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Carrefore Discount Coupon Promotion


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Where is Maigo6 when I need him?

You're doing just fine on your own.

The OP has been shown that all his complaints are groundless, and the Thai staff, indeed were good to him.

I must wonder how much patience he would have been shown in a large busy store in his own country, ranting away when he is totally wrong ?

Probably tazered by security and ejected from the premises. :D

Polite & patient Thai Staff 1 v 0 Miserable, grumpy & Whinging Farang.


busy morning at timekeeper central.......

another ASSumption maker who was not there

to state that the ''Thai staff were good to him'' indicates that they did something out of their normal remit

as they did not know when asked, that the 5 coupon limit was printed on the reverse of coupon or on the publicity blurb then how exactly does that assumption apply?

you also suggest i was ''ranting away''

lets look at that:

–verb (used without object)

1. to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave: The demagogue ranted for hours. –verb (used with object)

2. to utter or declaim in a ranting manner. –noun

3. ranting, extravagant, or violent declamation.

4. a ranting utterance.

firstly you were not there to judge my demenour.

second i was most certainly not ranting as you suggest in your post.

i was calm, firm and assertive.

it was sufficient to prove my point and win my case, it seems.

wether i was actually right or wrong according to the rules of the promotion is a moot point

the Thai staff at Carrefour did not know actually wether i was right or wrong

that had to be pointed out to me by Meg2003, a farang!

''Probably tazered by security and ejected from the premises''

i do not know where you come from but in my home country the authorities do not go around tazering citizens for making a complaint, legitimate or not.

if thats the case where you come from, then its no surprise to me that you find it hard to stand up straight and can only make ASSumptions in degrogatory terms about those who dare to.

your personal rights and beliefs and the defence of them should not change with your location

that is the realm of the hypocrite


1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

oh by the way, more incorrect ASSumptions from you

i am far from being miserable, i love my life.

grumpy maybe,

whinging? i leave that to you lot.

forums are the kind of places where contributors can vent their anger and second guess with others about what they would have done differently if they could have the moment again and Boy, do some of you take advantage of that opportunity..........

Edited by timekeeper
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OP and Harry, what country are you in? The basic problem here is that you're comparing apples with oranges...

Austalian rules and regulations have their unique qualifiers.

US rules and regulations have their unique qualifiers.

UK rules and regualtions have their unique qualifiers.

We are in Thailand. The Thais at Carrefour acted correctly under their rules and regulations, as every store in every complex in every town in every province of Thailand would. In this cae they were very kind and broke the rules for a forigner, out of their kindness.

i think i am in Thailand, which planet are you from?

''they were very kind and broke the rules for a forigner, out of their kindness''

another ASSumption

at risk of repeating myself again, when asked where it states the 5 coupon rule THEY DID NOT KNOW IT WAS PRINTED ON THE COUPON

nor did i until it was pointed out by a foreigner!

there was no act of kindness, they could have roasted me on the spot by pointing out the rule printed on the ticket

they did not do so because like me they did not know

oh, based on your previous attempt to correct me on my grammar maybe you could use this site to check your atrosshush speeling

www onlinedictionary dot com

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What a fun day out ,

To be behind the op in the check out line in Carrefore.


i wondered when my cyberstalker would show up..........

are you still stinging from the spit roasting i gave you on the Rolex thread plarstic piglet?

i thought you would be too busy counting your cash to be rooting around in Carrefour.......

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What a fun day out ,

To be behind the op in the check out line in Carrefore.


i wondered when my cyberstalker would show up..........

are you still stinging from the spit roasting i gave you on the Rolex thread plarstic piglet?

i thought you would be too busy counting your cash to be rooting around in Carrefour.......

You just cant stop yourself from insulting people can you.

Always on the trail of an imposter.

Mr. Mickey the Mouse Watch, Samurai sword dodger, Check out till Worrier.

Who beats him self off to his own drum beat.

Cant wait for the next installment of <deleted>.

See you are still using, yourself winding watch then, take care you don't over wind it.


BTW, I let the wife do the shopping whilst I have a beer down stairs.

Your not to smart are you. :)

BTW on the rolex thread, you lost, if you go back and read it. :D

Edited by plasticpig
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OP did the right thing, thanks to him we now know about this "issue" about max 5 cupons.

I guess most of us will send missus to take care of this, as all farangs not need a 10-20-50% discount. We are all millionares, aren't we ? :D

20-50% discount on a 50K tv shure is interesting, even for all us millionares (me not included) :)

Edited by Smile4u
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What a fun day out ,

To be behind the op in the check out line in Carrefore.


i wondered when my cyberstalker would show up..........

are you still stinging from the spit roasting i gave you on the Rolex thread plarstic piglet?

i thought you would be too busy counting your cash to be rooting around in Carrefour.......

You just cant stop yourself from insulting people can you.

Always on the trail of an imposter.

Mr. Mickey the Mouse Watch, Samurai sword dodger, Check out till worrier.

Who beats him self off to his own drum beat.

Cant wait for the next installment of <deleted>.

See you are still using, yourself winding watch then, take care you don't over wind it.


