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Thai Wife - Is Your Girlfriend The One?


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Happy: I have read evey single post already, I know it's not real. When I said "nice handsome rich gentlemen" that was a joke! - not emphasising, since most of us are anything than rich. More the attitude of foreigners ourselves, than the native.

I missed the point of your multiple criteria?? ok whatever lol. I dont have many criteria my gf must meet (only honest and desent) as I am not shopping. I am not jumping into relationship, but take my time, and build it from friendship over months. Gold diggers is simply not an issue if one use time as friends first. Seems that you have too many demands or in a hurry, therefore you go through all these relationship.

When 2 last only 1 week, was it real love or lust only?

Why did 2 only last 1 week, and another 1 lasted only 1 month?

If your "manual to succeed" is working, why the above?

You had more gf in 3 years than I had living here 9 years ... :)

(Sorry mate, not being personal, but after all YOU started this topic)

Still I would not started this thread. I am still learning every day. And there is no "manual" how to make a relationship shure / guaranteed or whatever you will call it. But I dont see financial issues with my relationship as I set the limits from day 1. Telling her and her family that I am not Thaksin. Tell them the extra expences we foreigners have living here, compared to Thais. Not buy everything she want just to get her to love me more. Be fair rather than extragavant works better IMO. That might be why I dont have to pass any money requirements as a2396 mentioned. I use time as friends first before going into a relationship. In that time I never throw money around, but doing as I would back home (pay dinner/movie - but no gold or mobile).

Get it? Well, it works for me, but still no "manual to succeed" for others. :D


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Happy: I have read evey single post already, I know it's not real. When I said "nice handsome rich gentlemen" that was a joke! - not emphasising, since most of us are anything than rich. More the attitude of foreigners ourselves, than the native.

I missed the point of your multiple criteria?? ok whatever lol. I dont have many criteria my gf must meet (only honest and desent) as I am not shopping. I am not jumping into relationship, but take my time, and build it from friendship over months. Gold diggers is simply not an issue if one use time as friends first. Seems that you have too many demands or in a hurry, therefore you go through all these relationship.

When 2 last only 1 week, was it real love or lust only?

Why did 2 only last 1 week, and another 1 lasted only 1 month?

If your "manual to succeed" is working, why the above?

You had more gf in 3 years than I had living here 9 years ... :)

(Sorry mate, not being personal, but after all YOU started this topic)

Still I would not started this thread. I am still learning every day. And there is no "manual" how to make a relationship shure / guaranteed or whatever you will call it. But I dont see financial issues with my relationship as I set the limits from day 1. Telling her and her family that I am not Thaksin. Tell them the extra expences we foreigners have living here, compared to Thais. Not buy everything she want just to get her to love me more. Be fair rather than extragavant works better IMO. That might be why I dont have to pass any money requirements as a2396 mentioned. I use time as friends first before going into a relationship. In that time I never throw money around, but doing as I would back home (pay dinner/movie - but no gold or mobile).

Get it? Well, it works for me, but still no "manual to succeed" for others. :D


Yeah mate, I think you got it? The entire story was a fable... even the part about 5 gfs in 3 years...

I was alluding to the fact that:

To me, different countries or cultures make no real difference; there are difficulties, yes, but honestly I believe that the original common ground is important, the family element, our environments that we were brought up in (meaning parents), our morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion...those are the things that are important...those are the things that start a union off well and then make us happy. When we lower our standards and only consider simply wealth, possessions and image...well, we all know what occurs eventually...

Thats the deal as I see it... some people (men & women) think wealth, possessions and their image will make them and their partner happy; that is what they use to attract the oposite sex...they soon find out that they have lost the match before the game began... a bit of humility and compassion goes a long way, especially with a woman. forget that you have money, things and a 6 pack with the hair to match...that stuff aint real fellas...it is fake shit and that wont make you happy with a woman...

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Looking for a happy life in the LOS? With a nice girlfriend that you may want to marry in future?

