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I Got A Disturbing Call From Thailand Today

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after reading the post i cant make head nor tail of it.its not that easy to withdraw that amount of money in cash,thats the first thing,and presumably its from your account/joint account.you've been with your g/f for 5 years and am guessing nothing untoward has happened before,so no reason not to trust her up till now.

however you only have her word re the police report,so you do need a copy,and so as not to raise anyone's suspicions you could say you need the report so as to try and reclaim monies lost,she will accept this and if you get the police report your fears about her should go away,however no report sees the light of day you will have your answer,but not your money unfortunately.

It sounds possible that she has been set up,and as others have said you should give her the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.Its so hard when you are 12 hours away,if it were me i'd be getting myself back here to sort it out one way or the other,good luck.

Let me get this straight, your girlfriend of five years is selling your house (you don't mention if this is with your approval or not?), a woman comes around and says her sister will be around later, the sister turns out to be five guys? The five guys convince her to go to the bank while they wait outside so she can get 500K to give to them? did she tell you <deleted> the 500K was for?? The guys are supposed to come back later with the deposit for the house?? My friend, your girlfriend has a very poor imagination if that is the best story she can come up with!!!!

Tend to agree with this and would like to know the OPs response to the high lighted question

It is all a bit odd, normally when Thais tell lies nothing about their story makes sense, a bit like this case really.

PS I and most of the other posters here i am sure sympathize with your loss of a substantial amount of money, for what ever reason.

Let me get this straight, your girlfriend of five years is selling your house (you don't mention if this is with your approval or not?), a woman comes around and says her sister will be around later, the sister turns out to be five guys? The five guys convince her to go to the bank while they wait outside so she can get 500K to give to them? did she tell you <deleted> the 500K was for?? The guys are supposed to come back later with the deposit for the house?? My friend, your girlfriend has a very poor imagination if that is the best story she can come up with!!!!

Tend to agree with this and would like to know the OPs response to the high lighted question

It is all a bit odd, normally when Thais tell lies nothing about their story makes sense, a bit like this case really.

PS I and most of the other posters here i am sure sympathize with your loss of a substantial amount of money, for what ever reason.

Unless the OP is Thai, the house cannot be "his" in the sense of legal ownership. If the money paid to the con-artists came from a joint account (how else could she have withdrawn it?) then upon what basis has the girl stolen any money from him (or anyone else for that matter)?

And all the sage TV advisers who recommend the OP to ditch his wife presumably accept that such an action may perhaps amount to an abandonment of his house as well?

Who's money was it by the way? Who's 500k was it...

Its a very lot of Money for her to have had access to, and a very lot to withdraw at one time.

Its a very strange story indeed.

It was her money in her account, she was suppose to buy some land next month for this money. And the house is in a company name without her name on any documents, so yes i asked her to take care of a potential buyer if he comes along, so she did not try to sell the house herself.

She had to to the bank to get the money, and like somebody said " it's not easy to withdraw that amount of money" yes it is!!

She is very distressed about this, a huge loss of money for her. For the satisfaction of some repliers i did not loose a single satang.

I will call later and check if they found anything on the video tapes

Let me get this straight, your girlfriend of five years is selling your house (you don't mention if this is with your approval or not?), a woman comes around and says her sister will be around later, the sister turns out to be five guys? The five guys convince her to go to the bank while they wait outside so she can get 500K to give to them? did she tell you <deleted> the 500K was for?? The guys are supposed to come back later with the deposit for the house?? My friend, your girlfriend has a very poor imagination if that is the best story she can come up with!!!!

Tend to agree with this and would like to know the OPs response to the high lighted question

It is all a bit odd, normally when Thais tell lies nothing about their story makes sense, a bit like this case really.

PS I and most of the other posters here i am sure sympathize with your loss of a substantial amount of money, for what ever reason.

Unless the OP is Thai, the house cannot be "his" in the sense of legal ownership. If the money paid to the con-artists came from a joint account (how else could she have withdrawn it?) then upon what basis has the girl stolen any money from him (or anyone else for that matter)?

And all the sage TV advisers who recommend the OP to ditch his wife presumably accept that such an action may perhaps amount to an abandonment of his house as well?

A Foreigner can own a house, but not the land it stands on.

Who's money was it by the way? Who's 500k was it...

Its a very lot of Money for her to have had access to, and a very lot to withdraw at one time.

Its a very strange story indeed.

It was her money in her account, she was suppose to buy some land next month for this money. And the house is in a company name without her name on any documents, so yes i asked her to take care of a potential buyer if he comes along, so she did not try to sell the house herself.

She had to to the bank to get the money, and like somebody said " it's not easy to withdraw that amount of money" yes it is!!

She is very distressed about this, a huge loss of money for her. For the satisfaction of some repliers i did not loose a single satang.

