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Finding A Girlfriend In Cm


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Finding a girlfriend in England is not like it used to be. Now I'm past the age of fifty it seems like I don't stand a chance with any lady under the age of seventy :-(

So assume I move to CM. How available are the local ladies for relationships with old guys like me and what have been your experiences in finding loved ones. I'm not talking about bargirls or freelancers. I'd like to know how easy it is to meet educated girls from good families or at the very least a girl who is working in a position such as a hotel receptionist or a waitress in a restaurant.

Not having talked with any of the expats living in CM I'm wondering how many live with ladies they have brought over from their home country, how many found local ladies and how many live life single.



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So assume I move to CM. How available are the local ladies for relationships with old guys like me

Not particularly difficult at all. Just stay out of the bar circle, and try mixing in the various social groups and clubs that are around. Loads of local Thai ladies forums and web sites if that fails, with a lot of very nice ladies. I never have a problem, and I'm older than you :)

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There is nothing easier than getting a girlfriend in Chiang Mai and she does not have to be some old crone either. The problem is getting someone who really cares for you and is not only there for your money.

I have decided to remain single as I feel that is to hard to resist all the women throwing themselves at you all the time and I don't see why one would get married if you know that you are going to fool around.

From what I have read on Thai Visa, most expats seem to be married to gorgeous white skinned beauties from prominent families with excellent educations and lots of their own money. However, I've never been as lucky as these guys, but I do meet plenty of eligible women with straight jobs and if you stick around a while, you will too. :)

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Finding a girlfriend in England is not like it used to be. Now I'm past the age of fifty it seems like I don't stand a chance with any lady under the age of seventy :-(

So assume I move to CM. How available are the local ladies for relationships with old guys like me and what have been your experiences in finding loved ones. I'm not talking about bargirls or freelancers. I'd like to know how easy it is to meet educated girls from good families or at the very least a girl who is working in a position such as a hotel receptionist or a waitress in a restaurant.

Not having talked with any of the expats living in CM I'm wondering how many live with ladies they have brought over from their home country, how many found local ladies and how many live life single.



The problem in CM is not how to find a girlfriend, but how to avoid having a girlfriend.

Relationships out here are based on finance, the ladies want security, you can provide that.

Pretty much every girl you will meet out here is the sort of girl you say you don't want to meet. As a Thai hotel owner out here once said to me, there are many Thai girls from all over the country living in Chiang Mai, this place is more expensive to live than elsewhere but the wages are the same, ask yourself why the girls come to live here, there is only one answer ........ white men with money.

My 66 year old American friend has just become engaged to a 25 year old bank teller, he tells me she is an educated good girl, I tell him she clearly loves him for his athletic body and good looks!

But nothing wrong with those girls.


The first night I was in CM I acquired a Thai gf age 40 (with her own house and business), earning 30kbht per month.

Three months later I changed to a 34 Thai gf (with her own house) earning 5kbht per month as a receptionist.

I have currently been asked to find boyfriends for a 41 year old antique exporter (own house and business), my gfs aunts (age 50) would also like white boyfriends, both have their own houses and businesses. Any number of girls in their 20s are available but they tend to have nothing, so would need total support from the boyfriend.

Incomes are very low out here, they want you to improve their lifestyles, their wages are so low that their employment can get in the way of your relationship.

Edited by pjclark1
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Finding a girlfriend in England is not like it used to be. Now I'm past the age of fifty it seems like I don't stand a chance with any lady under the age of seventy :-(

So assume I move to CM. How available are the local ladies for relationships with old guys like me and what have been your experiences in finding loved ones. I'm not talking about bargirls or freelancers. I'd like to know how easy it is to meet educated girls from good families or at the very least a girl who is working in a position such as a hotel receptionist or a waitress in a restaurant.

Not having talked with any of the expats living in CM I'm wondering how many live with ladies they have brought over from their home country, how many found local ladies and how many live life single.



I thank you will find that most expats do not live with a lady that they brought from home this is one reason they are in Thailand. It is not a question of how easy is it to meet "good Ladies" its how easy is it to get rid of them.

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Don't even live in Thailand, but I with throw in my 2 satang...

You will not find a good women looking in a bar...

If you spend much of your free time in the bars, all you will meet are current, former, or almost bar girls (those whose main occupation is milking a succesion of farrang boyfriends)... the success rate for long term relationships with girls from that side of life isn't great...