Here are a few things I would like to suggest to any foreign men that may be following this thread, especially new comers to the LOS. I just thought I'd toss this out as it seems that us falang men here in the LOS should unite and, for want of a better word, fight back on the many thai wife scams. Here you are, a few things to think about when starting a union with your new-found dream girl in the LOS::

1) Pick of the litter. Find an educated gal that works in an office preferably raised by mother/father, small'ish extended family, from the country areas, and educated on her own merits. Find out quickly how many foreign men she has had relationships with; ask all the Ws (Who, what, where, why, etc); look for anything that sounds strange in her answers and question her about it. Always tell your other head: "You can take the BG out of the bar but not the bar out of the BG". I recommend re-affirming this daily. Ask yourself: Is your new found girl actually a BG, a part-time freelancer, a freelancer, a part-time escort, a pro escort, a new scammer or a veteran scammer? Has she done any of these types of work in past to generate revenue? Does she have a thai boyfriend, a scam support group, or a scheming family behind her? Fellas, ask yourself these questions and question her; find the closest thing to the truth that you can.

2) Your abode, not hers! Find your own place, in your name. If you are new here, rent a nice apartment on a month to month or 3 month basis in an area you may like (lots to be had these days at fantastically low prices; shop around, ask respectable thais and other foreigners). If you are thinking of buying something, go for a "strata" title deal condo in your name. If you want land/house/property, there are many lawyer/finance businesses (accredited abroad) that can help you with company set up and can handle mutliple thai shareholders "in-house"; this is the safest way, albeit not in anyway completely free of risk. Be aware that there can be many issues and changing "local rules" with land ownership! PM me if you want a couple of examples for lawyer/finance companies - or just search on the web and confirm these with your embassy / expat club / business club. Once you have the girl and the love nest...

3) Test the girlfriend - apartment. Let her stay over at times but don't let her move in right away! If she tries to shack up immediately, tell her no, go slow babe. If she objects, dump her on the spot, tell her to get out. Once she knows the rules, then let her have a bit of the run of the place, slowly. If she tries to change the maid, tell her no, the maid that came with the place is just fine thank you. If she asks about household goods for extended family, dump her asap. Oh, have I forgotten to mention...don't give her a key, nor any access to the place; if she befriends the apartment staff, the owner or manager, tell her that this is your place and you are a private fella that keeps his business to himself...no personal relationships with the apartment personnel please; if she objects, dump her. If a friend or family member is going to come and stay, tell her that you don't mind her staying at the flat while her friends/family stay at her place. Don't waver on this...once a friend or family member is in your flat, they may be difficult to remove. Don't let her move in at all costs...not until step 9 below and even then be aware that it is not the norm for thais to co-habitate like people do in other countries and the family may be dead against it...so do yourself a favour and wait. Having her living apart from you is a much better deal anyway and will show her true intentions with you (or your wallet).

4) Test the girlfriend - internet. Try and find out about her from as many people as you can without her knowing. I've done some crazy things like using internet social networking sites...trying to get her to add me as a friend and answer my fake messages sent to her facebook, twitter, etc. I've used fake profiles with a subtle focus on apartments/money in my ad and then send a message to her profile (if you think this is a bad thing, don't worry about it, some thai women will do this to you possibly with the help of her girlfriends. Try using emails from fake addresses; same same here fellas, her girlfriends may do this to you, be aware of this. (Been there, done that, bought more than the t-shirt fellas). I've not installed a key logger on my laptop (or hers) but have been thinking about it; this was done to me in past and I actually had a lot of fun with her about it - I eventually told her that the past week of my bizarre internet actions were not me, I lent my laptop out to my friend; a week later I told her that it was all a game that I played back on her; I dumped her a week later after some interesting conversations! She only wanted my wallet anyway and I knew it. Speaking of which...

5) Test the girlfriend - money. Remember, never give out money like an endless ATM. Don't pay for her rent. Don't constantly buy her things. Take her out yes, of course, and choose food or entertainment spots that range from "on the street" star to 5 star. Take note how she deals with the people, especially in the low end spots; in the 5 star spots, she should feel humble, impressed, happy; if she is not humble in the expensive joint then maybe she has had the 5 star high-life before you and is not going to tell you about her wondrous lavish past lifestyle with the previous falang kwai (you'll eventually find out if this is so). In the low end spots, generally speaking, she should feel very comfortable; more importantly she should treat all people with respect and some compassion...that is the true indicator I believe. Ask her for pick up something for dinner one night and bring it over; ask her where she bought it and what did it cost...and don't offer to pay for it...probably cost 200 Baht at most if it is thai food from a small local restaurant in bkk. If she puts her hand for you to pay for it, tell her no have cash right now, you need to go to the ATM so will pay her tomorrow...then don't pay her...if she asks again, tell her that she can pay for the odd thai take-away. If she objects, dump her.

