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The Worst Away End In The World ?


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haha, that's ace. like something off tiswas, they should all be hosed down with gunk or something.

fratton park in winter is fuc_king horrible. roofless, open to the wind and inevitably bloody raining.

That was a bad one, they've covered it now though i think haven't they ??

I went to Gillingham the Year that we last got relegated, the first Year & the Stand was Scaffolding with plastic Seats on it if i remember rightly, lost 0-2 too.. :)

Palermo a few Years back in the UEFA Cup where we flew from Thailand was just a Pen/Cage..

& i also remmeber the last Year of the Gallowgate at Newcastle where the Away End was in the right hand corner as you were lookign at the Pitch & the Toilet was where you actually had to Pee up the Stand on the side of the Pitch & the loveable Geordies were pouring hot Coffee down on us, nice but thankfully it didn't affect my errrmmmm you know what...LOL

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Grimsby used to be bad, if you sat more than half way up the away end, you couldn't see anything as the roof was too low and it blocked the view. I used to hate Mansfields away end also, we always seemed to play them on a tuesday night and it P!ssed down always with no roof. Oh the joys of lower league football, i miss it completely though.

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LOL classic!

Brighton's not too clever. I agree about Gillingham i was there with West Ham too. I think the 'temporary' stand is still there! Looked to me like thay put it up that afternoon! But the all time worst has to be the old Baseball Ground (Derby).

I mean, in those days every ground was concrete terraces, disgusting toilets, old-bill who seemed to hate you from the moment you stepped off the train etc. etc. but in the Baseball ground you were stuck in the side and it had an upper 'shelf' that stuck out over the stand which was so low that when the ball went over head-height you couldn't see it! Like watching the game through a letter-box! (then fight your way back to the station in the rain and all the way back down to London) Ahhh those were the days! lol

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haha, that's ace. like something off tiswas, they should all be hosed down with gunk or something.

fratton park in winter is fuc_king horrible. roofless, open to the wind and inevitably bloody raining.

That was a bad one, they've covered it now though i think haven't they ??

I went to Gillingham the Year that we last got relegated, the first Year & the Stand was Scaffolding with plastic Seats on it if i remember rightly, lost 0-2 too.. :)

Palermo a few Years back in the UEFA Cup where we flew from Thailand was just a Pen/Cage..

& i also remmeber the last Year of the Gallowgate at Newcastle where the Away End was in the right hand corner as you were lookign at the Pitch & the Toilet was where you actually had to Pee up the Stand on the side of the Pitch & the loveable Geordies were pouring hot Coffee down on us, nice but thankfully it didn't affect my errrmmmm you know what...LOL

still roofless isn't it? was last time i was there a couple of years ago anyway.

forgot about newcastle away, these days the away fan section is so high up it's like watching the match through the wrong end of a fuc_king telescope. which is not to mention the amount of bleeding stairs needed to get up to the gods.

welsh mate of mine went to watch wales in the san siro several years ago, said they were in a lower tier with italian ultras above them. having been pissed on, the italians progressed to sticking their fingers down their throats and throwing up on the welsh fans, then for an encore three lads heaved a vespa scooter up onto the balcony, set light to it and dropped it down onto the welsh. how the fuc_k do you get a vespa into a football ground?

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I can remember getting Bovril poured on me at the old Stoke ground also, the home fans sat above the away fans, that was pretty bad.

Even the thickest coont doesn't waste Bovril!!! :)

Actually at the Victoria Ground the normal was for the away fan to have the full Stoke End. However in the lower leagues it varied from the lower terrace in the Stoke End or a part of the lower terracing in the Main Stand depending on how many were expected.

I remember a game against Hartlepool which was amusing purely for the lack of their fans! If I remember rightly it was about a 16k attendance and about 50-100 of them were from Hartlepool. The were in a small piece of terrace in the main stand and they actually took the lead and as always there was silence from the home fans and this 50-100 folks were having a mental but you couldn't hear them! :D

It was just so strange for there be such a lack of crowd noise after a goal!

