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British Envoy Puts Record Straight On Thai Image


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British envoy puts record straight on Thai image

By The Nation

Britain's ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle, has offered a contrasting view on Thai society following bold criticism by a predecessor a long time ago who criticised the Kingdom as lacking in culture.

Sir Anthony Rumbold, British ambassador to Thailand from 1965 and 1967, said of Thai society: "They have no literature, no painting and only a very odd kind of music; their sculpture, ceramics and dancing are borrowed from others, and their architecture is monotonous and interior decoration hideous.

"Nobody can deny that gambling and golf are the chief pleasures of the rich, and that licentiousness is the main pleasure of them all," Rumbold said.

Rumbold's statement was in a personal letter to Britain's Foreign Office over four decades ago. It was kept in the UK's National Archives until disclosed recently to the BBC under Freedom of Information.

Until 2006, British ambassadors retiring or moving countries traditionally sent a valedictory dispatch to London, offering candid personal assessments of the country in which they had served.

In his statement issued Monday, Quayle - ambassador since 2007- said his views towards Thailand were very different from his predecessor of 42 years ago.

"Ever since I was first posted to Thailand 30 years ago [as Second Secretary,Political], I have been impressed by the richness of Thai culture, be it art, sculpture, dance, music or literature."

All this is embellished by the natural beauty of the landscape and the charm and warmth of the Thai people. The country for me certainly lives up to its brand name "Amazing Thailand," he said.


-- The Nation 2009/10/20

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...a daily diet of upper class persecution and sodomy in an all boys boarding school while mama and papa eat cucumber sandwiches with the queen...

I suspect you have got it all mixed up there - the reverse may be quite true though - cucumbers in public school, etc. :)

Edited by Payboy
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I think this "apology" goes beyond diplomacy and public relations and smacks of political correctness. I wonder if Ambassador Quayle has read all 10 pages of Sir Anthony's valedictory letter. He got a lot right. It is unfortunate that the remarks creating a stir were taken out of context.

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I think this "apology" goes beyond diplomacy and public relations and smacks of political correctness. I wonder if Ambassador Quayle has read all 10 pages of Sir Anthony's valedictory letter. He got a lot right. It is unfortunate that the remarks creating a stir were taken out of context.

Yes, I quite agree.

I listened to the programme "Parting Shots" on BBC Radio 4 and subesequently read the original documents.

The original confidential hand over document was not meant for release to foriegn embassies.

Due to a cock up, it was sent out to 120 embassies , and caused a great deal of embarrassment in the Far East.

Remember, the Viet Nam war was still raging.

I recommend any long term resident who has any interest in recent Thai History and politics reads it.

I think many "old hands" will find Sir Anthony Rumbold's following observation, still stands 42 years on...

"There is a small handful of foreigners who have lived here a long time, and whose opinions about the Thais are worth listening to...

But most of these confess to there benig great areas of the Thai mentality, which they have long ago given up attempting to penetrate."

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British envoy puts record straight on Thai image

By The Nation

Britain's ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle


-- The Nation 2009/10/20

Quinton Quayle, the name says it all. growing up on a daily diet of upper class persecution and sodomy in an all boys boarding school while mama and papa eat cucumber sandwiches with the queen. he should be having a whale of a time in Thailand :)

So right!

A wonderful example of the politically correct, ass-licking grovellers that sadly infest the upper echelons of Britain's Foreign Office. Completely out of touch with reality, and their own citizens.

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How sad that he feels he should apoligise for this non story.

Your bloomin absolutly correct ! The Brittish should never apologize to anyone for anything after all we are the BRITTISH !!! God save the Queen !!! :D

Wrote with feeling ! how could you spell it wrong :)

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Perhaps with his 'oh so lovely' feeling of thailand. Quentin (first name terms as he is a public servant paid for by the taxpayers) is explaining why the british embassy is absolutely crap at protecting its citizens from numerous injustices inflicted by the thais. Wish i had his job. Big house, huge pay etc just to instruct all embassy staff to tell its citizens that 'all we can do is arrange a free phone call home"

upper crust wanke_r

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Quinton Quayle, the name says it all. growing up on a daily diet of upper class persecution and sodomy in an all boys boarding school while mama and papa eat cucumber sandwiches with the queen. he should be having a whale of a time in Thailand :)

Funny how predujices and stereotypes linger on.

There were three lads from the same family in the town I grew up in, their names were Quinten, Justin and Tarquin. They came from an ordinary house in a not too well heeled part of town and went to a secondary modern school (i.e. not grammar school).