I will call later and check if they found anything on the video tapes

So at the very worst she has been gullible and has been scammed and has lost her own money. What is your take on the TV contributors who from their ingrained prejudice jumped to the conclusion that she was a crook?


It stinks,why didnt she call you BEFORE handing the money over ? ,my wife would not part with a bean without consulting me first,.i dont think we have to ask whos 500k it really was she handed over ( if indeed it was ),,if i were you id be on the first plane over to reaccess it and get it secured, :)


not wanting to be a TV armchair detective :) but was the house located in a compound or alone. Most compounds also have cctv.

Did you have a 'sale' sign on the house? and did you advertise it on other ways.

There are so many houses for sale in Patters, that those ppl must have tried the same trick, driving around the villages looking for victims.


My girlfriend called me today saying that she had been scammed by somebody that where suppose to be a potential buyer for my house.

This started a couple of days ago, she called and said that a woman went to the house saying her sister was interrested in buying the house, and she would come to the house a few days later.

"her sister" which turned out to be 5 guys in a Toyota Fortuner showed up yesterday, all dressed up/hi-so looking, as she said... somehow she was lured to hand over money to them for god knows what?? and they where suppose to show up later with a deposit for the house.

All in all she handed over about 500k baht... The first thing on my mind was gambling-debt,,, but i am not to sure about it.. I called later today and then she was at the police station, they told her that this was a profesional gang, that have been reported before, and the car was most probarly a rented one with fake plates. Tommorow they are going to Lotus on Sukhumvit to go trouhgt the cctv cameras, and see if they can recognise the car/plates (they didn't go in with her to the bank).

So what you think guys/ladies, is this just another rather advanced excuse for a loss of money, or have somebody heard anything about this? We have been together for about 5 years, and this is not a common thing...

I would certainly hope it is not a common thing!

With all due respect, this strains credulity even if it is her own money. There is more here than what meets the eye.


What I like about this thread is seeing so many posters needing to recant the OP's events in their own words, both entertaining and curious!

Regardless, it does all sound a bit odd and I don't totally discount the use of drugs to make her hand over money, just 99.9%. I think the OP needs to ask lots more questions and if possible, share the detail here? It shouldn't be that difficult to get enough information from a range of sources on all of this to form a view as to what really happened. For example, if a drug was used a medical toxicology report would verify that but the OP needs to move quickly to get that done. Also, I wouldn't take the police story that a gang is known to be operating using this method - I've had police come to my home following a burglary and they have looked at the window, the point of entry, and have said, " a professional job, no finger prints"! So probably best to dig for all the facts and form your own view.

This unfortunately is a common scam, usually the person being scammed is invited to the "office" which is usually a rented house, and given a "welcome drink" the drink being laced with a drug, which ends up with the person being deleriuos and doing whatever the scammers ask!!!! :D Sad but true.

A freind of mine was done by the same scam a couple of years ago, we tried to retrace the steps and it led us to a house in Jomtien which had been rented for the day, and according to the neighbours this happened a lot???<deleted> :)

Ask the local police, believe me, this is not a rare event!!!

More details as i just talked to her. they picked her up from the house and drove down to jomtien where they had a "meeting" with an older guy around 60 years,after this they went to the bank " it's like i just follow them" she said. this sounds pretty close to what happened to your friend. This house is at the far end of jomtien, past soi Chayapruk, close to the beach.

She went back to this house, and there is a sign "for rent" on the house, she called the number, and they said somebody have rented the house just for a few days, and it was not taken copy of any ID cards, which they don't do if you rent a house for a couple of days..

I asked if she think she had been drugged, she didn't think so..

She have a copy of the police report, so i can read when i come back.


This is a regular scam in Thailand, usually it's aimed at Thais. The money is supposed to be for helping in the sale of the homes, and is to cover tax and under the table payments etc ( thats what they say ). One lady I know paid 250,000 Baht, and my brother in law got done for 200,000.

These people are very persuasive, they present well, usually have a briefcase full of notes.

The money paid is supposed to be added to the sale price of the property and hence come back to those who have paid up believing their story.

This unfortunately is a common scam, usually the person being scammed is invited to the "office" which is usually a rented house, and given a "welcome drink" the drink being laced with a drug, which ends up with the person being deleriuos and doing whatever the scammers ask!!!! :D Sad but true.

A freind of mine was done by the same scam a couple of years ago, we tried to retrace the steps and it led us to a house in Jomtien which had been rented for the day, and according to the neighbours this happened a lot???<deleted> :)

Ask the local police, believe me, this is not a rare event!!!

More details as i just talked to her. they picked her up from the house and drove down to jomtien where they had a "meeting" with an older guy around 60 years,after this they went to the bank " it's like i just follow them" she said. this sounds pretty close to what happened to your friend. This house is at the far end of jomtien, past soi Chayapruk, close to the beach.

