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Ruckus At Mbk


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there was an African American man chatting up one thai lady after another in the mobile phone center and it resulted in all the surrounding Thais gawking and laughing. the girls, for whatever reason, racism perhaps, did not seem interested in this man and appeared very uncomfortable. When he would isolate one of the girls, all the other Thais would start whispering and pointing, perhaps to humiliate the girl being isolated or perhaps some sort of traditional preamble to a mating ritual... it really seemed like things were going to reach a boiling point when he finally called it quits and backed off.

it just goes to show you that this is still a homogeneous society.

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Probably, it's not something you see every day here. It will get attention and most of all will be very embarrassing for the ladies targeted even if the guy is thai. Maybe ok in the night clubs or other venues where people are relaxing etc but not in the middle of the day in the shopping mall in front of everyone else.

Think about it, when was the last time you see even couples, thai or farang thai showing some affection to each other in public like malls or skytrain. Not to mention kissing in public. It is just not done here...

Edited by MJo
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there was an African American man chatting up one thai lady after another in the mobile phone center and it resulted in all the surrounding Thais gawking and laughing. the girls, for whatever reason, racism perhaps, did not seem interested in this man and appeared very uncomfortable. When he would isolate one of the girls, all the other Thais would start whispering and pointing, perhaps to humiliate the girl being isolated or perhaps some sort of traditional preamble to a mating ritual... it really seemed like things were going to reach a boiling point when he finally called it quits and backed off.

it just goes to show you that this is still a homogeneous society.

Seems to me that the OP is making a whole lot of assumptions here of what was being discussed.

And based on absolute assumptions, which could be totally wrong, the OP even goes as far as saying: "it just goes to show you that this is still a homogeneous society."

Really wish people who write statements based on fact, not rubbish .

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And no one here just mentions how stupid and primitive this guy (no matter what race) was?!? You just don't do something like that in public, in a shopping center. It's as simple as that. And it's quite normal that decent normal people around will notice that and start to talk to their friends and colleagues around. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they rightfully were talking something like this: "Hey look at this crazy guy! Another stupid sex tourist! Someone should castrate these guys...!" That has nothing to do with race - it's only a normal reaction to the wrong behaviour of a foreign guest in the country who thinks that all Thai girls are sluts and ready to be taken by him.

If he does the same thing at home everyone will shake his head and maybe have the same reaction and he risks getting arrested pretty quickly for harassment. What makes some guys think they can come to Thailand and being here they can forget all good manners, common sense and dignity and believe all girls in the country are just to be taken and used by them? I'm so sick of such lifeforms!! Which decent girl should be interested in a person like that??

There is not one day that my lovely Thai wife is not harassed like that; some stupid Farang (of whatever race) approaching her while shopping or just walking on the street or wherever and asking something like "Hi! You come with me? I have a nice hotelroom... can I have your telephone number?" Most of these people wouldn't dare to behave like that at home but once in Thailand their balls are attached directly to what's left of their brain.

I see this so often and that is something that sometimes makes me really ashamed of being a foreigner here. Living here for more than 10 years now this is actually the biggest grievance I have in this country. I love and enjoy to live here, I can cope very well with many shortcomings and Thai homemade problems, I consider myself as a very happy Farang in Thailand but this behaviour of so many "foreign guests" here is something I have really serious issues to cope with.

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African American accents are easy to discern, especially if they use a lot of up to date jive language. he told one girl, "once u go black, you never go back"... that is a common American slang phrase that the ladies love.

Of course it is, dear. What's the matter - finding it a little uncomfortable under that bridge?

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And no one here just mentions how stupid and primitive this guy (no matter what race) was?!? You just don't do something like that in public, in a shopping center. It's as simple as that. And it's quite normal that decent normal people around will notice that and start to talk to their friends and colleagues around. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they rightfully were talking something like this: "Hey look at this crazy guy! Another stupid sex tourist! Someone should castrate these guys...!" That has nothing to do with race - it's only a normal reaction to the wrong behaviour of a foreign guest in the country who thinks that all Thai girls are sluts and ready to be taken by him.

