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I have just moved house and last time I had an engineer set up my JI net system as part of the price.. Since then I have installed a couple of TT&T Hinet packages for mates so I knew these budget signups are flying blind...

I checked out locally and the TOT budget package offered here in Patong (Phuket) is the xxxxxcyber packages (silver / gold etc) with a max line possible of 1024/256 for 1k baht for line and ISP.. Now I know these 2Mbit deals I hear about dont actually do that but I thought the TOT offered true 2 Mbit (not here they dont)...

So anyway I have signed up and waited (line is not activated yet) but when I ask them for my ISP details they all looked at me like a dog thats just been shown a card trick.. After MUCH pushing they finally printed out a sheet with my username and password for log in (well I would not get far without it) which amazingly is just my telephone number as both username and password (wow what security) but could get no further...

They told me the ISP was Pacific internet at pacific.co.th which does not exist.. there is a pacific.net.th but they have not responded to any email at all..

I have not found anything in english online yet (mainly cause I dont have much of a clue who is providing what) but if anyone knows about the goldcyber package login and net info i need...

Login ::

Connection type :: PPPoE LLC ?? (could be PPoA and either VC Mux or LLC for both)..

VPI :: 0 ??

VCI :: 66 ??

IP address / Subnet Mask / Gateway:: Unspecified ??

Protocol :: PAP ??

Username / Pass I have (as does anyone in the world that has my home number !!!)

ISP details ::

DNS server Primary / Secondary

SMTP server

I am used to flying a bit blind but surely I am not supposed to be guessing these ?? Taking my Thai girl was useless cause she does not understand the technicality of what I need her to translate.

Anyone used these this package have any info they can throw out.


Seeing the pinned topic at least one bit is filled in..

Goldcyber SMTP is

So can anyone please check thier modem for some of the rest of this ??

Thanks in advance


I can now confirm that these parameters ARE correct for TOT adsl


VCI 32


i'm still trying to get this tot thing straight, they let me borrow a router for two days, sold me one today, now cannot connect again. but this may be because i have been having problems between 4-6 pm anyhow.

if you need all these settings,, i guess you are using the router. which one did you get? they sold me a xavix8124r.


IP address/subnet/gateway/DNS will of course be done through DHCP via PPP when you login, so no need to fill them in. PAP/CHAP are the usual, as are PPPoE and PPPoA.

Pacific internet has been around a while, but it's one of the smaller ISPs, with unreliable service.


Thanks.. What speed are you set up at ?? I had an impression that VCI 66 was for 1024 and 33 was for 512.. Dont know where I got this idea mind..

As for router or modem these settings are for a ADSL modem.. I have a good solid 8 port router and then a wireless access point downstream of the modem (as well as a bunch of machines) and am not sure which one to set up as the DHCP server.. Tend to trust the router a bit more than the ADSL modem as its more SOHO / Semi Pro and has more control options and settings.. I figure leave the modem open and use the HW firewall at the router as my security point and DHCP downstream from there..

The modem I picked up was a DLink single Ethernet port modem.. Cheap bastards did not include a POTS splitter despite me specifically asking in the shop.. There is (what might be) an inline filter to attach to a phone but as I have >5 phone points in my home a POTS splitter for the modem is the way I need to go..

IP address/subnet/gateway/DNS will of course be done through DHCP via PPP when you login, so no need to fill them in.  PAP/CHAP are the usual, as are PPPoE and PPPoA.

Pacific internet has been around a while, but it's one of the smaller ISPs, with unreliable service.

OK I was not sure about DNS being picked up by DHCP.. The werent when I was with JI Net they were manual config but that was OK as they at least had a support page listing all settings..

Also in my setup PAP / CHAP and PPPoE PPPoA (with each of the LLC or Mux, as well as a whole bunch of others) are either or settings.. I strongly suspect PPPoE LLC is thge norm..

So is that confirmation that goldcyber packages are serviced by pacific ???


I have the Xavi router as well, sold to me by the TT&T people when I signed up for the Ji-net package.

A pretty good router it is, only setting up port forwarding took quit some research!

These routers are used a lot by big telcom's offering adsl, only most of them put them in their own box. Brittish Telecom (BT) is one of them...


On this site you can find some interesting stuff on things you can do with this box. The inards are exactly the same as the Xavi.

Livinlos, the username & password is not relevant to security on adsl lines, since you can only get access to internet service actually using that physical phoneline!

It would be a serious breach of security if one could get access to your mail server using those credentials.

Most ISP's in the west don't even work with usernames/passwords, I guess in Thailand it is a left over from when adsl subscribers were billed on a time base.


hey monty,

thanks for the tip on that website, its a lot of help and a lot of info. something to read tonight. especially that part on port forwarding, having problems with emule.



I have yet to verify this but I am told that the 'cheap' CAT packages (true Hinet etc) block many ports (gaming / VoIP phone / Emule)..

I was fine with JI net and will see how things go with goldcyber packages very shortly.


Fraid it's true LivingLOS, both True and TOT block a lot of ports on their cheap packages...

VOIP, Bittorent and most stuff won't work...

CAT makes most of it's revenue from overseas calls so they really have no reason to support VOIP...

In the end, the small premium you pay on packages like Ji-net or Loxinfo are really worth the money!

The multi Megabit stuff is marketing hype anyway, international bandwidth is what matters for most of us...

I'm not interested in downloading from True's servers so what's the point...


well, another roadblock. maybe i will drop this tot bit and try for ji-net or loxinfo. had the router up and running for two days, tech comes over and switches boxes, now no adsl. he tells me i need a new, clean windows install, guess i will try that on monday. i uninstalled all the old firewalls, but it seems i have some residual firewalling going on, at least according to grc.com port scan.

can anyone else comment or confirm the fact that true, tot, etc. block ports on their adsl packages?



For VoIP I am with skype using port 80.. Try blocking that :o !!!

Will see how thins go with this goldcyber.. If the only thing I am missing is emule I can live with it (also can you not configure the client to use alternative ports)..

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