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Refused Again!

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I knew from the beginning it was bullocks, h3ll going to the British embassy on public holidays sucks!

The bitch is just stringing along and sucker him dry along the way, just for easy sake's, lets call her Alexia, and lets call him the Mooch.

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BS could be up-country undergoing a traditional thai wedding ceremony (and paying the traditional Thai dowry to the parents in law while he is at it).

A friendly male 'cousin' will be handling all the 'official' marriage papers for BS and new Khun Wife at the Ampur, so BS won't have to worry about it himself (for a small fee of course). The friendly cousin will 'make sure' that all the paper work will be sent directly to Birmingham, so that BS can enjoy the rest of his holidays in LOS.

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Maybe he's just sick of all the cynicism lovingly displayed here? :o

Then perhaps he should of thought about that before all his Bull Sh*t how his GF went for an interview when the Embassy was shut :D

He has invited cynacism and critism by his own words and his defence of the indefensible. :D

Perhaps he is not man enough to admit his mistakes........ :D

Happy Songkran. :D

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The upcoming season of Pride, Predujice and Pattaya is set to become the must see TV show of the year.

The launch episode ( extra length) has set the scene. BS is in love and must fight the tyrants who are out to stop him from being with his beloved. Featuring an all star cast of relative newbies, this is non stop action all the way to the alter.

The show features 10 episodes in the first season and below are some of the extracts. You will want to turn off your phone, shut your curtains, strangle the cat and kick out the dog to ensure your not disturbed whilst nestling in your favourite armchair with the lights dimmed low and your favourite comfort foods next to you as this true to life reality TV drama unfolds.....

Episode 1

Following on from the season kick off and scene setter, we find BS arriving at Bangkok hopefully to whisk his beloved back to the UK. First stop on his tour is the home of the tyrant. He has to infiltrate first though the top level security manned by those ever faithfull pain inflicting protectors, the Gurkhas. The tyrants location is atop Wireless Road, a symbolic building showing a once glorious past and a shrine to all those who have failed to pay the correct homage to this most repulsive collection of public servants. How will our hero undertake this mission?

Episode 2

Will BS come face to face with the tyrant? Has he outwitted the Gurkhas and scaled those high walls? Did he manage to get the taxi to drop him outside just before the meter clicked to 41 baht and thus causing him to shell out a hundred with no change? Is he going in under the cover of darkness or just choosing a public holiday to make his daring entry?

Meanwhile, what is the tyrant doing? How much does he now of BS plan? Are his intilligence teams working around the clock or just clock watching? Do they have any real clue as to what happens outside those impenetrable walls guarding the fortress. The fortress that without mercy has broken so many dreams and cast aside so many of the peasants who live outside those walls.

Episode 3

With a guest appearance from a dark skinned lady who always believes 3 days late is without question the fashionable time to arrive, we meet our heroine. Is she emerging from the klang draped only in a 2 piece bathing costume with some sea shells strategically placed around her navel and displaying an uncanny resemblance to something the cat dragged in. Does she emerge from the shadows of the Ekamia bus terminal having just arrived from the international resort of Pattaya, famous for its wealth of low class thieves and scoundrells.

How does she connect and meet BS? Where is BS? Has he been held by the tyrant? Is she going to be able to find him and release him from those evil clutches or does she decide she's hue cow and stops for some somtam at a streetside cafe in the arab quarter of this sweaty, mind boggling commune known as the City of Angels.? All will become clear.....

Episode 4

A first opportunity to see behind the walls. The walls that have seen much blood, many tears and quite a few dogs undergoing their business. Who are the aliens who work in that place. How come they never leave the building? What do they do and where do they sleep? How do they manage to convert so many people from being cheery and smiling before entry to coming out crying, nervous wrecks after their baptism with the tyrant. What mind playing tricks does he play with them. Why is everyone known by rank and not name and what the heck does ECO mean? All will become clear as we venture beyond those walls....

