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Motorbike Auctions Pattaya, Any Info?


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I've read about these auctions a bit, apparently the happen on Fri nights.

Is this every Fri? What times does it start finish? Do they sell many dirt bikes there?

Thanks for any help, I'm sure the info has been posted before but can't find it.

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The Motorbike auction is every Friday night across the road from Theprasit market.

Head south on the Sukhumvit road past Big C to the traffic lights at the junction with Tesco/Lotus. Turn right and your now in Theprasit road, about 250 meters on your right is a large Thai style furniture store and it's here that the bikes are auctioned off.

Not sure what time the auction starts but 5pm would be a good time to be there as i think veiwing can be done before the sale gets underway. As far as i'm aware every bike is sold as seen and without guarantee. In passing many appear to be scooters and of the step-through variety.

I hear the bikes are snatch-backs from Thai's failing to repay loans.

A forum member once posted.

We got interested when the bikes were selling for anything between 2,000-15,000 baht...........We enquired about how to buy and there was a 10,000 baht member fee for the day.

You pay 10,000 baht and you can buy as many bikes as you wish, but only on that day.

It was full of Thai Guys buying many bikes, probably to re-sell.

You could probably get a good deal there, but the problem is not being able to run the bike and check it out before paying for it.

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