6) Test the girlfriend - money. Once you are getting really comfortable with your new-found love, try a shopping test. First take her out and go shopping for about an hour with her; go to a mall and look around for a few hours but don't spend more than an hour actually shopping (most of us can't shop deal with long shopping sessions anyway so no point in torturing yourself mate). When you go into a shop, check her actions closely...is she shopping for you or for her? Just play it cool and let her make the decisions. If she automatically tries to buy a new phone, new clothes, new bag, or shoes for herself using your wallet, well, then, mate, wake up...you've got your answer. If she is trying to "fake it" and play the game by looking for clothes for you to make it seem that she is authentic, well, her true endeavours are much harder to ascertain. You may have to go back to step 5 above and re-visit this test another time; just let her "buy" one thing for you using your wallet then get out quickly. This may actually lead to her wanting to buy you something on her own accord and she may actually bring something for you in the very near future. If she does, she may be real and not just a wallet chaser, if not, back to step 5 mate.

7) Test the girlfriend - money. At some opportune point in time, preferably when you have something you must do alone, ask her if she wants to go shopping and offer to give her 5000 or 10000 Baht, and jokingly mention that she can bring back the change. If she refuses your money then you may have met a good one. If she takes the money, check her reaction closely, and mention that you would like her to pickup something for you, a phone top-up card or cigarettes or a bottle of wine. When you see her later, don't say a word about her shopping, let her show you what she bought and any money left over. If she bought the wine, ciggies or top-up card...well at least she remembered what you said and didn't go completely brain dead over the cash. If she spent all the cash, well she is probably a wallet chaser. If she just bought all clothes and stuff for herself, her friends and family, most probably a wallet chaser. If she bought some things for her and some extra things for you, maybe she is authentic or trying to look that way? If she bought nothing for herself and some extra things for you, well, possibly she is authentic or acting out her game. If she brought back no change or doesn't offer you the change or just put it on the table, go back to step 5; be wary of her if she spent the lot with nothing much to show for it or she didn't bring back anything for you. Women and shopping go hand in hand, they went to shopping school mate, so best to sort out what she is like with your cash right away. 5 or 10K Baht is a drop in the bucket at the beginning and money well spent to find out if she is just a serial wallet snatcher.

8) Test the family - advice/money. If you made it to here, pat yourself on the back mate, you are probably luckier than 90% of other falang. If you have met the family before step 7, well, all I can say is... pause, do nothing with the family, go back to step 3 mate. Does that sound bizarre? Well, do yourself a favour and slow down with the family. Have you given the family money or goods or presents yet? If so...pause, do nothing with the family, go back to step 3 mate. Keep your cool and just tell your girl that family is very important to you and you want to be sure about moving forward with your family as it is a big deal. Do yourself a favour mate and be patient...remember that you'll have plenty of time to dish out cash to the family in the future if she is the one for you. If she is not cool about this, warn her, tell her that her family is important and you want to do this the right way, your way, your comfortable way. Delay, delay, delay fellas. You must be very careful with her extended family, their contacts, connections, and abilitiies. Once you are "in", you only have two ways to go, all or nothing. So just make sure that your ALL is only the disposable money/income that you are willing to lose in thailand; always keep your own nest egg, preferably abroad.

9) Test the family - money. If you have made it this far, ASK her about her family, their history, their current lives, their financial shape, everything you can. Every family has an unique story to tell...there is always some story...and I don't mean this in any negative sense, just find out about them and be aware...put the pieces together the best you can. If you know anyone from their village/town/city, get them to check out her family without them knowing. I am doing this now...slowly, slowly. Then ASK her if her parents want to come and visit; you'll pay for their travel (a test). If they agree, be aware big time; if they offer to come on their own accord, perfect. THE FIRST TIME YOU MEET HER FAMILY, DON'T GO VISIT THEM in their house/village/town/city; JUST DON'T, REFUSE TO DO THIS, plead insanity if you have to, a heart problem, anything. Let HER FAMILY COME TO YOU for a visit. When they come, make sure you have an exit strategy that day; arrange something that "just came up" the evening before the family is to arrive and don't mention it until the day before when the family is travelling or on the day of the visit. Now...make sure you get the family to stay at her place; if this is not possible, offer to pay for a hotel for them; if they easily accept, be aware! If they won't accept a hotel paid for and can't afford one, then let them stay at your place with your girlfriend while you stay at a nearby hotel (clear out all valuables before hand, if they take the furniture well you are not a very bright lad for letting them in for that length of time without supervision, are you?). Make sure you let the apartment personnel know that the girlfriend's family is coming and make sure the girlfriend witnesses this. If it all works to plan up to this point, then ideally make sure that you have a thai/english speaking friend of yours that can pop in and visit with you and the family briefly. A friend that your girlfriend "sort of" knows but ideally a friend that you know well and one that speaks only in english and answers in thai only when required to the family. If you have to hire a "friend", do it. Check out the reaction of the family before, during and after this friend is introduced. Ask your friend about it afterwards; it may reveal some family purpose or schemes. If your first family visit involves talk of money or goods...take your exit card and go do that thing that "just came up" the night before. Speak with your girlfriend the next day and tell her that you are busy today so won't be able to visit with her family; tell her to have fun and be happy with her family...talk later babe. When the family departs, talk to her about the money talk that occurred when you met the family for the first time at your flat.

