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Personal Protection- Carrying A Weapon? Which?


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Unable to add anything to this thought provoking thread people who have been made to look foolish ( because it is pointed out how they are in fact far more guilty of something that they have accused others of)

They ask for it to be closed. I sense fear of this topic.

Brings to mind someone in the dock in a court of law saying " no comment"

Instead any insult's, groundless accusation's, mud slinging etc can we add anything to this ? Why are people so angry ?

An American with me now told me he was subjected to spot check ( extortion attempt ) on sukumvit. This also happened to a french friend of recently.

He was carrying two knives and the police did not seem to care.

I would like to know the actual law.

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bobjenssen = straightdave :)

oh really, when will this stop?, will you please come tonight as you have all been invited and see for your self.

Look at the youtube promo ( I am not on it, but David is)

Is this how people are treated when they make others look foolish?

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I wish :D

I do not like the idea of having any weapon's . I feel like its almost karmic that if one has something they are likely to get hurt or attract trouble.

Friends tell me dave is not quite the redneck he appears to ( the boxer-rebellion shots on their webpage make him look like he is trying very hard to fit that label perfectly) and is really quite a sweety.

If I were to carry anything it would be mace.

The other concern I have is that I simply do not fully trust myself not to use something in the heat of the moment. :)

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and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun EnviroGirl,

I and I would very much enjoy labeling you over a coffee :)

I try and read my own label sometimes, but the language the list of ingredients is written in keeps changing (last time I looked it appeared to be Sumerian cuneiform or some such), and the pictures on the label also change : one day I will see the beloved face of my own Orang mother, Oom-paw-paw-mau-mau, and the next day some human face which may be my own for all I and I know.

regards, ~o:37;

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thank the Lord, someone was born intact

I love the switch, open that and the noise itself says " I am here and I mean business" I switched one far too long back to get away from some thugs and the mother jumped right out of my hand and I got my ass kicked!

all my pals in USA carry guns-even my gandparents- almost never had to use- wish it was like UK, but it ain't, its our culture now, like it or not

it pretty well far too much in my beloved country I gotta say with the whole gun culture, people not trained, often extreme right wing nerds out looking for trouble

be glad when they can stop all that

its a shame really that in this day and age we may still need something, but unfortunatly it can be necessary

and I hear from my UK cops buddys that even there now its getting really bad

Do you really understand the majority of gun violence is done because of the culture of drugs. The drug culture is hardly right wing, its to the left side of the aisle. There is a gangsta subculture that produces many deaths in their community and a latina drug gang culture that does the same within its culture. Right wing? turn off CNN. Every odd bit of gun violence is played up as though its commonplace, while the cultures causing the majority of deaths are hardly looked at. Doesn't fit into their political bias.

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Straight Dave - As a fellow American, I would like to point out that average

BTW non American readers: I would just like you to know that there are still a handful of Americans that are NOT addicted to weapons, war and the belief that carrying a weapon is a god given right. I am one of those people and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

AS a far left hippie freak, you should know the result of drug use ie the benjamins are the cause of the majority of gun violence in the US. Since as a far left hippie freak your a contributor to this violence by purchasing products that are illegal. I suggest you read or look at Free Wheeling Frank from the Fabulous Furry Freak brothers and cop his attitute towards the carrying of weapons.

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I'm quite familiar with guns and knives, and have many of both, but I never think of either as weapons. They are just tools to be used for what they were meant for in a modern world. Only a very few people are trained to use them in combat, and even less to actually need one for combat.



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and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun EnviroGirl,

I and I would very much enjoy labeling you over a coffee :D

I try and read my own label sometimes, but the language the list of ingredients is written in keeps changing (last time I looked it appeared to be Sumerian cuneiform or some such), and the pictures on the label also change : one day I will see the beloved face of my own Orang mother, Oom-paw-paw-mau-mau, and the next day some human face which may be my own for all I and I know.

regards, ~o:37;


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I'm quite familiar with guns and knives, and have many of both, but I never think of either as weapons. They are just tools to be used for what they were meant for in a modern world. Only a very few people are trained to use them in combat, and even less to actually need one for combat.

no filleting knife Ian?

which reminds me. Im going back to NZ for summer next week and hopefully will be catching a few snapper, which will be (hopefully) on the bite. :)

Edited by Donnyboy
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and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun EnviroGirl,

I and I would very much enjoy labeling you over a coffee :)