But either way none of the upper tiers at the Vic were OVER the lower tier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in the day fulhams away end was poor , they had a temp stand erected no cover and the stewards always, forcibly even made you to sit down includingg post goals, im sure its stability wasnt that clever. And also the bogs were a disgrace no toilets to sit on just holes in the ground with jagged bits of broken porcelain awaiting youre slight slip.

And ive got to hold my head in shame as exeters away fans end for this day and age is appalling, no cover and no seats. And st james park is prone to strong winds. not very pleasant.

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Brisbane Road (Orient) or Underhill (Barnet)

At Brisbane Road in 2000 (could have been 1999) you were (and maybe still are) shoved into the corner of a mildewy old stand with holes in the roof and rotting splintery benches to sit on. It reeked of rats piss and looked as though the cleaners just left it to its own fate. Seventeen quid for that pleasure too. No wonder the stewards looked embarrassed. To cap it all its in one of the grimmest bleakest corners of London. Even the 'home' fans we met beforehand couldn't wait to be away after a game.

Underhill was just primative.

A nice open stand on an afternoon of pouring rain and howling gales.

The 100 or so of us were lashed by the elements all afternoon despite pleas, even from the home fans, to get us under cover.

The ref and players would glance up at the sodden figures in the 'stand' every now and again thinking '<deleted> are those idiots doing?' It was like a scene from 'A Perfect Storm'

I pitied the fans who had to make a sodden trip all the way back to Rochdale that same day.

Thankfully my trip home was only a fairly short one back to King's Cross but a few mates who'd come to London the previous night and crashed on the floor of my room at my student halls had to make the long slog back. Unfortunately they'd taken their bags into the game with them and nothing survived the drenching. As I was recovering in my warm local with a reviving pint, after a piping hot shower, those poor sods had got caught up in traffic and were hardly out of London! They didn't get back until gone 11pm. Must have been an awful trip and they missed last orders.

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Back in the day fulhams away end was poor , they had a temp stand erected no cover and the stewards always, forcibly even made you to sit down includingg post goals, im sure its stability wasnt that clever. And also the bogs were a disgrace no toilets to sit on just holes in the ground with jagged bits of broken porcelain awaiting youre slight slip.

And ive got to hold my head in shame as exeters away fans end for this day and age is appalling, no cover and no seats. And st james park is prone to strong winds. not very pleasant.

Exeter's away end is bloody awful, although really it's only about 8 steps deep or something like that. Problem is, there is no room to extend on those other 2 sides of the ground. The two new stands though are excellent. Plymouth's away end was another shocker when it was uncovered, and used to feel sorry for disabled section when they were located at that end of the ground in the corner, sat in their wheelchairs -pissing down with rain and with a wind blowing.

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Brisbane Road (Orient) or Underhill (Barnet)

At Brisbane Road in 2000 (could have been 1999) you were (and maybe still are) shoved into the corner of a mildewy old stand with holes in the roof and rotting splintery benches to sit on. It reeked of rats piss and looked as though the cleaners just left it to its own fate. Seventeen quid for that pleasure too. No wonder the stewards looked embarrassed. To cap it all its in one of the grimmest bleakest corners of London. Even the 'home' fans we met beforehand couldn't wait to be away after a game.

Underhill was just primative.

A nice open stand on an afternoon of pouring rain and howling gales.

The 100 or so of us were lashed by the elements all afternoon despite pleas, even from the home fans, to get us under cover.

The ref and players would glance up at the sodden figures in the 'stand' every now and again thinking '<deleted> are those idiots doing?' It was like a scene from 'A Perfect Storm'

I pitied the fans who had to make a sodden trip all the way back to Rochdale that same day.

Thankfully my trip home was only a fairly short one back to King's Cross but a few mates who'd come to London the previous night and crashed on the floor of my room at my student halls had to make the long slog back. Unfortunately they'd taken their bags into the game with them and nothing survived the drenching. As I was recovering in my warm local with a reviving pint, after a piping hot shower, those poor sods had got caught up in traffic and were hardly out of London! They didn't get back until gone 11pm. Must have been an awful trip and they missed last orders.

I used to go over the O's when i was little, used to sneak in the away end a few times too..

There's a pretty famous Picture of the Orient away end that i'll try to find in a minute, it's Snowing & there's about 12 in it that you can count, Stockport possibly if my memory serves me right.

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