You cannot judge a book by the cover nor a man by his name, for all you know Mr Quayle might have risen from the ranks of the two up, two down terraces of Burnley. However if he did I wouldn't want to cross swords with him as he'd be a right hard b@st@d!

Despite all the uproar caused by the release of this titbit of non news I don't see too many people violently disagreeing with his words. Taking just one topic alone let's face it if you take away the temples what great architecture does Thailand have to offer?

Concrete townhouses.

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He doesn't have anything to apologise for. The entire document is an extremely well reasoned and balanced microcosm of the parliamentary, economic and social situation of the time.

The one statement in it that was controversial was taken entirely out of context and Quinton should have left it at that.

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He doesn't have anything to apologise for.

Of course he doesn't, but he must apologise all the same.

According to modern sensibilities, he should be ready to apologise for everything anybody with British nationality has done over the past 1000 years; after all, doesn't he work for a government that believes we are just a bunch of racist colonisers who should be utterly ashamed of our entire history?

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British envoy puts record straight on Thai image

By The Nation

Britain's ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle, has offered a contrasting view on Thai society following bold criticism by a predecessor a long time ago who criticised the Kingdom as lacking in culture.

Sir Anthony Rumbold, British ambassador to Thailand from 1965 and 1967, said of Thai society: "They have no literature, no painting and only a very odd kind of music; their sculpture, ceramics and dancing are borrowed from others, and their architecture is monotonous and interior decoration hideous.

"Nobody can deny that gambling and golf are the chief pleasures of the rich, and that licentiousness is the main pleasure of them all," Rumbold said.

Rumbold's statement was in a personal letter to Britain's Foreign Office over four decades ago. It was kept in the UK's National Archives until disclosed recently to the BBC under Freedom of Information.

Until 2006, British ambassadors retiring or moving countries traditionally sent a valedictory dispatch to London, offering candid personal assessments of the country in which they had served.

In his statement issued Monday, Quayle - ambassador since 2007- said his views towards Thailand were very different from his predecessor of 42 years ago.

"Ever since I was first posted to Thailand 30 years ago [as Second Secretary,Political], I have been impressed by the richness of Thai culture, be it art, sculpture, dance, music or literature."

All this is embellished by the natural beauty of the landscape and the charm and warmth of the Thai people. The country for me certainly lives up to its brand name "Amazing Thailand," he said.


-- The Nation 2009/10/20

What he realy said is Dollair

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British envoy puts record straight on Thai image

By The Nation

Britain's ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle, has offered a contrasting view on Thai society following bold criticism by a predecessor a long time ago who criticised the Kingdom as lacking in culture.

Sir Anthony Rumbold, British ambassador to Thailand from 1965 and 1967, said of Thai society: "They have no literature, no painting and only a very odd kind of music; their sculpture, ceramics and dancing are borrowed from others, and their architecture is monotonous and interior decoration hideous.

"Nobody can deny that gambling and golf are the chief pleasures of the rich, and that licentiousness is the main pleasure of them all," Rumbold said.

Rumbold's statement was in a personal letter to Britain's Foreign Office over four decades ago. It was kept in the UK's National Archives until disclosed recently to the BBC under Freedom of Information.

Until 2006, British ambassadors retiring or moving countries traditionally sent a valedictory dispatch to London, offering candid personal assessments of the country in which they had served.

In his statement issued Monday, Quayle - ambassador since 2007- said his views towards Thailand were very different from his predecessor of 42 years ago.

"Ever since I was first posted to Thailand 30 years ago [as Second Secretary,Political], I have been impressed by the richness of Thai culture, be it art, sculpture, dance, music or literature."

All this is embellished by the natural beauty of the landscape and the charm and warmth of the Thai people. The country for me certainly lives up to its brand name "Amazing Thailand," he said.


-- The Nation 2009/10/20

must be a very slow night - what a weak irrelevant article -

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Thanks for that link maimeeporn. Fascinating stuff, and written in a way that shows that Rumbold was an intelligent, aware and articulate man.

I've not yet read all of it, but have saved the PDF for further perusal.

That the current incumbent has issued an apology speaks volumes about the way that the British nation has buckled under the politically correct tenets of the liberati. It's no wonder that GB is now an also-ran. Thank God I'm out of it. I used to be proud of my national inheritance, but alas, no more.

