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Is Thailand Already A Failed State?


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It's a conspiracy of course, I am in the pay of Thaksin... obviously.

Paranoia good. Obsessiveness good. Thaksin bad. All Thais are honest - except Thaksin.

:D :D

By the way... you can call me Kevin. Kev if you like.

No, no, Mr Wilson - you try to overcomplicate things. When I read your OP, I didn't think conspiracy - I immediately thought just another Thailand bash.

And given that the data taken from the same source as your initial OP shows that Thailand is not a failed state, the whole thread is a non sequitur.

Perhaps the mods should therefore close it :)

You mistake critique for bashing, which probably says more about yourself than anything else. But no matter. I am sure the mods will understand they have been given their orders... or not.

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You mistake critique for bashing, which probably says more about yourself than anything else. But no matter. I am sure the mods will understand they have been given their orders... or not.

Critique - an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation.An appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation.

Copy & paste from the internet. Add single line of opinionated bullsh*t. Call it a 'critique'. :)

Bloody hel_l mate - give your hand a rest.

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The US will never win in the Afganistan when you have a people whose army, police and government are corrupt.

Just look at the history of the area.

The only way to control these countries is to occupy them, govern them and re-educate them.

If you cannot do that and can not win -get out.

The problem is that the US would suffer humiliation.

Afghanistan is approaching failed state status.

Furthermore, the war in Afghanistan definitely cannot be won. This is clear now. Even the highly conservative George Will has finally concluded that:


I wish the Canadians hadn't accepted the very large role they played and continue to play in this tragic conflict.

"The only way to control these countries is to occupy them, govern them and re-educate them."

True, but this will not and should not happen.

"The problem is that the US would suffer humiliation."

At this point in time I believe further humiliation could be minimized. The role of the U.S. and allies in the war should now be redefined to be a passive support effort only to the Karzai government, with drones, ATACs intelligence, etc. Direct combat engagement should be rapidly handed over entirely to the Afghans themselves and if they aren't ready by now that's just too bad. Too many American, Canadian, British and other lives have been tragically sacrificed in this lost cause. We must be on the fast track to end further casualties.

You gotta know when to hold 'em, and when to fold 'em. Time to fold up this sorry hand of cards.

Let's face it -- Bin Laden won.


Agreed, as an American I say the US should pull out of Afghanistan, South Korea, The Philippines, Japan, The Med Sea, NATO, The UN and let you all deal with Bin Laden on your own. We can use our troops on home ground. Any attack again on America will be delt with from the sky ! No more boots on the ground. Europe, the Mid East and Russia and China are all yours now. Chokdee.

Agree completely. Should also raise all import tariffs by about 300%

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Agreed, as an American I say the US should pull out of Afghanistan, South Korea, The Philippines, Japan, The Med Sea, NATO, The UN and let you all deal with Bin Laden on your own. We can use our troops on home ground. Any attack again on America will be delt with from the sky ! No more boots on the ground. Europe, the Mid East and Russia and China are all yours now. Chokdee.

And so the handbags comes out.... :D ... :):D

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Agree completely. Should also raise all import tariffs by about 300%

So you wouldn't mind, as a US consumer, paying a huge increase in price for goods made by a US company in, say China or Indonesia.

And of course you wouldn't have a problem when goods manufactured in the US cannot be sold anywhere in the world, because other countries have retaliated by raising their tariffs on US goods by 300%.

Yep, that really works :)

Edited by jackspratt
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Agreed, as an American I say the US should pull out of Afghanistan, South Korea, The Philippines, Japan, The Med Sea, NATO, The UN and let you all deal with Bin Laden on your own. We can use our troops on home ground. Any attack again on America will be delt with from the sky ! No more boots on the ground. Europe, the Mid East and Russia and China are all yours now. Chokdee.

Bloody good idea. Great idea. Though we will doubtless all miss those large boots trampling everywhere. Now all we need to do is figure out a way to stop the Yanks knowing better than everyone else and she'll be completely sweet. Mind you, that was before they caused the financial meltdown...

Easier than I thought.

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You mistake critique for bashing, which probably says more about yourself than anything else. But no matter. I am sure the mods will understand they have been given their orders... or not.

Critique - an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation.An appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation.

Copy & paste from the internet. Add single line of opinionated bullsh*t. Call it a 'critique'. :D

Bloody hel_l mate - give your hand a rest.

Ouch that hurt.


Aren't all opinions opinionated - by definition?

Sorry, didn't mean to lecture.


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"According to Wiki, there are several definitions of the expression 'Failed State'. Some of those are...Opinions?"

You betcha. Anyone who relies solely on Wiki for an education isn't so smart.