If your first visit with the family did not involve money, you may be onto a real thing.

If the first family visit worked out, have another one in about 3 - 6 months, get them to come again. If they truly cannot come to you, no worries, just send her alone. Wait for 3-6 months and try again; this time if they cannot come, go and see them. Have a mate stay at your place and lock up all your valuables when you are away at her family's abode.

10) MOST IMPORTANTLY... Make sure that you are more important to her alive - don't put all your eggs into her basket mate...because someone else may understand the scenario and give her the push to put you out of the picture permanently. This has occurred in Thailand on more than one occasion.

Having said all this above, I believe that the LOS is a fantastic spot in the world and plan to eventually retire here in 10-20 years; right now "I'll play my cards close to my chest" and see what transpires with my latest girlfriend. She is lovely and quite "westernised"; she finally asked me for money earlier this year and then paid it back to me promptly.

I may sound like a self-obsessed bastard but in honesty I treat her like a princess and our lives are, so far, quite full and we are very happy. Issues do occur but she does have the ability to reason with me rather than just put her back to the wall and go into ATM withdrawal mode. She knows, and her parents now know, that I am not their ATM; I told her quite bluntly (verbatim) that there are many falang kwai ATMs in the LOS so she can have her pick anytime and I can go back to how I lived in thailand 3 years ago...foot loose and fancy-free. She continually chooses to stay in my AMT-free zone, works a job now, and is looking for a bright future. Good girl. I've seen what has transpired with some of her single girlfriends; they are unhappy and can't find a man; they need training as well I reckon.

I've been in LOS for about 3 years and have gone through about 4 girlfriends. 2 lasted mere weeks, 1 lasted 2 months, 1 lasted 7 months. I read up on thailand prior to coming here and "played my cards very close to my chest". I am with a new gal now and have been with her for about a year... she pays for the basic living expenses, I pay for most (not all) dinners, drinks, entertainment and most trips within or out of thailand. She has a professional office job. I've basically tried to be as cautious as possible with women here and I've TALKED to her about the many scams that I have heard of in thailand, especially between thai wife / falang kwai. I have told her that I keep my money/nest egg abroad (which I do). And have, many times, kindly suggested in a round-about way that, at the first inkling that I feel our relationship is based on her sole want of my money, I am gone, poof!, instantly. The Lottery is over baby and you lost. The reality is that all women look for money intially, but there is a large difference between a serial wallet snatcher and a woman that is looking for a happy secure future. Fellas, do this first, tell her that wallet chasers are not allowed in your life, well before any living arrangement or, god forbid, money giving.

Fellas, we can teach some of these LOS gals to understand us and what a cross-culture relationship can truly be like plus show them that they do not need to be a serial wallet chasing ATM withdrawal demon to have a happy financial future. On second thought, possibly that is just naive...

Happy Thai life , get a life.............................................

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I did manage to work my way through the OP, but have to admit I bailed out on all the responses at page three.

So, if I repeat someone else's observation, please forgive the lack of originality.

Had I followed the rules set forth in in the OP, I might have avoided all my marriages in the US!

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Having now scanned most the posts, it seems most are not keen on having a list but many have contributed their formula for success. Firstly, predicting prospective relationship outcomes is futile. There is an infinite number of variables that each woman regardless of her profession or past brings to a relationship.

Being a loner, I lack the the knowledge acquired at the local pub or other venues. It seems blatantly obvious to me that finding the woman of your dreams begins with an attraction that grows into love. From personal experience, falling in love isn't all that difficult. The give and take as well as sacrificing your own selfish needs is far more troublesome. An equitable relationship isn't a necessity but some semblance of a balance of power and love sure helps when the trying time come and they will come.

