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A Gym On Samui

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Hello all, I'm visiting Samui next week for ten days and I would like to know if anyone can reccomend a gym I could visit. One with weights and some CV equipment is preferable. Any info regarding location and cost would be good.



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In chewang you have Neptune Gym above Seaquest bar

and restaurant on chewang beach road. It costs around

360 bht for a day pass, with all the latest gym equipment,

free weights, sauna and jacuzzi. The price changes if you join

for a week onwards.

On the ringroad in chewang there is World Gym, it's alot older

than Neptune as is all the equipment, with no sauna, jacuzzi etc.

They have alot of free weights there. One day costs 150 bht.

There are some other smaller gyms around that mostly thais use.

Thats what they have in chewang, I'm sure other people will post

what they know about the other places in Samui.

Good Luck and train hard....healthy body...healthy mind :o

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Neptune Gym has a ten time usage pass for 1290 baht. The best value in this case.

There are also gyms in some of the hotels; Regent, Central Samui etc at around 300 baht par time.

There is also a small gym on the road opposite the Coco Blues Bar, around 500 metres down. 50 baht per time or 500 baht monthly.

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