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Personal Protection- Carrying A Weapon? Which?


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thank the Lord, someone was born intact

I love the switch, open that and the noise itself says " I am here and I mean business" I switched one far too long back to get away from some thugs and the mother jumped right out of my hand and I got my ass kicked!

all my pals in USA carry guns-even my gandparents- almost never had to use- wish it was like UK, but it ain't, its our culture now, like it or not

it pretty well far too much in my beloved country I gotta say with the whole gun culture, people not trained, often extreme right wing nerds out looking for trouble

be glad when they can stop all that

its a shame really that in this day and age we may still need something, but unfortunatly it can be necessary

and I hear from my UK cops buddys that even there now its getting really bad

I understand that protection is sometimes needed but here in London there are so many knives and people get cut up every day. A knife is such a horrible weapon, it slashes and disfigures people. Isn't there something else you could carry? I understand your previous training and expertise seems like it was with knives but I hope you can find an alternative. Once the knife 'culture' is established (and I'm not suggesting you're establishing it btw) then the slightest argument ends up with someone getting 'shanked' blood all over the street and retribution later on.

As far as 'going tooled up' is concerned I always used to (don't feel the need anymore) carry brass knuckles, enough to show you mean business and useful too if needed without opening someones guts or killing them. I'm not suggesting that you do the same, it's up to you, but I hope you can stop carrying the blade mate, I've seen too many scarred up faces on young guys.

Any weapon you carry, you should always be prepared to use and using a knife on someone results in hideous injury.

Pulling a knife on someone in Thailand and then actually using it to injure a Thai person...... I would recommend that you don't do that.

Edited by bifftastic
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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

Why stop at a knife, would not a concealed firearm make you feel even better?

And then when everyone is "tooled up" what a safer city CM would be??

And when you turn a corner and see an incident in progress, how do you know which is the "good guy"? How did the taxi driver "see the steel" if you have never pulled your knife in anger?

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I understand that protection is sometimes needed but here in London there are so many knives and people get cut up every day. A knife is such a horrible weapon, it slashes and disfigures people. Isn't there something else you could carry? I understand your previous training and expertise seems like it was with knives but I hope you can find an alternative. Once the knife 'culture' is established (and I'm not suggesting you're establishing it btw) then the slightest argument ends up with someone getting 'shanked' blood all over the street and retribution later on.

As far as 'going tooled up' is concerned I always used to (don't feel the need anymore) carry brass knuckles, enough to show you mean business and useful too if needed without opening someones guts or killing them. I'm not suggesting that you do the same, it's up to you, but I hope you can stop carrying the blade mate, I've seen too many scarred up faces on young guys.

Any weapon you carry, you should always be prepared to use and using a knife on someone results in hideous injury.

Pulling a knife on someone in Thailand and then actually using it to injure a Thai person...... I would recommend that you don't do that.

Are you tired of stabbing people with blades, having to clean those hard to remove blood and guts stains off your clothes?


Than you need the new Sassienie vaporising zap gun.

Whoosh, your opponent is zapped away in the blink of an eye. Leaves no traces such as DNA evidence or guts lying on the pavement.

The lightweight Sassienie vaporiser will conveniently fit into your backpack. It also has a strap on attachment and can be carried on your shoulder.

Order today while stocks last

Thais 2300 baht Farangs 9730 baht.


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Best weapons here are eyes, ears and brain. If you don't think those are sufficient to keep you safe here, you may find yourself happier elsewhere.

couldnt have said it better

Absolutely right !

I think the problem in the case of the OP is the 'brain' factor :)

/ Priceless

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I recall some idiot in a bar in the entertainment district of the lower Sukhumvit road, Bangkok. He had on his person a blackjack (extendable cosh). This fool whipped it open inside a bar and as a result accidently smacked a go-go girl over the head. There was claret everywhere. She had a large gash on her head. The foreign guy took her to the hospital and ended up having to pay several thousand baht in compensation plus the hospital fees.

