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Pizza Company 30 Baht Delivery Fee Started Yesterday


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PIZZA HUT & PIZZA COMPANY are sad choices- truly bogus (pronounced: crappy) pizzas, both! I will now raise my offer to 32 baht to please stop this pointless discussion!

I find that the pizzas bought from both establishments to be very tasty indeed.

I suspect that there are many other members of this forum who also greatly enjoy eating the pizzas from these establishments as well, but are too fearful to admit it on open forum for fear of ridicule and hurtful PM's.

I have sampled the pizzas in Naples (Italy) and can honestly say, with my hand on my heart, that they are IMHO the "sad choices- truly bogus (pronounced: crappy) pizzas"


I am not joking.


Sorry, Bud! I wasn't joking either, but I guess I went a bit over the top (of the crust) with my adjectives. I didn't know I was quite that passionate about pizza until I read what we both wrote, above.

But, in my defense: if you ever have the chance to try really delicious pizza from master pizza makers in places like Boston's North End, or NYC's Little Italy... you'll understand where I'm coming from. Napoli, shnapoli (as I once heard someone say!)! I'd like to hear you tell me how any Pattaya pizza measures up to those! I believe you would truly have your mind blown by the difference; they're that good! But, ok never mind- that's not the point, is it?

Although I will never, in a miilion years, be able to refer to the pizza's from either of your 2 favorite estalishments as, "...very tasty indeed..." or, "...greatly enjoy eating..." I DO agree that you are completely entitled to your own taste preferrences. You certainly don't need anyone's approval, nor do you deserve anyone's ridicule. You just like what you like. And, obviously, you're not the only one! Both

P-HUT & P-COMPANY are usually fairly-very busy, anytime I look. So, given the nature of the local market, they must be doing something right!

So carry on, please. You will hear no further pizza pontifications from me, I promise. Better to leave it at:

Live and let live, Sabai sabai & Party on, Dude!


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Worst pizza I ever had was in Milan, followed closely by any place promoting itself as "authentic Italian".

The best pizzas are home made.

Pizza Hut, Pizza Company are ok after a few beers.

30 baht delivery. Guess the motorcycle guy doesn't get a tip any more, unless it's raining.

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PIZZA HUT & PIZZA COMPANY are sad choices- truly bogus (pronounced: crappy) pizzas, both! I will now raise my offer to 32 baht to please stop this pointless discussion!

I find that the pizzas bought from both establishments to be very tasty indeed.

I suspect that there are many other members of this forum who also greatly enjoy eating the pizzas from these establishments as well, but are too fearful to admit it on open forum for fear of ridicule and hurtful PM's.

You are entirely correct. I always enjoy catching one of these food fascists sneaking out of McDonald's or KFC carring a whole huge bag of goodies that they intend to hide in their room and eat. I have seen this many times over the years.

There is no hypocrite like the fast food phoney. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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