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Pigeons - Air Gun? Something Similar?


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Anyone bought and own an air gun in CM? these birds are real pests and carry all sorts of disease - besides shitting all over my balcony.

I know at least one farang who shoots them with an air gun - I assume he purchased in CM - but I see from another thread they are 'illegal' so this might not be the best solution - any ideas about a gun that would fire something that might 'sting' them but not fall within the regulations prohibiting air guns?

I have tried water, shiny things hanging down and all the normal methodologies you might expect. There are probably many pigeon threads and apologies for another - but I want this one to concentrate on the air gun/ or equivilant 'shooting' angle.

Any ideas??? (buying a falcon is not practical)

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Your friend with the air gun is probably using an Air Soft gun. They are openly sold in the shopping centers, they shoot a plastic ball roughly 8mm in diameter. The velocity of the ball is pretty slow in that it won't kill a pigeon (darn it!).

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All those posts about Airsoft guns not being powerful enough to kill pigeons must be referring to gas canister powered versions. I have a single shot Airsoft rifle and last Sunday killed two rats with it. If it will kill rats it will certainly kill pigeons. However, need to be within about 20 meters of the birds. You should buy an Airsoft gun that shoots above 400ft/s. I bought mine over the counter without any modifications and it shoots at 480ft/s.

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All those posts about Airsoft guns not being powerful enough to kill pigeons must be referring to gas canister powered versions. I have a single shot Airsoft rifle and last Sunday killed two rats with it. If it will kill rats it will certainly kill pigeons. However, need to be within about 20 meters of the birds. You should buy an Airsoft gun that shoots above 400ft/s. I bought mine over the counter without any modifications and it shoots at 480ft/s.

I had an Airsoft pistol some years ago, it didn't use gas canisters and the ball would just bounce off of a pigeon and I was well within 20 meter range. I guess they have gotten better since then.

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When I worked offshore on the rigs they had plastic eagle owls bolted around the helideck to keep the seagulls away. It works a treat. I have seen simalar ones at garden centres around Thailand. Have a look for one, put it on the balcony and I will guarantee no more pigeons :)

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Easy, and something you have probably wanted to do in your life

You always wanted one so put on your balcony a CAT HOUSE.... ! ! !

But remember you must have a pussy.

Trust your balcony is an upper floor or you will have a loose pussy.

Good Luck

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Easy, and something you have probably wanted to do in your life

You always wanted one so put on your balcony a CAT HOUSE.... ! ! !

But remember you must have a pussy.

Trust your balcony is an upper floor or you will have a loose pussy.

Good Luck

I have found that there are quite a lot of loose pussy's around the realm :)

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Well... thanks for everyone's ideas - I guess the 'airsoft' gun is the way to go - I assume Central? or Night Market? anyone got a specific shop they bought at?

Tried the water thing - by the time I saw the little Bast**ds and slid the door open and pumped up the Songran SUPERGUN - they had flocked off...

I will succeed! I shall overcome! - oh dear I'd better have another sip of my Tiger Beer things are getting too much... was that a sparrow I saw just then? surely a hallucination of dear old Blighty? a flashback?

Where do I purchase a plastic Eagle? I guess a real one is out of the question...

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No one know where I can purchase an air soft gun in CM?
Your friend with the air gun is probably using an Air Soft gun. They are openly sold in the shopping centers, they shoot a plastic ball roughly 8mm in diameter. The velocity of the ball is pretty slow in that it won't kill a pigeon (darn it!).
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No one know where I can purchase an air soft gun in CM?
Your friend with the air gun is probably using an Air Soft gun. They are openly sold in the shopping centers, they shoot a plastic ball roughly 8mm in diameter. The velocity of the ball is pretty slow in that it won't kill a pigeon (darn it!).

Yea I got that... but not found one yet

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you can definatly get them at night bazaar, but mostly crap.

behind central airport plaza, theres sometimes some stalls outside.

Kad suan keow should have them somewhere.

get a good quality one, cheap ones fall apart.

you could easy pay 2-5000 for a full auto electric gun.

They fire 6mm plastic balls.

You can sometimes find steel balls but they have less range.


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Find the exit from Central Airport Plaza adjacent to the aquarium in the basement. Leave the building and turn right by the fountain. There is a stall on the left just before you start to go down the ramp that sells air soft guns of various kinds and they are often to be found pot shotting at cans strung up under the ramp.

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Decent quality airsoft rifles (AEGs) start at about $150, so I guess a minimum of 3,000 baat in Thailand. Anything less than that will be the high end of the toy range where repairs and part replacements become problematic. These are "hobby" guns and need care and need replacement parts over time so you will need to find a tech or DIY. There are plenty of vids on YouTube for repairs, but shimming the gears is more of an art. They normally shoot around 350 fps (feet per second to us Yanks) out of the box, and the member who noted 480 fps must have had a sniper rifle as it takes lots of upgrades (springs, tight bore barrel, and upgraded gears) to make even a high end AEG, like a KWA, shoot at that speed. Most airsoft events world wide restrict velocities to around 400 fps. The bbs are 6mm and come in varying weights from around .20 grams up to .28 gram and even heavier for some sniper rifles. (The little plastic toy pistols shoot .12 grams bbs that come in a rainbow of colors)

The bbs don't really have the mass to penetrate skin at the 400 fps rate except an nearly point blank range. Most organized events in the US use a 20 foot safety rule to avoid too much pain. But they will scare off most varmints, and the brighter varmints will learn to go elsewhere

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Utter nonsense..

So what, you are going to teach the pigeons of the world respect for your balcony by blasting a few of them?

Boy, that'll teach 'em as a species, eh?

Gimme a break..

Get a drill and a couple of screweyes and a guitar string or other slender wire to fit the width of your balcony.

String da wire over the center/top of your balcony wall, about 2" high.

Pigeons cannot land on the wire and the wire denies access to a landing spot, eliminating your problem.

Non-toxic, no danger to your neighbors while you are in your frustrated/gun-mode and the birds go on to crap on someone else...

Edit: Sorry, I know that I could have been more polite...

Edited by Dustoff
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Got the airsoft gun - they sell loads to farang in condos they tell me... those pesky ferrel pigeons usre hate it so far - just gives them a nasty sting I'm told - they are a f***ing nuisance and sh1t everywhere bringing only nuisance value - they may be stupid but a friend of mine has killed several and they come nowhere near his condo floor!!!

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Decent quality airsoft rifles (AEGs) start at about $150, so I guess a minimum of 3,000 baat in Thailand. Anything less than that will be the high end of the toy range where repairs and part replacements become problematic. These are "hobby" guns and need care and need replacement parts over time so you will need to find a tech or DIY. There are plenty of vids on YouTube for repairs, but shimming the gears is more of an art. They normally shoot around 350 fps (feet per second to us Yanks) out of the box, and the member who noted 480 fps must have had a sniper rifle as it takes lots of upgrades (springs, tight bore barrel, and upgraded gears) to make even a high end AEG, like a KWA, shoot at that speed.

Spot on. I use a sniper rifle. No modifications have been made to it, but I will be upgrading the spring soon.

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