If he does the same thing at home everyone will shake his head and maybe have the same reaction and he risks getting arrested pretty quickly for harassment. What makes some guys think they can come to Thailand and being here they can forget all good manners, common sense and dignity and believe all girls in the country are just to be taken and used by them? I'm so sick of such lifeforms!! Which decent girl should be interested in a person like that??

There is not one day that my lovely Thai wife is not harassed like that; some stupid Farang (of whatever race) approaching her while shopping or just walking on the street or wherever and asking something like "Hi! You come with me? I have a nice hotelroom... can I have your telephone number?" Most of these people wouldn't dare to behave like that at home but once in Thailand their balls are attached directly to what's left of their brain.

I see this so often and that is something that sometimes makes me really ashamed of being a foreigner here. Living here for more than 10 years now this is actually the biggest grievance I have in this country. I love and enjoy to live here, I can cope very well with many shortcomings and Thai homemade problems, I consider myself as a very happy Farang in Thailand but this behaviour of so many "foreign guests" here is something I have really serious issues to cope with.

No you don't, except that some do. My Thai partner recently admonished a Japanese man on the Sky Train who was making a Thai office worker-type very uncomfortable by telling her, "I think you're a very beautiful woman. I find you very attractive."

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there was an African American man chatting up one thai lady after another in the mobile phone center and it resulted in all the surrounding Thais gawking and laughing. the girls, for whatever reason, racism perhaps, did not seem interested in this man and appeared very uncomfortable. When he would isolate one of the girls, all the other Thais would start whispering and pointing, perhaps to humiliate the girl being isolated or perhaps some sort of traditional preamble to a mating ritual... it really seemed like things were going to reach a boiling point when he finally called it quits and backed off.

it just goes to show you that this is still a homogeneous society.

Why couldn't he just take a number like the rest of us? :)

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I don't think it's that uncommon for tourists to sleaze on local women when they don't realise that bar girl behaviour isn't necessarily normal woman behaviour. He was probably having a very good holiday and maybe a bit drunk and let the mood carry him away.. Not much of a 'ruckus' if I'm at all understanding the word..

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And no one here just mentions how stupid and primitive this guy (no matter what race) was?!? You just don't do something like that in public, in a shopping center. It's as simple as that. And it's quite normal that decent normal people around will notice that and start to talk to their friends and colleagues around. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they rightfully were talking something like this: "Hey look at this crazy guy! Another stupid sex tourist! Someone should castrate these guys...!" That has nothing to do with race - it's only a normal reaction to the wrong behaviour of a foreign guest in the country who thinks that all Thai girls are sluts and ready to be taken by him.

If he does the same thing at home everyone will shake his head and maybe have the same reaction and he risks getting arrested pretty quickly for harassment. What makes some guys think they can come to Thailand and being here they can forget all good manners, common sense and dignity and believe all girls in the country are just to be taken and used by them? I'm so sick of such lifeforms!! Which decent girl should be interested in a person like that??

There is not one day that my lovely Thai wife is not harassed like that; some stupid Farang (of whatever race) approaching her while shopping or just walking on the street or wherever and asking something like "Hi! You come with me? I have a nice hotelroom... can I have your telephone number?" Most of these people wouldn't dare to behave like that at home but once in Thailand their balls are attached directly to what's left of their brain.

I see this so often and that is something that sometimes makes me really ashamed of being a foreigner here. Living here for more than 10 years now this is actually the biggest grievance I have in this country. I love and enjoy to live here, I can cope very well with many shortcomings and Thai homemade problems, I consider myself as a very happy Farang in Thailand but this behaviour of so many "foreign guests" here is something I have really serious issues to cope with.

No you don't, except that some do. My Thai partner recently admonished a Japanese man on the Sky Train who was making a Thai office worker-type very uncomfortable by telling her, "I think you're a very beautiful woman. I find you very attractive."

japanese are just as proper as thais in public? you sure wasnt a mexican? or negroe?

the issues is with thais offering themselves up for sex not the tourists who buy it. the world knows what los is about. tell your wife to be flattered, she being so luscious! :)

most of the farangs wives i see are so UNluscious!

