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Learning To Drive In Thailand?


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I am in Thailand but never learnt to drive in my home country.

I was thinking it would be good to be able to drive out here so we could go on some road trips etc.

Can I have lessons in Bangkok (in English)?

Am I even allowed to get a driving license? I am here on a 12 month non-imm O visa.

Am I likely to crash during a lesson in Bangkok?


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I am in Thailand but never learnt to drive in my home country.

I was thinking it would be good to be able to drive out here so we could go on some road trips etc.

Can I have lessons in Bangkok (in English)?

Am I even allowed to get a driving license? I am here on a 12 month non-imm O visa.

Am I likely to crash during a lesson in Bangkok?


Yes, you can learn to drive, and if you learn to drive the same as the locals, you'll get along just fine.

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Another tip...

If you do get a car in Thailand, just follow the Thai rules of the road and you'll be OK,

For gods sake don't start to compare Thailands roads with UK roads or Japanese roads or USA roads. ( Although over 40,000 people a year are killed each year on USA roads )

Drive in your own enviroment as the locals do, be aware and know that you will have to adjust to the Thai style, it don't matter how many Farangs on ThaiVisa think they are superior drivers, adapt to local conditions and you should be fine.

I've been driving in Thailand for nearly 19 years. and I have seen a lot worse on the A21 going towards Hastings in the UK. And I am a very experienced driver, on Bikes as well as cars.\

Problem is in Thailand, Farangs are not willing to adapt, oh hum..............

They think they're better for some reason..... Don't fall into this trap, adapt to local driving conditions, you'll be fine.

Edited by Maigo6
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I am in Thailand but never learnt to drive in my home country.

I was thinking it would be good to be able to drive out here so we could go on some road trips etc.

Can I have lessons in Bangkok (in English)?

Am I even allowed to get a driving license? I am here on a 12 month non-imm O visa.

Am I likely to crash during a lesson in Bangkok?


....... you'll be just fine, fine, fine ......... the problems will start when you start driving back home the way you learn't here!!!!!!

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If you don't have a driving licence from another country which you can use to apply for a Thai licence, you may find it difficult to pass the test if you can't speak/read Thai.

My missis (who is originally Thai), decided she wanted to learn to drive when we were on holiday in Thailand a year ago. She booked some lessons with a school on the outskirts of the nearest city . The lessons weren't up to much, just jerkily coaxing a beat-up old pickup round a course marked by tyres on a patch of wasteland. After about half a dozen such sessions, the school said they would book her a test.

This consisted of a lecture, followed by a multiple choice test on computer, all in Thai, then distance-perception and reaction tests. She failed the computer test, but was allowed to re-sit it the following day and passed.

Then there was the practical, where one by one the applicants were required to drive round a small course set out behind the test centre - a few simple manouevres, completed mostly successfully but painfully slowly by each in turn. While this was going on, the memsahib's instructor came over and asked her whether she was intent on learning to drive, or whether she just wanted the licence. The latter was the preferred option, and it emerged that this could be achieved without the necessity of an embarrassing session behind the wheel, in exchange for 1500baht (as far as I recall). She was told to wait until the end, nothing much happened then, but she was told to come back a few days later - and there it was, a nice new Thai driving licence.

Needless to say, I haven't let her anywhere near the wheel of any hire car in Thailand or my car in the UK (which would be illegal as she's lived here for many years). But in fairness it must have been very difficult to learn the basics on a wreck with a rough-arse clutch, so perhaps she deserves another try in more favourable circumstances.

I intend to apply for a Thai licence when we're settled there, but as I understand it I'll only have to do the distance and reaction tests. I don't think I could cope with the computer test in Thai.

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Any idea how much lessons would in with an English speaking teacher in Bangkok?

Not really what you want but my Wife tells me up here in Khon Kaen.

5,000 Baht for 15 hours worth of lessons and a guaranteed licence at the end of it.

Very unlikely to speak English though.

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On the same topic...I'm colour blind, will I be able to get a license in Thailand?

I'm sure I read somewhere they do a sight-colour test.

Well you shouldn't be able to, they give you a colour peripheral vision test. Also you will have great difficulty with the traffice lights here...guess that the only way will be to do the same as a lot of Thai Drivers have done....................

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I intend to apply for a Thai licence when we're settled there, but as I understand it I'll only have to do the distance and reaction tests. I don't think I could cope with the computer test in Thai.