Episode 5

BS needs all the help he can get. Mrs BS is supportive but dim. He needs enlightment, he needs someone to 'guide' him through the tyrants thoughts. He also needs a shower. He works his way toward the 'Mans sauna' down a sub soi for some cleansing. He saw the ad in a free magazine in his hotel room among the ads of pretty girls and multitude of tailor shops all of whom have been given more awards than a Thai policeman. In the sauna, he realises that things are not all they seem. First off, he was sweating more in the streets of this city than inside the steam infested room. Second, everybody is given a banana and tub of vaseline as they enter along with a towell than can only be described as a thong. Tune in to find out what happens to BS....

Episode 6

Enter the Orac of all knowledge. The one who managed to escape from the tyrant and is pitting his wits to help the freedom fighters and no hope lowlifes, make something of themselves. The Scouse arrives in a private jet into an unkown airfield somewhere on the fringes of the Big Mango. Not for him the chaos of Don Muang. His private practice is doing rather well offering paid advice to an endless stream of disciples eager to throw good money after bad. Offering words of encouragement designed to draw hope to a hopeless cause, he has the healing hand of moses, albeit he now has a staff of underlings to deal with the day to day mass market dross. He keeps himself for the true sucker who clearly has more money than sense and is able to pay for a personal 'consultation' to beat the tyrant at any cost. Will the Scouse meet up with BS? How will they recognise each other? Did BS excape from the sauna OK ? or is he walking in a strange manner? Will the tyrant be aware of the arrival of his arch enemy, the Scouse. The last pretender, got a short thrift from the tyrant. Will the Scouse be next?

Episode 7

This episode takes place in the darkest den of eniquity, a place so teaming with low life that nobody would admit to being there. BS and Scouser sit quietly in the corner of this Soi Cowboy bar, pushing away the female hands that emerge from under the seats and reaching for their genitals. the air is thick with smoke and insense. Quietly they whisper together a plan aware that nobody with any standing would dare set foot into such a dump. They both choose to drink straight from their bottles of Singha, ignoring the glasses that have a built up residue of grime and mould. Mrs BS meanwhile is across the bar chatting with some friends she had not seen since working in Soi 6, Pattaya.

Episode 8

The execution of the plan commences. BS is fired up either with passion or by the somtan he ate at the street side market stall. Scouse has decided to visit a client in Phuket but promises to be back for judgement day. Nobody knows where Mrs BS is.

Episode 9

Judgement day arrives. BS could not sleep last night. After retiring at 8.00pm, he wanted to get a good 7 hours sleep before converging on the tyrants place in the dead of night. As it was he only got 1 hours sleep before the alarm call woke him. Is Mrs BS lying next to him? Do they attempt this mission together or does he go alone? Is it a public holiday today? Will Scouse emerge from the Oriental on time and meet him as planned? Should he trust the Tuk Tuk driver that has stuck by his side ever since he went on a tour of the temples followed by a visit to a closing down sale for a diamond shop somewhere in the Chinatown district? The driver said these diamonds were excellent and the 4 carrott ring he bought Mrs BS really looked good. Shame Mrs BS has scratched it already though leaving a large indent on the top of the diamond when she fell over drunk in NEP the night before last. Mrs BS took it to be valued and he was really impressed when she said it and he was a 'kinny ow" which the tuk tuk driver translated as meaning its rare and very valuable. He had spent a lot of time with the Tuk Tuk driver - Mrs BS had a lot to do in the big Mango and kept saying she going out for a short time, back soon.

Episode 10 - The cliffhanger

Scenario 1 - BS achieves his goal and beats the tyrant at his own game

Scenario 2 - BS fails in his quest for good to triumph over evil

You will have to tune in to find out what really happens in this most compelling of TV drama's

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The upcoming season of Pride, Predujice and Pattaya is set to become the must see TV show of the year.

The launch episode ( extra length) has set the scene.  BS is in love and must fight the tyrants who are out to stop him from being with his beloved.    Featuring an all star cast of relative newbies, this is non stop action all the way to the alter.

The show features 10 episodes in the first season and below are some of the extracts.  You will want to turn off your phone, shut your curtains, strangle the cat and kick out the dog to ensure your not disturbed whilst nestling in your favourite armchair with the lights dimmed low and your favourite comfort foods next to you as this true to life reality TV drama unfolds.....

