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old-lady-award-tattoo-winner.jpgi think i knew this one ! :D

"Knew" in the biblical sense? Oh Eggy, say it isn't so!!


Biblical as in she started her career wrapped around a pole in Sodom and Gomorrah? :D

Rant away Patsy. Im in a bit of a rant mood myself tbh..and its true what you say anyway.

But, I think a picture will say it better than any comment i wish to say will...


I love that cartoon, eek. It really does say it all.

I don't mind posting what I look like almost naked. But, I eat well and exercise. I gain a little weight when I'm in Canada and lose it again in Thailand. I look younger since I shaved off the remainder of my hair. I lost it all originally in a fire and it never returned. I've still got the scars on my legs and top of my head. Fortunately, the flames didn't hit my face.


But, this is what I see very often on the beaches of Jomptien...


  • 2 weeks later...
I've got similar pictures, but with their clothes on. I went to a 50th anniversary this past May and I can tell you I'm sure happy I'm single. Life isn't fair to women when they age.

You do set yourself up for a prat fall every now again Ian don't you.

It reminds me a little of the video on here at the moment, regarding someone throwing a powderpuff punch and being set upon by a bunch of cage fighters.

There could be only one winner, before you


i think women need money to age well either with surgery on numerous body parts, botox, personal trainers and expensive skin creams etc but a man needs an exercise routine and access to a gym and a pair of running shoes...it's costs men a lot less to age well...as my uncle once said when he noticed an ex girlfriend crossing the road, he remarked on how she'd aged since her better years...

"the hands of time have been very kind to me, but it looks like they've given her an almighty smack" lol


Goldie Hawn eh !.nah she hasnt aged well im afraid,.isnt it great we discovered thailand and dont ever have to be with a wrinkled partner !, ( ill get my flak jacket ) :D

I'd rather wake up next to Goldie than anyone featured in the people of walmart. If you haven't visited that website which features pictures of the people that shop in walmart, then you'll never understand creepy ugly. (The elderly man with his breast implants can't compete with a local kathoey.)

<deleted> me, PoWM :D

Thanks for the tip. I have been laughing my ass off for over an hour. :)

That pickup truck, parked appropriately in the handicapped spot, with the ass off a Corvette butchered had me crying with laughter.

Took the cake.


^ You're not the only one. I checked out that walmart link and the tears were flowing from laughing so much. Its often the description that set me off!

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