You're right, but you can have the computer test in English. When I applied for my license a few years back, I also applied for a bike license at the same time. As I didn't have a bike license in the UK I had to do the computer test - in English. Also had to do the practical on the bike which was an absolute farce - kind of like a motcross race with about 20 of us zooming around a dirt track obstacle course together :)

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On the same topic...I'm colour blind, will I be able to get a license in Thailand?

I'm sure I read somewhere they do a sight-colour test.

I'm color blind as well, the Army wouldn't let me get into avionics due to this, however I do know red, yellow and green on the traffic light display. I only get cornfused when they administer them charts with all them different colors! I passed somehow, some years ago,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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I quite enjoy driving around BKK, its look chaotic and it is but somewhere there is order in the chaos..

Just indicate and edge to where you want to go and a space will appear but you have to be fast the thing that does annoy me here is i try to leave a safety space between me and the vehicle in front and invariably a bus/pick up and a bike will squeeze in the gap!

You hardly ever see any accidents but see loads of close calls... not much road rage which is a good job....

Drive the wrong way on a road- just pop the hazards on!

I'm coming through so don't pull out on me - flash headlights... opposite to UK where this means please pull out...a bit scary the first few times testing this theory

There you go that should do.... it works for me...

Just follow the traffic ignore the policeman and off you go much like a bumper car ride without the bumps... most times ;-)

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I quite enjoy driving around BKK, its look chaotic and it is but somewhere there is order in the chaos..

Just indicate and edge to where you want to go and a space will appear but you have to be fast the thing that does annoy me here is i try to leave a safety space between me and the vehicle in front and invariably a bus/pick up and a bike will squeeze in the gap!

You hardly ever see any accidents but see loads of close calls... not much road rage which is a good job....

Drive the wrong way on a road- just pop the hazards on!

I'm coming through so don't pull out on me - flash headlights... opposite to UK where this means please pull out...a bit scary the first few times testing this theory

There you go that should do.... it works for me...

Just follow the traffic ignore the policeman and off you go much like a bumper car ride without the bumps... most times ;-)

As long as you indicate your intentions with your signals, that seems to give you the right of way! And the more expensive your ride, the more right of way you have, doesn't seem to work for me though!

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Another tip...

If you do get a car in Thailand, just follow the Thai rules of the road and you'll be OK,

For gods sake don't start to compare Thailands roads with UK roads or Japanese roads or USA roads. ( Although over 40,000 people a year are killed each year on USA roads )

Drive in your own enviroment as the locals do, be aware and know that you will have to adjust to the Thai style, it don't matter how many Farangs on ThaiVisa think they are superior drivers, adapt to local conditions and you should be fine.

You are one of the few who gets it! Too many farang want to compare and/or continue to drive as if they are in America or England. They're the dangerous ones. Same in America...the Asians who try to drive Asian style scare the heck out of me.

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Another tip...

If you do get a car in Thailand, just follow the Thai rules of the road and you'll be OK,

For gods sake don't start to compare Thailands roads with UK roads or Japanese roads or USA roads. ( Although over 40,000 people a year are killed each year on USA roads )

Drive in your own enviroment as the locals do, be aware and know that you will have to adjust to the Thai style, it don't matter how many Farangs on ThaiVisa think they are superior drivers, adapt to local conditions and you should be fine.

You are one of the few who gets it! Too many farang want to compare and/or continue to drive as if they are in America or England. They're the dangerous ones. Same in America...the Asians who try to drive Asian style scare the heck out of me.


Yet so many Farangs refuse to adapt to the different driving style, they only think that their style is best and anyone not conforming to that style is inferior. :)

So why do over 40,000 people die each year on the roads of USA ? :D

Is it because they are superior drivers so many get killed ? :D

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Another tip...

If you do get a car in Thailand, just follow the Thai rules of the road and you'll be OK,

For gods sake don't start to compare Thailands roads with UK roads or Japanese roads or USA roads. ( Although over 40,000 people a year are killed each year on USA roads )

Drive in your own enviroment as the locals do, be aware and know that you will have to adjust to the Thai style, it don't matter how many Farangs on ThaiVisa think they are superior drivers, adapt to local conditions and you should be fine.

