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Thai Girls Telling You Are Soooo Handsome


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First of all, this post is not to brag about how hansuuum i am. Most of you have heared the handsome talk many times before, although you may look like Gollum from lord of the rings.

I have been in Thailand now for a while but don't quite understand yet why a lot of Thai women show such desperate behaviour.

Yesterday i encountered something rather unusual at the immigration desk in Suvarnabhumi airport.

When it was my turn to step up to the immigration official lady i heared her saying very handsome and a few other words to her colleague in Thai. I don't speak Thai yet but i do understand a few words, so i smiled and said thank you. While she and her colleague were joking it took the attention of two other immigration ladies at the desk beside it and they started talking loudly with eachother, saying you are very handsome to me. The colleague of the lady who checked my passport asked me if i would like to meet the young lady at the other counter later that day. 5 or 6 immigration officials shamelesly yelling from one side to the other how haansuuum the farang is, haha that can only happen in Thailand.

I understand if a bunch of waitresses act that way, but immigration officials??? Turning from serious grownups into a bunch of giggling schoolgirls asking for my hi5.

So what i'm wondering for a while now, does the word "handsome" have different meanings in Thailand?

Is it a mix of looks, status and wealth that makes you handsome or very very handsome?

It's like mentioning the word handsome is genetically programmed into Thai ladies.

I'm 24, have a cream white skin which they seem to like, own a company, wear nice clothes but no jewelry, you can't tell i'm wealthy by looking at me and i never never never brag about my business or assets.

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You'll get slaughtered on this forum mate.

Just being 24 will upset quite a few, owning your own company and being incredibly handsome will certainly upset a lot here.

I'm handsome too, not as young as you, but I do ok. :)

  • Haha 1
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First of all, this post is not to brag about how hansuuum i am. Most of you have heared the handsome talk many times before, although you may look like Gollum from lord of the rings.

I have been in Thailand now for a while but don't quite understand yet why a lot of Thai women show such desperate behaviour.

Yesterday i encountered something rather unusual at the immigration desk in Suvarnabhumi airport.

When it was my turn to step up to the immigration official lady i heared her saying very handsome and a few other words to her colleague in Thai. I don't speak Thai yet but i do understand a few words, so i smiled and said thank you. While she and her colleague were joking it took the attention of two other immigration ladies at the desk beside it and they started talking loudly with eachother, saying you are very handsome to me. The colleague of the lady who checked my passport asked me if i would like to meet the young lady at the other counter later that day. 5 or 6 immigration officials shamelesly yelling from one side to the other how haansuuum the farang is, haha that can only happen in Thailand.

I understand if a bunch of waitresses act that way, but immigration officials??? Turning from serious grownups into a bunch of giggling schoolgirls asking for my hi5.

So what i'm wondering for a while now, does the word "handsome" have different meanings in Thailand?

Is it a mix of looks, status and wealth that makes you handsome or very very handsome?

It's like mentioning the word handsome is genetically programmed into Thai ladies.

I'm 24, have a cream white skin which they seem to like, own a company, wear nice clothes but no jewelry, you can't tell i'm wealthy by looking at me and i never never never brag about my business or assets.

ell, this begs the question; did you meet up with her? Or have you spent the last 24 hours thinking about it?

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ell, this begs the question; did you meet up with her? Or have you spent the last 24 hours thinking about it?

Nah, imagine how dangerous it can be to date an immigration official. I enjoy my flings and if i date a girl it's just for a few times.

If she's the jealous, ferocious type of girl she might inform her colleagues and get me into trouble next time i'm at immigration. So, no thanks hehe. I don't want to take that risk.

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I thought this topic would be the usual cliché of being told by bargirls etc that one is handsome etc...so I was happily surprised by the left turn.

One important thing in the OP, that I was already going to write when I clicked the link, is that girls that want you due to money etc will say 'handsome man' [in broken English], girls that are more honest will say it in Thai to their friend or to you but then not so obvious. (And ofcourse the well-educated fluent speakers that might have lived abroad etc, they would not use 'handsome man' to someone just infront of them etc.)

But having friends of a friend tell her/him [in Thai] that one looks good or just overhear it happens a lot to some of the fellows here. Usually because the girls don't expect you to understand it [or the friend to re-tell it] and it makes them slightly less shy than the same situation if both was of the same nationality perhaps.