Edited by bootsie
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Anyone from the US or Canada and many others can tell the African American (or African Canadian) accent quit easily and accurately.

Not eveey person of colour is striaght out of Compton. It may shock you, but there are a great many "African Americans" that have indistinguishable dialects, i.e. if he or she is out of Corner Brook Newfoundland, he or she will talk like an inbred irishman or if he or she is out of Nebraska, he or she will sound like a corn husker. What happens with a wigger? Try and use your functioning brain cells, ok? You'd be up in arms if someone had written that one can spot a homosexual because of a mincing gait and overuse of perfume.

Back on the short bus 4U.

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And no one here just mentions how stupid and primitive this guy (no matter what race) was?!? You just don't do something like that in public, in a shopping center. It's as simple as that. And it's quite normal that decent normal people around will notice that and start to talk to their friends and colleagues around. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they rightfully were talking something like this: "Hey look at this crazy guy! Another stupid sex tourist! Someone should castrate these guys...!" That has nothing to do with race - it's only a normal reaction to the wrong behaviour of a foreign guest in the country who thinks that all Thai girls are sluts and ready to be taken by him.

If he does the same thing at home everyone will shake his head and maybe have the same reaction and he risks getting arrested pretty quickly for harassment. What makes some guys think they can come to Thailand and being here they can forget all good manners, common sense and dignity and believe all girls in the country are just to be taken and used by them? I'm so sick of such lifeforms!! Which decent girl should be interested in a person like that??

There is not one day that my lovely Thai wife is not harassed like that; some stupid Farang (of whatever race) approaching her while shopping or just walking on the street or wherever and asking something like "Hi! You come with me? I have a nice hotelroom... can I have your telephone number?" Most of these people wouldn't dare to behave like that at home but once in Thailand their balls are attached directly to what's left of their brain.

I see this so often and that is something that sometimes makes me really ashamed of being a foreigner here. Living here for more than 10 years now this is actually the biggest grievance I have in this country. I love and enjoy to live here, I can cope very well with many shortcomings and Thai homemade problems, I consider myself as a very happy Farang in Thailand but this behaviour of so many "foreign guests" here is something I have really serious issues to cope with.

No you don't, except that some do. My Thai partner recently admonished a Japanese man on the Sky Train who was making a Thai office worker-type very uncomfortable by telling her, "I think you're a very beautiful woman. I find you very attractive."

japanese are just as proper as thais in public? you sure wasnt a mexican? or negroe?

the issues is with thais offering themselves up for sex not the tourists who buy it. the world knows what los is about. tell your wife to be flattered, she being so luscious! :)

Give it a rest Blizzard. Banned again.

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Btw, what's the problem with chatting up ladies on the street? The farang-guilt parade will have you believe that this is somehow wrong when it's actually a lot more common in Asia, what do you think those love hotels are for? Google 'Nanpa Japan' and learn something today.

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Btw, what's the problem with chatting up ladies on the street? The farang-guilt parade will have you believe that this is somehow wrong when it's actually a lot more common in Asia, what do you think those love hotels are for? Google 'Nanpa Japan' and learn something today.

Maybe, but you need to use a bit of judgement and know when to stop or it becomes harassment and a cause for offence. I know if someone, especially male, approached me with sexual intent whilst I was going about my ordinary business, I would be uncomfortable. Down soi Cowboy is another matter.

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there was an African American man chatting up one thai lady after another in the mobile phone center and it resulted in all the surrounding Thais gawking and laughing. the girls, for whatever reason, racism perhaps, did not seem interested in this man and appeared very uncomfortable. When he would isolate one of the girls, all the other Thais would start whispering and pointing, perhaps to humiliate the girl being isolated or perhaps some sort of traditional preamble to a mating ritual... it really seemed like things were going to reach a boiling point when he finally called it quits and backed off.

it just goes to show you that this is still a homogeneous society.

You have a funny idea of what a 'ruckus' is....

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