She went back to this house, and there is a sign "for rent" on the house, she called the number, and they said somebody have rented the house just for a few days, and it was not taken copy of any ID cards, which they don't do if you rent a house for a couple of days..

I asked if she think she had been drugged, she didn't think so..

She have a copy of the police report, so i can read when i come back.

Sounds pretty much identical, they accompanied my friend to the bank too, similar location too - far end of Jomtien, my friend phoned us when she came round from the drugging, she was sitting in her car in Pratumnak hill and had no idea how she got there!

The police told us this scam is very common, usually target lone Thai women, and has been going on for years!! from time to time the police have busted these scammers but does not take long for them to re-appear, same same, rented house in Jomtien, rented cars with red plates. :D

It stinks,why didnt she call you BEFORE handing the money over ? ,my wife would not part with a bean without consulting me first,.i dont think we have to ask whos 500k it really was she handed over ( if indeed it was ),,if i were you id be on the first plane over to reaccess it and get it secured, :ermm:

What stinks is a farang whose determination to condemn an innocent (albeit foolish) Thai girl is so overwhelming that the farang irrationally refuses to accept the fact that what she lost was her own money from her own bank account.

This is a regular scam in Thailand, usually it's aimed at Thais. The money is supposed to be for helping in the sale of the homes, and is to cover tax and under the table payments etc ( thats what they say ). One lady I know paid 250,000 Baht, and my brother in law got done for 200,000.

These people are very persuasive, they present well, usually have a briefcase full of notes.

The money paid is supposed to be added to the sale price of the property and hence come back to those who have paid up believing their story.

I've heard of this too. I think it's been reported on television before. The 'buyer' claims not to have immediate access to the necessaries for the transaction to go ahead. It's like any scam, everyone else thinks how could someone be so stupid, but the scammers are convincing and I guess there's something menacing about it too. Of course, it doesn't mean that's what happened here but I wouldn't just dismiss the story out-of-hand.


IF this turns out to be true,its the old saying "a fool and there money are soon parted".

Also come on who,would PAY someone 500,000BT like that,no matter what spill come out there mouth trying to convince you that this is the deal of

the centry. SILLY SILLY GIRL.

This is a regular scam in Thailand, usually it's aimed at Thais. The money is supposed to be for helping in the sale of the homes, and is to cover tax and under the table payments etc ( thats what they say ). One lady I know paid 250,000 Baht, and my brother in law got done for 200,000.

These people are very persuasive, they present well, usually have a briefcase full of notes.

The money paid is supposed to be added to the sale price of the property and hence come back to those who have paid up believing their story.

As you say, very well presented,and a older "trusty guy" that played the role as a leader. they had a bag of notes as well, she said. this was for another purchase/deal they told her. She lives alone in the house, and must have been consider a perfect target.

I guess/know money amongst thais give a certain respect, an anything goes. Amazing Thailand.

If she see them again, which can happen, she said she would do something before she to the police, what ever that means :)

Why would someone have to give 500K to someone buying their property? :) Sorry anyone does this they are pretty stupid and prob deserve to lose the dosh!!!
Its a similar scam to the nigerian one where they want to send you $12000.0000 or some stupid amount then ask you for the export duty fee, relying on peoples greed a lot of it,either way she wasnt the sharpest knife in the drawer , ( no offence ) :D
It stinks,why didnt she call you BEFORE handing the money over ? ,my wife would not part with a bean without consulting me first,.i dont think we have to ask whos 500k it really was she handed over ( if indeed it was ),,if i were you id be on the first plane over to reaccess it and get it secured, :)

What stinks is a farang whose determination to condemn an innocent (albeit foolish) Thai girl is so overwhelming that the farang irrationally refuses to accept the fact that what she lost was her own money from her own bank account.

Rubbish,.and ill tell you why, my wife and i consider any money we have OURS,the loss at best is mutual, although i doubt it,.....and i say again any money decisions/transactions involving this sort of amount should be shared ,this wouldnt have happened had he been aware,.
This is a regular scam in Thailand, usually it's aimed at Thais. The money is supposed to be for helping in the sale of the homes, and is to cover tax and under the table payments etc ( thats what they say ). One lady I know paid 250,000 Baht, and my brother in law got done for 200,000.

These people are very persuasive, they present well, usually have a briefcase full of notes.

The money paid is supposed to be added to the sale price of the property and hence come back to those who have paid up believing their story.

Amazing Thailand,why on earth would anyone give money to a potential buyer??

They are the ones to pay not the seller.

If this is the way it works here,I feel for you both.After a 5 year relationship,the feeling is that you are both working for a common goal and hopefully this is not a scam instigated by your tilac.