Just enjoy the moment and don't fall in love with the first one to compliment or smile to you. :)

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When i used to actualy work 3-4 years ago when i was around 18, im fairly certain me and all the guys did this with pelvis movements everytime a pretty lady walked by..

When you work, there isnt much else to do.. unless you're an english teacher, every minute is crucial to count your satangs to make sure you can afford your 3 changs every friday

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A lot of Thai women talk about farang men if they think the men don't understand what they are saying. Who knows what Thai women consider handsome. It really varies with culture. Just be glad you have your youth and looks that are not unpleasing. It also helps if you are clean and well dressed. That stands out from the normally scruffy looking backpacker hippies.

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A lot of Thai women talk about farang men if they think the men don't understand what they are saying. Who knows what Thai women consider handsome. It really varies with culture. Just be glad you have your youth and looks that are not unpleasing. It also helps if you are clean and well dressed. That stands out from the normally scruffy looking backpacker hippies.

true Ian.

Recently some obviously short-sighted gals at this big manufacturing plant I was visiting did exactly the same thing to moi as I was walking by. I turned around and thanked them in Thai. blushes ensued. :)

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A lot of Thai women talk about farang men if they think the men don't understand what they are saying. Who knows what Thai women consider handsome. It really varies with culture. Just be glad you have your youth and looks that are not unpleasing. It also helps if you are clean and well dressed. That stands out from the normally scruffy looking backpacker hippies.

true Ian.

Recently some obviously short-sighted gals at this big manufacturing plant I was visiting did exactly the same thing to moi as I was walking by. I turned around and thanked them in Thai. blushes ensued. :)

In a somewhat related way, I have funny story about Thai women talking openly about farangs. I was staying in a beach side shanty in Hua Hin with my Thai lady friend. There were 4 American lads in their twenties who were also there with their Thai girl friends. We were all sitting on the big deck over looking the ocean. The guys were talking football amongst themselves and their Thai girl friends were all talking and giggling together as women often do. All of a sudden my friend Kung looked at me with a shocked look on her face and I asked her what was the matter. She told me quietly that the other women were talking about the sexual practises of their boyfriends. They were describing in detail the size of each guy and what his favorite position was. The others were laughing out loud after each story was told. So much for discreet Thai women. :D

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First of all, this post is not to brag about how hansuuum i am. Most of you have heared the handsome talk many times before, although you may look like Gollum from lord of the rings.

I have been in Thailand now for a while but don't quite understand yet why a lot of Thai women show such desperate behaviour.

Yesterday i encountered something rather unusual at the immigration desk in Suvarnabhumi airport.

When it was my turn to step up to the immigration official lady i heared her saying very handsome and a few other words to her colleague in Thai. I don't speak Thai yet but i do understand a few words, so i smiled and said thank you. While she and her colleague were joking it took the attention of two other immigration ladies at the desk beside it and they started talking loudly with eachother, saying you are very handsome to me. The colleague of the lady who checked my passport asked me if i would like to meet the young lady at the other counter later that day. 5 or 6 immigration officials shamelesly yelling from one side to the other how haansuuum the farang is, haha that can only happen in Thailand.

I understand if a bunch of waitresses act that way, but immigration officials??? Turning from serious grownups into a bunch of giggling schoolgirls asking for my hi5.

So what i'm wondering for a while now, does the word "handsome" have different meanings in Thailand?

Is it a mix of looks, status and wealth that makes you handsome or very very handsome?

It's like mentioning the word handsome is genetically programmed into Thai ladies.

I'm 24, have a cream white skin which they seem to like, own a company, wear nice clothes but no jewelry, you can't tell i'm wealthy by looking at me and i never never never brag about my business or assets.

A friend of mine is fat, has red hair, a face like a pig and all the Thais think he is super handsome. So it seems they also have a different taste....

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Thais are very free with compliments, unlike our more repressed 'tall poppy' western culture.

In the ten plus years I've lived here, I'm always being told how beautiful I am, mostly, by the women but sometimes men. In shops, on markets, in immigration offices, everywhere, quite out of the blue. I can see on their faces they mean it and sometimes, just to break the monotony of hearing this over and over again each and every day, I tell them it's because I've been a life long vegetarian (gin jae). I do believe you are what you eat. Just compare the difference between organically grown veg, corn fed chickens and organic meat. Although I believe it to be a mixture of both healthy eating, genes, and a healthy attitude toward life overall.

They have nothing to gain by flattering me. I'm a 57 year old English woman :)

Edited by wilsongbrown
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