Personally I have never felt more safer in any country than I do in Thailand. I believe people that look like victims end up becoming victims. When in any country you just have to walk around as if it is your home town. I'm more scared of being bitten by a snake than being mugged. Compared to some areas of London, Bangkok is as safe as milk.

I don't carry a weapon. No need to.

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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys


first you say you have never pulled it in anger then you state you pulled it to quick !!??

I moved to CM to avoid the danger of big cities and the lack of weapons carried by the everyman. And the peaceful nature in general. Let me know where you hang out so I can avoid those places :)

yeah,once went over to assist a "lady" she was being beat up real bad by a guy she called ' honey" he was with a group and so i felt outnumbered

I called to him holding the blade just down

so he knew I had it

' hey buddy,cool it, she's had enough, the cop's are coming"

she turns to me, her face all bloody and tell me fXX off!

I learned a long time ago never to interfere in a domestic dispute. The female sticks up for the guy beating her up. As regards here in Thailand, getting involved is making you stand out and the Thai guy's mates will seize the opportunity to teach you to mind your own business. Aside from that, I have lived here for ten years and have never felt safer. I can walk around Pattaya at any time whereas I wouldn't venture out in my hometown in the UK. Obviously I don't walk in unsafe areas, though I don't really know any really bad areas, and keep my eyes and ears open. Carry a weapon? No thanks, the nasty types will take it off you and use it against you.

Perhaps, if you are honest with yourself, you may recognise the fact that you are out to prove something rather than just defend yourself. You went to assist a lady? Call the police, let someone else deal with it. If you had rescued her you would only have a problem later because the guy had lost face.

good point, reminds me of the whole alturism debate

I have often asked myself this.

Am I really trying to be a good guy or prove something.

When i got into certain things and was martial arts champ I thought I was invincible and its true, I did used to things more out of a feeling that I wanted to prove my martial art skills than of just being a good guy

these days I have little to prove, acheived some things i have wanted in life- and failed misrably in others, single, getting on, like the odd drink- or two!

But I have served my country,(which I love dearly although ain't that blind to see we gotta lot of work to do), paid my taxes, put a little back, never cheated anyone, and I do like doing what i consider the 'right" thing

hope I got it right,only the Lord knows

in this example at least there are some people out there now safe and well because i made the right call

and no good people have suffered because i did not

honestly speaking-it would be pretty hard to take my weapon off me

why let someone else deal with it?

thats the kind of thinking i can see which would apply to many people who have replied here

you know many guys are kinda rude, these sorts would never say these silly things in person

and some even forget the actual questions

funny really, these are exactly the same sorts of guys who would be moaning like hel_l had they been in a spot, or their wife daughter and I could of done something- but took your advice and walked

there are no safe areas,but i know what you mean

was/is soi 13 'safe"

was the royal palace in katmandu safe when someone came in and blasted up the whole reign?

why? because of the human factor, where there are people there can be trouble

if theres a choice betwen action and non action, take the action

in ladys case it was late and the cops would have taken too long, could not risk it, its hard call, what if she had needed help, she really was taking a beating.It could go either way.


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who carrys a weapon in thailand?

what do you carry ?

ever had to use it?

why? ( do you feel safer?)

what are the legal ramifications?

any advise on perosnal protection type self defence weapons?

any postive/negitive storys ?

I always ,(after age of 16 and when coming to the opinion that one has to have something to even the odds against criminals )carry a concealed folding blade in my life i have never pulled it in anger

there are a few times perhaps I pulled it too quick

there are a few situations where I have been able to stop trouble from starting ( here a taxi driving grabbed a metal rod intent on beating some guys butt, but decided not to when he saw the steel)

and others where i can thank having a weapon for good outcome for the good guys

Why stop at a knife, would not a concealed firearm make you feel even better?

And then when everyone is "tooled up" what a safer city CM would be??

And when you turn a corner and see an incident in progress, how do you know which is the "good guy"? How did the taxi driver "see the steel" if you have never pulled your knife in anger?