It stinks,why didnt she call you BEFORE handing the money over ? ,my wife would not part with a bean without consulting me first,.i dont think we have to ask whos 500k it really was she handed over ( if indeed it was ),,if i were you id be on the first plane over to reaccess it and get it secured, :ermm:

What stinks is a farang whose determination to condemn an innocent (albeit foolish) Thai girl is so overwhelming that the farang irrationally refuses to accept the fact that what she lost was her own money from her own bank account.

Rubbish,.and ill tell you why, my wife and i consider any money we have OURS,the loss at best is mutual, although i doubt it,.....and i say again any money decisions/transactions involving this sort of amount should be shared ,this wouldnt have happened had he been aware,.

That is you and your wife. This girl's partner says that it was her money in her account. Why do you persist in calling him a liar and her dishonest?

It stinks,why didnt she call you BEFORE handing the money over ? ,my wife would not part with a bean without consulting me first,.i dont think we have to ask whos 500k it really was she handed over ( if indeed it was ),,if i were you id be on the first plane over to reaccess it and get it secured, :D

What stinks is a farang whose determination to condemn an innocent (albeit foolish) Thai girl is so overwhelming that the farang irrationally refuses to accept the fact that what she lost was her own money from her own bank account.

Rubbish,.and ill tell you why, my wife and i consider any money we have OURS,the loss at best is mutual, although i doubt it,.....and i say again any money decisions/transactions involving this sort of amount should be shared ,this wouldnt have happened had he been aware,.

That is you and your wife. This girl's partner says that it was her money in her account. Why do you persist in calling him a liar and her dishonest?

I didnt call anyone a liar, however this is up for scrutiny dont you think, and married or not, she should have consulted him on the sale of HIS house,with attitudes of some its no wonder these problems exist,. :)
It stinks,why didnt she call you BEFORE handing the money over ? ,my wife would not part with a bean without consulting me first,.i dont think we have to ask whos 500k it really was she handed over ( if indeed it was ),,if i were you id be on the first plane over to reaccess it and get it secured, :)

What stinks is a farang whose determination to condemn an innocent (albeit foolish) Thai girl is so overwhelming that the farang irrationally refuses to accept the fact that what she lost was her own money from her own bank account.

Rubbish,.and ill tell you why, my wife and i consider any money we have OURS,the loss at best is mutual, although i doubt it,.....and i say again any money decisions/transactions involving this sort of amount should be shared ,this wouldnt have happened had he been aware,.

But the OP is asking for advice about HIS long term girlfriend and HIS situation. The fact that you and your wife have got things so well set up is neither here nor there. My wife would not do this either. So what. Whether his wife is dumber than you or not does not matter. Its whether she is telling the truth that the OP is (I suspect) more concerned about. You can replace 500K baht - trust is not so easy - once that is gone it does not return!

She needs a lot of support and help from the OP to get over this. If indeed she is lying, then that situation needs to be dealt with at a later date.!!


This "drugged and gave money away" scam is gaining credibility.

It worked for some fool who sold her gold to pay her debt and came up with a ridiculous excuse as to why she needed money. A few believed.

Then a few more Thais heard about it and used the same story with success, thus perpetuating the myth.

Now, it has extended to foreigners who also believe that a mystery drug forces people to be coherent enough to go to a bank, withdraw 500k and give it to some "well presented, trusty guy" who wants to buy a house, and not remember a thing.

Giving the benefit of the doubt is reserved fro plausible excuses.

Son, you been had.

My girlfriend called me today saying that she had been scammed by somebody that where suppose to be a potential buyer for my house.

This started a couple of days ago, she called and said that a woman went to the house saying her sister was interrested in buying the house, and she would come to the house a few days later.

"her sister" which turned out to be 5 guys in a Toyota Fortuner showed up yesterday, all dressed up/hi-so looking, as she said... somehow she was lured to hand over money to them for god knows what?? and they where suppose to show up later with a deposit for the house.

All in all she handed over about 500k baht... The first thing on my mind was gambling-debt,,, but i am not to sure about it.. I called later today and then she was at the police station, they told her that this was a profesional gang, that have been reported before, and the car was most probarly a rented one with fake plates. Tommorow they are going to Lotus on Sukhumvit to go trouhgt the cctv cameras, and see if they can recognise the car/plates (they didn't go in with her to the bank).

So what you think guys/ladies, is this just another rather advanced excuse for a loss of money, or have somebody heard anything about this? We have been together for about 5 years, and this is not a common thing...

Your girlfriend has access to your bank account?????????? You just paid 500K school fee, hope you learned the lesson.

I'm going to play devils advocate here and say that she was duped.  They told her it was for "closing costs" and she believed them.  I find it hard to belive that the mrs. would settle for 500K when she can sell the house and get much more if she was in it for the money.  To many people 500K really isn't a huge sum of money so I'm not sure why everyone immediately jumps  on the OP and says his wife/g'f is stealing from him, especially after 4 years.

" especially after 4 years" not relevant at all, some make their move after 10 even 20 years.

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