A lot of TVers depended upon Wiki for information regarding the financial crisis, and it was an absolute picnic. "According to Wiki 'fractional banking is <definition> and why it's so bad and why it's the cause of the crisis." It certainly saves intellectual energy to quote Wiki word-for-word.

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"According to Wiki, there are several definitions of the expression 'Failed State'. Some of those are...Opinions?"

You betcha. Anyone who relies solely on Wiki for an education isn't so smart.

A lot of TVers depended upon Wiki for information regarding the financial crisis, and it was an absolute picnic. "According to Wiki 'fractional banking is <definition> and why it's so bad and why it's the cause of the crisis."

What you said would have been credible but for the word 'solely'. The presumption attendant on the use of the word in your sentence brings your whole comment crashing down.

It certainly saves intellectual energy to quote Wiki word-for-word.

It is common practice not to have to invent your intellectual wheel, but to listen to what others have said - I think you will find this is the basis of all education. Perhaps you find it more stimulating to make up your own stuff but I have better uses of my time and there are better thinkers out there than either of us in here. I am not so arrogant as to think I know better than everyone else, though it seems I do know more and better than some, as I am sure you do also.

Wiki is an important resource, but of course it is rubbish when it says something you don't agree with. Perhaps you might explain where the quoted passages are wrong (from your own invented thinking, not by being intellectually lazy and quoting someone else), rather than just generalising that everything on Wiki is rubbish, which it most certainly isn't.

Because of those 2 factors, your post is unconvincing as a rebuttal, pointless as a contribution and not very well presented. Sorry, but there it is. I am sure you have a lot of good things to contribute, but this wasn't it. Debate and discussion among adults does not consist solely of slagging people and things off, though if it did I am sure you would be very good at it.

Perhaps if you pointed out where what I posted is actually wrong? Might be a better start...

Edited by KevinBloodyWilson
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Mr Wilson, one cannot but notice your eagerness to attack hhgz, on a minor point re Wiki, but at the same time gloss over the very relevant points raised by, inter alia, LooseCannon.

A most convenient diversion.

I also note you have not addressed the issue of your basing your OP on quotes from a wiki article, while at the same time totally ignoring the rest of the article - which, of course, inconveniently destroyed the basis of your proposition.

Ho Hum.

Edited by jackspratt
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Mr Wilson, one cannot but notice your eagerness to attack hhgz, on a minor point re Wiki, but at the same time gloss over the very relevant points raised by, inter alia, LooseCannon.

A most convenient diversion.

I also note you have not addressed the issue of your basing your OP on quotes from a wiki article, while at the same time totally ignoring the rest of the article - which, of course, inconveniently destroyed the basis of your proposition.

Ho Hum.

Allow me to explain, though I honestly would have thought explanation unnecessary.

This is a discussion form. I do not feel the need to argue with everything that people write, and if I do not comment on it then one should at least assume I have read it and am prepared to accept their view. This is no more than reasonable.

I do feel the need to respond to personal abuse. It isn't a diversion, it's a matter of good manners and not accepting bad manners. If you don't like it then don't read it.

Life is not a 'win or lose' game for me as it appears to be for many others - it isn't about winning some kind of points in an online forum, that is just sad. It is about learning and broadening your mind in an online forum. I will generally address points rather than hurl abuse, but if someone hurls abuse at me I can respond in kind when I feel it is appropriate. It is a simple concept - if someone finds that the consequence of poking a pencil in their eye is that their eye hurts , then they should learn from that and stop poking a pencil in it. If someone finds that the consequence of insulting people is that they get their ass kicked... you get the gist?

Don't take it all so seriously, take a chill pill. Unless I am rude to you when unprovoked, If I do that then you can kick my ass and I will learn from it. That is the homo sapiens way as opposed to the homo stupidus way.

Be happy, it's a wonderful world and a wonderful life. :)

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Dysfunctional? Yes. Failed? Not at all.

Thailand functions pretty much as it chooses to. All that appears odd, or messed up by western standards such as corruption, nepotism, and lack of general order on the roads is not a result of failure, it's how the Thais like it, and it's by their standards that the country's success needs to be measured, not foreign journalists.

Correction: it's how the elites who, by and large, run the state "like it" and no one else except perhaps their lackeys "like it".

Actually, because they have been the victims of double-standards and corruption more than farang, they detest them even more.


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I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :)


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I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :)


This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

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I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :)


Dear Lopburi, has it occured to you that some of us don't get on for days or weeks at a time?

And no, this doesn't feel good - not for that reason anyway.

BTW: Try a dog next time - they make better pets than peeves.

Me? People who have to stop and wait everytime before they step onto an escalator drive me nuts!



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Ouch that hurt.

if you must engage in solitary pursuits you really need to concentrate more on the task in hand. :D

Sorry, didn't mean to lecture.