I would carry a gun if I could,although I am not sure if i really feel the need here

i understand what you mean about CM but the USA has a gun culture( i do not like it- but we cannot just change it)

when you turn a courner and see an incident?

well, use you common sense, if a guy is being beaten on by 5 guys with sticks what would you think? I will give you hint- help the guy being beaten on

or if some old guy is being tracked by some homeboys

it ain't difficult really

I pulled my blade without realy being angry, I was a little nervous, it was getting out of hand

stopped him going to town with this heavy looking thing

was that bad? wrong?

nobody got hurt, nobody went to jail

most here i guess would just sit back and let someone else sort it and someone would get hurt maybe go to jail

guys, that way of thinking is not for good people

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On her death bed my grandmother called me over and said;

"Son, here is a .45 caliber bullet. It will keep you safe. Carry it with you always, and keep it close to your heart."

And so I did. I carried that bullet in my shirt pocket for many years, all through my twenties, all through my thirties, all through my forties... Every morning before I left the house I'd make sure that bullet was in my pocket.

One day, while walking in the downtown area of NY city, a raving madman came rushing out of a building, wildly brandishing a Bible over his head and screaming obscenities. Before I even had a chance to react, he hurled that bible straight at me! Full force!! I never saw it coming. I never had a chance to duck. That Bible struck me right in the chest! Right at my heart!! I knew I was a goner...

But... and thank God... that Bible struck my grandma's bullet which stopped it completely, and so it didn't have a chance to reach my body. The bullet stopped that Bible and saved my life! If I hadn't been prepared, that madman's Bible would have killed me for sure. It pays to be prepared! :)

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I have never had any problems but definitely seen some Thai on Thai altercations over the years. I never really thought about weapons until one day I was parking the motosai at Kad Suan Kaew in the front lot by the Yamaha dealer and saw two girls (mid 20's I am guessing) drive up and park. One of them pulls a semi auto out of her waistband and stows it under seat. I had to ask myself if I really saw that. I guess it could have been a prop gun but looked a lot like a .25 or .32 semiauto.

Ignorance is bliss

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I would carry a gun if I could,although I am not sure if i really feel the need here

i understand what you mean about CM but the USA has a gun culture( i do not like it- but we cannot just change it)

when you turn a courner and see an incident?

well, use you common sense, if a guy is being beaten on by 5 guys with sticks what would you think? I will give you hint- help the guy being beaten on

or if some old guy is being tracked by some homeboys

it ain't difficult really

I pulled my blade without realy being angry, I was a little nervous, it was getting out of hand

stopped him going to town with this heavy looking thing

was that bad? wrong?

nobody got hurt, nobody went to jail

most here i guess would just sit back and let someone else sort it and someone would get hurt maybe go to jail

guys, that way of thinking is not for good people

You must be hanging around the wrong places with the wrong people. I've never been in a fight or ever felt the need for a gun or knife. Avoiding people like you probably helps.

I wouldn't carry a gun if I could.

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On her death bed my grandmother called me over and said;

"Son, here is a .45 caliber bullet. It will keep you safe. Carry it with you always, and keep it close to your heart."

And so I did. I carried that bullet in my shirt pocket for many years, all through my twenties, all through my thirties, all through my forties... Every morning before I left the house I'd make sure that bullet was in my pocket.

One day, while walking in the downtown area of NY city, a raving madman came rushing out of a building, wildly brandishing a Bible over his head and screaming obscenities. Before I even had a chance to react, he hurled that bible straight at me! Full force!! I never saw it coming. I never had a chance to duck. That Bible struck me right in the chest! Right at my heart!! I knew I was a goner...

But... and thank God... that Bible struck my grandma's bullet which stopped it completely, and so it didn't have a chance to reach my body. The bullet stopped that Bible and saved my life! If I hadn't been prepared, that madman's Bible would have killed me for sure. It pays to be prepared! :)

I like this story. Best post I read today.

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On her death bed my grandmother called me over and said;

"Son, here is a .45 caliber bullet. It will keep you safe. Carry it with you always, and keep it close to your heart."

And so I did. I carried that bullet in my shirt pocket for many years, all through my twenties, all through my thirties, all through my forties... Every morning before I left the house I'd make sure that bullet was in my pocket.

