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Kapap ( Israeli Martial Art) Seminar December

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hello people

here at boxer-rebellion gym on soi 13 we have just fixed the dates for col. avi nardia to come and hold a 5 days kapap seminar

this is FREE of charge for all allied military/police serving and ex and any concerned groups ( such as ladys organisations, child protection, security )

no catches, no strings

avi will be taking us to a military base for small arms training and will cover many areas( home security, defensive driving,surveillance)

he is a super cool dude and any one interested in modern reality based effective systems will benifit greatly from col avis experiance

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hello people

here at boxer-rebellion gym on soi 13 we have just fixed the dates for col. avi nardia to come and hold a 5 days kapap seminar

this is FREE of charge for all allied military/police serving and ex and any concerned groups ( such as ladys organisations, child protection, security )

no catches, no strings

avi will be taking us to a military base for small arms training and will cover many areas( home security, defensive driving,surveillance)

he is a super cool dude and any one interested in modern reality based effective systems will benifit greatly from col avis experiance

please ignore that google add for krav-maga

kapap has nothing to do with any KM organisation

i have done both and they are oceans apart

i stuck with kapap because its not a cash and cary certificate machine that is run by real people for real people

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please google kapap for lots of info

we re putting together an info sheet which we can mail to you

drop by the gym and i can lend you my dvd's

kapap is very broad and covers just about every aspect of self defense

that is why we have gotten various military/police interested

empty hand/weapons ( guns, sticks, knives) driving, surveillance,hostage resue, CQB

its all there, just what anyone needs on the mean streets of bangkok!!!

best thing in my mind is col. nardia

a great humble man if i ever had the good fortune to meet one reminds me of the ole coaches in school, they had a way to make to want to do your best

i did a training with him and the people who attended were all USA/european police/ military and they all were highly impressed

you will not become qualified in it instantly, no fancy ( useless) certificate that other groups like to hand out

this is NOT an instant fix, the techniques require practice as they cover so many areas and do include fine motor skills

the training will be intense, apx 6 hours per day and cover many areas

it is due to start of the 3rd, i will confirm details and get back to you



please note- i only spoke of what kapap school teaches, i did not recommend, nor endorse the carrying of any illegal weapons, nor the provocation of any confrontations

hope we're clear on that

So when are the dates and what exactlyis KAPAP ?


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3rd december to 13th

pls contact the manager for timetable

there will be an ISR seminar later that month,

so busy month

free for all cops / military



any confirmation on the dates?

I would like to check it out, but can probably only make about 3 days...or maybe 3 days and a couple of half days...


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  • 3 weeks later...
3rd december to 13th

pls contact the manager for timetable

there will be an ISR seminar later that month,

so busy month

free for all cops / military


I am on the ISR Matrix Board of Directors and the authorised regional representative and Field Instrucor for Asia.

Straight Dave please contact me regarding the ISR course that you have scheduled late Dec as there appears to be some confusion. Neither ISR Matrix International or myself are aware of any scheduled approved courses in Bangkok. There is however a course planned for Phuket next year.

And congratulations to Avi. The last time I spoke with him he was a Major. KAPAP Academy must also be doing well at present to run simultaneous courses in New Jersey, Argentina as advertised on their website and also in Bangkok.

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3rd december to 13th

pls contact the manager for timetable

there will be an ISR seminar later that month,

so busy month

free for all cops / military


I am on the ISR Matrix Board of Directors and the authorised regional representative and Field Instrucor for Asia.

Straight Dave please contact me regarding the ISR course that you have scheduled late Dec as there appears to be some confusion. Neither ISR Matrix International or myself are aware of any scheduled approved courses in Bangkok. There is however a course planned for Phuket next year.

And congratulations to Avi. The last time I spoke with him he was a Major. KAPAP Academy must also be doing well at present to run simultaneous courses in New Jersey, Argentina as advertised on their website and also in Bangkok.


Avi is in fact a Major, its someone else who is a Colonel (the man who teaches muay-boran). StraightDave asks you to forgive the error. SD has mailed you directly to contact him, he is back from China and knows about this message. He has been having trouble logging on, but that maybe because he was trying to do so in China. Yes, Avi seems to have been very busy lately. I have been on contact with him directly (I speak hebrew- although Avi's english is fine), you are welcome to attend and please advise on how to do things correctly. In particular if it appears we are hiring a unqualified instructor, but I doubt this as he is a servering LAPD Officier that is according to SD. SD expressed concern that you were not aware and it looks like you were suggesting there may be something improper .

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In particular if it appears we are hiring a unqualified instructor, but I doubt this as he is a servering LAPD Officier that is according to SD. SD expressed concern that you were not aware and it looks like you were suggesting there may be something improper .