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Jeez, do I live in a microcosm in my sleepy little town??? I must know at least 15 farang guys, all happily married or in LT relationships with normal, well adjusted Thai women... from reading here, such a Utopian society is a statistical impossibility!

If looking for a nice Thai lady, stay away from the tourist areas - live in the other 99.5% of Thailand instead.

Such a lot of claptrap written over the ages - it ain't rocket science!

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Office girls with decent jobs or Univ grads are generally not interested in a Farang.

Sweeping generalisation. :) Come on put a little more into a2396. :D

Definitley not true. My Thai niece (from a previous marriage) is a college graduate and married to a Farang. My wife is married to me (Farang) and she is a supervisor at a 5 star resort. Many of her friends and colleagues want her to find Farang boyfriends for them.

Maybe if you live in BKK or the tourist resorts a different story. Where I live in Issan, I will stand by my statement. For starters most women here, including univ grads, speak little or no English. If the are of marriageable age (under 30) they are not going to "ruin" their reputation by getting cozy with some Farang. Many will talk about wanting a Farang BF, but really do nothing to accomplish such. Such talk just sounds good in front of another Farang. The exceptions to this are those women who need money and in such cases they are not interested in being a GF, only interested in marriage (soon) with a hefty sin sod.


I stand by my statement. My wife is from Nong Bua. Check the dating website advertised on this forum.

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I dont know mate, sounds like you are wasting your time. On the other hand, what if she is testing YOU to see how good you are? Did you think of that? She might want to find out how generous and supportive you are, since most women want you to build a nest to lay her eggs. Human nature really, if you have a wife or long term partner its going to cost you money. In most relationships men and women share the money between themselves, joint bank accounts etc. Pretty normal really... is your mother a gold digger? How would you feel if you had a daughter and her boyfriend treated her / tested her like you?

It sounds like you are a youngish guy, those girls back home in your 20's didnt want money.. but when they hit 30 most women everywhere are looking for security from their partner.

Im not really having a dig, but it seems to be the way the world works. Men pay to support women in one way or another especially if you have more money and if there are children involved.

First Need - Physiological - Food, water, sleep....

Second - Security, Family, Health, Property

*Third* - Love Friendship Family Sex

Then its all the other things that make you feel "good".

Source - Maslow

Edited by CrossBones
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ask her if she wants to go shopping and offer to give her 5000 or 10000 Baht, and jokingly mention that she can bring back the change. If she refuses your money then you may have met a good one


I would suspect the fashion sense of the girl who turned it down. How about if she takes the 10 and gets a few things she looks absolutely fabulous in? Buys a couple of things she would like to see you in. Then spends what is leftover, taking you out to dinner followed by ravishing you for dessert. Works for me. :)

Edited by villagefarang
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I dont know mate, sounds like you are wasting your time. On the other hand, what if she is testing YOU to see how good you are? Did you think of that? She might want to find out how generous and supportive you are, since most women want you to build a nest to lay her eggs. Human nature really, if you have a wife or long term partner its going to cost you money. In most relationships men and women share the money between themselves, joint bank accounts etc. Pretty normal really... is your mother a gold digger? How would you feel if you had a daughter and her boyfriend treated her / tested her like you?

It sounds like you are a youngish guy, those girls back home in your 20's didnt want money.. but when they hit 30 most women everywhere are looking for security from their partner.

Im not really having a dig, but it seems to be the way the world works. Men pay to support women in one way or another especially if you have more money and if there are children involved.

First Need - Physiological - Food, water, sleep....

Second - Security, Family, Health, Property

*Third* - Love Friendship Family Sex

Then its all the other things that make you feel "good".

Source - Maslow

Sorry to disillusion you, but back in the West women in their 30's have found their own career and are not looking for a man for money. They have their own.

Have you also noticed how again, back in the West, most women continue working after they have married? Most men do not "pay to support women" in the West - they generally earn more but that is Western society. Once children come along things change as someone (the woman) normally gives up their career to spend more (not all) their time looking after the children. The 'career' stops at that point as no employer will promote someone who puts their family first.

