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after two months, still struggling with tot adsl. today they came over and let me borrow a router, and its actually working, although there are dead spots now and again. i was wondering how i could configure the ports or see which ports the router is running through, the only problem is it doesn't look like he left any of the router software on my machine.



I have absolutely no idea. I can't help you.

I could not say one way or the other what you should do. Routers and ports are beyond me. So I can't help at all.



after two months, still struggling with tot adsl. today they came over and let me borrow a router, and its actually working, although there are dead spots now and again.  i was wondering how i could configure the ports or see which ports the router is running through, the only problem is it doesn't look like he left any of the router software on my machine.


hello john,

the router itself doesnt run on any port.

since its a router, u r probably connected via the local area network.

asuming u r using win xp, u goto network connections, double click on local area network and choose details. your ip must be mentioned there...

it will be something like 192.168.1.x or 192.168.0.x or something.

if your ip is 192.168.1.x, then open yr web browser and type and enter.

you will be asked for a login name and passwords.,,if u dont know them then u can google for the default password/...if that doesnt work ask the tot guys what password they set....

u can configure ports on most soho routers...

instructions depends on yr specific model...

it would be much easier if u read the manual of the router and browse thru the manufactures site...


o.k. thanks for the replies, i'll have to wait until tomorrow when the tot guys return again (10th time?). they just hooked up a router they had and let me see what happened with it overnight, didn't give me any passwords or manual. by dead spots i mean it disconnects or something, can't load anything for a few minutes, and then it comes back again.

tot doesn't seem to mind putting a lot of man hours into one customer, i am surprised they didn't blow me off a long time ago.


First are you sure you have a router and not just the adsl modem..

As other guys are pointing out you need to find which IP the router is stitting on.. If you see the IP of the NIC that is connected to the router or which range your home net is based upon, you can ping that range (pingwar will do this for you) until you gte a response from the router..

Try that IP with your web browser or even telnet sometimes.. Very often the default password is no passord or it says try admin/pass etc if not setup..

My last adsl setup would require frequent reboots of the cisco modem..


The Router is better than the Modem as it usually gives you firewall and other

protection. However by default these features are usually OFF, so should not get in

your way.

If necessary press the RESET button to get back to all the default setings.

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