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Alternative Health Practitioners

femi fan

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I don't know if there'll be sufficient interest to keep this thread going for a while, but...

chiang mai always seems to me the kind of town that would be good for homeopaths, naturopaths, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and any other kind of alternative health people. In this day and age it is of course western-style medicine and hospitals that predominate, but chiang mai in its nature i'm sure still has plenty to offer on the health scene for those who seek alternative care.

I do know of places like tao garden and one or two other ayurvedic places, but these are priced for tourists and really far too expensive.

So i was hoping that enough of us have enough experience of enough places to recommend to create some kind of worthwhile directory on this thread. My idea is for people to post up the name of a place, the type of health care they practise, where they are and any other information worth passing on.

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That's a pretty tall order to find a directory. There really aren't any like in western countries. Integrative medicine which marries Allopathic with Alternative care is seemingly non existent.

For example there is one western Chiropracter in CM and he has almost no Thai patients. Only travelers and expats. Without any real demand from Thai people there is not enough demand to support any more. Seems crazy because in western countries Chiropracters are everywhere but Thai people are slow to adopt new ideas.

There are some Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) clinics that prescribe herbs, acupuncture and sometimes cupping. They are pretty good at recognizing the limitations of TCM and will prescribe western drugs where appropriate. Their approach of balancing and harmonzing the system for optimal performance is not a quick fix philosophy so you need to be prepared to accept longer time frames for healing.

Off Nimmanhemin there is a German guy who calls himself a Integrative medicine Doctor but I doubt he is qualified in a traditional sense. He does have some good ideas and might be able to point you in the right direction. He is Dr. Eddy Betterman. Dr. Eddy Clinic. He used to be the Doc at Tao Garden.

I have been here for a while and just can't find any alternative Docs like the USA. I think your best potential is to find folk remedies online for less than serious problems. I like Earth Clinic website

For more acute and serious problems then allopathic practioners can at least stop the pain and collateral damage. A lot of them however have good ideas about alternative care but you will have to pry ideas out of them. That's true in any country. Some of the best alternative advice I have received is from my old country MD in the states.

If your after short term care and quick results then Allopathic is best at relieving symptoms. If you say your willing to work hard to change your overall health picture to correct underlying problems then do more research online for changes in lifestyle, diet, detoxification etc.

Maybe someone else out there knows more but I have been beating the bushes for a few years in CM and little to show for it.

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Good to read your post cobra.

I'm not looking for a directory, already done that to no avail! But i was kind of hoping that chiang mai members of TV between them could create one.

I just love the idea of consulting people who can mix the allopathic with the alternative, and chiang mai, of anwhere in thailand, seems to be a place that has some decent practitioners.

I have done loads of research in the last year myself, with books and from websites. It's been a fascinating journey, began when no allopathic experts could solve my lower back problems. My own research and a visit to the ayurvedic centre inside the moat started me on the path and i quickly lost the back pain and gained a most flexible body. I had ten months of super fine health from my changed diet, my cycling (nothing strenuous) and my golf. Then an ear infection which thus far after four weeks hospitals and doctors cannot solve.

But i've tried this kind of thread from a good health position before, to little avail. I've heard of dr eddy.

One of the troubles as i'm sure you know, is the power of the FDA, both in america and elsewhere in the world, and how they do their best to mess up alternative practitioners. This means that when reading websites that appear to write very sensible things, they cannot back it up with enough evidence for people to decide to take the plunge and follow their ways. I would really appreciate even a normal doctor who could be trusted to give their opinion on, for example in my current case, colloidal silver.

Despite your negative luck in finding such practitioners, and mine thus far, i'm going to stick with my search! Even if its just TV chiang mai posters with their own experiences, that's good to hear too. I shall report back on this silver stuff later on when i know if it's cured me or not.

Meanwhile, have you had any experiences of the mangkala center?

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go thru the Earthclinic site. The FDA is not limiting their speech in anyway. There are many other similar sites with alternative/folk cures.

The thing about folk medicine is that its hit or miss. For some people it might work great but others it can completely miss the mark.

Mungkala, Dr. Wang, McCormick acupunture clinic are all solid choices for TCM preventative care. Dr. Wang is probably the best at Pulse diagnosis and prescribing herbs.

Dr. Ken Leeper is the CM Chiropracter and is he pretty good. He does N.A.E.T allergy work that helps a lot of people. Quite a few ailments can be traced to having impaired spinal nerve function and improper posture and spinal alignment. Many peoples sinus type issues are helped or cured by improving posture. Think of the sinus as a gutter system like on a house. If you lifted up one corner of the house a few inches then the gutters would not drain properly. Same thing with the sinuses.

Your ear problems could be similarly caused from improper posture that prevents the eustacian tubes from draining as they should.

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go thru the Earthclinic site. The FDA is not limiting their speech in anyway. There are many other similar sites with alternative/folk cures.

The thing about folk medicine is that its hit or miss. For some people it might work great but others it can completely miss the mark.

Mungkala, Dr. Wang, McCormick acupunture clinic are all solid choices for TCM preventative care. Dr. Wang is probably the best at Pulse diagnosis and prescribing herbs.