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ask her if she wants to go shopping and offer to give her 5000 or 10000 Baht, and jokingly mention that she can bring back the change. If she refuses your money then you may have met a good one


I would suspect the fashion sense of the girl who turned it down. How about if she takes the 10 and gets a few things she looks absolutely fabulous in? Buys a couple of things she would like to see you in. Then spends what is leftover, taking you out to dinner followed by ravishing you for dessert. Works for me. :)

Yes, there is a word for women who take money from men and then "ravish" them. :D

Edited by F1fanatic
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ask her if she wants to go shopping and offer to give her 5000 or 10000 Baht, and jokingly mention that she can bring back the change. If she refuses your money then you may have met a good one


I would suspect the fashion sense of the girl who turned it down. How about if she takes the 10 and gets a few things she looks absolutely fabulous in? Buys a couple of things she would like to see you in. Then spends what is leftover, taking you out to dinner followed by ravishing you for dessert. Works for me. :)

Yes, there is a word for women who take money from men and then "ravish" them. :D

Wife? Girlfriend?...

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ask her if she wants to go shopping and offer to give her 5000 or 10000 Baht, and jokingly mention that she can bring back the change. If she refuses your money then you may have met a good one


I would suspect the fashion sense of the girl who turned it down. How about if she takes the 10 and gets a few things she looks absolutely fabulous in? Buys a couple of things she would like to see you in. Then spends what is leftover, taking you out to dinner followed by ravishing you for dessert. Works for me. :)

Yes, there is a word for women who take money from men and then "ravish" them. :D

Wife? Girlfriend?...

Only here.....

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First Need - Physiological - Food, water, sleep....

Second - Security, Family, Health, Property

*Third* - Love Friendship Family Sex

Bit too much emphasis on the sex here I reckon 'Bones, according to Maslow Sex was amongst the first needs and requirements, then moves onto stability and on the third level, after sex and stability is love, relationships, affection, of which sex as the basic need has been left behind and has grown into much more than the, 'wham bam thank you Mam/Sam', of its previous incarnation.

That was my take on Maslow anyway, but it was a long time ago that I read him.

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quote from OP:

I just rejected 4 out of 5 women in 3 years rather than ending up being their ATM. And those foreign men in the LOS that feel the same can understand this I'm sure.


Op:How many women should we reject before we found one suitable for us nice handsome rich gentlemen?

How high should the criteria be?

Whatever nationality the lady has, I am worried that most of us would end up alone if we followed your advice. I feel you lack understanding for the native and their situation. And we foreigners love to judge them, rather than try to put ourselves in their situation.

1 more quote from OP:

I've been in LOS for about 3 years and have gone through about 4 girlfriends. 2 lasted mere weeks, 1 lasted 2 months, 1 lasted 7 months.


Op: "gone through"? Might it be that the lady could feel that your sincerity was not there?

Turn the table: what if the ladies should test us nice handsome rich gentleman in a similar way?

Turn the table: what if the ladies should test us nice handsome rich gentleman in a similar way?

U mean they don't ???? Most women I have met in LOS want nothing to do with you, if you don't meet their monetary requirements. This can depend on a sin sod amount or a monthly subsidy fee or both. In addition to possible provision of house, car and other family member support.

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Hmm… The only foreigners I know here are dating / Married to… Flight Attendant / University Lecturer / MD of family Company / Own their own business / Work for decent company.

IMO in Bangkok at least, there are plenty of respectful and financially independent ladies around.

I disagree with the majority of this post, but as it seems aimed at guys who are worried whether or not their girl is a BG or money grabber then behaving like this might be necessary.

Neither anyone I know or myself would treat our girlfriend or her family in this disrespectful manner.

One thing I read that I quite agreed with was the point that touched upon knowing how many western ex’s the GF has. Of the successful relationships I know of over here the answer is generally zero.

IMO – A successful relationship is often a result of (but not solely limited to) both parties being of a similar socio-economic status, financial independence and similar age brackets as it would in many countries.

The best comment and the only adequate one. Well done.

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Jeeeez If you miss trust thai women so much why do you want to marry one???? :):D:D

They had problems with the girls back home... it seems that they have the same problems with the girls here.

Most guys that get into trouble with these girls because they are way out of their league. If your 50, find a 35 year old, not a 19 year old, that would be a good start.

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Jeeeez If you miss trust thai women so much why do you want to marry one???? :):D:D

They had problems with the girls back home... it seems that they have the same problems with the girls here.

Most guys that get into trouble with these girls because they are way out of their league. If your 50, find a 35 year old, not a 19 year old, that would be a good start.

Yeah but you can't compare the body of a 19 year old to that of a 35 year old with a couple of kids. Be brave and step up to the big leagues. Be a player. :D

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