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Security Tightened At Yellow Shirts' Gathering


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Security tightened at yellow shirts' gathering

Security will be tightened for the gathering of supporters of Peoples' Alliance for Democracy (PAD) plan to mark the October 7 police crackdown.

Metropolitan Police Chief Pol Lt Gen Worapong Chewpreecha said that hundreds of police will be deployed at the Royal Plaza ground.

Worapong said he was informed by the PAD leaders that the group will erect a stage and tents at the Royal Plaza early Wednesday morning until afternoon.

They will conduct religious rites there to remember the victims of the October 7 crackdown last year.

He said the protesters then will march to the Democracy Monument on Ratchadamnern Klang Road to declare their intentions concerning the charter review.

At the end they will move to the Thammasat University Tha Prachan campus.

Gen Worapong expressed confidence that the event will be held peacefully, while advising Bangkok residents to avoid traffic in the given areas, particularly Ratchadamnern Nok, Ratchadamnern Klang and Ratchadamnern Nai roads.

Police's crackdown on the yellow shirts last year killed a protester and wounded many others. Police fired fired teargas into the crowd to open the way for members of parliament to attend a joint meeting of Parliament.


-- The Nation 2009/10/06

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Yes, they now have elected a criminal so I guess Thaksin can come back home now and get his premiership back after a three year wait. This place is not Unseen Thailand...It Is Unbelievable Thailand :)

The THE BOYS IN BKK are ALL THUGS always have been and always will

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Certainly an increase in control of a PAD rally is totally in order for tomorrow.

I am sure and ISA would be written up if they thought it be needed.


My something big must becoming up!

The TVF News bile level is sure rising out of the blue!

Because there is a sudden effort at creating a ground swell of uni-directional opinion

in a certain Thaksin-ish direction. Maybe the PR funds got upped after a quiet time,

or the Reddened leaders are saying 'sway opinions before the next rally...'

WAIT the rally was just announced.

Ah ha...

Propaganda crews man your oars.

This cracks me up on so many levels.

Chalerm screwed the pooch big time with the Abhisit doctored tape,

and now all he can do is try the rather expired Kasit tape. Pathetic.

As if Hun Sen doesn't know it by heart and as if he really cares.

The guy lives real politique, and sure knows how sharp the dullard

Thai Opposition tacks are these days. Hun Sen deals with those actually In Charge

not those trying any lames ass tactic to get power back.

Ah BUT THE TIMING... that was just before the last rally and now again,

same tactic different target, but with a treasonous international raising of stakes.

So I expect a greater level of stupidities happening shortly,

plus Dr. T. money is still on the block.

Desperate measures for desperate times.

Edited by animatic
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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

There was no massacre - one of the two dead has clearly died from his own bombs, and with the other death there are two conflicting autopsy results.

I also hope that someone pauses to remember that three police officers that day were injured by gunshots, one was stabbed through the chest with a flag pole, and several were injured by a car purposely driven into police.

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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

There was no massacre

I would think that most sane people would classify 2 dead and 500 injured, including many with limb amputations, as a massacre.

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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

There was no massacre

I would think that most sane people would classify 2 dead and 500 injured, including many with limb amputations, as a massacre.

Most of the 500 injured got a dose of the teargas.

The amputations happened, it were about 4 or 5 cases, due to weapons grade tear gas the police was supplied with (no inquiries though who supplied them, or which government bought it).

And what about the injured officers - 3 of them even with gunshot wounds, the one stabbed through the chest with a flag pole? Do they not count, or is it alright to shoot and stab police officers?

Edited by justanothercybertosser
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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

There was no massacre

I would think that most sane people would classify 2 dead and 500 injured, including many with limb amputations, as a massacre.

Most of the 500 injured got a dose of the teargas.

The amputations happened, it were about 4 or 5 cases

That's not how television news footage and countless press releases with photos and on the scene reports described it.

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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

There was no massacre

I would think that most sane people would classify 2 dead and 500 injured, including many with limb amputations, as a massacre.

Two deaths don't constitute a massacre. From dictionary.reference.com: "1. the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder. 2. a general slaughter, as of persons or animals: the massacre of millions during the war". Sorry but 2 isn't a large number.

Edited by donx
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Good to see that Thais are pausing to remember the massacre the police committed against this group.

Hopefully Somchai and Chavalit are prosecuted for their crimes as leaders on that dreadful day when so many were injured.

There was no massacre

I would think that most sane people would classify 2 dead and 500 injured, including many with limb amputations, as a massacre.

Two deaths don't constitute a massacre. From dictionary.reference.com: "1. the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder. 2. a general slaughter, as of persons or animals: the massacre of millions during the war". Sorry but 2 isn't a large number.

Ok, how about gory havoc?



1. covered or stained with gore; bloody.


1. great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage.

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While, as far as there is no law governing crowd control and one has a group of crazed and misled and listening to rhetoric from the likes of the PAD 7 to commit unrest and mayhem and not following the orders on authority. If you (PAD) step into that realm then you get all you deserve, injuries, death and the like. The courts are trying the wrong people and sooner or later the PAD will get their own type of justice placed on them and executed for their unsavory actions.

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Massacre, no,

obvious horribly violent retribution against a political enemy, sure as shooting.

If Somchai's outside border patrol force had not tried to corral them like cattle,

and shoot weapons grade, explosive teargas at them like fish in a barrel, with obvious intent to injure,

this would have just been another crowd control exercise.

AND PAD would likely not have become nearly as militant in their methods.

But that is water under the bridge now...

Still this is now a notable black mark on the calendar that will be noted for some time to come.

Should an ISA be put in place, well not illogically yes; after the border stunt from one faction.

Passions are running higher if not high, but at the same time, there isn't a pile of money being

brought in to create chaos and make the government fall for political gain.

While they are quite nationalistic, and likely has certain factions close to 'round the twist',

there isn't an obvious general sense of need to create violence to reach the end goal.

Since the ISA is the only law suitable for for large crowd control invoking it isn't too much,

in ANY large crowd control situation. Red Yellow Chartruse etc.

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PAD didn't "commit unrest" on that day. They surrounded the parliament, and then the police started full blown assault without negotiations, warnings, or even escape routes.

PAD has released a VCD of that event, and while people might argue it's lopsided, the gore and violence were very real an undeniable.

Double standards? You bet, reds have never had it that bad, even during Songkran.

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Cougar52 (I try not to think why you chose that nick), maybe you should pray more and read less of ThaiVisa. Problem with you being tired of reading my posts solved.

Or you can block me and never see my posts again.

Or you can try talking about the topic and not personalities.

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