You are one of the few who gets it! Too many farang want to compare and/or continue to drive as if they are in America or England. They're the dangerous ones. Same in America...the Asians who try to drive Asian style scare the heck out of me.


Yet so many Farangs refuse to adapt to the different driving style, they only think that their style is best and anyone not conforming to that style is inferior. :)

So why do over 40,000 people die each year on the roads of USA ? :D

Is it because they are superior drivers so many get killed ? :D

Sorry, but I would say that drivers in most western countries are superior to drivers in Thailand if for no other reason that most drivers follow road rules other than perhaps speeding. The US may have 40,000 deaths per year, but the deaths per mile driven is significantly higher in Thailand. And that is what I base my concept of "superior" driving.

Last week, as the 6th car in a line doing a u-turn with the right turn arrow at a light, I had to slam on my breaks as two huge tourist buses, horns ablaring, came barreling through the red light and almost crushed me (at least 15 seconds after their light turned red and after the five cars preceding me had already done their u-turn.). No matter how much I might love Thailand, nothing is going to convince me that those buses were right. If this had been the US, I would have had their licenses pulled.

Now having written that, while I still obey the Thai rules of the road, I have adapted myself to most Thai driving habits.  I stop at all red lights, I drive only on the correct side of the road, and u-turn only where it is allowed, but I do scoot through a legal u-turn as soon as I have even a small gap, for example.  And I have my route to work pretty mapped out with places to move all the way to the left to avoid u-turn areas and when to move back to the right to get out of the lanes where buses like to stop to pick-up or discharge passengers.

Adapting to Thai driving is fine, but that does not mean you have to break the law while driving, nor does it mean you have to fool yourself into thinking driving in Thailand is safer than driving in the west. Complacency can kill you.  It can kill you in the US or the UK, for sure, but you do have a greater chance of dying on the road in Thailand, and drivers need to be aware of that and keep alert and focused.

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Yes yes yes............

But why do over 40,000 Americans die each year on the roads ?

Considering they are such good drivers, obey traffic laws and the roads are in good condition and well policed, the fatality rate is horrendous, what are they doing wrong ?

Edited by Maigo6
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Yes yes yes............

But why do over 40,000 Americans die each year on the roads ?

Considering they are such good drivers, obey traffic laws and the roads are in good condition and well policed, the fatality rate is horrendous, what are they doing wrong ?

I don't recall the figure for Thailands annual raod deaths, but it's far worse than the States - far worse.

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And when you consider the percentage of people that are killed ride motorcyles, what is it 70% ?

If the percentage of the population in America or UK rode motorcycles as the same percentage do in Thailand, the fatality rate would be on par with Thailand, no doubt.

Farangs always seem to feel so superior, it really bugs me !!!!! Look, your countries are screwed big time, and guess what, Farangs were running those countries and they still went to <deleted>.

Many of you can't stand the fact that Thailand has done so well against the USD and the GBP..............

Oh , how can they do that, how can my USD go to <deleted>, we are the rulers of the world, we can do what we like ...............boo hoo hoo. :) . :D


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Yes yes yes............

But why do over 40,000 Americans die each year on the roads ?

Considering they are such good drivers, obey traffic laws and the roads are in good condition and well policed, the fatality rate is horrendous, what are they doing wrong ?

I don't recall the figure for Thailands annual raod deaths, but it's far worse than the States - far worse.

considering 70% are motorcycle related, I don't think so.

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Yes yes yes............

But why do over 40,000 Americans die each year on the roads ?

Considering they are such good drivers, obey traffic laws and the roads are in good condition and well policed, the fatality rate is horrendous, what are they doing wrong ?

No one is saying that Americans are the best drivers.  People cruising in machines going up to 75 miles per hour, where they are in control, will crash.  And they will die. Either from plain bad luck (a universal joint giving out) poor skills (now knowing how to steer out of a slide) or stupidity (driving drunk.)

But generally speaking, you actually have to pass a driving test to get a license, you will get your license pulled for infractions, and most drivers are pretty good about obeying traffic laws (once again, except for speeding).

On the other hand, in Thailand, a higher percentage of people blatantly ignore traffic laws, you can buy your way out of tickets, and you can buy a license without ever passing a driver's test.

The father of a very close Thai friend of mine bought her her first license. She soon after struck a pedestrian, crippling him for life. Her license was pulled for that, but two months later, her father paid again and she was given a new license. She has never once passed a driver's test, and she was a t fault for a serious accident.  But she has her license.

