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Visa For Thai Gf. How Soon After Expiry Can We Reapply?

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Hi - hope you can help.

My Thai GF has been in the UK since end of July, on a 6 month tourist visa (expires January). Original plan was for a 3 month visit, but the plan now is to stay until I go out for Christmas.

She wants to come back early next year, but we are not sure how soon we can reapply after the expiry of this visa. Any advice on this?

Will the fact we asked for 5 weeks on our application, but are likely to use most of the 6 months, go against us when we reapply?

Thanks in advance.

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As long as she leaves the UK when or before the visa expires that she stayed longer than originally intended is not a problem. Even if you did say 5 weeks on the application when your original plan was for her to stay for three months!

Technically she can apply again immediately upon return to Thailand, however she will neeed to have a convincing explanation of why she needs to return to the UK so soon after leaving. Also visitors cannot spend more than a total of 6 months out of any 12 in the UK, so if she did get a second visit visa so soon her time in the UK would be limited by this.

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Hi - hope you can help.

My Thai GF has been in the UK since end of July, on a 6 month tourist visa (expires January). Original plan was for a 3 month visit, but the plan now is to stay until I go out for Christmas.

She wants to come back early next year, but we are not sure how soon we can reapply after the expiry of this visa. Any advice on this?

Will the fact we asked for 5 weeks on our application, but are likely to use most of the 6 months, go against us when we reapply?

Thanks in advance.

By the end of the year she will have used 5 of her 6 months visa. If she re-applies again for another 6 month visa it's likely that it may be turned down due to the rules on only 6 months out of every 12 in the UK. Personally, I'd wait until April to re-apply, as she's more likely to get it again then. The problem is that if you continue to go back to the embassy asking for 6 month visit visas straight after each other, they will assume that you are trying to get round applying for a settlement visa by effectively living in the UK on visit visas. This is something they are starting to crack down on now to stop people abusing the visa system.

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Any 6 months out of 12 they will not re issue another 6 month visa as a customer found recently.He walked into our office complaining that his girlfriend had just been refused another visit visa after recently spending 6 months in the UK.

I doubt they will give you one however you may apply for a fiancee visa immediately.

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