you, on a bike, do a brake test on a couple of tonnes of steel coming towards you at over 100km/h????

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I like to shout and swear. It keeps me sane. After 17 years here, it is my right. Take valium of you want to sit back and do nothing about the odd act of complete stupidity.

No problem for you. Shout and swear all you like in your automobile - when you have no passengers.

Subjecting your irrationality on them is extremely selfish, and makes you look like a fool. But most passengers are too kind or too intimidated to say that to your face. Your shouting and swearing increases the tenseness and discomfort in your vehicle and it is not your right to do that to anyone........... By yourself...OK, no problem.

Shouting and screaming at Thai drivers is not merely you expressing your vehemence at their driving habits, underlying it is a sense of superiority. Down deep you think you are better than they are and your shouting and swearing is an outward manifestation of it.

Shouting and swearing has nothing to do with maintaining ones sanity, and everything to do with immaturity...or as you say, someone acting with complete stupidity.

"It is my right?".....think again. It would be equally someone else's right to beat the ---- out of you when you do that. At least I would consider that my right. I just wouldn't exercise that right as your behavior will not control mine.

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Hard to keep calm when a couple of drunk idiots on a bike decides to do a brake test on you when you flash to tell them to move from the fast passing lane.

<deleted> would you, on a bike, do a brake test on a couple of tonnes of steel coming towards you at over 100km/h????

Has gotta be in the running for the Darwin award. :)

Me, I keep my road rage at bay by driving as fast as I can so I don't have to use the rear-vision mirrors, especially at night when every scond car has theor high beams on or are so overloaded that the low beams are pointing over the horizon anyway. :D

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I'll agree with everything the OP typed, but then I live by those rules all the time. I can't be bothered by all the idiots in the world. Life is too short not to enjoy yourself every day. I do know a little patience goes a long way in solving most perceived problems.

I agree too,although i use the horn quite often,every time i see a car on the edge of my lane,i know quite often they are going to cross my path without noticing.

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Car horns? Seldom hear them used wrong here.

Me neither PB. In the 3+ years of living in Thailand only one time I remember hearing a horn being laid on, and even then only briefly. Little defensive toots, especially to the bikers, are prudent use of horns. But I've lived mostly in smaller towns or villages. Even while living in Lopburi we were outside the city.

Excessive horn usage? Ever been in the Big Apple?

Edited by Lopburi99
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