Dilligaf :)

Ad-hominem. Actual useful content as follows: " "

tell methough. When you tyoe stuff on your computer, is it a 'solitary pursuit' for you too? Or do you get help? :D

Edited by KevinBloodyWilson
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I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :)


This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

bang on. Kev's a regular nice stand-up guy. As (it is very clear) is your good self :D

It's OK, Kev can take it. :D :D

Edited by KevinBloodyWilson
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Ouch that hurt.

if you must engage in solitary pursuits you really need to concentrate more on the task in hand. :D

Sorry, didn't mean to lecture.

Dilligaf :D

Ad-hominem. Actual useful content as follows: " "

tell methough. When you tyoe stuff on your computer, is it a 'solitary pursuit' for you too? Or do you get help? :D

My mistake - I thought somebody who chose KevinBloodyWilson as nickname would actually have a sense of humour.

Dillgaf :D

If you are not familiar with the real Kev's work have a look on Utube :)

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I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :)


This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

Nearly right. Kev's a regular nice stand-up guy. He just kicked your ass so you feel you have to get back by using ad-hominem posts.

It's OK, Kev can take it. Kev is used to sorting the wheat from the chaff. :D :D

You are not from Australia are you?

You are clueless to the meaning of "Kev's a f*cking pisser". You have no idea what it means. :D

you're not a pom are you?

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I've noticed how sometimes on TV after a thread has run for a few days, some members vulture in to find fault with and attack various posts along the way. Sometimes by intellectual elitists getting their egos stroked at the expense of somebody just casually enjoying the thread, or by somebody having an axe to grind on life in general.

I don't see this changing. So be it, but intellectual arrogance has always been a pet peeve of mine. So you're super smart, big f##cking deal. Your crap smells the same as mine.

OK now, somebody blast the shit out of this reply - hope it feels good! :D


This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

Nearly right. Kev's a regular nice stand-up guy. He just kicked your ass so you feel you have to get back by using ad-hominem posts.

It's OK, Kev can take it. Kev is used to sorting the wheat from the chaff. :D :D

You are not from Australia are you?

You are clueless to the meaning of "Kev's a f*cking pisser". You have no idea what it means. :D

you're not a pom are you?

Oh dear, did I get it wrong? Was it a compliment? Ooer. Sorry dude. I thought it was an insult so it got generic response number 5(a). Note to self: read idioms more widely.

Actually I am half Aussie and half pom. I can draw on the wisdom of either and blame the other bit for any of life's inevitable blunders. Like this one probably, which I will cheerfully, and with a straight face, blame on the pommie genes. Never heard of "f*cking pisser though", I have to admit I assumed it to be less than comlimentary.

Time for some emergency post-editing I fear. Got one. One out of two not bad is it?

Buy you a beer? :)

What's a dillgaf?

Edited by KevinBloodyWilson
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This bit of anti-intellectualism should keep you happy for a while, being from Canada.....


Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

Nearly right. Kev's a regular nice stand-up guy. He just kicked your ass so you feel you have to get back by using ad-hominem posts.

It's OK, Kev can take it. Kev is used to sorting the wheat from the chaff. :D:D

You are not from Australia are you?

You are clueless to the meaning of "Kev's a f*cking pisser". You have no idea what it means. :D

you're not a pom are you?

Oh dear, did I get it wrong? Was it a compliment? Ooer. Sorry dude. I thought it was an insult to it got generic response number 5(a). Note to self: read idioms more widely.

Actually I am half Aussie and half pom. I can draw on the wisdom of either and blame the other bit for any of life's inevitable blunders. Like this one probably. never heard of "f*cking pisser though", I have to admit I assumed it to be less than comlimentary.

Time for some emergency post-editing I fear. Got one. One out of two not bad is it?

Buy you a beer? :)

What's a dillgaf?

Oh Kev, don't ask that question!!!

Just when I thought you guys were kissing and making up!



Edited by Lopburi99
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Kev's a f*cking pisser :D

Oh dear, did I get it wrong? Was it a compliment? Ooer. Sorry dude. I thought it was an insult to it got generic response number 5(a). Note to self: read idioms more widely.

Actually I am half Aussie and half pom. I can draw on the wisdom of either and blame the other bit for any of life's inevitable blunders. Like this one probably. never heard of "f*cking pisser though", I have to admit I assumed it to be less than comlimentary.

Buy you a beer? :)

No worries :D

We had a 'new' Australian start work 6 months ago & he had trouble understanding why everybody called each 'c*nt'. He finally bought it up one day by asking 'Why do you you call him c*nt? Don't you like the people you work with?". The whole workshop cracked up laughing. :D

He's picked the habit up nicely - just hope he does say it to the wrong person. :D

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