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Singapore Vs. Thailand


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Singapore suxxors

I don't like the place - overpriced and plastic is what I think of it - and a kiwis paradise, being full of sheep.... :o

I just spent 3 months there and I was glad to get out of the place. It is more of a dictatorship than thailand - just see what happens if you badmouth lee quan yew in public.

and Media Corp?...hahaha, I am sure they do not appreciate the irony.

get a taxi to the world trade centre and jump on a ferry to Batam or Bintan.

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ymca on orchard, is very convenient , mini bus

or public bus , from airport stops here .

500 metre down on right hand side is

lee,s guest house , good food and beer .

accomodation about 20 dollars. not the ritz .

dont do grafitti , you may have a fair crack of the whip :o

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If you are going to pay for services (by females), why go to Singapore? Expensive and not as available as Thailand. If you are looking for a relationship with a "proper"Singapore girl, she likely will not mess with a "foreign devil", particularly if there is a large agee difference.

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Whats a proper Singaporean girl these days?? I love Singapore, great place to get back to reality and actually do some work when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex!!

Orchard Towers is a joke, anyone who thinks Orchard Towers is what constitutes Singapores nightlife either doesn't get out much or is too old/ugly/socially inept (or in the military) to go elsewhere :D:D I got quite a few Aussie friends working in Sing, and the places we go to for entertainment or fun are great, there are heaps of available Singaporean women, from the SPG chinese chicks to the Malay girls who are much hotter anyway.

You want to PFP go visit Geylang, do some research online before you go, heaps of variety there, and not expensive, short time no worse than going upstairs at Nana or Cowboy.

There are heaps of good nightclubs, and certain ones pull certain crowds, you can find HK chinese girls and taiwanese at certain clubs along Orchard, Lots of Indonesian and Thai mixed in with the local girls at another, Sunday night at the club under the marriot you will find lots of bartenders off duty, along with alot of SPG's.

Clarke Quay, and the area around it with an Arabic street name :o is a pretty happening place now, lots of new clubs. Of course its different to Thailand in so much as you wana pull a regular girl, you need to either be in Singapore every month, living there, or be able to look like you can afford to be there!

Much better idea these days is to fly into Sing, and then get a bus straight up to KL, the nightlife there is great, especially if you have someone who can hang out and take you around, just be careful you dont end up behind closed doors with a Malay girl! :D:D:D

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Singapore vs Thailand. What's the difference.

In Singapore they follow the law strictly to the book.

Rich or poor...... and if you commit a criminal offence, they will charge you according to

the full impact of the law. No compromise.

To give you an example how strict the laws in Singapore are.

Some years ago, this was reported in the press.

A foreign pastor was charged and found guilty of using a tampered/fraudulent parking ticket,

and sent to jail for a few weeks.

A senior police officer, found quilty, for corruption, was sent to jail.

He was found quilty for having/ given free meals at a restaurant for sometime.

Throwing litter in public, in buses, MRT trains and not flushing a public toilet after using it is an offence.

I can go on and on. You have to be very careful not to break any laws over there.

You have to be very careful when you cross the road. You cannot simply cross the road.

You have to use the zebra crossing. If you are caught, you will be arrested and have to pay a fine.

Drugs trafficking……if found quilty, the Death sentence is manatory.

This is what Singapore is all about.

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In a hurry, I forgot to add the following good points/info.

Singapore has the highest standard of living in South East Asia.

Their Medical and Health services are world class.

The Singapore's Changi International Airport has been voted many times

as the best airport in the world....... in terms of service and facilities, and etc.

English is much widely spoken over there. It is an English speaking nation.

Their Airforce is rated the most formidable, most up to date, and most powerful

in South East Asia. National service is compulsory.

The city is very clean and the traffic runs in a very smooth and systematic way.

This is what Singapore is all about.

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Sunday night at the club under the marriot you will find lots of bartenders off duty, along with alot of SPG's.

Brix ?? went there one night for the salsa band - was mainly propositioned by eastern block 'ladies'

Clarke Quay, and the area around it with an Arabic street name  :o  is a pretty happening place now, lots of new clubs.
muhummud(sic) st - full of trendy young things if that is your style
Singapore vs Thailand. What's the difference.

In Singapore they follow the law strictly to the book.

Rich or poor...... and if you commit a criminal offence, they will charge you according to

the full impact of the law. No compromise.

To give you an example how strict the laws in Singapore are.

A young couple who had attended university in western australia and during their time their had partaken in a toke of some herb - when back in singapore they had a random urine sample which caused them to spend some time in prison

In a hurry, I forgot to add the following good points/info.

The city is very clean and the traffic runs in a very smooth and systematic way.

This is what Singapore is all about.

3+ months of taking a taxi to work every day ( 7 days ) from near novena to jurong convinced me that bangkok taxi drivers are far more skilled at driving than their singapore counterparts. And nothing is more frustrating than sitting still in the inside (fast) lane on the AYE watch the traffic in the other lane(s) moving.

No - Singapore does not impress me much - overpriced , plastic and with its head stuck up its date.

Shopping and watching singapore idol on television is all I think they do.

credit card central

though that is just my opinion of the place.....

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hahaaa found out a few things abt my country from this thread ... maybe i can give a slight intro on it ....

firstly i never heard of been fined for not flushing the toilet ... never once i heard in the news or anywhere where ppl was fined for not flushing the toilet ... the only super strict law the Gov is upholding is abt littering ..... many of my frens was fined 200 SGD for throwing a cigg butt on the floor.

good thing abt SG is u can get from anywhere to anywhere in the country within 4 hours ... the whole freaking small island is well conectted by bus , SMRT , LRT , bus , taxis .... roads is nicely name and u can always get directions by speaking english ...

Places of interest ...

lets forget abt toursist spots like Chinese / Japanese / Botanic gardens , zoo , nite safari , sentosa , bird park ... and dunno what else ...

SG is a good place to eat ... there are more types of cuisine here that u can eat in a lifetime ...

Mohd Sultan rd ...

lots of clubs and pubs with diff music and ppl ... if u can present yrself well ... theres always good chances to pickup gals ...

Boat / Clark Quay

lots of pubs / ktv pubs with diff music catering to soccer fans or karaoke fanatics ...

cheapest hotels here is SGD 40 per nite for a 3 star and 100+ per nite for a average 4 star and so on ...

ST here in legalised brothels is 40 for 25 - 30 mins and the service is pretty much standard ... cheapest ST here is from FL from Indon / Sri Lanka ... 30 or so SGD .. PRC range from 50 onwards to 100 for ST and most LT goes from 120 and above ... Orchard Towers in orchard rd is cater for tourist and the price is very steep by local standards ... extremly beautibul ladyboys in Changi at 30 dollars onwards depending os service required ... local LF at 120 and above for FL can be found if u have he source ...

I been to BBK twice and be planning for the third time in May ...

life over here is pretty hectic ... basically u have to work and work and work to get by... from what i see ... life in BKK or thailing is pretty much laid back ... standard of living in cheap and is really relaxing..... i love to stay in BKK but not for a whole life time ....

Anyone needs info on Sg can always give me a email ... i love to try my best to change Singapore image of been fined for not flushing toilet .... HAHAHAA

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