It's unfortunate, but typical, that the media have taken out of context a couple of lines of a thoughtful, and largely accurate critique of Thailand and Thai society. But I'm not really surprised. To hel_l with the reality, just as long as it sells newspapers.

I despair...

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I think this "apology" goes beyond diplomacy and public relations and smacks of political correctness. I wonder if Ambassador Quayle has read all 10 pages of Sir Anthony's valedictory letter. He got a lot right. It is unfortunate that the remarks creating a stir were taken out of context.

Yes, I quite agree.

I listened to the programme "Parting Shots" on BBC Radio 4 and subesequently read the original documents.

The original confidential hand over document was not meant for release to foriegn embassies.

Due to a cock up, it was sent out to 120 embassies , and caused a great deal of embarrassment in the Far East.

Remember, the Viet Nam war was still raging.

I recommend any long term resident who has any interest in recent Thai History and politics reads it.

I think many "old hands" will find Sir Anthony Rumbold's following observation, still stands 42 years on...

"There is a small handful of foreigners who have lived here a long time, and whose opinions about the Thais are worth listening to...

But most of these confess to there benig great areas of the Thai mentality, which they have long ago given up attempting to penetrate."

Thanks for that..indeed interesting reading...the more things change the more they stay the same hugh..

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British envoy puts record straight on Thai image

By The Nation

Britain's ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle


-- The Nation 2009/10/20

Quinton Quayle, the name says it all. growing up on a daily diet of upper class persecution and sodomy in an all boys boarding school while mama and papa eat cucumber sandwiches with the queen. he should be having a whale of a time in Thailand :)

if you read this Mr. Quayle i apologise for being a low glass git.

Quite possibly you are indeed a low class git, but you should be aware Mr Quayle is far from being upper class - ordinary middle class like most of us, minor public school and second tier university.Very competent and affable, and formerly Ambassador to Romania.A fluent Thai speaker.I expect Sir Anthony who had a patrician background would have found him rather common, though he would of course have been too polite to say so.

Having said that it's certainly a comment on our times (and not a good one) that he felt the need to issue such an anodyne - "Amazing Thailand"- and contentless statement on a historic document.You can bet he would not have done so without clearing with his colleagues at the FCO.The slight irony is that such a statement, presumably aimed at the Thais, has in essence the same patronising attitude as the document it was attempting to correct.Would a serious and cultivated people give a toss about something a diplomat said about them over 40 years ago?

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British envoy puts record straight on Thai image

By The Nation

Britain's ambassador to Thailand, Quinton Quayle


-- The Nation 2009/10/20

Quinton Quayle, the name says it all. growing up on a daily diet of upper class persecution and sodomy in an all boys boarding school while mama and papa eat cucumber sandwiches with the queen. he should be having a whale of a time in Thailand :)

if you read this Mr. Quayle i apologise for being a low glass git.

Quite possibly you are indeed a low class git, but you should be aware Mr Quayle is far from being upper class - ordinary middle class like most of us, minor public school and second tier university.Very competent and affable, and formerly Ambassador to Romania.A fluent Thai speaker.I expect Sir Anthony who had a patrician background would have found him rather common, though he would of course have been too polite to say so.

Having said that it's certainly a comment on our times (and not a good one) that he felt the need to issue such an anodyne - "Amazing Thailand"- and contentless statement on a historic document.You can bet he would not have done so without clearing with his colleagues at the FCO.The slight irony is that such a statement, presumably aimed at the Thais, has in essence the same patronising attitude as the document it was attempting to correct.Would a serious and cultivated people give a toss about something a diplomat said about them over 40 years ago?

I think "told" would be more accuarte than "cleared". The original document was not patronising - read the whole document. No western diplomat can criticise Thailand. Right or wrong, them is the rules.

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Perhaps with his 'oh so lovely' feeling of thailand. Quentin (first name terms as he is a public servant paid for by the taxpayers) is explaining why the british embassy is absolutely crap at protecting its citizens from numerous injustices inflicted by the thais. Wish i had his job. Big house, huge pay etc just to instruct all embassy staff to tell its citizens that 'all we can do is arrange a free phone call home"

upper crust wanke_r

perhaps if you behaved yourself while in Thailand you would not need assistance from the Embassy! who is the Wanke_r now?

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got to admit it-he got it pretty well corrects,should of been a bit more diplomatic

but it was private mail

nobody likes people who tell it how it is

the truth is, nothing has changed, that was a nice little comment from the new brit to look nice

he had to do

guess what goes through his mind, and that of most, if not all western dip here?

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