I try and read my own label sometimes, but the language the list of ingredients is written in keeps changing (last time I looked it appeared to be Sumerian cuneiform or some such), and the pictures on the label also change : one day I will see the beloved face of my own Orang mother, Oom-paw-paw-mau-mau, and the next day some human face which may be my own for all I and I know.

regards, ~o:37;

It's hard for me to label our good friend, Orang as anything more than peace freak. The last time we had a visit together he just sat there and listened. :D


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I'm quite familiar with guns and knives, and have many of both, but I never think of either as weapons. They are just tools to be used for what they were meant for in a modern world. Only a very few people are trained to use them in combat, and even less to actually need one for combat.

no filleting knife Ian?

which reminds me. Im going back to NZ for summer next week and hopefully will be catching a few snapper, which will be (hopefully) on the bite. :)

That is only a very few of my many knives. I've got half a dozen good filleting knives and gawd knows how many butcher knives. I've also added a handfull more switch blades and throwing knives since that photo was taken.

Good luck in NZ. It's a place I've visited frequently on fishing trips. The people are just as friendly, if not more, than the people of Thailand.

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I'm quite familiar with guns and knives, and have many of both, but I never think of either as weapons. They are just tools to be used for what they were meant for in a modern world. Only a very few people are trained to use them in combat, and even less to actually need one for combat.

no filleting knife Ian?

which reminds me. Im going back to NZ for summer next week and hopefully will be catching a few snapper, which will be (hopefully) on the bite. :)

That is only a very few of my many knives. I've got half a dozen good filleting knives and gawd knows how many butcher knives. I've also added a handfull more switch blades and throwing knives since that photo was taken.

Good luck in NZ. It's a place I've visited frequently on fishing trips. The people are just as friendly, if not more, than the people of Thailand.

can i buy a good switch off you if you have here?

need it as part of my class

sessioned yesterday,went well over the estimated time, a thai national, a japanese and some western guys, not too bad for a 'trol" or someone who is a 'jerk"

want to get them familar with all sorts of blades

the local dude said that is was not illegal to carry a folding blade but could not be 100% sure some cop would not try to use it as an exuse to make an extra $

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Yes, but only when I am on the scooter, and its for the dogs that like to chase and bite at bikes. They only need to see the baton and they back off. As for people? Never felt the need to, as CM is by far safer than the city in Canada I am from, lets hope it stays that way.

+1 When I ride I have a collapsible baton to let the dogs know to play nice.

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:) I know today was a holiday, but the mods seem to have been off all week judging by this thread :D Or maybe they're enjoying it too and adopting the "givem enough rope" strategy...... seems to be working well :D

Anyway, OP obviously knows nothing about CM or he'd be talking about his skills with a Samurai Sword :D Ooopps, let's not go there.

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and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun EnviroGirl,

I and I would very much enjoy labeling you over a coffee :D

I try and read my own label sometimes, but the language the list of ingredients is written in keeps changing (last time I looked it appeared to be Sumerian cuneiform or some such), and the pictures on the label also change : one day I will see the beloved face of my own Orang mother, Oom-paw-paw-mau-mau, and the next day some human face which may be my own for all I and I know.

regards, ~o:37;


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Good luck in NZ. It's a place I've visited frequently on fishing trips. The people are just as friendly, if not more, than the people of Thailand.


i think im spoilt having best of both, Canada would be similiar right?

ps no one carries knives in NZ for protection, well most people wouldnt need to

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Anyway, OP obviously knows nothing about CM or he'd be talking about his skills with a Samurai Sword :D Ooopps, let's not go there.

too late, gotta love Uma :)


leave it for the movies :D

Edited by Donnyboy
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I carried a baton for soi dogs.

Before I return to Thailand permanently I will study Kali Silat to learn knife fighting and baton fighting, mostly for self interest. I have always looked at carrying a weapon in Thailand as a two way street.

You never know who also has a weapon, the worst being that you pull a knife and he pulls a gun. Pulling a weapon first can also cause a lot of hel_l, such as encouraging friends to jump in etc. Last but not least, if you pull a knife, defend yourself and kill the Thai. You are going to be blamed, because thats the way it is here. Better pray his family isn't connected either.

All said and done, in 3 years of living in Thailand, I never got into a confrentation, much less a scuffle or fight with a Thai person. Stay aleart, mind your own business and smile and 99% of the time, things will go smoothly.

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