Lupmtia I have emailed SD. As the representative for Asia I can advise that this Bangkok course and its instructor are not endorsed by ISR Matrix. Only a handful of people have successfully completed the long road to ISR Matrix Field Instructor. An end-user or somebody that purchased an intro DVD set does not qualify as an instructor in a system comprised of 3 streams, several layers and multiple specialist modules.

There is a legitimate ISR Matrix course under legitimate Instructor Trainers scheduled for Phuket next year and I'd be happy to offer one in Bangkok if you wish to host.

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I am now a member of the Boxer -Rebellion martial arts school training in the combative's class .

I am writing this from their gym on sukumvit regarding a slight mistake in an up and coming seminar at the end of december.

The owners friend Dave has been having trouble logging on and has asked me to clarify that the seminar will include discussions and a demostations of the ISR system in order to show how effective they claim it to be but it not an official event santioned by the ISR international body.

He and the owner also hope to bring in official teacher's of the ISR next year and will update people here on detail and apologsys for any misleading

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  • 1 month later...

Col. Chiam Peers (sp?) thats who the Colonel is, re Major or Col. question about Kapap.

Ahhh... Krav Maga, Kapap, Lothar, Israeli MA, Imi ItcyBallsFeld - all that was ripped off from Col. W.E. Fairbarins Combatives mainly WWII versions,

including the Point Shooting CQB. I am not knocking any system, a punch is a punch, it is HOW you train them, not WHAT you train.

I think the they should, like an author writing a book, quote their references, and give credit where credit is over due - W.E. Fairbairns work.

Geoff Thompsons UKs early 1990s pioneer to bring real street fighting reality self defense to the public, work is superior for Civilian use.

Special Forces etc great - and I am not saying, some could not do this, but usually they got back up teams all over the place, choppers in air, extraction teams.

Send a few Israelis dressed in Celtic Soccer T Shirts into a Glasgow Rangers Pub near IBROX close to The 12th of July and see how well they can hand to hand fight their way out

(no guns, no back up teams, no "johnnies" to be used -google "johnnie" if ya not know what means)

Just 2 or 3 of them in Celtic Kit Tricolors and into pub while Rangers fans singing "Sash me Father Wore"

and if they scrapped their way out, regardless of inevitable beating , to front door of pub .. great! (Rangers lads can invite then back in for a pint).

LOL! Had similar fun experience in the Ibrox Bar in Tennerief in Playa De Americanos resort, and same same in Linikers Bar Tennierief down other end of Veronics.

All a good bit of fun, lad being lads and a very good test of your street martial arts self defense. ;-)

That is the best Street Self Defense training experience you can have, aside from a bit of door work, and the real door experience

comes. on night off or when you quit bouncing years later some psycho you refused to venue, remembers you, and decides to avenge this with

full on coked booze fulled pint glass attack, before you can say... BOO! ... just bite the nose... never fails after a finger whip to the eyes :) )

They were was all ripped off from the much more efficient lethal fighting system developed

by W.E. Fairbarin & colleagues ( Sykes, O'Neill,) in Shanghai Police before & during 1920a - 30s

and in 1920s US Marine Corp. division stationed near Shanghai were trained in Hand to Hand Combatives

by Fairbairn, one marine named Charlie Nelson was Combat Instructor US Marines years before WWII,

& he fought in SE Asia in WWII, later open 1st ever Reality Self Defense School in New York.

WWII US Military Col. Rex Applegate was trained by Fairbairn & Fairbairns methods with

much variation between different Syllabus depending on function & mission of Allied Unit.

e.g. S.O.E. (Special Operations Executive agents worked undercover in Nazi occupied Europe and also SOE operated in Thailand in WWII undercover)

were trained in Hand to Hand Combat or "Silent Killing" (due to use of Fairbairn Sykes Knife - it got name "Silent Killing".

S.O.E. were taught a very different hand to hand combat strategy & syllabus as compared to the Joint USA - Canadian Allied Commando "Red Devils" (I think name?) Fairbairns colleague O'Neill taught this Commando division & syllabus of Hand to Hand Combatives was very different due to operational function and type of fighting their mission entailed.

I got a very interesting written in 1978 PDF you can download here with the Syllabus Fairbairn taught the S.O.E. 1942 - 1943

in Scotland where their then training center was classified top secret.

Here is Link scroll down webpage 3rd paragraph for PDF -> Silent Killing Hand to Hand Combat British Commando Fairbairns Combatives Article

Read the above Silent Killing Article it gives you the full details and modules 1 - 6 and training program the British Commandos WWII and SOE agents

got from W.E. Fairbairn in 1942 - 1943. Credit should be give to all those brave people men & women who died, as opposed to breast beating for

a fighting system that was ripped off, from our own forefathers. O'Neill was from Cork in Ireland, so Paddy connection their.

I think a mockery is being made of the WWII Allies Fighters by certain countries stealing claim for inventing the 1st ever military hand to hand combat system.

And no offence to them, just give credit to who REALLY founded the 1st ever military hand to hand combat system - W.E. Fairbairn..

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