Dr. Ken Leeper is the CM Chiropracter and is he pretty good. He does N.A.E.T allergy work that helps a lot of people. Quite a few ailments can be traced to having impaired spinal nerve function and improper posture and spinal alignment. Many peoples sinus type issues are helped or cured by improving posture. Think of the sinus as a gutter system like on a house. If you lifted up one corner of the house a few inches then the gutters would not drain properly. Same thing with the sinuses.

Your ear problems could be similarly caused from improper posture that prevents the eustacian tubes from draining as they should.

I'll look into the earthclinic site.

It looks like, and i hope i'm not being premature, that this colloidal silver has done the job for me. I had my ear seen today and there is no more fungus there after five weeks. 50 satang's worth of alternative medicine, two days, and i compare that to six thousand baht and about five weeks without a fix...

Where does dr wang operate out of?

Similarly Dr Leeper?

Thanks again for the comments.

Seems like there's too many healthy people here in chiang mai...!

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Dr. Wang is at the Chinese pharmacy across from Gat Luang which is just up from Wororot market. Go before 1:30 pm and get your pulse and tongue diagnosed and herbs prescription filled then he has a little acupuncture clinic at Naisuan House. See below link for map directions. His clinic is about 2:30 to 3:30 pm 7 days a week. 500 baht per visit.

Dr. Ken works at the Shewe Wana Resort Spa on Charoen Muang Road. It's maybe halfway between the Narrowat bridge and the Rail station. White building on the south side. I think its 1,200 baht for the first visit and 1000 baht afterwards for 60 minutes. Just call and make an appt if your interested. 053-240-020. He is American so no problem for english. I think he is average for a Chiro in the states but a real life saver in CM if you need an adjustment.

One of my favorites practioners is Khun Anant who does Shaolin Tendon Massage. He studied to be a Shaolin monk in China and his discipline is like a cross between chiropractic and rolfing( deep structural massage). He is very knowledgeable about TCM and physiology. He often manipulates your nerves directly to improve energy flow and will adjust any joint that he thinks needs it. Can be pretty painful at times but I would put him up against any chiropracter, massage therapist, acupuncturist or physiotherapist for value and speed when it comes to getting health results. He is really that good. 800 baht for each 45-50 minute session. The bad news is his english is basic but he has you fill out questionaire and he seems to be able to read english well. He practices at the Naisuan house the same as Dr. Wang. Same building as Tai Chi Thailand. Here is a map. I usually just signup on the clipboard outside his room. He has a phone # also. 081-8819538

Naissuan House

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They all sound interesting.

Is this kind of massage beneficial for already healthy well people? Or mainly for those with movement problems? And i'm not sure about the pain! I thought that could be considered as a sign of overdoing things?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there. There are very few Alternative medicine centers in Bangkok. I have also been suffering from a herniated disk for many years and alternative medicine has helped me more than strong pain killers. As my work in Bangkok 6 days a week, I cannot go up to Chiang Mai every weekend though the fresh air helps me a lot.

I found an integrative medical centre called TRIA on Rama 9 and they really helped me get through acupuncture, different types of massages and especially hydrotherapy classes. The whole setting is very peaceful and soothing, so you it doesn't feel like a hospital or a medical centre. After a days work, sometimes I go and relax by the pool or even go for dinners at the restaurant there.

It is like a little retreat for me in Bangkok. It is always nice getting away from the hustle and bustle, the pollution, the noise.

I have been going for almost 1 year and half now and I my back pains have really improved.

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Dr. Wang is at the Chinese pharmacy across from Gat Luang which is just up from Wororot market. Go before 1:30 pm and get your pulse and tongue diagnosed and herbs prescription filled then he has a little acupuncture clinic at Naisuan House. See below link for map directions. His clinic is about 2:30 to 3:30 pm 7 days a week. 500 baht per visit.

Dr. Ken works at the Shewe Wana Resort Spa on Charoen Muang Road. It's maybe halfway between the Narrowat bridge and the Rail station. White building on the south side. I think its 1,200 baht for the first visit and 1000 baht afterwards for 60 minutes. Just call and make an appt if your interested. 053-240-020. He is American so no problem for english. I think he is average for a Chiro in the states but a real life saver in CM if you need an adjustment.

One of my favorites practioners is Khun Anant who does Shaolin Tendon Massage. He studied to be a Shaolin monk in China and his discipline is like a cross between chiropractic and rolfing( deep structural massage). He is very knowledgeable about TCM and physiology. He often manipulates your nerves directly to improve energy flow and will adjust any joint that he thinks needs it. Can be pretty painful at times but I would put him up against any chiropracter, massage therapist, acupuncturist or physiotherapist for value and speed when it comes to getting health results. He is really that good. 800 baht for each 45-50 minute session. The bad news is his english is basic but he has you fill out questionaire and he seems to be able to read english well. He practices at the Naisuan house the same as Dr. Wang. Same building as Tai Chi Thailand. Here is a map. I usually just signup on the clipboard outside his room. He has a phone # also. 081-8819538

Naissuan House

Some good info here from Cobra, Khun Anant's massage sounds interesting I think good Tui Na Chinese Massage outclasses the Thai massage that I've had.