Episode 1

Following on from the season kick off and scene setter, we find BS arriving at Bangkok hopefully to whisk his beloved back to the UK.    First stop on his tour is the home of the tyrant.  He has to infiltrate first though the top level security manned by those ever faithfull pain inflicting protectors, the Gurkhas.  The tyrants location is atop Wireless Road, a symbolic building showing  a once glorious past and a shrine to all those who have failed to pay the correct homage to this most repulsive collection of public servants.  How will our hero undertake this mission?

Episode 2

Will BS come face to face with the tyrant?  Has he outwitted the Gurkhas and scaled those high walls?  Did he manage to get the taxi to drop him outside just before the meter clicked to 41 baht and thus causing him to shell out a hundred with no change?  Is he going in under the cover of darkness or just choosing a public holiday to make his daring entry? 

Meanwhile, what is the tyrant doing?  How much does he now of BS plan?  Are his intilligence teams working around the clock or just clock watching?  Do they have any real clue as to what happens outside those impenetrable walls guarding the fortress.  The fortress that without mercy has broken so many dreams and cast aside so many of the peasants who live outside those walls. 

Episode 3

With a guest appearance from a dark skinned lady who always believes 3 days late is without question the fashionable time to arrive, we meet our heroine.  Is she emerging from the klang draped only in a 2 piece bathing costume with some sea shells strategically placed around her navel and displaying an uncanny resemblance to something the cat dragged in.  Does she emerge from the shadows of the Ekamia bus terminal having just arrived from the international resort of Pattaya, famous for its wealth of low class thieves and scoundrells. 

How does she connect and meet BS?  Where is BS?  Has he been held by the tyrant?  Is she going to be able to find him and release him from those evil clutches or does she decide she's hue cow and stops for some somtam at a streetside cafe in the arab quarter of this sweaty, mind boggling commune known as the City of Angels.?  All will become clear.....

Episode 4

A first opportunity to see behind the walls.  The walls that have seen much blood, many tears and quite a few dogs undergoing their business.    Who are the aliens who work in that place.  How come they never leave the building?  What do they do and where do they sleep?    How do they manage to convert so many people from being cheery and smiling before entry to coming out crying, nervous wrecks after their baptism with the tyrant.  What mind playing tricks does he play with them.  Why is everyone known by rank and not name and what the heck does ECO mean?  All will become clear as we venture beyond those walls....

Episode 5

BS needs all the help he can get.  Mrs BS is supportive but dim.  He needs enlightment, he needs someone to 'guide' him through the tyrants thoughts.  He also needs a shower.  He works his way toward the 'Mans sauna' down a sub soi for some cleansing.  He saw the ad in a free magazine in his hotel room among the ads of pretty girls and multitude of tailor shops all of whom have been given more awards than a Thai policeman.    In the sauna, he realises that things are not all they seem.  First off, he was sweating more in the streets of this city than inside the steam infested room.  Second, everybody is given a banana and tub of vaseline as they enter along with a towell than can only be described as a thong. Tune in to find out what happens to BS....

Episode 6

Enter the Orac of all knowledge. The one who managed to escape from the tyrant and is pitting his wits to help the freedom fighters and no hope lowlifes, make something of themselves.    The Scouse arrives in a private jet into an unkown airfield somewhere on the fringes of the Big Mango.  Not for him the chaos of Don Muang.  His private practice is doing rather well offering paid advice to an endless stream of disciples eager to throw good money after bad.  Offering words of encouragement designed to draw hope to a hopeless cause, he has the healing hand of moses, albeit he now has a staff of underlings to deal with the day to day mass market dross.  He keeps himself for the true sucker who clearly has more money than sense and is able to pay for a personal 'consultation' to beat the tyrant at any cost.    Will the Scouse meet up with BS?  How will they recognise each other?  Did BS excape from the sauna OK ? or is he walking in a strange manner?    Will the tyrant be aware of the arrival of his arch enemy, the Scouse.  The last pretender, got a short thrift from the tyrant.  Will the Scouse be next?

