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I had a past experience of buying a house for my now XThai wife when we were married and now she wants to sell it to me again,twice over as I bought it from her sister ,What can I do get a lease or demand money from her now she is living and working in UK?I had some trouble living there before we split up some 8 years ago,also with other Thais with merchettes and local police whom wanted to keep my passport in Chaingrai Office! My x wife and I are now friends,thats all :)

Edited by michael233
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I had a past experience of buying a house for my now XThai wife when we were married and now she wants to sell it to me again,twice over as I bought it from her sister ,What can I do get a lease or demand money from her now she is living and working in UK?I had some trouble living there before we split up some 8 years ago,also with other Thais with merchettes and local police whom wanted to keep my passport in Chaingrai Office! My x wife and I are now friends,thats all :)

Machete wielding locals and police that don't like you? Where is it and how much does she want for it? sounds like my kinda place! No wait, I wanted to get away from all that :D

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I had a past experience of buying a house for my now XThai wife when we were married and now she wants to sell it to me again,twice over as I bought it from her sister ,What can I do get a lease or demand money from her now she is living and working in UK?I had some trouble living there before we split up some 8 years ago,also with other Thais with merchettes and local police whom wanted to keep my passport in Chaingrai Office! My x wife and I are now friends,thats all :)

A friendly X Wife? No such animal. :D

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I had a past experience of buying a house for my now XThai wife when we were married and now she wants to sell it to me again,twice over as I bought it from her sister ,What can I do get a lease or demand money from her now she is living and working in UK?I had some trouble living there before we split up some 8 years ago,also with other Thais with merchettes and local police whom wanted to keep my passport in Chaingrai Office! My x wife and I are now friends,thats all :)

Of couse i would say no but I'm interested if I can do anything in the UK ie send her a summons once i've got proof of property,I know i've been a mug but she says she has no money,do I have any grounds in the law in England?

Are you a glutton for punishment?

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Forget the English Courts - they would consider the matter outside their jurisdiction. Consult a Thai lawyer. The law may not be on your side, but it will unnerve your ex-wife and may force somekind of settlement, either that or you won't hear from your ex ever again. Probably money well spent either way.

Edited by Bemused
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