One day, while walking in the downtown area of NY city, a raving madman came rushing out of a building, wildly brandishing a Bible over his head and screaming obscenities. Before I even had a chance to react, he hurled that bible straight at me! Full force!! I never saw it coming. I never had a chance to duck. That Bible struck me right in the chest! Right at my heart!! I knew I was a goner...

But... and thank God... that Bible struck my grandma's bullet which stopped it completely, and so it didn't have a chance to reach my body. The bullet stopped that Bible and saved my life! If I hadn't been prepared, that madman's Bible would have killed me for sure. It pays to be prepared! :)

I like this story. Best post I read today.

A full volume Oxford English dictionary is a very effective weapon, but they intend to sway off to the left a bit and difficult to hit a target from a distance.

I prefer a bible. With the backing of the lord, one cannot miss.

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Oh Dear! :D:D

Did anybody look at other posts by the OP? TROLL! (Troll with bad grammar at that :):D )

what the heck? whats going on here guys

I just got one post stopped ( about the quakers) and now this

what is wrong with you guys? why is it I seem to have upset you so much

okay to all of you- this will shut you up

you made a statement, but you wanna know what none of you will stick by it

typical of your sort,

come down to the gym where I work out now in the daytime

boxer-rebellion on soi 13 , I teach there,

see if I am a troll, see if I exist, ask to see some proof of anything I have claimed

bangkok is full of wannabee anyone with any knowhow will see through any BS

come see my record, my history, I will not just claim with words, but show much more than that

including mr mod sherlock holmes ( what exactly would be the point of this ?)- if I am a quaker attender!

its that simple really

you know, none of yous will come down, because you are all too scared to see that you are mistaken

thats the kind of mark of you all

I am real suprised by this and the sheer igronance of some of what you say

and I will be even more suprised if any of you shows that your a man and sticks to your claim and trys to check thing out

I guess thats it, won't be hearing no more

any chance we get back to my question

if you do not agree, fine, why be rude?

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I would carry a gun if I could,although I am not sure if i really feel the need here

i understand what you mean about CM but the USA has a gun culture( i do not like it- but we cannot just change it)

when you turn a courner and see an incident?

well, use you common sense, if a guy is being beaten on by 5 guys with sticks what would you think? I will give you hint- help the guy being beaten on

or if some old guy is being tracked by some homeboys

it ain't difficult really

I pulled my blade without realy being angry, I was a little nervous, it was getting out of hand

stopped him going to town with this heavy looking thing

was that bad? wrong?

nobody got hurt, nobody went to jail

most here i guess would just sit back and let someone else sort it and someone would get hurt maybe go to jail

guys, that way of thinking is not for good people

You must be hanging around the wrong places with the wrong people. I've never been in a fight or ever felt the need for a gun or knife. Avoiding people like you probably helps.

I wouldn't carry a gun if I could.

as I said, its not really a question of hanging around

wish it was that easy

place's do not cause trouble -people do- and people are everywhere

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On her death bed my grandmother called me over and said;

"Son, here is a .45 caliber bullet. It will keep you safe. Carry it with you always, and keep it close to your heart."

And so I did. I carried that bullet in my shirt pocket for many years, all through my twenties, all through my thirties, all through my forties... Every morning before I left the house I'd make sure that bullet was in my pocket.

One day, while walking in the downtown area of NY city, a raving madman came rushing out of a building, wildly brandishing a Bible over his head and screaming obscenities. Before I even had a chance to react, he hurled that bible straight at me! Full force!! I never saw it coming. I never had a chance to duck. That Bible struck me right in the chest! Right at my heart!! I knew I was a goner...

But... and thank God... that Bible struck my grandma's bullet which stopped it completely, and so it didn't have a chance to reach my body. The bullet stopped that Bible and saved my life! If I hadn't been prepared, that madman's Bible would have killed me for sure. It pays to be prepared! :)

I like this story. Best post I read today.

A full volume Oxford English dictionary is a very effective weapon, but they intend to sway off to the left a bit and difficult to hit a target from a distance.

I prefer a bible. With the backing of the lord, one cannot miss.

