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Im starting to dispair with understanding visa's :) heres my situation im engauged to a thai woman due to get marryed in january and shes due to have my baby in april. I currently live in england and we both decided that we would like to live in the uk once the baby is about one years of age. It seems to me the main problem with this is pond has never been to england. so what are my options for a visa for her here or me going there to live because im sure you can appreciate i would live to be with my family where ever it has to be.

Thanks in advance for any replys


First, for guidance on marrying in Thailand see Guidance for British nationals wishing to marry in Thailand.

Once the child is born, then you should register the birth at the British embassy and obtain a British passport for her/him. Registering the birth at the embassy is not compulsory, but if you don't obtain a British passport for her/him then s/he will also need a visa to come to the UK! See How to register a birth.

When ready, your wife, as she will be, needs to apply for a settlement visa. See Settlement, Spouses and Maintenance and accommodation. See also Requirement for Tuberculosis testing for applicants visiting the UK for longer than 6 months.

For where and how to apply see UK Visa Application Centre in Bangkok.

Her settlement visa will be valid for 27 months, and once she has been resident in the UK for 24 months she can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain, provided she meets the requirements including demonstrating that she has adequate knowledge of language and life in the United Kingdom. If she is unable to do this, or meet any of the other requirements, when her settlement visa expires then she will need to apply for an extention, known as Further Leave to Remain.

Remember that all the above are live documents and the rules and requirements are subject to change. As she will not be applying for about 18 months you should check them all again nearer the time.

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