I've got a few minor niggles with my back so will give him a go.

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Moon Tree have started an online guide for alternative healers/healing in Chiang Mai - thaimoontree.com. They also run a 'Healers Tour' which we have just participated in - it was fantastic meeting local Thai healers and seeing traditional alternative treatments.

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Moon Tree have started an online guide for alternative healers/healing in Chiang Mai - thaimoontree.com. They also run a 'Healers Tour' which we have just participated in - it was fantastic meeting local Thai healers and seeing traditional alternative treatments.

Hey, that looks like a great addition to this thread! I've just looked through their website and will make a trip to cafe pandau as soon as possible! It also mentions a tropical garden as their base, but i presume this is yet to materialise since there are no directions to any place. If there's anything more you can add about thaimoontree it would be good to hear. Their idea sounds fantastic.

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  • 10 months later...

Dr. Wang is at the Chinese pharmacy across from Gat Luang which is just up from Wororot market. Go before 1:30 pm and get your pulse and tongue diagnosed and herbs prescription filled then he has a little acupuncture clinic at Naisuan House. See below link for map directions. His clinic is about 2:30 to 3:30 pm 7 days a week. 500 baht per visit.

Dr. Ken works at the Shewe Wana Resort Spa on Charoen Muang Road. It's maybe halfway between the Narrowat bridge and the Rail station. White building on the south side. I think its 1,200 baht for the first visit and 1000 baht afterwards for 60 minutes. Just call and make an appt if your interested. 053-240-020. He is American so no problem for english. I think he is average for a Chiro in the states but a real life saver in CM if you need an adjustment.

One of my favorites practioners is Khun Anant who does Shaolin Tendon Massage. He studied to be a Shaolin monk in China and his discipline is like a cross between chiropractic and rolfing( deep structural massage). He is very knowledgeable about TCM and physiology. He often manipulates your nerves directly to improve energy flow and will adjust any joint that he thinks needs it. Can be pretty painful at times but I would put him up against any chiropracter, massage therapist, acupuncturist or physiotherapist for value and speed when it comes to getting health results. He is really that good. 800 baht for each 45-50 minute session. The bad news is his english is basic but he has you fill out questionaire and he seems to be able to read english well. He practices at the Naisuan house the same as Dr. Wang. Same building as Tai Chi Thailand. Here is a map. I usually just signup on the clipboard outside his room. He has a phone # also. 081-8819538

Naissuan House

Thank you for this valuable information....smile.gif

The links doesn't seem to work, but I found it anyway by googling.


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How do I get on the list/directory?

I have decided to be an alternative health practitioner.

I suppose I'll need a work permit but there are no other qualifications, education, licensing, experience, etc, are there? And over here, the FDA can't restrict my advertising so why not pick up some extra baht?

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How do I get on the list/directory?

I have decided to be an alternative health practitioner.

I suppose I'll need a work permit but there are no other qualifications, education, licensing, experience, etc, are there? And over here, the FDA can't restrict my advertising so why not pick up some extra baht?

What are you going to practice?

Thailand has a fairly restrictive FDA type bureaucracy which is why so many drugs and supplements are not available here.

The FDA would not even regulate an alternative health practitioners because they regulate food and drugs.

The various medical/dental boards govern Doctors etc in Thailand but really no specialty boards for the likes of acupuncture, chiropractic and massage.

In Thailand a person can claim quite a lot and maybe get customers but going to be hard to get repeat business if its not helping anyone.

Market dynamics in action.

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  • 1 month later...

"chiang mai always seems to me the kind of town that would be good for homeopaths, naturopaths, acupuncturists, nutritionists, and any other kind of " ........ charlatan?

it is a sad reflection on the Thai healthcare system that anybody with a white coat can set themselves up as some sort of "medical" practitioner.

Edited by Deeral
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  • 10 months later...

go thru the Earthclinic site. The FDA is not limiting their speech in anyway. There are many other similar sites with alternative/folk cures.

The thing about folk medicine is that its hit or miss. For some people it might work great but others it can completely miss the mark.

Mungkala, Dr. Wang, McCormick acupunture clinic are all solid choices for TCM preventative care. Dr. Wang is probably the best at Pulse diagnosis and prescribing herbs.

Dr. Ken Leeper is the CM Chiropracter and is he pretty good. He does N.A.E.T allergy work that helps a lot of people. Quite a few ailments can be traced to having impaired spinal nerve function and improper posture and spinal alignment. Many peoples sinus type issues are helped or cured by improving posture. Think of the sinus as a gutter system like on a house. If you lifted up one corner of the house a few inches then the gutters would not drain properly. Same thing with the sinuses.

Your ear problems could be similarly caused from improper posture that prevents the eustacian tubes from draining as they should.

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I seem to remember someone saying recently that Dr. Leeper is no longer in CM. Is that correct?

I'm looking for someone that practices N.A.E.T

Anyone know of anyone??

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