My school form tutor was a born agian Christian. Probably still is. Anyway I recall her telling a story in her 'thought for the day' session. The story was about a British soldier who parachuted into a military situation during WW2. It may have been Normandy, I forget. But the crux of the story is that he had a bible in his shirt breast pocket that saved his life, a bullet from german fire became embedded in the the good book. Folk guitar's story is an excellent new angle to look at a similar event. Made me chuckle.

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I have never had any problems but definitely seen some Thai on Thai altercations over the years. I never really thought about weapons until one day I was parking the motosai at Kad Suan Kaew in the front lot by the Yamaha dealer and saw two girls (mid 20's I am guessing) drive up and park. One of them pulls a semi auto out of her waistband and stows it under seat. I had to ask myself if I really saw that. I guess it could have been a prop gun but looked a lot like a .25 or .32 semiauto.

Ignorance is bliss

nasty, did you take their number plate?

whats the deal with replica guns here anyways?

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Oh Dear! :D:D

Did anybody look at other posts by the OP? TROLL! (Troll with bad grammar at that :):D )

what the heck? whats going on here guys

I just got one post stopped ( about the quakers) and now this

what is wrong with you guys? why is it I seem to have upset you so much

okay to all of you- this will shut you up

you made a statement, but you wanna know what none of you will stick by it

typical of your sort,

come down to the gym where I work out now in the daytime

boxer-rebellion on soi 13 , I teach there,

see if I am a troll, see if I exist, ask to see some proof of anything I have claimed

bangkok is full of wannabee anyone with any knowhow will see through any BS

come see my record, my history, I will not just claim with words, but show much more than that

including mr mod sherlock holmes ( what exactly would be the point of this ?)- if I am a quaker attender!

its that simple really

you know, none of yous will come down, because you are all too scared to see that you are mistaken

thats the kind of mark of you all

I am real suprised by this and the sheer igronance of some of what you say

and I will be even more suprised if any of you shows that your a man and sticks to your claim and trys to check thing out

I guess thats it, won't be hearing no more

any chance we get back to my question

if you do not agree, fine, why be rude?

gee i love Chiang Mai :D

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To be fair to the OP, he only joined a couple of weeks ago, and is also having problems locating the local CIA headquarters, let alone posting on Thaivisa.

Why would one feel the need to carry a weapon, unless you are that insecure? :)

you guys,was that an attempt at humour? but I am wondering what is going on with you

why would one feel the need to carry a weapon?

heard what happened to my new buddy on soi 13 a few months back

do criminals never carry weapons try to take advantage of people who canot defend themselves

does a weapon even the odd a bit

did you ever see cops with guns? why do they carry them?

all your arguements are so poor and repetitive

a huge amount of people in the USA carry arms, but then again, most are redneck, rightwing assholoes so you just may be correct about

the insecure bit

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i always carry 2 weapons with me at all times luckily for me i was born with them, they happen to be on the end of each arm. The left is for stunning the opponent the right one is for making the enemies face look like a cross between a freshly sqeezed turd and a pancake.

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To be fair to the OP, he only joined a couple of weeks ago, and is also having problems locating the local CIA headquarters, let alone posting on Thaivisa.

Why would one feel the need to carry a weapon, unless you are that insecure? :)

And it wont take many weeks to understand that TV is full of misfits.Then the most stay faaar away ever posting anything because of...................

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i always carry 2 weapons with me at all times luckily for me i was born with them, they happen to be on the end of each arm. The left is for stunning the opponent the right one is for making the enemies face look like a cross between a freshly sqeezed turd and a pancake.

:) That's a good 1 :D

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on a serious note tho chaps, i personally wud never carry a knife or gun in bkk as like previously mentioned by someone just dont feel the need 2, smile be respectful to the thai ppl an there culture an no1 shud ever have a problem here.

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did you ever see cops with guns? why do they carry them?

Because of people like you.

After over 20 yrs of havin to carry one and having to cope with your kinda attitude it was refreshing to move here and get away from it.

And now you're back..... good gawd... :)

Choc dii my friends up there in Changers..

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