You won't meet good women, because they aren't in the bars... Also, the best method of meeting a good woman is going be by 'referral' from a friend of a friend, or an aunty, or simillar... if all your friends have BG girlfriends, they can only refer you to other BGs, and a good Thai woman isn't going to refer you if you are known to enjoy the company of paid professionals...

You will get many people who tell you that ALL Thai women just want to seperate you from your money... not true... I have many many mates who are very happy for a long time with Thai wives... over many years... almost all of the girls have never worked in 'the industry'... and almost all of the men don't indulge in it...

All the same, make sure that you protect yourself, because there are endless (and I do mean ENDLESS) stories of men who in the golden years of their life are left penniless by a merciless ex...

The Internet is a bit of a worry, because there are just as many girls there as in Loi Kroh, but at least if you meet a girl in Loi Kroh you know her background...



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The odds are that if an old git picks up a girl somewhere who is, 20, 30 or more years younger than him, than she`s in it for financial gain, no matter what her background or class.

In Thailand there are families here that have made seperating the Farang from his assets almost into and industry and they`re experts at it.

Please have a read some of the horror stories on ThaiVisa forums.

The good part about Thailand is that it is more affordable to love em and leave em than in the West.

I met my Thai wife in England and we have been married for 22 years. My wife and I are both in our 50s, we even share the same birthday. Being of the same age, our relationship is much more stable.

In Thailand if one keeps their head down and doesn`t get involved in something that is over their head, they`re stay here will be much more enjoyable and profitable.

So just have fun because it`s all down to common sense.

Edited by sassienie
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Lots of good replies here. I have no trouble finding women and I'm almost 70. Not all are bar girls, but some of them are. You can have your pick of ladies over the age of 35 if you are clean, reasonably pleasant and a happy person. You don't have to be handsome, but of course that helps a bit. Of course you need money, but that is true anywhere you live. As someone already mentioned, there are single women working everywhere. All it takes is a slow approach and just being friendly. I've found available women in banks, selling fruit and veggies in markets, in cafes and restaurants, in bars and just hanging out near outdoor food stalls. Most Thais are approachable if you can speak a little Thai. And, if you just smile they are all pretty friendly. Of course the bars are the easy route, but the very pretty gals are mostly busy with customers and are totally money oriented. The less attractive ones are often very nice and almost all want to meet someone special. I know many who have settled down with a farang and made good wives.

If you see someone that catches your eye then just make conversation. Start slowly and come back on a regular basis. Ask about her husband and children and you'll quickly get the picture if she is available or not. If nothing else you will have made a good friend. Through friends you meet other friends, and from there you might meet someone of your dreams.

Like Ulysses, I'm a confirmed bachelor, and I quickly let the women know I'm not interested in a permanent relationship, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends. I have platonic lady friends and many that are just lovers. It works for me, but everyone has their own wants and needs.

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So assume I move to CM. How available are the local ladies for relationships with old guys like me

Not particularly difficult at all. Just stay out of the bar circle, and try mixing in the various social groups and clubs that are around. Loads of local Thai ladies forums and web sites if that fails, with a lot of very nice ladies. I never have a problem, and I'm older than you :)

"I'm older than you :D"

But then you're older than everyone aren't you :D

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I'd like to know how easy it is to meet educated girls from good families

It's called Facebook.

(And Hi5, TeeNee, etc, etc, etc. The educated ones are all on Facebook though, Hi5 is for sluttier girls, the ones with orange hair and blue contact lenses, staring too closely and at an angle into the web cam for their profile picture like some #&)@(* goldfish. Avoid those.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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There is nothing easier than getting a girlfriend in Chiang Mai and she does not have to be some old crone either. The problem is getting someone who really cares for you and is not only there for your money.

As Donald Trump was boarding his luxury yacht one day with a bevy of bikinied beauties at his side, one of the cocky reporters in the crowd shouted out;

"Hey, Mr Trump! You know why these lovely young women are interested in you, don't you?" Ha ha ha ha!!! To which Mr. Trump replied:

"Hey, I don't care why they're interested in me. SO LONG AS THEY'RE INTERESTED Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

The moral of that little snippet is that everyone is interested in someone for something, whether it's beauty, youth, good manners, hung like a donkey, tits the size of beach balls, honesty, money, love or lust, ad infinitum. Most of the things in the above list are, of course, short lived!

If she wants you for your money, and you want her for her performance at lights out, does it really matter so long as you are both getting what you want out of the relationship?

