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Annoying Things Websites Do


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Just a few things on the web that #### me off.

Web authors who think you want to listen to their continuouly looping midi interfearing with what your mp3 player was playing.

Pages that are nothing but links to other sites. Give me content or go do some knitting or something usefull. Stop wasting bandwidth.

Java toolbars that follow you around the page and block the content you were trying to see.

People who don't know how to use java sensibly.

Websites that beg you to click their banners. If the $5 a month is killing you, log off and start shining shoes.

Sites who advertise free things but only really sell stuff. I hope you go bankrupt and the bank takes your comp away.

People who put every animated, flashing, spinning, java scripted, processor hogging gadget they can find on their front page.


Putting toolbars or assorted gunk on my hard drive (or trying to). Hey Dumbass, I can see when you try that, and if your site is not well protected you better have it backed up. If you want access to my HD, fine, but fair is fair. :o

People who try to run a "business" on a free website, and/or using a hotmail address. I will never give a dime to any company hosted on Geocities, or using hotmail. Both are fine for kids to play with, but unprofessional to do business with.

Ok, got some off my chest... think I'll go have lunch, feel free to add your own annoyances. :D


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one of my pet peeves is news sites that load you up with columns of ads on both sides, top and bottom, then split the story into four pages, with each page having two paragraphs.

and those blinking java ads really suck!

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People who try to run a "business" on a free website, and/or using a hotmail address. I will never give a dime to any company hosted on Geocities, or using hotmail. Both are fine for kids to play with, but unprofessional to do business with.

As most companies in Thailand do - even bigger, well established companies with their own website. I.e. they announce their website www.whatever.com, email: [email protected] ... Amateurs!

Another annoyance is websites who want to take the focus at all time (including TV as discussed in another thread :o)

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Splash pages annoy me, you got to someone's web address and then you have to click enter and go to the homepage, what's the point of it?

Too much flash as well, just for the sake of using it.

Loads of different fonts and colours in the writing making it hard on the eyes.

Yep, someone using a [email protected] for biz contact addy, how cheap is that.

Pop up ads.

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Pages that are nothing but links to other sites. Give me content or go do some knitting or something usefull. Stop wasting bandwidth.

Thats a search engine thing.

I think what cdnvic is referring to (and a pet peeve of mine as well) are those websites that you have found from a search engine, and from the search results description, appears to have the information you're looking for, only when you visit the sites, have a page full of links to websites that (supposedly) actually have the information. However, it gets even more frustrating when those sites contain no information either, but instead links to more websites! :o (and on and on)

You end up wasting your time and not getting much info, but contributing to the owners' "pay-per-click" online advertising setups!


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I personally can't stand when they resize my window.

There is a reason my window is that size and i don't need someone else changing my settings.

Plus downloading spam tools / spyware / adware onto my machine.

When are the authorities going to get tough and stop this behaviour by webmasters and developers. Don't think anyone likes this except the webmaster and of course computer technicians that get paid to clean this shit off.

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