BTW, I let the wife do the shopping whilst I have a beer down stairs.

Your not to smart are you. :)

BTW on the rolex thread, you lost, if you go back and read it. :D

i see that once again you have set aside some special time to humiliate yourself in public

you are so predictable plarstic piglet, whenever i post you always appear

i have my very own cyberstalker.

whilst i am flattered by your adolescent attention, can you try to stretch me a little with your next post?

as usual i am underwhelmed by your repetitive rhetoric

you must be really simple to get so much pleasure from producing so little in the way of wit, verve & panache

maybe you could ask your mum to switch off the adult content filter on her computer so you can google for some bad ass things to say to me?

i am breathless with anticipation

wasn't it you who got the last two threads where we interacted closed by the mods?

weren't your posts that lead to the closure of the thread deleted by the mods?

as you have pointed out my posts are still there, doesn't that tell you something?

ok so quiet down now little man or you might get grounded for a week with no candy & comics.........

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Is this correct, that this rule (max = 5 coupons) show up only on the back of a coupon which one recieves after paying for the goods?

If this rule does not show up before then, it is irrelevant. This is like putting the rules on the prize being received. If the rules are not on the board advertising the coupons, then to hel_l with them. Sir, you are more than likely not the only one who has done what you have done, and the rest of us are all the better because of it.

I have bought "buy one get one free" packs of milk before, and had the cashier / information desk argue about it not being correct. Then, others show up and complain too. All of the sudden, the store employees are allowing the second 6-pack of milk to be free. Not unusual here at all.

One client bought a house from me. He wanted a washer-dryer combo. He bought it at Home-Pro. It did not really dry the clothes. We had the serivce people come out. Showed them. They left and another two guys came out. One hour of drying (they wanted to dry light-weight synthetics, we said "NO WAY" and threw in real clothes. One hour later, the clothes were still wet. They wanted another hour of drying. We said "No". We told them to take the machine back with them.

We then returned to HP and talked with the employee and two managers. They gave us different definitions of "dry". Dry for ironing and dry for hanging up. We gave them one definition for dry: Dry = no water. They told us that the brochure may not be accurate. IWe told them then we will write to the manufaturer and discuss our situation with HP if that would assist them. They finally backed down and stopped wasting our time and gave us a 35,000 baht voucher, which my client used for a new washer, a new dryer and some other things the next week.

I did not find this to be all of HP's fault. The manufacturer sold a product which did not do as it's brochure stated. HP should contact the manufacturer and let htem know that they need to change their brochure and or include and additional sheet of information.

HP finally did the right thing, but they should have done it more quickly than they did.

Stores here will do anything and everything to avoid responsibility and it is necessary to force them to abide by what is right.

HP once mixed paint for me--the wrong color. The paint did not match the sample. It was a hassle, but I got them to take it back. If no one does it, then it will never get better. It may never improve a whole hel_l of a lot anyway, but I am not, and neither is the OP, going to be taken advantage of.

Go OP Go!

And, if there is a stuid rule, point it out the them.

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Today I was lucky to have a bill over 600 Baht at carrefour,which doesn't happen often since I prefer to do my shopping daily instead of once a week.

So up I went to the table to collect my coupon.Lucky for me the OP started this topic otherwise I wouldn't be aware of this promotion,however I shop daily at carrefour, as it is not announced anywhere in the shop and also nobody told me.It might be somewhere written in thai as it is mostly with promotions.Catering to farangs with the prices but with the promotions only aimed at the thais. :)

Anyway when I arrived at the table I was told that I first had to apply for a "I wish" membership,which I always rejected in the past cos I don't see the point of it and I prefer my privacy instead of receiving promotional sms and phone calls on a regular base.

So this time I made an exception because I wanted to try my luck with the coupon.

I filled in the form on which you have to answer a lot of private questions,but no matter as I was gonna receive a coupon after.So after completing the form I was handed my membership card and I asked what were the advantages of it but other then that I had to show it at every check out there was no explanation.

Also I didn't receive a coupon so I asked the lady about and she told me that would be for my next shopping trip. :D I considered for a moment to return everything I bought and then just buy it again but I thought,let those poor souls have their fun.It might be in the rules,showing on a big board behind the table,but as you will understand it is solely in thai as promotions are not aimed at farangs in this country.

By the way I also noticed that all the thai people who presented their bill,and that were quite some, were handed out 4 or 5 coupons however I doubt that every Thai shopping will have a bill 2400 baht up.

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well, to answer a few questions here....

- the old promotion last year had no 10,000 baht limit... you could get a discount on any purchase no matter how big.

- the problem with that is the staff figured out a way to scam it. they would use flashlights to see which ones had the 10, 25, and 50% amounts, and keep them. Then, they would wait til a big ticket item was being purchased by someone with a thai wife / gf. Then, the sales staff would offer to use their coupon and split the savings. ie, i'm buying a 100k baht TV, they "sell" me a 50% coupon, and myself and the staff member split the 50k discount 50-50. I reckon the bosses got wind of that and put in the 10000 baht rule. I got a camcoreder last year and saved a bundle that way. Bought a TV yesterday and found that savings avenue closed.

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