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Anyone Have Two Internet Providers?


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I currently use maxnet, but looking for a 2nd company to go with in a sad attempt to always be online, as it is how I earn a living.

CAT does not offer service to my street (grrrrrrr), so I had to cross them off the list.

Who else is left that is somewhat reliable?

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I have TOT Satellite, TOT ADSL at work with our four INTERNET servers and CAT at home, which CAT is much better right now with TOT international gateway problem. www.trueonline.com is my next try where we have true CATV. But to answer your question we would need to know where you are in Thailand.

I'm behind Big-C, off Pattaya Tai.

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I'm in your area Tokay.I had TOT for years 2mb connection which would give 250Kb international at best.Most of the time slower.Youtube not usable,a 1 minute clip would turn in a full length movie.Disconnect at least 5 times an hour,every hour that means.Had technicians all over my house umpteen times.Conclusion my modem no good and my line inside the house no good.

I have installed True 8 Mb lately and I think they like me cos I get speedtest any server us and europe 12 Mb download.Download manager 14 Mb constantly.Still waiting for my first disconnection.By the way I use the same modem and same internal phoneline.

Don't you dare to ask for a true connection also because you will probably take away some of my speed. :)

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I've always had 2 internet connections at home. TT&T Maxnet and CAT.

Maxnet Indy was terrible, but I recently changed over to the Premier service and it flies (relatively speaking that is). Had some 400 - 500 kbs bittorrent downloads recently.

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I have True 8mb and CAT 2mb here at home, have had CAT for 12 months and True for a week, so far True rocks, dropping files from Rapidshare @ 1.4mb/s is awesome, will have both connections for 2 months, if True stay good i will be ditching CAT.

Edited by Spoonman
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