Pointing fingers at the deaths on American roads has absolutely no bearing on how dangerous it is or isn't to drive here in Thailand. Driving here is dangerous, and ignoring that is putting your head in the sand.

I choose to drive here, but I do it with full realization of the risks.  Just as I eat my chocolate ice cream knowing that I don't need the fat and what it might be doing to my heart, and just like people smoke knowing the effects of that on their health.  We all make decisions, but those decisions should be made with full knowledge of the facts surrounding them.

I am not a person who trashes everything Thai.  I live here because I like it here.  But I am not a knee-jerk Thai apologist, either. I can rationally see when something could be better here.  And yes, driving is one of those areas. 

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The long and short of it is this..................

I do drive long distances in Thailand on a regular basis, and it really isn't that bad, mind you, I'm a typical Toyota Fortuner driver, so I tend to just stick my foot down and throw caution to the wind, motorcycles and small cars, watch out !

Seriously, it really isn't that bad on the roads here in Thailand, yes the city trffic is bad, but out of the cities, it's generally OK, I've driven in France , Spain , Italy, now.... if you wanna see some real <deleted> driving go there, then cross the channel to UK.

There are a multitude of speed cameras, well policed roads, fantastic drivers ( according to people on this forum ), yet still 100's of 1000's of people are done for speeding, there are hundreds of thousands of accidents, and thousands are done for drinking and driving every year.

If only those people could teach the Thais how to behave like they do..................... :D

Oh wait a moment, if they did , the death rate would go up, maybe the Thais should teach the Farangs..... oh wait another minute, we can't have that, small brown people advising us, it's not done old chap, we know farangs are superior..............

7 Cans of Asahi......


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And when you consider the percentage of people that are killed ride motorcyles, what is it 70% ?

If the percentage of the population in America or UK rode motorcycles as the same percentage do in Thailand, the fatality rate would be on par with Thailand, no doubt.

Farangs always seem to feel so superior, it really bugs me !!!!! Look, your countries are screwed big time, and guess what, Farangs were running those countries and they still went to <deleted>.

Many of you can't stand the fact that Thailand has done so well against the USD and the GBP..............

Oh , how can they do that, how can my USD go to <deleted>, we are the rulers of the world, we can do what we like ...............boo hoo hoo. :) . :D


Exactly how did a question relating to driving in Thailand now devolve to the USD and the GBP?  Has anyone posted that the US or the UK is superior in all ways to Thailand?  

All comments, except for yours, are strictly related to driving.

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Basicaly, I don't swing one way or the other.

Yet, believe me, in the global standings o bad driving, I doubt Thai drivers are the worst.

Yes, Farangs will say they are, then again so many farangs complain about everything in Thailand, except the things that suit them of course !!

But, I do actually drive here, long distances too, I know it isn't that bad!!

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Basicaly, I don't swing one way or the other.

Yet, believe me, in the global standings o bad driving, I doubt Thai drivers are the worst.

Yes, Farangs will say they are, then again so many farangs complain about everything in Thailand, except the things that suit them of course !!

But, I do actually drive here, long distances too, I know it isn't that bad!!

You were the one who brought up American and US drivers, not anyone else.  So I am at a loss as to who you can assume that "Farangs" all say Thais are the worst drivers in the world. No one, that I can see, mentioned drivers in the world at large. You chose to start the comparison, and some took exception to your views. Then you threw in the USD and GBP and other unrelated topics.

You can sugar coat it all you want, and you can try to shift the focus, but the fact of the matter is that on a per mile driven basis, more people are killed in Thailand than the US or the UK, to take your examples. And if you decide to bring that up and say the opposite is true, well, then people will call you out on that.

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 So I am at a loss as to who you can assume that "Farangs" all say Thais are the worst drivers in the world.

It seems to be the general consensus on Thailand based internet froums, and you know that as well as I do.

Even though it's totally wrong, it's just fashionable to blame ' Them '.


If you can't see that then leave it, all Thai based forums are totally unbiased, no farangs ever think they are better than Thai people just because they are farangs..... yeah yeah yeah.....

Lets leave it there.

Oh, by the way.. I was nearly mowed down tonight on the sidewalk !!!!!!! Bike going really fast, no warning, right up behind pedestrians on the sidewalk, very dangerous.

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