Episode 7

This episode takes place in the darkest den of eniquity, a place so teaming with low life that nobody would admit to being there.  BS and Scouser sit quietly in the corner of this Soi Cowboy bar, pushing away the female hands that emerge from under the seats and reaching for their genitals.    the air is thick with smoke and insense.    Quietly they whisper together a plan aware that nobody with any standing would dare set foot into such a dump.  They both choose to drink straight from their bottles of Singha, ignoring the glasses that have a built up residue of grime and mould.  Mrs BS meanwhile is across the bar chatting with some friends she had not seen since working in Soi 6, Pattaya.

Episode 8

The execution of the plan commences.  BS is fired up either with passion or by the somtan he ate at the street side market stall.  Scouse has decided to visit a client in Phuket but promises to be back for judgement day.  Nobody knows where Mrs BS is.

Episode 9

Judgement day arrives.  BS could not sleep last night.  After retiring at 8.00pm, he wanted to get a good 7 hours sleep before converging on the tyrants place in the dead of night.  As it was he only got 1 hours sleep before the alarm call woke him.  Is Mrs BS lying next to him?    Do they attempt this mission together or does he go alone?  Is it a public holiday today?  Will Scouse emerge from the Oriental on time and meet him as planned?  Should he trust the Tuk Tuk driver that has stuck by his side ever since he went on a tour of the temples followed by a visit to a closing down sale for a diamond shop somewhere in the Chinatown district?  The driver said these diamonds were excellent and the 4 carrott ring he bought Mrs BS really looked good.  Shame Mrs BS has scratched it already though leaving a large indent on the top of the diamond when she fell over drunk in NEP the night before last.  Mrs BS took it to be valued and he was really impressed when she said it and he was a 'kinny ow" which the tuk tuk driver translated as meaning its rare and very valuable.  He had spent a lot of time with the Tuk Tuk driver - Mrs BS had a lot to do in the big Mango and kept saying she going out for a short time, back soon.

Episode 10 - The cliffhanger

Scenario 1 - BS achieves his goal and beats the tyrant at his own game

Scenario 2 - BS fails in his quest for good to triumph over evil

You will have to tune in to find out what really happens in this most compelling of TV drama's

and asia books stores all full with books about this crap :o

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Perhaps he is just enjoying some quality time with his lady rather on the net.

i hope so :o

Maybe somebody could drive pass the Embassy and have a look. :D

I have a feeling that he might just be spending his Song K sitting out side at the main entrance on a deckchair with his beany hat on,a couple of big bags of cheese and onions,3 old editions of the Sun/Guardian newspaper for reference and whiling away the time until Monday morning when the joint re-opens.

She in the meantime has probabally just gone home for new year to see her pet rabbit, feed her geko and pack for the interview next week.(first in the Q unless he "strays")....sounds about right....doncha -think. :D

digger...good one.... :D

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Whatever the ins and outs of the whole story, one thing I wouldn't find surprising in the slightest is that the girl wouldn't go anywhere near the embassy on her own, whether she genuinely wanted to go to the UK or not.

I hope there may be some developments today because being back in the office is more than a little tedious. Might as well go out for a long lunch right now I suppose.

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fisrstly a big load of boll£xs to a lot of you!!!

The reason i have not wrote for a week is like pie boy said i was on holiday spending what little time i had with the GF. I'm not desperatly in love with TV where i feel i have to write every day.

I have just got back less than 2 hours ago and am shagged out so will not write much at this stage.

However all went very well, we went to the visa tuesday (the day b4 it shut) to which my GF pointed out it was shut on wednesday.

got there at 6. was about 20 down the line, handed the papers in paid the toll, was told they would contact the GF 1-5 working days in and out 20 minutes.

Holiday was very good absoultley gutted to be back and at work in 14 hours.

So glad i keep you all engrosed in my love life, you should know what goes on in the bedroom :o

will write more when my heads on properly, but to all you out there that are hoping every thing goes tits up for me............ heres a big finger to you.

All is well, very very good in fact.

Sorry to dissapaoint you and keep you all waiting but..........thats life. :D:D

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