So many of the sob stories about much older foreigners getting fleeced by much younger uneducated farmer's daughters are a bit far-fetched a lot of the time. Usually a fella GIVES his sweetheart money, houses, and cars etc, then cries about how he's been swindled after his teenager bride decides he's too old for her after all…….

The idiom 'blinded by love' comes to mind!


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Lots of stories and feedback, and each will have their own slant. Certainly meeting women is not not a problem, but I would say that finding a "good" reliable, educated, honest lady is rather difficult. Not because they are not there, but because many of them will avoid farang. It's not that Thai women have anything against farang in general, but there is social stigma about being with a farang that many "good" Thai women find hard to deal with - as many farang date bar-girls. There are also language, cultural and custom issues to deal with that makes these relationships "interesting" and sometimes "challenging".

I'd also echo the note above, that finishing relationships with Thai ladies can be a difficult process - especially if you have slept with them, and they still actually like you.

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The way everybody here is talking I presume that there are many good looking available women who are not from the bars and speak GOODish English in Chiang mai. Is this really the case?

On another forum teachers were talking about how low the standard of English is in Thailand. And in my experience it aint the good looking girls that stay in studying English on the weekends.

So are there really lots of good looking, English speaking, educated women in Chiangmai? People want to know. :)

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So are there really lots of good looking, English speaking, educated women in Chiangmai? People want to know. :)

The good news is that yes there are lots of them (after all there's a large number of universities in CM).

The bad news is though that there ain't too many of them interested in farang.

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The way everybody here is talking I presume that there are many good looking available women who are not from the bars and speak GOODish English in Chiang mai. Is this really the case?

On another forum teachers were talking about how low the standard of English is in Thailand. And in my experience it aint the good looking girls that stay in studying English on the weekends.

So are there really lots of good looking, English speaking, educated women in Chiangmai? People want to know. :)

Short answer no.

From my experience, the guys who say how easy and plentiful the women are, usually end up scraping the bottom of the barrel. The dregs are indeed easy pickings. There just aren't that many really good ones, anywhere.

If one is looking for simple and uncomplicated one might find per unit costs cheaper if one rents.

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Short answer no.

From my experience, the guys who say how easy and plentiful the women are, usually end up scraping the bottom of the barrel. The dregs are indeed easy pickings. There just aren't that many really good ones, anywhere.

All I can say villagefarang, is that sadly, your experience seems to be severly lacking :)

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Short answer no.

From my experience, the guys who say how easy and plentiful the women are, usually end up scraping the bottom of the barrel. The dregs are indeed easy pickings. There just aren't that many really good ones, anywhere.

All I can say villagefarang, is that sadly, your experience seems to be severly lacking :)

You'll need to find another one liner to use with me. Lack of experience just won't cut it. Realistically how many super models are there in the world and how many of them would be attracted to us. Even in Thailand the best are only attracted to the best. If your standards are low you will find abundance. That is the thing about quality. It is in short supply compared to junk.

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How many guys are looking for a super model for a girlfriend? They are not that difficult to hire for a few hours if that is what you need.

I am more than happy with a pretty girl with a nice personality who can put up with me, and, in Thailand, pretty girls grow on trees. :)

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However, pretty girls who are highly educated and not interested in supplemental income do not.

Pretty is very subjective as well, though I think there are so many girls for every "spec" that this is never a problem.

I did the opposite of most, I married older :)

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Short answer no.

From my experience, the guys who say how easy and plentiful the women are, usually end up scraping the bottom of the barrel. The dregs are indeed easy pickings. There just aren't that many really good ones, anywhere.

All I can say villagefarang, is that sadly, your experience seems to be severly lacking :)

You'll need to find another one liner to use with me. Lack of experience just won't cut it. Realistically how many super models are there in the world and how many of them would be attracted to us. Even in Thailand the best are only attracted to the best. If your standards are low you will find abundance. That is the thing about quality. It is in short supply compared to junk.

Well if you radiate negativity you most likely will never meet a loving partner. Attractive girls ,as previous posters have mentioned ,are everywhere in shopping supermarkets , banks, gyms ,loads of social clubs in CM. I see many guys, in CM, who dont bother to take care of the most basic hygeine requiremnts, unshaven , scruffy clothes etc etc hardly makes them attractive to a decent Thai girl. Things most Thai girls dislike are an unkept appearance, excesive need of alcohol and smoking. Super models are there to create business for themselves ,not to be a potential loving partner. I wouldn't swap my lovely wife for all the supermodels in Thailand and I guess there are many men who think like me, thats why we are happy.

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